Madden 2010 News Post

This week we are starting to go through the rosters and tune each individual player's body to match their real life counter part.

I know as a fan when one of your favorite players is wrong it can take you out of the experience.

So the question to you is: Which players need the most work? Please give specifics. On the flip side are there any players you wouldn't touch?

Thanks as always,

Mike Y

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Member Comments
# 181 AC IS ART @ 03/26/09 09:42 PM
Yeah, I understand what you mean. Michael or Ian or anyone else hasn't confirmed anything about revamped equipment, so I just did a text update with what was already on their system. Once someone gives the word, I'll update my post. Besides it would have been ridiculous/waste of time to do 2-3 pages of text & pics for nothing lol.
# 182 K_GUN @ 03/26/09 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by KANE699
He hasn't worn the dark visor since october the rest of the year he wore no visor or a clear one.
don't dismiss first 1/2 of season...

dark visor was/will be there for Sep/Oct games...bright sunshine
# 183 KANE699 @ 03/26/09 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by K_GUN
don't dismiss first 1/2 of season...

dark visor was/will be there for Sep/Oct games...bright sunshine
He was in extremely bright sun in the eyes conditions in the later games I saw pictures of him in, here is an example.

# 184 Megatron2k7 @ 03/26/09 10:40 PM
First off , I'd like to say thank you to Michael for the great work he's doing.

No one has mentioned the Packers much yet, and I have a few players for you to look at.

Just as a general observation, I'd say that many of the offensive and defensive lineman in the entire game need, as John Madden himself likes to say it......." A bigger front porch." LOL. Too many of the lineman look too thin, especially in that area.

Atari Bigby looks a little to thin in Madden 09. He's actually pretty stout and has way bigger arms than in M09.

Aarron Kampman wears ridiculously small shoulder pads...(like Reggie White use to). He also seems to wear a black coach style wrist band on his left arm sometimes. I didn't see it in all pics though.

Aarron Rodgers looks a little to slim on M09 especially his arms.

I can't think of any other's off the top of my head that really need much attention on the Packers. I'll look through the game later and see if any stand out.

Thanks again Michael.
# 185 K_GUN @ 03/26/09 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by KANE699
He was in extremely bright sun in the eyes conditions in the later games I saw pictures of him in, here is an example.

don't know what to tell you...i have the ticket & saw just about every game....

...that pic is from the Pats game...NOV...sun angle is about as low as it gets during the games compared to earlier in the season

suit yourself...i can just edit him anyway......as someone else said, guys change equip weekly...esp face shields
# 186 AC IS ART @ 03/26/09 11:34 PM
K_Gun is right. While Kawika doesn't wear a visor every game, he has worn it in at least 6 (Not counting Pre-Season) games and only one game (Broncos in December) with a clear visor. IMO thats enough games for him to have a dark visor in Madden 10'.
# 187 KANE699 @ 03/26/09 11:44 PM
Originally Posted by AC IS ART
K_Gun is right. While Kawika doesn't wear a visor every game, he has worn it in at least 6 (Not counting Pre-Season) games and only one game (Broncos in December) with a clear visor. IMO thats enough games for him to have a dark visor in Madden 10'.
While this is true, when editing players going into next years game I really like to base their equipment off the last 3 games played of the previous year, for a lot of steelers fans you're going to look at superbowl equipment rather than december equipment with long sleeves, handwarmers and etc.
# 188 pigspigs76 @ 03/27/09 12:28 AM
Darren McFadden,

Needs bigger, higher and more sculpted shoulder pads as well as knee and thigh pads!

Also his head sits very low on his shoulders!!!! You can barely see his neck most times.

This is a great photo gallery reference page:


# 189 UtahUtes32 @ 03/27/09 12:55 AM
haloti ngata needs to be wayyy bigger. I think the DT on the ravens is bigger than him in the game, even though Haloti outweighs him by 40 lbs
# 190 SouthernBrick @ 03/27/09 02:06 AM
Originally Posted by ch46647
Sounds great Ian! Hopefully that means the end of RB's running through DT's like they arent even there
You couldn't be more right...Marion barber is over rated in madden 09 in breaking 4 and 5 tackles in terms of stiff arming and trucking.

No doubt he is a definite banger when it comes to contact, but when he can flip jamal williams from the chargers with a stiff arm thats just stupid.

Jamal williams is to big to be flipped and knocked around like that in the game b/c it sure don't happen in real life, but thank god there taken care of all this with new physics, and the whole nine.
# 191 SouthernBrick @ 03/27/09 02:15 AM
Also where are the chargers dark blue helmets that they wear all you have are the white ones except for the chargers throwback jersey thats the only ones that do have blue helmets.

There are no blue helmets with today's present chargers uniforms in madden 09. hope to see some in madden 10 and not just with there throwback's

# 192 PGaither84 @ 03/27/09 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by Derrville
I wish when i played as Barber that would happen. He rarely every runs people over with me.
Iam sure you are a good player Deerville, so i have to ask what you do when you run with the barbarion? when I play against the Cowboys I can hardly ever stop him. I know the 49ers are bad, but I also use the Patriots... then again the Pats couldn't tackle him in real life either... hrmm.

The greatest 2 yard run I have even sceen.

I assume you lay off he sprint button. I just recomend using the right thumb stick and button mash the spin and stiff arm butons to break away from tacklers that are wraping you up. I have noticed that while I am being drug down from the side or behind that if I THEN hit and hold sprint sometimes my player will do the "roger Craig" adn highstep/break away from the tackle.
# 193 SouthernBrick @ 03/27/09 02:30 AM
Also how about some online choices in what we want to wear in the game instead of just the home and away jersey's. I get tired of seeing the same old jersey's all the time.

I like the wearing the throwbacks every now and then and if you add the different color helmets with the different color jersey's then it will just make the range of what you wear that much better...
# 194 SouthernBrick @ 03/27/09 02:38 AM
Originally Posted by PGaither84
Iam sure you are a good player Deerville, so i have to ask what you do when you run with the barbarion? when I play against the Cowboys I can hardly ever stop him. I know the 49ers are bad, but I also use the Patriots... then again the Pats couldn't tackle him in real life either... hrmm.

The greatest 2 yard run I have even sceen.

I assume you lay off he sprint button. I just recomend using the right thumb stick and button mash the spin and stiff arm butons to break away from tacklers that are wraping you up. I have noticed that while I am being drug down from the side or behind that if I THEN hit and hold sprint sometimes my player will do the "roger Craig" adn highstep/break away from the tackle.
What you need to do and i know this b/c i play the cowboys alot online, so get in the trenches and try to get penatration.

Even though he's a good banger when it comes to contact he ain't the fastest back in the world so try to slow him down by making him bounce to the outside to slow him up a bit but if he gets past your lineman then your linebackers better get ready, b/c you usually need more than one if he's coming right at you. So try and get to him before he turns up field.

Your lineman need to be doing some work for this to work though b/c if you let the O lineman push your line man out the way for him to go staight up the middle then barber is not going to slow down in terms of just knocking your A double S out of the way.
# 195 apexbronx @ 03/27/09 03:58 AM
Please Concentrate on the Players Legs, Calf and Quads. So Larger Players show it on their Legs too.

P.S Everybody is not Diesel in the NFL, You can be 300lbs and not have Crazy Muscle's everywhere
# 196 c dizzy m baby @ 03/27/09 04:11 AM
I, like Kane, am willing to do the entire Raiders roster but I really dont want it to be lost in this thread if Mike wants to see it.
# 197 KANE699 @ 03/27/09 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by c dizzy m baby
I, like Kane, am willing to do the entire Raiders roster but I really dont want it to be lost in this thread if Mike wants to see it.
Yeah this last page right here is getting quite a bit off topic.

I will be getting to the cowboys defense here pretty soon along with the o-line.
# 198 PGaither84 @ 03/27/09 04:43 AM
Originally Posted by KANE699
Yeah this last page right here is getting quite a bit off topic.

I will be getting to the cowboys defense here pretty soon along with the o-line.
Yeah, sorry about the off topic KANE, it's easy to do when talking Madden.

A lot of the equipment doesn't bother me while playign the game with the exceptions of the prior lack of towels, and the colored visors that stand out at a distance. colored gloves and cleats bother me as well when I see the Seahawks *a rival* and use the Patriots. facemasks don't bother me a great deal with the excpetion of L.T. and GLARING mistakes. If I recall Manning in 08 had the right helmet but an almost full cage facemask when his is REALLY small an un-obstructive. In the 08 player introductions you would see the POOR facemask assignments and it bothered me.

how can you get Manning, Moss, and others wrong? These are the top stars inthe sport! If you can't get the most recogniseable players correct [like big ben now] how can we trust the lesser players are correct?

P.S. I DID see the post where they fixed Ben, i just was using him as an example of how we as a community had to say something, otherwise it would have shipped that way.
# 199 XtremeDunkz @ 03/27/09 05:06 AM
yeah i will go through every packers player if mike will actually make the changes, if not no biggy ill just do it when i get the game.
# 200 KANE699 @ 03/27/09 05:29 AM
I'll just do the O-line now.

Andre Gurode

Schutt helmet, full cage 2 facemask, tucked sleeves, regular taped wrists, blue gloves with the finger holes (I believe they are called rb gloves in the game), large thigh pads, white cleats.

Cory Procter

Riddell helmet, full cage 2 facemask, tucked sleeves, regular taped wrists, black oline gloves, large thigh pads, colored cleats.

Leonard Davis and Marc Colombo

Davis: Riddell helmet, full cage facemask, tucked sleeves, very very large shoulder pads, regular taped wrists, solid black gloves, rubber padded eblows, large thigh pads, white cleats.

Colombo: Riddell helmet, full cage facemask, tucked sleeves, regular taped wrists, solid black gloves, heavily taped wrists overlapping onto gloves, rubber padded elbows, large thigh pads, white cleats.

Montrae Holland and Flozell Adams

Holland: Schutt helmet, full cage 2 facemask, tucked sleeves, regular taped wrists, solid black gloves, large thigh pads, white cleats.

Adams: Schutt helmet, full cage facemask, tucked sleeves, very very large shoulder pads, regular taped wrists, black oline gloves, large thigh pads, white cleats. Also notice how much taller Flozell is than the rest of the linemen.

Kyle Kosier

Schutt helmet, full cage 2 facemask, tucked sleeves, regular taped wrists, black and white gloves, rubber padded elbows, large thigh pads, white cleats.

Doug Free #68

Riddell helmet, full cage 2 facemask, tucked sleeves, regular taped wrists, black oline gloves, large thigh pads, white cleats.

Pat McQuistan

Riddell helmet, full cage 2 facemask, tucked sleeves, heavy taped wrists, black oline gloves, large thigh pads, white cleats.

Phew that took long enough im not looking forward to the defense.

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