News Post

The San Diego Studios sent us this press release on their first Community Initiative at their Studio. They have launched a Community Leaders Program and have listed their first roster of Community Leaders. Have any questions? Ask them here, Ramone will be around later to answer them.

"Hi all! My name is Ramone Russell and I’m the Community Manager for the San Diego Studios. Some of you may remember me as the screen name RUSSELL05 on various forums from the past couple of years. Today we are happy to announce the first Comprehensive Community Imitative at the San Diego Studios for MLB The Show franchise. The main purpose of this program is to improve, overhaul and grow the developer/community relationship. This Initiative was built from scratch. Back in July we started at the ground level and over the past four months we looked at where other Community Initiatives have succeeded and failed. Our goal is to create something new, fresh, and extremely structured in order to make things you have yet to experience possible.

First, we would like to release our developer mission statement to the public so that the purpose of our Community Initiative is clear."

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Member Comments
# 41 Pared @ 11/17/08 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by mlblover15
well i just want to say that im shocked to be on the list of leaders. i honestly would have never expected myself to be included on said list. It is a deep honor to have been named to this team of gamers that they have given us.

i know my concerns for the game are a totally different than what most of you are looking at, but ive never been too critical of stances and windups etc, due to not really memorizing each players stance and windup, however i know and understand where a great many of you feel that is more important than ANYTHING that i have listed on here and im def NOT saying that any is more important than the other cause for each of us our own concerns are impoortant due to our own passions for the game.

i would never allow my own desires for this game to outwieigh the communities. we are a family here and have to work together and do the best for the over all development of the game as a whole.

now would we all like to see everytihng we have ever asked, prayed and dreamed for, to be put in this game in one year??? well of course we would, but as i have said over and over in the past, game coding is like walkling through a mine field.

you have no idea how adding part B will affect A and on down the line. thus the no addiiton of player collision dection. it screwed up a totally different part of the game which if memory serves from pm with one of the team a while ago that was MUCH more important that having player collision dection...

we are all here for the same reasons, those being our absolute love, and passion for both the real life game of baseball and our video game of it.

I trust that not just the assigned leaders here at our forum but as a whole that we as a community will do everything we can and within our limited power to do to keep improving and polishing this great game of ours that sony has put out each and every year. will we ever be completely satisfied with it any year no matter what is implamented?? probably not because there will always be one of us that has something more to add to the frey of ideas and that is never a bad thing.

so here is to whatever game will be coming out for 09' and to our collective efforts as a community to make 2010 game even better than that by leaps and bounds.
Great post.

Many times people here have asked for more involvement in a game they love. Here is your opportunity. All we need to do is our part and see where it goes from there.
# 42 Russell_SCEA @ 11/17/08 01:53 PM
How can anyone provide any valid feedback until this year's game drops and gets put through the paces? And that really won't be until March/April I would suspect. We won't know what to request and address until we see what has and has not been fixed.
As we stated in the original doc. this initiative isn't just about feedback. It's a major component, but again that isn't the end all be all to the program. Which is a major reason why we choose to tell the community about our plans early. You can't build the second story of house without a foundation or before you build the first floor can you?

Not intending to be a downer, but I don't see a huge value-add for this in the foreseeable future.
Understandable hopefully we can change how you feel in the next couple of months.
# 43 Russell_SCEA @ 11/17/08 03:08 PM
Again, I don't see how this is different than the wishlist, bugs/issues, requests threads that have been posted here for 9 months. I am looking forward to Russell's reply on how this is different.
Let me be realistic and frank here wish lists are a good idea in theory, however they always lack direction, planning, prioritizing and cohesiveness.

Which is why there usefulness in there current state is very limited. This is a subject Kolbe, Chris, and myself have talked about over the past couple of months in detail.

Think of it like this there is a guy standing on top of a car in a crowded parking lot. The parking lot has hundreds of people all screaming at the top of their lungs trying to get this one guys attention. All the people in parking lot mean well, however with everyone screaming at the same time very little is heard.

The sad thing is the man standing on top of the car and the crowd want to exact same thing. That's how most wish lists operate they are full with really great ideas, comments, and suggestions. However due to their lack of structure and unification most of the great feedback is lost. Which is a microcosm of most developer community relationships.

Only a small portion of it ever reaches the ears of those who can do something about it. Chris, Kolbe, Brian and others have done a tremendous job coming to boards and interaction with you all. Its a testament to the teams passion for the game and its shows they care about the community.

What if everyone decided to make concessions for the greater good of the group? Think of how much more useful the relationship would be? Think of how many more people could be heard if everyone decided to speak in once voice instead of many?

If this was attainable you would have an entity that is able to place its finger on the heartbeat of the crowd in the parking lot. That crowd is us the community and what we are trying to do is just that.

I guarantee you if the end result is one loud voice instead of many voices that aren't as clear to hear everyone will benefit heavily from the increased communication and unity.

We aren't going to get there in a week or a month, but we will get there. I can't sit here and tell you I have all the answers or where we will be in six months because I don't know. However I think we know some of the questions that needs to be asked.

Right now there is a bridge between the development studio and the community which is great. A lot of studios don't have any bridge to speak off. In essence we are trying to build a bigger bridge
# 44 rudyjuly2 @ 11/17/08 03:46 PM
The list of guys picked to represent OS are outstanding. Have fun guys and thanks SCEA for doing this.
# 45 ckarlic @ 11/17/08 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
The list of guys picked to represent OS are outstanding. Have fun guys and thanks SCEA for doing this.
I agree with you..They seem to provide plenty of insight into how the game should be played out and offer many suggestions on improving your experience.
# 46 Russell_SCEA @ 11/17/08 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by capa

I am actually in your corner and hope you can pull it off.

That being said, Kolbe, Chris, et al were here for us since January and have done a great job. They knew back in March/April what the biggest complaints were and largest game issues/bugs, and I can only hope those items did not get lost in the din, as many of them came from exactly the same people you have selected to be part of the new community.

That's my fear...that what we already posted and made clear...crystal clear, 9 months ago, will now be fodder for maybe the 2010 release. I believe that probably won't be true, but that's what I fear - marketing type inclusions at the expense of realism, customization, and bug fixes.


I understand where you are coming from and all the feedback from the last 9 months did not fall on deaf ears. We spent weeks just having conversations about the OS community and how we can continue to grow it and make things better for everyone. Along with all how the community has helped shape the franchise over the years.

We aren't re-inventing the wheel here more like a redesign to make it more efficient.
# 47 Russell_SCEA @ 11/17/08 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by wookie48
Russell I have always commended SCEA for their leadership and mangement in the mlb series and thats why you guys are at the top of the baseball industry right now is becasue of the interaction with the community and as a team. I know that we all have at one point in time heard from a member of the mlb crew updating and or asking for suggestions and thats awesome. So I know with out a shodaow of a doubt that you guys are making a baseball game thats solid gold. Now get off of yall's rump and get that AFL license and make a football game!!
# 48 green94 @ 11/17/08 07:30 PM
Good explanation Russell...

Not to go back in the past, but I tried organizing a Wishlist last year and was shot down by one of the mods here because I understood the concerns you stated above. Wishlists can be great, BUT, wading through one of them for useful information can be a daunting task.

I commend you guys for putting a team together and letting the OS community have a voice, that's why you guys will continue to be the best at what you do!
# 49 ARMORALLL @ 11/17/08 08:26 PM
An MLB The Show online commuity would be awsome! I hope players can DL images and vids of there best moments! 2k and EA both have something like this.
# 50 Knight165 @ 11/17/08 10:02 PM
Originally Posted by templeusox
For all intensive purposes, my death ears are ringing.

I'm not sure what this means....but I think I'm frightened a little!

# 51 Pared @ 11/18/08 09:25 AM
Isn't it deaf?
# 52 rudyjuly2 @ 11/18/08 10:09 AM
Originally Posted by Pared
Isn't it deaf?
Originally Posted by Knight165
I'm not sure what this means....but I think I'm frightened a little!
It is deaf. I think the poster was just making fun of Russell's misuse of the word death in his earlier post.
# 53 Knight165 @ 11/18/08 10:41 AM
Must have missed it

# 54 Pared @ 11/18/08 10:44 AM
# 55 rudyjuly2 @ 11/18/08 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
I understand where you are coming from and all the feedback from the last 9 months did not fall on death ears.
This is the original misuse of "death ears".
# 56 rudyjuly2 @ 11/18/08 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by jim416
It's "intents and purposes" to, not "intensive purposes". Okay, school over.
Again, I think that poster misused this expression and "death ears" on purpose to have a little fun.
# 57 nemesis04 @ 11/18/08 12:01 PM
we need some game info, stat!
# 58 Russell_SCEA @ 11/18/08 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
It is deaf. I think the poster was just making fun of Russell's misuse of the word death in his earlier post.
Lol now that makes sense
# 59 SoxFan01605 @ 11/18/08 10:58 PM
I have but one request: Knight, I know you said you'd let your own desires be put aside for the sake of the community's overarching desires (or something to that effect). You and I share an important one that I want you beating the boys at SCEA over the heads with: FRANCHISE MODE PRESENTATION AND DEPTH. Lol...now that I'm done yelling, go Show!

Oh, and great group for community reps. IMO too
# 60 Knight165 @ 11/18/08 11:18 PM
Originally Posted by SoxFan01605
I have but one request: Knight, I know you said you'd let your own desires be put aside for the sake of the community's overarching desires (or something to that effect). You and I share an important one that I want you beating the boys at SCEA over the heads with: FRANCHISE MODE PRESENTATION AND DEPTH. Lol...now that I'm done yelling, go Show!

Oh, and great group for community reps. IMO too
You can BANK on that.
I'm nothing if not incessant when I want something.


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