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The highly anticipated patch for NBA 2K9 will arrive for the PS3 on December 3rd. Xbox 360 owners will have to wait, but it shouldn't be far behind.

You can find the bug fix list, right here.

"I have been informed by Sony that the NBA 2K9 patch has cleared and is expected to be available within the next 48 hours. My next post will chronicle the changes expected in the patch. Obviously the 360 patch was submitted to Microsoft at the same time and it's now a matter of their timing on when they release the patch on XBL. I imagine it will be a matter of days and when I know exact timing, I will inform you. As you can see, the community made a major impact on decisions made in this patch so for all our titles, remember to post your thoughts and wanted changes and I will collect them with the moderators. You can make a huge impact on our games. Thanks..."

Game: NBA 2K9Reader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / Xbox 360Votes for game: 72 - View All
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Member Comments
# 1 DC @ 12/01/08 03:46 PM
First FT Lag / Difficulty – The first free throw of an online game had a variable amount of lag depending on which camera was chosen for the shot. We have corrected this issue by asserting a fixed camera for this shot that eliminates any controller lag. In addition to this, the ‘make’ window for free throws in online play has been increased to account for the timing difference.
Is there a way to put in a permanent patch for this because I hope they don't ship 2K10 with this issue again.

Thanks for all the info

Jab Step Fixes – The ‘Jab Step’ move has been reconstructed to be more balanced in the post. Specifically, it should not be effective in user vs. user games unless the ball-handler touches the defender. Also, performing the ‘Jab Step’ should no longer make the defense go back when the ball-handler loses the dribble.
Thank damn God man! Bout damn time
# 2 Bornindamecca @ 12/01/08 03:47 PM
Looks like a good patch. I was terrified until I saw the gameplay part, HAHA!
# 3 Rawdeal28 @ 12/01/08 03:48 PM
here is the link to info i posted. thanks to TEHOVA for first posting the patch fixes in the other thread

# 4 Bornindamecca @ 12/01/08 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican
Is there a way to put in a permanent patch for this because I hope they don't ship 2K10 with this issue again.
Stay positive, DC

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican
Thank damn God man! Bout damn time
I knew you'd be thrilled when you saw this one.
# 5 Rawdeal28 @ 12/01/08 03:51 PM
Originally Posted by Bornindamecca
Looks like a good patch. I was terrified until I saw the gameplay part, HAHA!
me too. lol

@DC no problem man. just trying to help.
# 6 DC @ 12/01/08 03:51 PM
Yea I saw GENERAL and then ONLINE, I was like uhhhhhhhhhhh is that all.
# 7 Scoop 24 @ 12/01/08 03:57 PM
this is good to hear. i will be starting my Association on the 3rd.
# 8 Rawdeal28 @ 12/01/08 03:57 PM
im happy about that points in the paint and shooting succes fix.

time to re-adjust!
# 9 TheRock88 @ 12/01/08 03:59 PM
It says they fixed the online free throw issue, but I hope they also fixed it for the offline mode.
# 10 Rawdeal28 @ 12/01/08 04:01 PM
can we get this stickied?
# 11 Bornindamecca @ 12/01/08 04:01 PM
Shooting Percentages – Continuing with the above description, we have tuned down shot success of perimeter shots when the defender is amply covering the offensive player taking the shot
^^^Told ya'll that was off!

I like how they say "for user satisfaction", or "in line with what our users were expecting", as if they weren't seeing backdoor cuts, 90% inside shot success and lack of contested jumpers, LMAO.

Thanks for the fixes though, seriously. We appreciate the hard work.
# 12 Muzyk23 @ 12/01/08 04:06 PM
I wonder if it was possible for them to do sth about spacing and footplanting.
# 13 Rawdeal28 @ 12/01/08 04:06 PM
Originally Posted by Bornindamecca
^^^Told ya'll that was off!

I like how they say "for user satisfaction", or "in line with what our users were expecting", as if they weren't seeing backdoor cuts, 90% inside shot success and lack of contested jumpers, LMAO.

Thanks for the fixes though, seriously. We appreciate the hard work.
i would think inside shot succes needs more tuning than perimeter shots dont u think?

not saying the perimeter shot doesnt need tweaking but the problem is more of points in the paint and the post up game.
# 14 PuntNL @ 12/01/08 04:07 PM
the sliding can start over again.. Patch looks to fix a lot of issues.. I am curious how it will play... Just picked up a copy of Live today, but will probably return it tomorrow..
# 15 J-Unit40 @ 12/01/08 04:08 PM
Thanks 2K. Much appreciated. Love some of those gameplay fixes. At first glance, I didn't think they were doing any once I read general and then on-line. I thought "WTF! That's not cool". 2K is good for some gameplay tweaks. I like it!
# 16 petersondagreat @ 12/01/08 04:14 PM
I wish they would fix the blocks on the jumpers too many jumpshots get blocked
# 17 JBH3 @ 12/01/08 04:17 PM
Originally Posted by stewaat
Wow they are putting in a ton of fixes.

PiP is my favorite fix.
Yea...they sure are...I have to say that the shooting percentages, and end game scores are some of my favorite fixes.

Now I can set sim qtr length back to 12 instead of having it at 11.
# 18 Bornindamecca @ 12/01/08 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by Rawdeal28
i would think inside shot succes needs more tuning than perimeter shots dont u think?

not saying the perimeter shot doesnt need tweaking but the problem is more of points in the paint and the post up game.
They both needed it. The inside shots needed it more, but contesting jumpers was off too.
# 19 poloelite @ 12/01/08 04:22 PM
If I already have an Association going, will the patch work or do I have to start all over???
# 20 trobinson97 @ 12/01/08 04:23 PM
‘2K’ Cam – In order to increase user satisfaction with the title, we have added the ‘2K’ camera angle as a playable camera angle when playing online.
Thank you. Was getting real tired of changing the angle after the half.

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