News Post

The San Diego Studios sent us this press release on their first Community Initiative at their Studio. They have launched a Community Leaders Program and have listed their first roster of Community Leaders. Have any questions? Ask them here, Ramone will be around later to answer them.

"Hi all! My name is Ramone Russell and I’m the Community Manager for the San Diego Studios. Some of you may remember me as the screen name RUSSELL05 on various forums from the past couple of years. Today we are happy to announce the first Comprehensive Community Imitative at the San Diego Studios for MLB The Show franchise. The main purpose of this program is to improve, overhaul and grow the developer/community relationship. This Initiative was built from scratch. Back in July we started at the ground level and over the past four months we looked at where other Community Initiatives have succeeded and failed. Our goal is to create something new, fresh, and extremely structured in order to make things you have yet to experience possible.

First, we would like to release our developer mission statement to the public so that the purpose of our Community Initiative is clear."

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Member Comments
# 81 mlblover15 @ 12/27/08 03:57 PM
i have an idea, but it would have to be done by the OS dudes and dudettes. my idea is this, now that there are community leaders here on OS for this area from the scea folks. would it be possible for the community leaders to have our own color for our names and have scea community leader put under our names in place of whatever we have now.

just an idea... so that those that dont know can always know who we are at any given time.
# 82 Shinyhubcaps @ 12/27/08 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by jim416
And could we be paid? Just wondering.

I'm kidding! I'm kidding!!
Geez, Jim, I know you're retired, but wow...
# 83 Russell_SCEA @ 12/27/08 08:27 PM
Originally Posted by jim416
And could we be paid? Just wondering.

I'm kidding! I'm kidding!!

# 84 nemesis04 @ 12/28/08 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by mlblover15
i have an idea, but it would have to be done by the OS dudes and dudettes. my idea is this, now that there are community leaders here on OS for this area from the scea folks. would it be possible for the community leaders to have our own color for our names and have scea community leader put under our names in place of whatever we have now.

just an idea... so that those that dont know can always know who we are at any given time.
Look at this guy he thinks he is a rock star! LOL,
# 85 nemesis04 @ 12/28/08 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by jim416
And could we be paid? Just wondering.
You get the special name tag sticker and you get to ride the
# 86 Knight165 @ 12/28/08 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
You get the special name tag sticker and you get to ride the

I want special powers. But it has to be awesome....like Peter Petrelli on Heroes!

# 87 mlblover15 @ 12/29/08 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
Look at this guy he thinks he is a rock star! LOL,
No Nem there ol' buddy, not a rock star.. just a rising star that like to rock OUT!!!
# 88 nemesis04 @ 12/29/08 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by mlblover15
No Nem there ol' buddy, not a rock star.. just a rising star that like to rock OUT!!!
There you go!
# 89 nemesis04 @ 12/29/08 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165

I want special powers. But it has to be awesome....like Peter Petrelli on Heroes!

# 90 nemesis04 @ 12/29/08 02:33 AM
Originally Posted by jim416
I want Sainthood, or I'm droppin' out..........Saint Jim.........aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh.

I found my St James rookie card!
# 91 Knight165 @ 12/29/08 09:43 AM
Nice card.
What are his lifetime stats?

# 92 Scooter3 @ 12/29/08 12:16 PM
Never be a Yankee with that beard.

# 93 Knight165 @ 12/30/08 08:49 PM
Actually that is a pic of St. James....or Jim as you all know him.
That pic was taken right after I pushed him hard to finish an editing session for the Knight & Friends Rosters.
He started out looking like this

but the pace of a fireman far exceeds that of a police officer(retired none the less!) and he fell way behind.
After a lengthy hospital stay and a promise from me never to ask him to do more than either one A team or one AA team....this was the pic of him leaving the Sanitariu...I mean hospital.

From vim and vigor to a mere shell of himself

# 94 jurzaxp @ 12/30/08 08:59 PM
# 95 Revolution42 @ 01/03/09 12:36 AM
A good idea for all of the obvious reasons.....
# 96 COMMISSIONERHBK9 @ 01/03/09 08:17 AM
i want in
# 97 Pared @ 01/03/09 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by jim416
And could we be paid? Just wondering.

I'm kidding! I'm kidding!!
Wait... you guys aren't getting paid?
# 98 Rob_NYY @ 01/03/09 11:45 AM
Originally Posted by COMMISSIONERHBK9
i want in
# 99 Scooter3 @ 01/03/09 11:58 AM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Actually that is a pic of St. James....or Jim as you all know him.
That pic was taken right after I pushed him hard to finish an editing session for the Knight & Friends Rosters.
He started out looking like this

but the pace of a fireman far exceeds that of a police officer(retired none the less!) and he fell way behind.
After a lengthy hospital stay and a promise from me never to ask him to do more than either one A team or one AA team....this was the pic of him leaving the Sanitariu...I mean hospital.

From vim and vigor to a mere shell of himself


LOL, Bravo Knight!

# 100 COMMISSIONERHBK9 @ 01/04/09 03:26 AM
Originally Posted by Rob_NYY
what i did lol

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