News Post

The San Diego Studios sent us this press release on their first Community Initiative at their Studio. They have launched a Community Leaders Program and have listed their first roster of Community Leaders. Have any questions? Ask them here, Ramone will be around later to answer them.

"Hi all! My name is Ramone Russell and I’m the Community Manager for the San Diego Studios. Some of you may remember me as the screen name RUSSELL05 on various forums from the past couple of years. Today we are happy to announce the first Comprehensive Community Imitative at the San Diego Studios for MLB The Show franchise. The main purpose of this program is to improve, overhaul and grow the developer/community relationship. This Initiative was built from scratch. Back in July we started at the ground level and over the past four months we looked at where other Community Initiatives have succeeded and failed. Our goal is to create something new, fresh, and extremely structured in order to make things you have yet to experience possible.

First, we would like to release our developer mission statement to the public so that the purpose of our Community Initiative is clear."

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Game: MLB '08: The ShowReader Score: 8.5/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSPVotes for game: 97 - View All
Member Comments
# 101 Rob_NYY @ 01/04/09 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by COMMISSIONERHBK9
what i did lol
I'm head of security at this little MLB: The Show cult they are putting together. Membership is very exclusive, so no, you are not in.
# 102 COMMISSIONERHBK9 @ 01/05/09 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by Rob_NYY
I'm head of security at this little MLB: The Show cult they are putting together. Membership is very exclusive, so no, you are not in.

ohhh ok im sorry
# 103 Knight165 @ 01/05/09 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by COMMISSIONERHBK9
ohhh ok im sorry
You do realize he's messin' with you commish?...right?!

# 104 airness007 @ 01/05/09 07:01 PM
Man, I can't wait For MLB 09, madness!
# 105 Rob_NYY @ 01/05/09 07:20 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
You do realize he's messin' with you commish?...right?!

Silence, you.
# 106 FocusYoMindOnDis @ 01/07/09 10:14 AM
This will be the first time in a long time that i will not allow anything to stand in the way of me making my purchase on day one. I will gleefully place the hard earned money on the counter and walk away game in tow like I did when i was a small kid getting the one game that i waited for forever. I feel really good about what's about to happen with this game/series...and i am not sure how i ended up on OS 3 or 4 years ago, but i am sure glad i am here...because this will be great for all of us...NOW GO BUILD US A WINNER!
# 107 kennyacid @ 01/07/09 07:17 PM
february 26 needs to hurry up and come already
# 108 COMMISSIONERHBK9 @ 01/08/09 02:18 PM
Originally Posted by Rob_NYY
Silence, you.
yea i know i cant wait for this game and i made a promise that i am going to do franchise first and not worry about the rosters. i do this everytime with sports game i get so hook on roster i dont even play franchise and by the time i do i cant get into it anymore
# 109 thescoop @ 01/12/09 11:27 PM
I'll mess around with with road to the show mode and start the dynasty after I get some rosters, but this is the title I'm looking forward to most this year. After years of disappointment from 2k, to finally have ps3 on day one and to know I have a choice is great.

But I really don't have a choice, cause its MLB 09: The Show or bust.
# 110 TwinsTerritory @ 01/14/09 09:51 PM
You'll have to wait to hear about accesories. Right now nothing is going to be confirmed.
# 111 ImDaRza @ 01/15/09 06:34 AM
Originally Posted by kennyacid
february 26 needs to hurry up and come already
the 26th of Feb? Where will you get the game, I live in the Bronx as well.
Hook a brother up... lol
# 112 mlblover15 @ 01/15/09 07:40 PM
ill have the inside scoop on this once they start to make the discs. i work at Sony DADC here in Terre Haute and we will be doing it this year cause we do ps3 games. so once i see it on a line being packaged ill ask to see what the actual "do not display before... ." date is... once i see it i will be reporting it here once i find out. we are currently packaging 2k's front office manager... i walked by the line and about freaked out and thought it was the show 09... then when i saw it was 2k's front office manager... i was greatly disappointed...
# 113 NAFBUC @ 01/16/09 06:13 AM
Originally Posted by dorismary

Thanks !!! has anyone heard of when the Demo will drop ?
Last year the demo was released on the 14th of Feb.
# 114 mlblover15 @ 01/16/09 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by NAFBUC
Last year the demo was released on the 14th of Feb.
Non Basball fans still call it "valentines day" however, ever since the pitchers and catchers started reporting on this day for the past few years.. it is no longer a day for love of women... it is for the love of the game. Feb 14th will be known now as Baseball day!!!

i told my girlfriend that she will get a boquet and candy... a boquet of baseball cards and a bag of baseball gum!! she wasnt really happy about that! i dont understand why... i would LOVE to get that on basebll day!!!
# 115 ImDaRza @ 01/16/09 08:53 PM
Originally Posted by mlblover15
Non Basball fans still call it "valentines day" however, ever since the pitchers and catchers started reporting on this day for the past few years.. it is no longer a day for love of women... it is for the love of the game. Feb 14th will be known now as Baseball day!!!

i told my girlfriend that she will get a boquet and candy... a boquet of baseball cards and a bag of baseball gum!! she wasnt really happy about that! i dont understand why... i would LOVE to get that on basebll day!!!
Ha Ha...
# 116 NAFBUC @ 01/17/09 10:37 AM
Originally Posted by mlblover15
Non Basball fans still call it "valentines day" however, ever since the pitchers and catchers started reporting on this day for the past few years.. it is no longer a day for love of women... it is for the love of the game. Feb 14th will be known now as Baseball day!!!

i told my girlfriend that she will get a boquet and candy... a boquet of baseball cards and a bag of baseball gum!! she wasnt really happy about that! i dont understand why... i would LOVE to get that on basebll day!!!
A few years back, my wife went with me to a Chicago Cubs event on valentines day. I am a lucky man!
# 117 AUTiger1 @ 01/17/09 09:23 PM
Okay I read all 15 pages of this thread and I'm not sure if this is the thread I'm supposed to ask questions in but here goes. 2 very important questions.

The most important is the question about Turner Field. I read that there is suppose to be greater detail to stadium signage this year. So I'm hoping that means that Turner Field got a huge face lift. I was greatly disappointed that Turner Field looked like a PS2 version of The Show when compared to the White Sox's stadium.

My 2nd question is about the jersey number glitch. Is it fixed? I sure everyone knows what I'm talking about without going into more detail.

Oops I posted this in the wrong thread. My bad.
# 118 mlblover15 @ 01/18/09 06:01 AM
Originally Posted by NAFBUC
A few years back, my wife went with me to a Chicago Cubs event on valentines day. I am a lucky man!
I've told her we need to sit down and watch "fever Pitch" so she can understand what my life will be like once April 6th comes around... evn before then now with MLB Network and all. ive told her i should get her the "baseball for idiots" books so she can not only learn the game but to understand it... who knows i still might do that...
# 119 NAFBUC @ 01/18/09 06:22 AM
Originally Posted by mlblover15
I've told her we need to sit down and watch "fever Pitch" so she can understand what my life will be like once April 6th comes around... evn before then now with MLB Network and all. ive told her i should get her the "baseball for idiots" books so she can not only learn the game but to understand it... who knows i still might do that...
I hear that mlblover15. I have a deep passion for baseball. The winter has been easier this year with MLB network but I am still anxious for spring training to start.
# 120 SoxFan01605 @ 01/21/09 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by NAFBUC
A few years back, my wife went with me to a Chicago Cubs event on valentines day. I am a lucky man!
My wife got me a Red Sox hoody for Valentine's Day and even got us tickets to a Sox game in Baltimore (we lived in VA at the time) for our anniversary....so I get where you're coming from.

She also even asks questions like "what else is your game gonna have this year" when she sees me on this site...and drools over the videos with me

Bottom line: Hold on to that woman! Awesome to find ones that understand our craziness.

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