News Post

The official NCAA Football 09 website has posted some of the new features we can expect this year.

College Atmosphere & Pageantry
  • All-new Dynamic Crowd System
  • College sidelines are packed with additional players, mascots, cheerleaders, and more
  • All-new authentic fields with new textures, lighting, and field degradation
  • New college player models, including more than 50 alternate uniforms
  • User Customizable Stadium Sounds & Music
  • Breakaway crowd reactions

Depth & Innovation
  • Online Dynasty is here!!!
  • Roster file sharing online
  • Improved recruiting system in Dynasty mode highlighting ease and accessibility
  • New post game presentation and play by play commentary
  • 1-4 player offline co-op
  • Return missed field goals
  • Bluff your play art to confuse opponents
  • Formation audibles
  • Smart routes
  • Bobble catches
  • Better passing control
  • Post play continuation
  • All-New Mini Games
  • Random play selection in practice mode
  • Quick replay
  • CPU vs. CPU (watch mode)
  • Smooth 60 FPS on PS3
  • Even teams option in play now

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Member Comments
# 81 SageInfinite @ 04/03/08 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by coogrfan
Why is that funny? If they hadn't mentioned it you know the ps3 folks would be howling about "EA being in bed with MS".
In a later post I explained.
Originally Posted by SageTheInfinite

Seriously tho, how is this a bullet point feature? I can understand mentioning it in an interview or in a preview, but in a feature list? That's ridiculous. It should have been in last year(as well as in 07) and EA shouldn't use it as something to get a pat on the back this year. EA is really funny.
# 82 jrod1981 @ 04/03/08 12:47 PM
soungs promising. Either way, i'm gonna pony up and buy the game. I've been doing it every summer since...let me see...1993? Its a ritual now. I'm quietly optimistic.
# 83 aukevin @ 04/03/08 12:49 PM
thank God that they brought back the smart routes.
# 84 Brandwin @ 04/03/08 12:56 PM
Online Dynasty is here!!!
Roster file sharing online

Wonder how online dynasties will work? We can play our weekly game whenever? How will recruiting work etc...?
# 85 kenneth33 @ 04/03/08 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by noplace
This is a great list but really, alot of these are just last gen features....Cant complain about the effort though...

Now that online Dynasty kinda got me...I might have to buy it for this alone!

What about gameplay improvements? OL/DL interactions, AI, animations, more wrap tackles, will short yardage & goaline finally be implemented in the game correctly, pile ups, real DB play like APF, no more suction blocking, No more sliding ( i wanna feel like they players are really on the field instead of sliding over a green grid), fix the weather affects ala APF, the rain & snow are horrible in NCAA 08....etc??....

Take into consideration how will these features be implemented? EA can add all they want & still mess it up by not making it look authentic & realistic... Lets hope for the best
I don't think the ncaa will let them use the weather like that same with madden and the NFL!!! But on the features part i fell ya! Kind of like NFL gameday use to have all the features but didn't do sh!t ingame!!!!
# 86 jpringle @ 04/03/08 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by DookieMowf

Wonder how online dynasties will work? We can play our weekly game whenever? How will recruiting work etc...?

Yea definately want 2 know more about that? Will be able 2 have all 119 teams be human controlled? that would be gold, but i'll take a 10-20 human controlled dynasty.
# 87 AuburnAlumni @ 04/03/08 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by jpringle
Yea definately want 2 know more about that? Will be able 2 have all 119 teams be human controlled? that would be gold, but i'll take a 10-20 human controlled dynasty.
Exactly how would you run a 119 team dynasty? Give folks 6 months to complete each week?
# 88 muggins @ 04/03/08 02:17 PM
I actually just want a 3-4 player dynasty. That would be perfect for me.
# 89 edubbs @ 04/03/08 02:41 PM
I'm looking forward to next month when the gameplay videos drop.

These guys (EA/Tiburon) are the best in the gaming biz, at marketing with these feature list and text previews.

I'll know what this game is about when the 11 on 11 videos come out in May.

I really like the addition of dynamic attendance though...atleast I think that's what they mean by the dynamic crowd feature.
# 90 NYG_Meth @ 04/03/08 02:59 PM
Originally Posted by LBzrule
Hahah. Here we go!! I want everyone to stop just for a second and read this list again. There is something that is very odd on this list. What the hell is a "College Specific Tackling Engine." ? What the hell could that possibly mean? I'm not sure what they could possibly mean by that unless they mean they are using a specific animation engine for NCAA that they are not using for Madden else the words are just filler and make no sense whatsoever.

Online Dynasty should be fun, but I hope you don't have the idea that you will have more than about 20 people in your online dynasty, IF that many. All the other stuff is just stuff re-introduced. Has the potential to be a solid, playable game. But if you are looking for a WOW game and I'll leave it at that.
Legal horsecollars?
# 91 thelasthurtknee @ 04/03/08 03:49 PM
they say they new features because half the board wont shut up about those things and i'm sure they get a million emails a day about why no 60 frames on the ps3 made it. they just are giving us what we wanted and they are making sure to tell us about it even if they were in old gen. the I-aa thing will come. they have to pay a good bit a money to those schools for every disc sold so im sure they wanted to wait till they had something better than just the exchange a team thing they have in old-gen. i actually remember the football guy at ea saying he wanted to get a dynasty for 1-aa with the tourney and everthing in the next few years but as we know they had much more pressing issues than rendering and designing for another 100 teams. online dynasty will be great. no more passing a memory card around for me and my friends. still alot of things we don't know about gameplay but good solid additions.
# 92 KDRIZZLE2K4 @ 04/03/08 04:02 PM
What exactly is Online Dynasty? Is that like 2K's online leagues? If that's the case maybe even multiple seasons because of the word Dynasty?
# 93 sportznut02 @ 04/03/08 04:03 PM
Good list, just hope they don`t forget about the gameplay.

and who in the hell caers about mascot games
# 94 AuburnAlumni @ 04/03/08 04:14 PM
Some of you folks need to lighten up.

There are some pretty damn good features on that list.

I'm LMAO at all the folks scoffing at the online dynasty. Guess what...I probably won't run an online dynasty with more than 2-3 other people anyway.

After the Horror Show that is "League Manager" and seeing how much like little girls some guys are as far as staying active, getting games played, etc...do you really think I'm going to jump right into a long term dynasty with 30 guys?

Fixing the DB and LB Pass interacting, allowing the CPU QB to throw the deep ball, and giving me the opportunity to play a true Online Dynasty is all I need for this game to be pretty much the only one I'll play this year. And I'm not the only one who feels this way.

All that other stuff is just filler.
# 95 AuburnAlumni @ 04/03/08 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by The Soldier
Not really. There's one good feature on the list.

Literally every single other thing on that list was either in last gen or 2k's games. Oh wait, we can return field goals.

So essentially the list reads:

Online dynasties
That's all I need it to read. Like I said..the rest is filler.

The AI was pretty good after the patch in this years version. Just tighten up the DB/LB Pass interaction and have the CPU throw deep and I'm good to go.

But then again..I'm old and easily amused.
# 96 fistofrage @ 04/03/08 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by AuburnAlumni
That's all I need it to read. Like I said..the rest is filler.

The AI was pretty good after the patch in this years version. Just tighten up the DB/LB Pass interaction and have the CPU throw deep and I'm good to go.

But then again..I'm old and easily amused.
How will these Online dynasties work?
# 97 jangotangos @ 04/03/08 04:47 PM
no classic teams and/or all-time rosters?

# 98 I OU aBeatn @ 04/03/08 04:49 PM
Very impressive features list by EA. The main thing will be implementing all of this stuff and getting it to work together without any major bugs.

More wide open game play, breakaway crowd reactions, online dynasty, file sharing, formation audibles, smart routes, better passing control, and random play selection in practice are the huge ones for me.

PS3 running at 60FPS was an absolutely must for me, and they apparently got it done. I'm really excited for this game to come out, it has tons of potential to be great if EA can implement all these features and make game play slightly smoother. Time will tell.
# 99 I OU aBeatn @ 04/03/08 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by fistofrage
How will these Online dynasties work?
From what I understand, it's basically dynasty for offline mode, only online. Each team will be controlled by an actual online player instead of the computer, and you'll basically play out the season with the teams selected.

I'm not sure if recruiting is done, but that'd be really sweet if it was.
# 100 EWRMETS @ 04/03/08 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by AuburnAlumni
Some of you folks need to lighten up.

There are some pretty damn good features on that list.
EA could give them everything they want and deliver a fantastic game and they still would hate it. People act like NCAA 08 was atrocious.

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