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MTV has posted MLB 09 The Show videos, that feature the new Yankees & Citi Field Stadiums.

"You can’t go there yourself for several more weeks, but today you can virtually attend a game in the New Yankee Stadium. Developers for upcoming PlayStation 3 game “MLB 09: The Show” have rendered an epic Yankees game in the new building, with new stars C.C. Sabathia and Mark Teixeira in action — and they told us how they did it."

Direct links to videos:

Yankees Stadium
Citi Field Stadium

Game: MLB '09: The ShowReader Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 90 - View All
MLB '09: The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 101 GSW @ 01/14/09 12:12 AM
i just got home from work and watched the videos.

my face fell off, can someone help me put it back on?

i cant wait till march.....
# 102 spit_bubble @ 01/14/09 12:18 AM
Branyan striking out... It's gonna be another long year...
# 103 BDKiiing @ 01/14/09 12:21 AM
i thought they had new animations....cc's delivery is still crap
# 104 bodman @ 01/14/09 12:25 AM
Hey guys first time poster! As a huge fan of last years version, I was very impressed by the videos. The day and night progression is what really got me though.
# 105 BDKiiing @ 01/14/09 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by mike75
This has already been talked about. And I think these videos are from a 2 or 3 month or more old build.
sorry bro...didnt take the time to read it all...but it dang well better be...i really want to see this game get as authentic as it possibley can...
# 106 bodman @ 01/14/09 12:45 AM
Originally Posted by Scottdau
Welcome if you love show you will love Kolbe and Russel and Chris! They are the best!
Yea I have been lurking for a few days and decided to finally make an account today and yea they are def the guys to keep an eye on it seems! lol
# 107 Knight165 @ 01/14/09 01:59 AM
Originally Posted by Peter_OS

I've been trying to figure out how to upload them to youtube.
I can't download them from the MTV site though.
I'll keep trying.

# 108 alwayz0npoint @ 01/14/09 02:19 AM
# 109 Blzer @ 01/14/09 02:51 AM
Originally Posted by ericjwm
The player models are for 2010 & the new improved signature stuff is for this yr.
Chris_SCEA is on it........... I think.
I understand, and I understand the issue with them trying to update them (I was in on the meat of that conversation). I'm just saying that if people think this is beautiful (which is absolutely glamorous), just wait until next year!

The progressive lighting in itself was one of like, four things I wanted addressed for this year, but I definitely feel it was priority #1 on my list. Thank you for getting it done, SCEA!
# 110 JibJab 24 @ 01/14/09 03:02 AM

Love the jumbotron showing # of pitches and last pitch shown. very nice touch.
# 111 brunnoce @ 01/14/09 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by baa7
- Great videos; beautiful detail.
- Player models with the wide square shoulders are really looking dated.
- Pitcher animations (ball jumping sideways out of the hand) still haven't been fixed, too bad.
- On a side note, check out the blocked view seats in Yankee Stadium, 1 minute into the vid. The poor saps in the upper third of the section can't see the field beyond 1st/3rd base. Terrible design gaff, given the money they spent building that place.
# 112 KOL @ 01/14/09 09:03 AM
Citi Field

Yankee Stadium

SCEA, again showing their muscles. Great Communication with the community. Thankyou!
# 113 ehh @ 01/14/09 10:29 AM
Visually the videos are fantastic and since SCEA said this is a build before the updated animations I'd say we are flying right on course so far.
# 114 Blzer @ 01/14/09 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by baa7
- On a side note, check out the blocked view seats in Yankee Stadium, 1 minute into the vid. The poor saps in the upper third of the section can't see the field beyond 1st/3rd base. Terrible design gaff, given the money they spent building that place.
I made a post about that earlier too (not the same seats, but you know). Is the stadium really going to be like that?
# 115 Flaxseed Oil @ 01/14/09 12:03 PM
lmao! people are already clamoring for 2010, and 2009 doesnt come out for another 45 days or so.
# 116 Shakedowncapo @ 01/14/09 12:11 PM
Seriously, how did the Yankees **** that up? What an embarrassment.
# 117 Blzer @ 01/14/09 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by baa7
Oh yeah. I found a seating chart for the new stadium online. If you draw a line from the back seats thru the front corners of the restaurant wall and continue on to home plate, it shows that dozens of seats on either side of the restaurant won't be able to see any action beyond 1st and 3rd base as I said. And from what I read on the YES network forum, it was a design oversight that nobody picked up on until after construction was underway.

EDIT: Here's the seating chart. And if it's accurate, then people sitting against the LF side of the restaurant wall won't be able to see any action beyond the pitcher's mound... won't be able to view over half the field, in other words.

Okay, turns out we were talking about the same seats. I thought you meant the seats underneath the overhangs of the left and right field bleachers, like all they could see is the outfield and up until the corners of the infield, where home plate and everything else is blocked from view.
# 118 WatchdogXC @ 01/14/09 03:01 PM
Love the day to night progression.
# 119 EnigmaNemesis @ 01/14/09 06:33 PM
Simply breathtaking!

Fantastic job so for SCEA.

# 120 Sheamazin @ 01/14/09 06:58 PM
I was playing 08 the other night and I started to think about how much I was going miss Shea Stadium. Until I seen these video clips of 09. Now I cant wait to see Citi Field.

It will be weird playing in Citi Field before seeing it in person. This is the most hyped Ive been over a video game in awhile. Actually debating taking the day off from work for this.

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