MLB 2K8 News Post

We have just posted some impressions from our beta copy of Major League Baseball 2K8.
"Yes, these quick blurb impressions are all over the place, as I just typed some things down over the days I played the game.

I'm not working w/ retail here, just beta. I'm not sure how "complete" it is. But there are times where the game doesn't run 60FPS. During pitching/hitting, no problems, but there are occasional hiccups when throwing across the diamond. A few herky jerky animations here and there as well. Again, these may just be issues w/ my Beta."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 21 Skyboxer @ 03/02/08 01:49 AM
Thanks for the write up Steve! Do you see much stuttering when the game is in motion? Lastly is it better in terms of being able to judge the pitches when at bat?

# 22 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by vernond
I also meant to ask is there still a problem with the day night progression messing up during a game like in 2k7?
Messing up at what point? I'm sorry, I never noticed it in 2K7, so please explain.
# 23 SFGiantsPBA @ 03/02/08 01:51 AM
Hey Brother, how long it take for you to get the pitching down?
# 24 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 01:51 AM
Originally Posted by Skyboxer
Thanks for the write up Steve! Do you see much stuttering when the game is in motion? Lastly is it better in terms of being able to judge the pitches when at bat?

For the most part, there is no stutter. But I'm definitely seeing some here and there. During the pitching/batting, I don't see any at all. But I've seen 3rd to 1st throws with a little hitch, every once and a while. I've also seen a few jerky animations, on occasion. With my beta copy at least, it's not always 60FPS. Of course, that can change w/ retail. We'll have to wait and find out, as I'm not sure how complete my beta copy is.
# 25 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 01:53 AM
Originally Posted by SFGiantsPBA
Hey Brother, how long it take for you to get the pitching down?
I still don't have it down, as I'm walking my fair share of batters. It was frustrating at first, but now I simply love it and I'm still walking batters.
# 26 gleditts @ 03/02/08 01:54 AM
Do retractable roofs work? Like Minute Maid Park?
# 27 soxnut1018 @ 03/02/08 01:55 AM
With the new swing stick were you able to hit sacrafice flies when you need them.
# 28 vernond @ 03/02/08 01:58 AM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
Messing up at what point? I'm sorry, I never noticed it in 2K7, so please explain.
Well i believe last year it would happen after they would show a replay during the game. It would be light out and then the replay would show then it would be dark, then another replay might show a couple of innings later and when it came back to the game it would be light or dusk. It would do this a few times a game. The only way i found to work around this was to turn off the replays. I was curious to see if 2k adressed this for 2k8.
# 29 bowlerguy92 @ 03/02/08 02:02 AM
Very nice, thanks for the impressions!
# 30 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by vernond
Well i believe last year it would happen after they would show a replay during the game. It would be light out and then the replay would show then it would be dark, then another replay might show a couple of innings later and when it came back to the game it would be light or dusk. It would do this a few times a game. The only way i found to work around this was to turn off the replays. I was curious to see if 2k adressed this for 2k8.
Interesting bug.

Just confirmed it's not a bug this year. At least not from my quick testing.
# 31 bowlerguy92 @ 03/02/08 02:22 AM
Do the players feel like they actually have some "weight" to them, and aren't just 100% agile cutouts? The show does this well.
# 32 vernond @ 03/02/08 02:22 AM
Awesome that really p'd me off when that would happen last year. Thanks for the info.
# 33 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by SPTO
My only question: does it still rain in domed stadiums?
SPTO, now that I know where to set this...

I have confirmed, it doesn't rain in domes.

Well, there isn't an option to select for rain in domes. If a team has a dome, rain isn't an option under the "Weather" option. All teams that play outside w/o domes have the "Rainy" option.
# 34 rock85 @ 03/02/08 02:26 AM
How are the graphics compared to last year
# 35 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by rock85
How are the graphics compared to last year
Come on Rock. Read the second post!
# 36 blackngoldfan @ 03/02/08 02:37 AM
Thanks for the impressions Steve.

How are the new batting/fielding cameras?

Were away alternate uniforms in the game?
# 37 PVarck31 @ 03/02/08 02:41 AM
With the aerial camera for fielding, does it keep the ball in view the whole play on fly balls?
# 38 Bucksin06 @ 03/02/08 02:42 AM
-as far as baserunning goes, what feels better in you're opinion?
last year i had to jack baserunner speed up to 100 just so I could steal a base!!!!
-also, have you noticed a variety of cutscenes for different occasions?
Thanks for the impressions,
# 39 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 02:43 AM
Oops. Rock...and anyone else for that matter that wants a question answered, read post #1.
# 40 ubigidiot @ 03/02/08 02:48 AM
what has progression been like in franchise?

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