MLB 2K8 News Post

We have just posted some impressions from our beta copy of Major League Baseball 2K8.
"Yes, these quick blurb impressions are all over the place, as I just typed some things down over the days I played the game.

I'm not working w/ retail here, just beta. I'm not sure how "complete" it is. But there are times where the game doesn't run 60FPS. During pitching/hitting, no problems, but there are occasional hiccups when throwing across the diamond. A few herky jerky animations here and there as well. Again, these may just be issues w/ my Beta."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 181 bsbllstr876 @ 03/02/08 09:14 PM
Crazy how nobody has this game early, with all the ppl who have the show early. I even offered the guy at EB $20 to break the street date.
# 182 bowlerguy92 @ 03/02/08 09:37 PM
That will be a blast playing in the minors parks! Too bad they don't have Hadlock Field (AA Redsox). I'm there all the time and love the field. Would have been a blast to play there.
# 183 rpm123 @ 03/02/08 09:40 PM
You're welcome! And this is good news in that the stadiums in the screenshots that we have are the generic ones, which is what I thought and was hoping. Now I just hope that the Avalanche's stadium will be available via download in the future. This should be a fun game! Rick
# 184 blkprince04 @ 03/02/08 09:40 PM
thanks steve for the impressions the game is sounding very good & much better than 2k7, althought 2k7 wasn't that bad , 2k8 sounds very solid
# 185 blackngoldfan @ 03/02/08 09:49 PM
I hope they have a patch later for more minor league parks. Even though I'm a Dodger fan, I would like to see the Fresno Grizzlies' Chukchansi Park (Giants) in the game. It is very nice.
# 186 bowlerguy92 @ 03/02/08 09:54 PM
Hadlock Field!

Something about a minor league field that has always made me want to be able to play on it or walk on it. I now will finally be able to experience that through MLB 2K8. So needless to say, I'm pretty pumped about being able to play in a Redsox AAA field. It's a nice one too.
# 187 King Gro23 @ 03/02/08 10:12 PM
The impressions sound great for a beta version
# 188 bigmoe @ 03/02/08 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
Fielding camera:
Pole Camera (Default)
Dynamic Camera
Aerial Camera

Batting Camera:
Default Zoom
Tight Zoom
Wide Zoom
Just wondering, with any of the cameras do you actually see the ball in flight on fly balls to the outfield ?
# 189 specialman @ 03/02/08 10:22 PM
Hey Steve, what about classic hitting? The swing stick has kept me away from this game and I think Sony's MLB game has the hitting perfect, where u aim ur swing with the left analog. Can you do that in classic hitting in this or is it still pretty much just timing with only the ability to influence fly ball or ground ball?
# 190 dmbfan1970 @ 03/02/08 10:26 PM
Originally Posted by specialman
Hey Steve, what about classic hitting? The swing stick has kept me away from this game and I think Sony's MLB game has the hitting perfect, where u aim ur swing with the left analog. Can you do that in classic hitting in this or is it still pretty much just timing with only the ability to influence fly ball or ground ball?
Classic hitting: (in 2k7) was as follows... Button to swing. UP on L analog stick for flyball. DOWN on L analog stick for ground ball. There was both a contact and power button as well.

I really recommend you giving the swing stick a try. Once you learn you won't go back I assure you. Button for swing is very arcade-ish and just doesn't do it for me anymore.
# 191 Rebel10 @ 03/03/08 01:44 AM
Yeah, McCoy Stadium is nice... although it's sort of odd to get to. I'm hoping to make it up to a few Sea Dogs games this year.
# 192 fiedler2k3 @ 03/03/08 09:44 AM
Originally Posted by bsbllstr876
Crazy how nobody has this game early, with all the ppl who have the show early. I even offered the guy at EB $20 to break the street date.
for people like you video games cost more and more every year....
# 193 ac11367 @ 03/03/08 10:32 AM
Thanks for the impression, and this is making today and tomorrow seem longer and longer.

Questions: When batting against CPU pitcher, was all his breaking balls devastating like in 2K7, or do some breaking pitches actually flattens out? Were you able to distinguish a curve from a fastball from the pitcher's release?
# 194 Flaxseed Oil @ 03/03/08 11:21 AM
Dont forget, there will be downloadable stadiums too.

Confirmed are

Legends Field -- Tampa Yankees
Durham Athletic Park --Durham Bulls

Hope these are available on Day 1
# 195 Tomba @ 03/03/08 12:33 PM
what percentage complete is this beta at?
# 196 Portlander29 @ 03/03/08 02:15 PM
Will somone who has a mini avatar ask Steve if during franchise you can select to play your games in any stadium you want? I really like to play in parks I don't get to use with my MLB franchise team...I tend to like to play my Minor League games in random places. That's what I do for MVP 05 anyway.
# 197 bowlerguy92 @ 03/03/08 03:06 PM
Hey steve, got a question for ya. If during franchise can you select to play your games in any stadium you want? I really like to play in parks I don't get to use with my MLB franchise team...I tend to like to play my Minor League games in random places. That's what I do for MVP 05 anyway.
# 198 ExtremeGamer @ 03/03/08 03:31 PM
Great impressions Steve!

I am going to give this a shot now based on what I read, along with The Show. I'm a baseball freak anyway.
# 199 KushGamer @ 03/03/08 07:39 PM
Originally Posted by dbrandon
I don't believe them, sorry to say.
I would think the Beta version Steve has, has the final sliders in it.
# 200 KushGamer @ 03/03/08 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by bowlerguy92
That will be a blast playing in the minors parks! Too bad they don't have Hadlock Field (AA Redsox). I'm there all the time and love the field. Would have been a blast to play there.
Hadlock is the other field that should be downloadable on Day 1.

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