MLB 2K8 News Post

We have just posted some impressions from our beta copy of Major League Baseball 2K8.
"Yes, these quick blurb impressions are all over the place, as I just typed some things down over the days I played the game.

I'm not working w/ retail here, just beta. I'm not sure how "complete" it is. But there are times where the game doesn't run 60FPS. During pitching/hitting, no problems, but there are occasional hiccups when throwing across the diamond. A few herky jerky animations here and there as well. Again, these may just be issues w/ my Beta."

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 61 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 03:36 AM
Originally Posted by Bucksin06
what does your first post have to do with my questions?
Sorry, I meant 2nd post.
# 62 soxnut1018 @ 03/02/08 03:38 AM
Can you please answer my post about sac flies. Thank you.
# 63 The Gamer @ 03/02/08 03:38 AM
right, I don't understand the point of changing the name if the announcers and P.A. don't say the correct name. I can understand Jon and Joe being divas and not wanting to put in the extra work (if that's what it is), but hell the p.a. guy should be forced to work overtime to get that stuff right.
# 64 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 03:42 AM
Originally Posted by The Gamer
Hate to be a pain, but Is Kosuke Fukudome's name available in the list of names when editing players? can you edit the name and see if the announcers still say the fake name? I know its a bit much, but I appreciate it.
Definitely not available in the list of names. As for editing the names, etc. for the announcing. I will have to check that out at another time. It's time for bed! Almost 3:00 AM! Ugh.
# 65 The Gamer @ 03/02/08 03:43 AM
cool. thanks for checking and answering.
# 66 Bucksin06 @ 03/02/08 03:43 AM
i added the avatar
# 67 michiganfanatic720 @ 03/02/08 03:44 AM
Originally Posted by The Gamer
right, I don't understand the point of changing the name if the announcers and P.A. don't say the correct name. I can understand Jon and Joe being divas and not wanting to put in the extra work (if that's what it is), but hell the p.a. guy should be forced to work overtime to get that stuff right.
Its also the fact that you could change someones name to something as simple as Joe Mauer (a name they can obviously say), and Jon and Joe would still call him by his made up name. Its really just stupid.
# 68 The Gamer @ 03/02/08 03:48 AM
I'd rather they just say the players number instead of the jacked up name.
# 69 soxnut1018 @ 03/02/08 03:53 AM
Just realized I did not have a mini avatar. So I will ask my question again. With the new swing stick how easy is it to hit a sac fly when you need to. Thanks
# 70 Brian_OS @ 03/02/08 04:11 AM
Sorry about the Cowboy comment, but hey I'm a Niner fan. I have not seen a decent football game in years and I have toi throw rocks at somebody

I do have a question. Can you see the spalsh down in the bay during HR bombs?(I know your a Gaints fan!) 2k has always let us down with homerun ball tracking.
# 71 Spectre @ 03/02/08 04:38 AM
Great impressions Steve, the game sounds like a blast to play.
# 72 phillyfan23 @ 03/02/08 04:45 AM
how are walks in the game? will u draw some....will u throw some ? can u weigh in on that??
# 73 davewins @ 03/02/08 08:25 AM
sounds good! Thanx for the write up! Do the players get up off the bench to see how far HR's are hit or do they get up also to see other hits like triples or doubles off the wall etc. Also is this live in game or is it a cutscene/replay. Thanx again!!
# 74 arod @ 03/02/08 08:42 AM
sick...i can't wait to try out this new pitching interface. Thanks for the impression..
# 75 Bat @ 03/02/08 08:53 AM
Sorry if this has been answered before. Are there practice swings and can we turn off the 7th inning highlight show with Jeanne Zelasko? I know I will get tired of that fast.. I hope we can turn it off. Thanks.
# 76 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 10:40 AM
Originally Posted by Bucksin06
-as far as baserunning goes, what feels better in you're opinion?
last year i had to jack baserunner speed up to 100 just so I could steal a base!!!!
-also, have you noticed a variety of cutscenes for different occasions?
Thanks for the impressions,
Last year, I had issues w/ the game not responding all the time when advancing baserunners, in the beta, I'm not having any issues at all.

As long as I got a decent lead and a good jump, I was fairly successful. But you need a speedster, obviously. But I didn't adjust any sliders or ratings.

I really haven't seen that many cutscenes.
# 77 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by Bucksin06
have you played at miller park?
if so, how does it look? because it sucked on 2k7
Haven't played there, but there is a screenshot of it, in the screenshots section of the game on the homepage. Or, simply click the link to the article and then click the screenshot image on the right.
# 78 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by The Gamer
... and can you take practice swings during an at bat to get the timing down. Thanks again.
No practice swings.
# 79 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 10:52 AM
Originally Posted by soxnut1018
Just realized I did not have a mini avatar. So I will ask my question again. With the new swing stick how easy is it to hit a sac fly when you need to. Thanks
As answered by baa7.

The answer according to Kushgamer (in a post a couple of weeks ago) is that sac flies, and your ability to hit them, are entirely dependent on the batter's ratings and the pitch location. It has nothing to do pushing the stick to signal your intention to hit a sac fly ala button hitting. You can use the R stick to direct the ball left or right, but not to hit a fly ball or ground ball.
# 80 Steve_OS @ 03/02/08 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Brian_OS
Sorry about the Cowboy comment, but hey I'm a Niner fan. I have not seen a decent football game in years and I have toi throw rocks at somebody

I do have a question. Can you see the spalsh down in the bay during HR bombs?(I know your a Gaints fan!) 2k has always let us down with homerun ball tracking.
Yeah, figured as much.

Nope, haven't seen a splash down yet, and I've had a few, so I'm guessing it's not in the game.

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