09:03 PM - June 18, 2008 by Psyblast
News Post
NCAA Football 09 Videos
Member Comments
# 881
Diabolicole @ 06/21/08 02:12 AM
game felt great, at times it seemed like staying in the pocket was a better choice than scrambling which is new. It'd be nice to recruit some slower QB's with dead on accuracy and not worry about getting so many sacks. Run game was a little harder to get consistent yards but it should be, especially against OSU or LSU defense.
But I don't want you guys to police the haters for me. Please treat me like another member, except that I can get you better answers. This is VERY important to us. Yeah we are here in an official capacity, however we are here in an off the cuff kind of way. This is how we have been directed to post here. We were told by our boss' boss' boss to be completely honest and non transparent. Trust is very important in what we are trying to do here, ya know?
One thing you have to understand... we NEED criticism. Without competition how do we review the previous year and figure out what we could have done better? This is elementary business. After a project is done, you figure out how it could be improved and apply it to the next project. Everyone on the team has their say, sure, but it doesn't reflect the opinion of those of you who buy the game... who at the end of the day, are who is most important.
Sure it is video games, but we aren't much different from any other business.
# 883
Teddy_Long @ 06/21/08 02:16 AM
There's a difference between criticism and what he posted though. Criticism is perfectly fine, but posting "this game sucks" isn't criticism at all. Posts like that are made for the purpose of getting under the skin of everyone else and starting fights, and it would be a mistake for the moderators to let them go.
We very much want to keep a level of civility and maturity here, and discouraging those kind of "it sucks" posts is one of the methods.
But stating this games sucks, don't buy 09 or don't buy whatever and don't waste your money on EA or if it be 2K or SCEA is not acceptable here at OS.
Wait, what?! Did a hardcore NCAA gamer just admit he LIKES the mascot game? In public?!
I'm gonna have to remember to send Jeannie a link to your post on Monday cause it will make her day. She spent 30 minutes of her time getting mascot games back in and this will make her day!
I can't say one way or another if the user pass rush is better on the retail version. I can say the final game is around 2-3 weeks later than this one.
Personally, I have never been able to get much rush. When I play defense, I control one of the DTs. Yeah, we need to put moves on the right stick and make playing D Line more fun. I'm not gonna disagree there. But I don't think this is an NCAA 09 problem as I have had this problem since 07 (it is important to remember that once we went NG, everything was out the window for us NG gamers). I have seen the posts here about it and wonder how this is some new thing this year.
Heh.. maybe I should stop starring at what color the guy's pants are and pay attention to the gameplay? lol... unfortunately it isn't my job!
Everyone has an opinion and is entitled to it, but we only had so much time to work on the game that all the stuff I mentioned (and many I didn't) were deemed better additions than warm ups and post game celebrations that folks will button through after seeing them twice.
I'm not trying to cast them off as stuff that doesn't matter, cause they do. Please understand that we also want the world, but can only do so much every year.
# 891
bad_philanthropy @ 06/21/08 02:49 AM
# 892
Memberz_09 @ 06/21/08 02:49 AM
Hey Adam if you played the demo did you notice how the QB feet would get stuck while moving backwards in the pocket?
Oh yea and I also like the new chin-straps thats in the game!
Good Job EA!
Oh yea and I also like the new chin-straps thats in the game!
Good Job EA!
# 893
Russell_SCEA @ 06/21/08 02:52 AM
I know when I first showed up and posted "Hi! I work on NCAA please ask me questions and/or flame me!" that stuff got edited, and I was upset that I didn't have a chance to read them first lol. It seemed like there was a vibe of "don't scare him off!" going on. Don't worry about that.
I'm not here to take over your board so don't waive any rules. All I ask is that you don't edit/delete/kick guys in fear of scarring me off. I'm here to stay. If I'm fired tomorrow I will still be here (and yes, honoring my non disclosure agreement lol) cause at the end of the day, I'm an NCAA Football fan. I love the sport, I love the game. What else is required of me, ya know?
this may have been discussed in one of the 98 pages before this but does anyone know when the demo will be made available for xbox live silver members? im dying to play but am not willing to shell out 10 bucks for the demo of a game that i'll be paying 60 for in less than a month. saving that $10 for a july 15.
Adam I'm hoping you can pass along this info, is there any way that when we import a draft more players will actually be eligible to draft in Madden? I'm not sure if this pertains to Madden or NCAA. I think as of right now only 17 QBs are being exported and while that sounds like a lot its really not.
Oh, and thanks on the chin straps... I think... ummm, what new chin straps did we add? Lol I don't remember those being changed.
# 898
ElroyJetson @ 06/21/08 03:03 AM
i wanna thank Adam and all the guys at EA for makin this game its gunna be sweet thank you
# 899
Memberz_09 @ 06/21/08 03:05 AM
Hmm I think they might have been on 08 im not sure but I just noticed them on 09 on Pryor's helmet because it was red. If you look closely tho.
Oh jeeze.. I just hijacked the demo thread!
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