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The NBA Live 09 demo has been released, please download it and post your impressions here.

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Game: NBA Live 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Xbox 360Votes for game: 38 - View All
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Member Comments
# 361 emarcee @ 09/05/08 01:39 PM
is it just me or there are parts where the whole game stutters (even the commentary), and this gets me worried for the final game?
# 362 Stumbleweed @ 09/05/08 01:41 PM
Yeah, I've noticed that occasionally. I wouldn't put too much into it, since it's just a demo. It wasn't happening all that often and the skips were very minor. I'll assume it's just a demo issue.

EDIT: Thanks for the clarification on that, Beluba. I'll have to look at the arc and see if it's noticeable. Looking forward to 2010 when we can tell more clearly, but it's understandable that it wouldn't jive with the current rim physics system.
# 363 23 @ 09/05/08 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
I'll try to clear up some confusion here. As Stumble posted, timing is in the game and it plays a pretty big role in your make/miss chance. That being said, it's still a "chance." So you can have bad timing and still make shots. But over time, you'll be more successful if you figure out the timing. In general, it's a bit earlier than you might expect. It's setup that way so we can have a late release penalty as well as an early one.

I wanted to visually change the release of the shot based on when you release the button, but it wasn't in scope given Live's shot code. I plan to have this re-worked in '10. So when I said that in general, shots "feel" better this year... I was speaking more in terms of the animations themselves being more NBA-ish and the fact that over time, you can see the benefits of learning the timing.

As for the feedback system I mentioned, it's there but it's really subtle. If you nail your timing, the shot arc will be a little higher, and if you're off, it'll be a little flat. It used to be more exaggerated, but people didn't really like the look of it and it didn't play too nicely with our rim physics.
Hey beluba

Are you able to feel an actual release point in the shot or is it so quick as it was in Live 08 that you cant tell when to release the shot. I cannot in Live 08 feel when I should or should not let the button go because it doesnt seem to matter, the player releases it whenever he feels like it. Screws up alot of plays and kick outs that I use.
# 364 Marc_Rez @ 09/05/08 02:02 PM
I played the demo and I'm not impressed! Sorry EA Sports! YOU FAILED!
# 365 DakkoN @ 09/05/08 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by Monta8
How come Sam Cassell isn't in the practice gym?
Same reason Anderson Varejao and I think Sasha Pavlovic wasn't on the Cavs last year at the time of the demo. He has not signed with the Celtics at the time of the demo.
# 366 rockchisler @ 09/05/08 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by Marc_Rez
I played the demo and I'm not impressed! Sorry EA Sports! YOU FAILED!
Hey rookie you gotta do better then that, explain why you dont like it. You sound like a *****.
# 367 DakkoN @ 09/05/08 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by rockchisler
Hey rookie you gotta do better then that, explain why you dont like it. You sound like a *****.
This = the correct answer.

If you are just mindlessly posting that EA fails then that's considered trolling.
# 368 Stumbleweed @ 09/05/08 02:43 PM
Well it is, until he proves otherwise by providing us with a real opinion supported by reasoning rather than just throwing a statement out there. It's basically just answering yes or no to a question that requires further explanation.
# 369 23 @ 09/05/08 02:54 PM
Keep it on the impressions please. Lake you can PM me if you want to know all about Trolling violations
# 370 bigeastbumrush @ 09/05/08 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by Stumbleweed
Most plays have several options and it flows very nicely and isn't nearly as rigid as 2K's where if you crossover accidentally it'll deactivate the play...

And when your play does happen to break down (which happens all the time in the NBA), you can always run a Pick & Roll with the LT to free yourself up.

I like the fact that you're not restricted to following some sort of Play Art.

Like born said, when you're running a play, you know who the last person to get the ball is supposed to be. But when the play starts (and guys are getting into position), you have multiple players that you can get the ball to as more than one guy will have a highlighted 'A' above his head.

Crazy options man.
# 371 DakkoN @ 09/05/08 03:04 PM
The Celtics have the same play 3 times on their default playbook to Rondo, Allen and Pierce. I love running that play because if you pass it to the man intended for the play as your first pass, KG will come over and set a pick and you can explode slash around the pick and if it opens up you can throw the alley oop to a cutting KG. LOVE running that play
# 372 23 @ 09/05/08 03:06 PM
You guys are killing me man.

Where are the videos of all of these things.

# 373 DakkoN @ 09/05/08 03:08 PM
I'd get you a video with my digital camera but the video recording on it is so bad you wouldn't be able to even see the standing markers on the floor or the A above their heads to pass lol
# 374 23 @ 09/05/08 03:12 PM
That's cool man, I can't watch some of the videos like BS2's until i get home because my jobs web filter sucks
# 375 JasonC1363 @ 09/05/08 03:21 PM
i played the demo breifly but i liked it alot. i still dont think this is even better then 2k8 but i think they have a product where they can actually compete now.

its great to see that live actually has learned how to properly implement momentum and the game runs really smooth. some of the animations are still a bit jittery and dont flow right but its such a drastic improvement over last year its truly incredible.

im going to probably pick up both games this year for when i want a change of pace. i think 2k will still be a more complete experience then live this year but now i absolutely cant wait for next year. Live 09 is really setting up the proper basework for them to deliver a great game next year.

my favorite thing about the game so far is the collisions. ive always prayed that 2k implements a collision system like Live's but they never listen
# 376 Stumbleweed @ 09/05/08 03:21 PM
I'm gonna do some more videos today. This dude on YouTube wants to see the hotspots, so I'm going to show everyone's spots if I can. I'll do one where I call a play each time down for you KDRE. Judging from the last video, you can probably at least see the icons pop up, though seeing the lighted vs. greyed-out 'A' might be tough. But since we've described it, I'm sure you can tell basically when that happens.

Should be up around 10:00 EST or so. I'll post any vids I do here also.
# 377 DakkoN @ 09/05/08 03:25 PM
I recorded a video, I'm going to see how it turns out and upload it to youtube. If you can't make out the icons and stuff you should at least be able to make out the animations because it doesn't suck THAT bad. And the movements off the pick is what I was trying to show the most anyways
# 378 highpressure @ 09/05/08 03:40 PM
I really like the demo. Like others have said, it does feel a bit sluggish in areas. Reaction time between button presses, and players reacting seem to be off by a little as well. Especially when trying to block a shot, or jump for a rebound, there seems to be a very slight delay in reaction time.

All-in-all, I am quite impressed with the demo. It definitely feels, and looks like an improvement overall. But I will have to wait for the finished product to pass final judgment.
# 379 23 @ 09/05/08 04:00 PM
Stumble, thanks alot man.. I think i had a blast watching your last video last night. Looking forward to it.

Dakkon, appreciate it man, maybe i can start a Demo video sticky for you guys if enough of you want it to post your vids in. Im just thinking about it but it may not be necesary

HP, whats up man! Glad to see you post, even if it is every blue moon but glad to see your thoughts : )
# 380 Marc_Rez @ 09/05/08 04:02 PM
Alright let the Rookie explain why the demo pretty much tells me that this game is going to be an "EPIC FAIL"

1. Same player models all looking anorexic!
2. They look nothing like most of the players in the NBA(facial feature wise)
3. The shooting feels dull and has no kind of release feel(I know Bebula address this but at the end of the day he's needs that paycheck from EA)
4. The dribbling, shooting, dunking all looks dull.
5. I dont see the computer really running any plays or using any really giving me a challenge.
6. But all I can say is that the presentation/commentary is always on point. But that's all the game has.

I am a fan of Basketball not NBA 2K and NBA Live, I always play both games including NBA The Life. But I have given NBA Live too many chances and they constantly fail. I was gonna give it a try this year but I'll pass. NO THANKS!

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