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Patch #1 is available for NCAA Football 09.

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Game: NCAA Football 09Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 95 - View All
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Member Comments
# 401 mgoblue678 @ 08/12/08 05:46 PM
I really don't think the game should catar to the casual fans at all. I know EA does this to make more money but in all honesty the people saying it should catar to casuals as well have no ground to stand on. It is marketed as a sim and quite frankly if you want casual play the Wii version or a game like NFL Blitz.
# 402 rhombic21 @ 08/12/08 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by OMT
I'm sorry you can't play the game. Very few people just can't play it, some people aren't happy with it, but most people like it. We get more feedback saying it is the best version of NCAA they have every played than we do about about people not liking it or worse.
From who? How are you collecting this feedback?

Would you say that Madden, which outsells NCAA every year by a considerable margin, is made for a significantly different audience than NCAA is? If not, then why are many of those issues addressed in Madden, but not NCAA?
# 403 Hokie200proof @ 08/12/08 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by mgoblue678
I really don't think the game should catar to the casual fans at all. I know EA does this to make more money but in all honesty the people saying it should catar to casuals as well have no ground to stand on. It is marketed as a sim and quite frankly if you want casual play the Wii version or a game like NFL Blitz.
Agreed. You know what I'd much rather do than play a zany COOKY crazy all-mascots game?

Play a freaken REAL FCS team in UB's real stadium.
# 404 stoncold32 @ 08/12/08 06:16 PM
While I'm at it, let me add this about these so-called people who are "truly enjoying the game and think its the best NCAA ever".

These people are sheep(sheeple as one commenter put it....lol). You guys (EA) could, without cause, delete 60 of the 120 teams, still advertise them in the game and these type of people would chime in with comments like, "W-w-w-well, it's no big deal, I never used half those teams anyway, I'm enjoying the game....EA is awesome, the graphics are cool, best NCAA ever!"

If you're looking for what improve upon, you cannot use opinions of someone like that. They will lap up whatever is put out.
# 405 Hokie200proof @ 08/12/08 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by stoncold32
While I'm at it, let me add this about these so-called people who are "truly enjoying the game and think its the best NCAA ever".

These people are sheep(sheeple as one commenter put it....lol). You guys (EA) could, without cause, delete 60 of the 120 teams, still advertise them in the game and these type of people would chime in with comments like, "W-w-w-well, it's no big deal, I never used half those teams anyway, I'm enjoying the game....EA is awesome, the graphics are cool, best NCAA ever!"

If you're looking for what improve upon, you cannot use opinions of someone like that. They will lap up whatever is put out.
Yup. Those types also won't threaten to never buy from EA ever again... like many people who have said that on this and other boards. I think those people should be listened/catered to. Without some change I would expect you to see a lot more people taking years off (buying every other year or waiting for their desired feature to show up in the game).
# 406 GoVols1985 @ 08/12/08 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by stoncold32
While I'm at it, let me add this about these so-called people who are "truly enjoying the game and think its the best NCAA ever".

These people are sheep(sheeple as one commenter put it....lol). You guys (EA) could, without cause, delete 60 of the 120 teams, still advertise them in the game and these type of people would chime in with comments like, "W-w-w-well, it's no big deal, I never used half those teams anyway, I'm enjoying the game....EA is awesome, the graphics are cool, best NCAA ever!"

If you're looking for what improve upon, you cannot use opinions of someone like that. They will lap up whatever is put out.
I don't think that's very accurate. I don't think I'm a sheep following a herd, I mean, I played the game, I liked the game. I pointed out some problems I saw with it, but I still love playing it. The problems didn't kill it for me, what can I say? Should I pretend to hate the game just to appease those who are very vocal in their unhappiness with the game and EA? Then I really would be a sheep.
# 407 jaaamil @ 08/12/08 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by stoncold32
While I'm at it, let me add this about these so-called people who are "truly enjoying the game and think its the best NCAA ever".

These people are sheep(sheeple as one commenter put it....lol). You guys (EA) could, without cause, delete 60 of the 120 teams, still advertise them in the game and these type of people would chime in with comments like, "W-w-w-well, it's no big deal, I never used half those teams anyway, I'm enjoying the game....EA is awesome, the graphics are cool, best NCAA ever!"

If you're looking for what improve upon, you cannot use opinions of someone like that. They will lap up whatever is put out.
agreed. i was finally able to give up madden last year and will this year (i need my football fix). ncaa will be next if there isn't an improvement for next year.
# 408 OMT @ 08/12/08 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by Vaspirate
My biggest frustration with the game is little attention is given to none BSC schools. I'm not a expert but I would think it would be easy to assign a few guys a conference have them mull over pictures of the stadium(where opponents sit, what are the dominate colors, entrances ETC.), review team rosters(RACE OF PLAYER, skills of players), incoming freshmen(Do you have a code where you could say 4.36=91speed and 93 Acc bench of 345=89str ETC).

I'm and ECU alum so I follow them but it looks like no time is spent on the non BCS schools. ECU held VT to 33yds rushing and 278 total lost 17-7 last year yet only have a Def rating of 76 yet return 9 starters overall rating 72. Also beat Boise State 77 overall and UCF 77. ECU returning more starters than both and still significantly lower.
Well, I'm the details guy (but not rosters) and I'm a big fan of small schools. But there are two big hurdles here.

First... I'm also responsible for the details of the big schools. So I have 120 schools to take care of (plus another 78 for PS2, bowls, and conferences as well).

Second... quite frankly info about smaller schools is hard to get. I got a TON of photos of Florida because they are everywhere. Getting pictures of Memphis' uniform this year was like pulling teeth! I also have a hard time with the WAC and MAC. And often when I do find reference for them it is very low quality.

It is easy to be a fan of a small school and know everything about them... but unless we have 120 guys doing this it is kinda tough. I sometimes hear from a fan of a small school saying "The coach said publically that they won't wear the black pants anymore but you put them in the game." Well, I can't possibly read every article from every paper on college football. There isn't enough time in the day!

And as much as I hate to say it, I have to prioritize. If I'm told we can do 10 stadium upgrades, I'm going to give Texas the new video board at the expense of Ball State's renovation. It is a shame, but I have to give priority to the schools that more of the users are going to be playing as.
# 409 OMT @ 08/12/08 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by Benicio10
This is the fundamental reason why we are all doomed as sim sports gamers. We will never be happy with the game because developers will INTENTIONALLY put fake things in their game to please people who want to throw 20 TDs a game.

Thanks, OMT. I am officially done with NCAA forever. Time to move on to Madden and hope Ian and company get it right in 2010.
Yeah, I figured someone would misinterpret me like that.
# 410 OMT @ 08/12/08 06:52 PM
Originally Posted by rudyjuly2
Why do you assume that all the hardcore people don't like this game? That's not true either. I also don't think there is as big a difference from what the casual gamer wants vs. what the hardcore gamer wants or expects other than degree of difficulty. I think that's one of the most overblown things on message boards out there. I get tired of hearing what the elitist snob known as the sim gamer wants as though he's so different and better than anyone else. Everyone wants the game to be a realistic representation of football. The casual gamer that wants to throw 20 TDs just needs to drop the difficultly level which is why default is Varsity.
Yeah, I'm not saying that at all. And it isn't like we say "Hey, let's make it arcade!" What I'm saying is that issues a hardcore guy may see as really bad is not a big deal to most people.
# 411 doctorhay53 @ 08/12/08 06:54 PM
I think the real ONLY gamekiller for me is just how truly STUPID the AI is. It's like they took too much time doing everything else and somehow they made the computer dumber.

Screen plays all the time. Running with 62 spd QBs. Juking themselves from a wide-open hole into a 2 yard gain.

Honestly the reason the CPU's rushing stats are low is because they call dumb plays.

Then, it seems like they had to fix it by making the CPU QB's unstoppable.

To me, it seems like the fundamental issue here has to be a disconnect and lack of communication in the gameplay team. I don't possibly know how complicated it must be to design good AI. But I know that the game was much smarter in many areas in previous versions, so that makes me wonder what the heck happened.

A) Many different people made uninformed gameplay decisions without consulting anyone or each other


B) The decisions were made on purpose, for who knows what reason


c) The implementation of good decisions was executed incredibly poorly.

Whatever the reason, I really believe they need to look very hard at restructuring their gameplay design process, mainly involving the AI playcalling and ball-carrying. I expect next years game to be very much improved in this area or I honestly won't buy it. I'm getting to that age where I don't have time to be so frustrated by something that is supposed to bring me relaxation and pleasure.
# 412 Ruffy @ 08/12/08 06:57 PM
With Madden out anyword on the Ps3 NCAA patch...

NCAA online dynsaty is way better that what Madden online has to offer....its a shame....until you can do an online franchise like the NCAA online dynasty....it looks like NCAA will be my more played online with friends game...

So yeah I want patch #1 and #2!!
# 413 OMT @ 08/12/08 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by stoncold32

Why can't we get a game(like we used to have) that caters to BOTH the real football fans as well the casual fan??? I see more money in that than the current pickle we are in. I am through with this game/series...I'm sure just one sale doesnt matter to you guys, but I know I'm not the only one.

And how can you say the issues in this game are a subjective judgement?Unblieveable....

I mean we all have our own opinion of what "real football" is, but I think 99% of people agree that a 95 rated DE, should be able to beat a 72 rated OL, not be knocked on his butt everytime. I think most will agree with QB shouldn't sit in the pocket for 10 secs before passing. I think most will agree that defenders should not run AWAY from the ball carrier.

And if all of what I just posted is NOT true, and truly subjective, then WHY did you guys make these corrections(and more) for Madden???
When I say "issues" I don't mean stuff that is wrong, but subjective issues that each person has that they personally would have done different.

Don't tell me there are tons of threads with people saying "X is totally wrong!" and people replying with "It feels good to me."

As far as fixing the pass rush on Madden, I think I read in the OS review of Madden that if you are playing as a team with a weak O Line, you are going to have a terrible time trying to make plays.

But let's not use the pass rush thing against ME. I wish we fixed it in the patch but it wasn't my decision. Actually, none of the stuff in the patch was my decision.
# 414 OMT @ 08/12/08 07:01 PM
Originally Posted by GoVols1985
I don't think that's very accurate. I don't think I'm a sheep following a herd, I mean, I played the game, I liked the game. I pointed out some problems I saw with it, but I still love playing it. The problems didn't kill it for me, what can I say? Should I pretend to hate the game just to appease those who are very vocal in their unhappiness with the game and EA? Then I really would be a sheep.
Exactly. And you can also say the reverse... people that hate the game are just 2K fanboys and no matter how good the game is they would still say it sucks and call people who like it sheep.
# 415 rhombic21 @ 08/12/08 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by OMT
Yeah, I'm not saying that at all. And it isn't like we say "Hey, let's make it arcade!" What I'm saying is that issues a hardcore guy may see as really bad is not a big deal to most people.
While I'm frustrated with the way the game was at ship, I'm even more frustrated by what happened post-ship. Based on the patch list that you provided, the gameplay patch that was submitted last week addresses a very small subsection of the gameplay issues that are significant problems with the game.

I'll be frank, I'm also frustrated that our gameplay concerns have to go through art and stadium sound developers, while the Madden gameplay guys are interacting with the community. While it's great to have you and Greg interacting with us, 90% of the complaints with the game are gameplay oriented, and there just comes a point where interaction with non-gameplay developers ceases to be of significant value until we get to a point in the development cycle when art changes need to be implemented.

You guys clearly made a design decision to have "wide open gameplay." The community had a pretty strong reaction to this gameplay decision. IMO, there needs to be some sort of dialogue/discussion between the team and the community about whether this direction is a good one for the franchise, and about how to best accomplish it in a way that doesn't diminish the ability of the hardcore/base to enjoy the game.
# 416 doctorhay53 @ 08/12/08 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by OMT
When I say "issues" I don't mean stuff that is wrong, but subjective issues that each person has that they personally would have done different.

Don't tell me there are tons of threads with people saying "X is totally wrong!" and people replying with "It feels good to me."

As far as fixing the pass rush on Madden, I think I read in the OS review of Madden that if you are playing as a team with a weak O Line, you are going to have a terrible time trying to make plays.

But let's not use the pass rush thing against ME. I wish we fixed it in the patch but it wasn't my decision. Actually, none of the stuff in the patch was my decision.
Then you should resign in protest

Most of us really don't know alot about how complicated it must be to code a game. But we do recognize that in just 1 day of playing, almost all of the 'gamekiller' issues are discovered. That leads us to believe that someone in the design process is either completely dumb, or doesn't give a crap. Most likely it's that they don't care because the only people who will complain is the 'sim' crowd.

Obviously, you can see why that would rankle the feathers of most people on this forum. In this place, the 'sim' gamers mostly rule, and so it feels like the consensus of the world is our opinion. So we're very frustrated when our issues seem to go unnoticed year-to-year and in the patch process, even if some issues are addressed but there is still that little one issue that is stopping this from being the best game ever.....

You see my point?
# 417 OMT @ 08/12/08 07:04 PM
Ok.. this thread is really going off topic. It should be about patch 1. It is my fault cause I'm posting here.

Maybe we need a new sticky thread called "Yell at Adam here"
# 418 rhombic21 @ 08/12/08 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by OMT
As far as fixing the pass rush on Madden, I think I read in the OS review of Madden that if you are playing as a team with a weak O Line, you are going to have a terrible time trying to make plays.
Isn't that pretty realistic? Having a pretty bad OL should probably have a negative impact on your ability to move the ball. It's only a critical part of real life football.
# 419 doctorhay53 @ 08/12/08 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by OMT
Ok.. this thread is really going off topic. It should be about patch 1. It is my fault cause I'm posting here.

Maybe we need a new sticky thread called "Yell at Adam here"
Not yelling at you, although that thread topic does sound like a good idea.......

# 420 OkieTC @ 08/12/08 07:14 PM
Hey guys. Just got an update from a "company insider" on the release of patch #1. It turns out a polar bear ate the patch and has escaped the Ea fortress, while also severely damaging the Ea servers. But not to worry, a joint team of Ea and Sony software designers are currently in hot pursuit. GPS has the bear headed North, somewhere south of Santa's workshop. With any luck, the bear will be apprehended within the hour and we should have our patch in 3 to 5 days, GUARANTEED!

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