09:03 PM - June 18, 2008 by Psyblast
News Post
NCAA Football 09 Videos
Member Comments
# 282
Anti Honor @ 06/19/08 06:48 PM
Just finished my first game....... I wasn't as impressed as some of you.
Ohio St (Me) 20 - LSU (CPU) 0.
CPU quarterback got picked twice, both by LBs. I failed to see this unstoppable force that some of you mentioned, known as the CPU QB. I'm hoping it's just the Varsity level, because in no way am I a great player, and well, the CPU still looks to be it's usual self.
Ohio St (Me) 20 - LSU (CPU) 0.
CPU quarterback got picked twice, both by LBs. I failed to see this unstoppable force that some of you mentioned, known as the CPU QB. I'm hoping it's just the Varsity level, because in no way am I a great player, and well, the CPU still looks to be it's usual self.
I think it is just varsity. Ive notice the QB makes some good reads but for the most part does end in a pick. I did a few blitz with the mlb and the cpu went right over the middle on me for a few yards a couple of times very cool to see the computer adjusting and hitting the open man. Again hopefully the throws right into the corners hands dies down on higher lvls.
I'm still waiting for EA's office in Japan (LOL) to load up the demo on PS3...freekin PS3
# 286
hawkeyekid @ 06/19/08 06:52 PM
Why are people with a ps3 getting so upset?
I've checked online plenty of times before to get rockband songs and they sometimes don't come out until after 5 central time.
It's not that big of a deal. Everyone will have just under a month to play.
I've checked online plenty of times before to get rockband songs and they sometimes don't come out until after 5 central time.
It's not that big of a deal. Everyone will have just under a month to play.
The CPU tried throwing an out pattern which I was able to easily pickoff and run back for six. I remember this being a significant problem in previous years and hope this gets addressed. Too easy to intercept out patterns and run back for six.
Where is the wide-open gameplay,responsive controls,and atmosphere.There seems to be a delay in user control on handoffs and manual jukes flat out dont happen come on EA get it together...
# 299
ExtremeGamer @ 06/19/08 07:02 PM
# 300
hawkeyekid @ 06/19/08 07:03 PM
You think you're the only one who waits for this game.
You showed your knowledge by complaining about EA not releasing it, even though they gave it to Sony awhile ago.
Sony ALWAYS releases in the evening time.
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