06:37 AM - August 5, 2008 by WallaceNails
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NCAA Football 09 Videos
Member Comments
# 421
countryboy @ 08/12/08 07:15 PM
Guys this thread is about PATCH #1 THE ROSTER PATCH. There is another thread stickied at the top of this forum in which to discuss the second patch and what it does/does not cover.
any more posts off topic(meaning not about the roster patch) will result in infractions
Also, guys waiting on the PS3 patch, if you have nothing better to post than insults or downright rude comments, then don't post. Period. Its getting ridiculous. I want the patch just as much as anyone else so that I can start my dynasty. Enough is enough. Infractions will be handed out to those who cannot conduct themselves in a mature manner.
Carry on
# 422
threefortywest @ 08/12/08 07:16 PM
So let me keep this post topical... no news today on the patch. I think Craig did say that Sony will call him and he'll come to the office to deploy it, so it could be out tonight.
# 425
threefortywest @ 08/12/08 07:28 PM
# 428
threefortywest @ 08/12/08 07:39 PM
# 429
threefortywest @ 08/12/08 07:46 PM
To Hell with this BS!! I just got done trading in 09 for PS3 for the 360 version and picked up Madded 09 for the 360 as well.
Bite Me Sony!!!!!
Bite Me Sony!!!!!
I don't get the Sony hate, EA Tiburon gave 'm a faulty patch. Should they just publish it anyway or what?
Why hate Sony? So you get mad and trade in your PS3 version for the 360 version. Sony still got your coin from the PS3 you bought. But you put them in their place,though.
haha lol @dmobious!
I'm able to enjoy the game for what it is, instead of pissing and moaning about what it's not. If that makes me a sheep, I say "baaaaaaaaaa..."
Make that two baaaaaaaaaa's, despite some of the flaws i still have fun with the game and i dont regret spending my 60 bucks at all. im already in my 5th season and still not sick of it
I have the ps3 version and I am not very happy with the patch deal, but come on with the sky is falling crap. Im sure enjoying The Show for now....boy, if all I had to worry about was Sony and ncaa videogames. Baaaaa!
# 439
CaptainZombie @ 08/12/08 09:42 PM
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