MLB 2K8 News Post

We have just posted some impressions from our beta copy of Major League Baseball 2K8.
"Yes, these quick blurb impressions are all over the place, as I just typed some things down over the days I played the game.

I'm not working w/ retail here, just beta. I'm not sure how "complete" it is. But there are times where the game doesn't run 60FPS. During pitching/hitting, no problems, but there are occasional hiccups when throwing across the diamond. A few herky jerky animations here and there as well. Again, these may just be issues w/ my Beta."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 141 Salhus @ 03/02/08 05:35 PM
How does the swing stick feel in regard to realism? Like MVP NCAA had the swing stick and it was a lot more fun then the 2K swing stick...
# 142 jorge380 @ 03/02/08 05:36 PM
hitting behind pitcher is it possible?
# 143 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by The Gamer
with the new throwing mechanics, it seems you can only throw to the bases. Can you still throw directly to the cut off man or do you have to hit something while the ball is on its way in from the outfield. Thanks again
Holding L trigger, then throwing to the base, throws to the cutoff man, then autothrows to the base you intended to throw to. Otherwsie to hit the cut off man midflight, hit L trigger.
# 144 dmbfan1970 @ 03/02/08 05:43 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
Fielding camera:
Pole Camera (Default)
Dynamic Camera
Aerial Camera

Batting Camera:
Default Zoom
Tight Zoom
Wide Zoom
Are these different cameras available for online? Thanks.
# 145 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Kane182
Steve, I know you are messing with the sliders, can you confirm that the foul ball slider makes a difference in the amount of foul balls you are seeing?
I maxed em' out and while there are quite a few more balls and foul balls, it still doesn't really make a solid difference. I mean, if you max out sliders, you'd think almost every pitch would be fouled off or see a ball more often than not, and compensate the slider from there. Maybe someone comes up w/ the right combination.
# 146 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by RedLine
Another question for you to answer please. Are you finding the new Right Trigger control to Dive responsive? How about wall climbs, do you use the right trigger for that too or is it automatic? Thanks.
Yup, right trigger diving is great. Haven't had an issue w/ it. As for wall climbs, I believe it is holding up on the right stick and right trigger to climb, just holding up to jump.
# 147 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by cubsbelieve07
Do you plan on checking out player progression in franchise?

PS I have an avatar i don't know why it is not showing
I will try to, have quite a few things I'm planning on doing, we'll see.
# 148 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by dodgerblue
How is the overall presentation and atmosphere? Is it improved over 2k7 or just about the same. I am referring to crowd involvement, cheering at the proper time etc. Thanks!
They cheer and boo at proper times, but it's just not as explosive as The Show, imho.
# 149 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by CS10029
Hey Steve, thanks for taking the time to do this. Quick question, seeing this is Brinkman's second year on this title are you noticing any similarities to MVP. Maybe not in technical controls, but maybe overall feel of the game.
I'd say it's definitely coming around the corner. The controls, especially in the pitching department are really impressing me. Didn't think I'd like it, but it's growing on me.
# 150 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by goofykramerica
Can you tell us anything about catcher's throws. Is your catcher able to make a "snap" throw down to first base after a pitch in order to pick off a runner?
Haven't seen a snap throw or see any ability to throw to a base w/ the catcher, unless a steal is occuring.
# 151 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by ulua
Hey Steve,

on double plays can you take out he fielder? and also can you run over the catcher on close plays to home plate?

Yes and Yes.
# 152 PVarck31 @ 03/02/08 06:08 PM
Just a fyi for Steve and anyone else who cares. I believe Kushgamer said that the sliders were being tightened up at the very end of the development cycle. So I think the beta version sliders would be less responsive.
# 153 bowlerguy92 @ 03/02/08 06:09 PM
Does the hitting feel like it has loosend up any? Like there are more ways to hit the ball and that it doesn't seem like there are only about four ways the ball can actually come off the bat?
# 154 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 06:11 PM
Originally Posted by rpm123
Can you say which minor league stadiums are in the game?
Here are the AAA stadiums available.

Fifth Third Field
Triple A Stadium (Most teams play here)
The New McCoy Stadium
Cashman Field
Tucson Electric Park
# 155 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 06:13 PM
Originally Posted by blkprince04
does the framerate affects the gameplay or is it nothing to really be concerned about?
It is annoying, but at least for the most part, it's not happening during actual gameplay. Remember, this is Beta, retail could be 60FPS throughout.
# 156 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Ltrain44
has the catcher cam been worked on at all? or is still the same from last year?
I don't see a catcher cam in the options this year.
# 157 PVarck31 @ 03/02/08 06:18 PM
Steve, does it feel like a different game than 2k7? Also when there are grounders hit in the infield does it seem like it takes more time for the ball to get to the fielder. Last year it felt like you hardly had any time to react.
# 158 boomhauertjs @ 03/02/08 06:26 PM
Steve, can you tell us what the Class AA and A stadiums are?
# 159 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 06:29 PM
Originally Posted by salhus47
How does the swing stick feel in regard to realism? Like MVP NCAA had the swing stick and it was a lot more fun then the 2K swing stick...
I'd just say it's different. I mean, you have the power swing, contact swing and defensive swings. Going in different directions, can be done by pulling the controller that direction w/ the hit stick. So if you want to go to right, pull back and push it that way for the hit.
# 160 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 06:30 PM
Originally Posted by dmbfan1970
Are these different cameras available for online? Thanks.
Can't get online w/ my debug 360.

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