News Post

The San Diego Studios sent us this press release on their first Community Initiative at their Studio. They have launched a Community Leaders Program and have listed their first roster of Community Leaders. Have any questions? Ask them here, Ramone will be around later to answer them.

"Hi all! My name is Ramone Russell and I’m the Community Manager for the San Diego Studios. Some of you may remember me as the screen name RUSSELL05 on various forums from the past couple of years. Today we are happy to announce the first Comprehensive Community Imitative at the San Diego Studios for MLB The Show franchise. The main purpose of this program is to improve, overhaul and grow the developer/community relationship. This Initiative was built from scratch. Back in July we started at the ground level and over the past four months we looked at where other Community Initiatives have succeeded and failed. Our goal is to create something new, fresh, and extremely structured in order to make things you have yet to experience possible.

First, we would like to release our developer mission statement to the public so that the purpose of our Community Initiative is clear."

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Game: MLB '08: The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
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Member Comments
# 1 theaub @ 11/12/08 12:17 AM
Aub wants in
# 2 Gary Armida @ 11/12/08 12:19 AM
So do I.
# 3 bluengold34_OS @ 11/12/08 12:52 AM
I would pay to do this....ok well not really, but maybe.
# 4 statnut @ 11/12/08 01:01 AM
I wouldnt mind being in on it too.
# 5 Shakedowncapo @ 11/12/08 02:03 AM
[SCEA San Diego calls Shakedowncapo]

Kolbe: How would you like to lead the MLB community?
Shakedown: Geeeeee, I don't know...
Chris: What do you mean, you don't know? This is your chance to Community Lead!
Shakedown: Let me get back to you, will ya, Kolbe? I got a guy on the other line asking about some white walls.

# 6 ckarlic @ 11/12/08 10:24 AM
Sounds awesome...This, in my mind, is what separates the developers of the Show from the developers of the other game..It seems that SCEA really listens to us and as the mission statement says, are looking to produce the best representation of the game of baseball.

I would love to get involved myself.
# 7 Knight165 @ 11/12/08 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by ckarlic
Sounds awesome...This, in my mind, is what separates the developers of the Show from the developers of the other game..It seems that SCEA really listens to us and as the mission statement says, are looking to produce the best representation of the game of baseball.
I agree with this wholeheartedly.
What makes it even better, is that the MLB community here at O.S. is top notch. We might not always agree on certain things...but it remains civil and the guys who post here love the game of baseball and are happy to see the direction SCEA has taken with their game.
I said it before, but it's the reason I spend so much time and take the effort to put out the rosters and anything else I do as far as the game...and that's because of the members here. Always looking to step up to help someone and always looking for positive improvement if someone does have a problem.
I have a feeling that this is going to be a TREMENDOUS thing for us as gamers and hopefully it makes SCEA's job a little "easier" too!

# 8 poster @ 11/12/08 10:48 AM
Great stuff. There are some great OS'ers who can help make the game even better. Glad to see SECA on board and doing this as it can only help the game.
# 9 Scott @ 11/12/08 10:59 AM
I'd be interested Steve.
# 10 Russell_SCEA @ 11/12/08 12:11 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
I agree with this wholeheartedly.
What makes it even better, is that the MLB community here at O.S. is top notch. We might not always agree on certain things...but it remains civil and the guys who post here love the game of baseball and are happy to see the direction SCEA has taken with their game.
I said it before, but it's the reason I spend so much time and take the effort to put out the rosters and anything else I do as far as the game...and that's because of the members here. Always looking to step up to help someone and always looking for positive improvement if someone does have a problem.
I have a feeling that this is going to be a TREMENDOUS thing for us as gamers and hopefully it makes SCEA's job a little "easier" too!


I think you hit the nail on the head with that comment the community here at OS does give off a more mature vibe which makes the things we want to do so much easier.
# 11 mlblover15 @ 11/13/08 07:35 AM
oh heck i'll throw my hat in the ring.......
# 12 nemesis04 @ 11/13/08 07:37 AM
Originally Posted by mlblover15
oh heck i'll throw my hat in the ring.......
I thought your hat was already in the ring?
# 13 mlblover15 @ 11/13/08 07:46 AM
if it was i never knew it was but i do now thanks to you Nem ol buddy ....
# 14 nyisles16 @ 11/13/08 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by Shakedowncapo
[SCEA San Diego calls Shakedowncapo]

Kolbe: How would you like to lead the MLB community?
Shakedown: Geeeeee, I don't know...
Chris: What do you mean, you don't know? This is your chance to Community Lead!
Shakedown: Let me get back to you, will ya, Kolbe? I got a guy on the other line asking about some white walls.

you forgot to add the "in Lou Brown voice"
# 15 Russell_SCEA @ 11/13/08 02:52 PM
Due to the number of pms I'm getting and some of the reply's in this thread let me clarify a couple of things.

mlblover15, ericjwm, Psychobulk, jim416, nemesis04, Rod_Carew29, Knight165, Pared and Pastapadre

Are the Community Leaders for MLB The Show for the foreseeable future. We may add one or two people before March, but It's not something I would bank on.

Everyone of the guys listed above fits the criteria we talked about in the press release. Which is why they are your representatives. They have been a tremendous help the team over the years and we are really exited to have all of them on board.

Also I'm not the one you need to convince or ask to get into the program. The next person or group of people that are added to the roster will be picked by you (the community) not us.

Our intentions is for the program to run and operate as organically as possible. We won't step in as "Big Brother" unless it's absolutely necessary. If you know of someone who might not be on our radar or who's at another site please by all means pm me.

I hope that clears some things up. If you have any other questions ask away.
# 16 Shakedowncapo @ 11/13/08 09:58 PM
I see nobody in that group to stick up for the batting stance/pitching motion crowd...Who is willing to step up?!
# 17 nemesis04 @ 11/13/08 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by Shakedowncapo
I see nobody in that group to stick up for the batting stance/pitching motion crowd...Who is willing to step up?!
You are covered there with Rod_Carew29 and ericjwm.
# 18 Shakedowncapo @ 11/13/08 10:14 PM
Carew is very good at finding stances that fit a player(When SCEA has messed up the sig one). I just need them to stay on SCEA to perfect the ones totally wrong. Can't wait to see what Chris has cooked up for '09.
# 19 Blzer @ 11/13/08 10:28 PM
Well, in all honesty I don't really know what this all means (in terms of commitment), but if it's a personal rendezvous kind of thing, I live in San Diego so that's a plus.

Not only that, but I do the best I can to make sure my voice is heard in that these games are given the proper adjustments to be better games overall. If you still need that batting stance kind of guy, all I do is mimic stances in front of the TV while watching games. Hell, I'd post them online (people on here know what I'm talking about ). I'll do what I can if selected.
# 20 Knight165 @ 11/13/08 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by Shakedowncapo
I see nobody in that group to stick up for the batting stance/pitching motion crowd...Who is willing to step up?!
Honestly.....if this means that "we have the ear" of SCEA more than anyone else.....that I will bring the concerns/ideas of EVERYONE to them as best I can.
As a matter of fact....my own facets would probably get less "campaigning" because I would feel obligated to get everyone else's ideas in there.
Don't worry....we will ALL have the back of the O.S. MLB community.


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