MLB 2K8 News Post

Vetzballin.com has posted their Major League Baseball 2K8 Game of The Week: Red Sox vs. Rockies, which includes some screenshots and a video clip showing a full 9 innings of play.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 221 jmik58 @ 02/28/08 11:42 AM
In some of the gameplay videos that folks have posted on vimeo, etc., I'm still concerned about the look of the ball coming in to the plate and it's detectabliity. And also, the issue with the bat sounds. Supposedly they are fixed, but the videos I've seen online all have the sam wet whip across a tree trunk sound. I also think 2K8 looks and feels just like 2K7 when you watch the gameplay videos. And maybe I'm ready for something that feels "new" beyond the gameplay. Maybe some new cameras or new commentary or new graphics on screen, etc.

With that said, I'm not at all detracted from the game. If anything, I'm torn because I think there are going to be two great games that each have their exceptionalities on the bright side and some negatives as well. How do you choose this year???
# 222 blkprince04 @ 02/28/08 11:44 AM
i'm liking the areal camera, much better than last years game camera angle........
# 223 brendanrfoley @ 02/28/08 12:06 PM
I've been downloading/watching the higher quality vids... and they take forever to download!

But one thing I've picked up is, not surprisingly, how much detail was lost inthe smaller videos. Under overcast skies, the color of the game seemed very flat in the smaller vids. But in the higher quality links, I was a able to see there's still a very soft, subtle self shadowing going on.
# 224 blackngoldfan @ 02/28/08 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by blkprince04
i'm liking the areal camera, much better than last years game camera angle........
I'm with ya on that one. Did MVP Baseball have a similar areal cam that wasn't as zoomed out?
# 225 blackngoldfan @ 02/28/08 02:27 PM
Originally Posted by brendanrfoley
I've been downloading/watching the higher quality vids... and they take forever to download!
You ain't lyin'. This reminds me of 56k downloads.
# 226 BKAraujo @ 02/28/08 02:38 PM
Well this is my first time getting into baseball games. I was a football nut and EA killed it for me I loved 2K football but thats a whole different discussion. Long story short I have switched over to playing baseball games. I dabbled with The Bigs on Wii but nothing else. Me being a 2Kfootball fan, I thought 2K's baseball game would be a good fit. I am only judging from The Show demo and these demo vids of 2K8 and I just think The Show looks better all around. That is just my OPINION.
# 227 stealyerface @ 02/28/08 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by BKAraujo
Well this is my first time getting into baseball games. I was a football nut and EA killed it for me I loved 2K football but thats a whole different discussion. Long story short I have switched over to playing baseball games. I dabbled with The Bigs on Wii but nothing else. Me being a 2Kfootball fan, I thought 2K's baseball game would be a good fit. I am only judging from The Show demo and these demo vids of 2K8 and I just think The Show looks better all around. That is just my OPINION.
Shhh.... You hear that? I think someone is tripping over your bridge.

# 228 Motown @ 02/28/08 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by stealyerface
Shhh.... You hear that? I think someone is tripping over your bridge.


Dude, can you lay off the troll proclaim BS man...it's gettin' old...really
# 229 stealyerface @ 02/28/08 03:12 PM
Fine. I suppose it might be getting old, but so does reading a pointless post, checking to see what other meaninful comments that poster may have come up with in the last...oh, let's say 20, and discovering that there has been nothing constructive, thought provoking, and/or interesting to the discussions that said poster has contributed to.

That being said, I will refrain from pointing out the pointless. Perhaps they would offer the same consideration.

# 230 Motown @ 02/28/08 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by stealyerface
Fine. I suppose it might be getting old, but so does reading a pointless post, checking to see what other meaningul comments that poster may have come up with in the last...oh, let's say 20, and discovering that there has been nothing constructive, thought provoking, and/or interesting to the discussions that said poster has contributed to.

That being said, I will refrain from pointing out the pointless. Perhaps they would offer the same consideration.

Hell, i just ignore 'em bro...both games are lookin' good & when they drop...they'll see it
# 231 myghty @ 02/28/08 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by blackngoldfan
You ain't lyin'. This reminds me of 56k downloads.
Yeah, I gave up on it & I shall wait for the Demo or Release...
# 232 Ltrain44 @ 02/28/08 04:09 PM
Once again.Didnt any of you who are bashing this see what flashed on the screen? "Early demo build". Why you making your opinions based on an early build? Hello, anyone home?
# 233 ehh @ 02/28/08 04:14 PM
Originally Posted by brendanrfoley
I've been downloading/watching the higher quality vids... and they take forever to download!
I'm def gonna DL one of them when I get home. I hadn't been back to vetz since he uploaded the higher quality version.
# 234 Blzer @ 02/28/08 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by Ltrain44
Once again.Didnt any of you who are bashing this see what flashed on the screen? "Early demo build". Why you making your opinions based on an early build? Hello, anyone home?
To be fair, since December, this is all we have had to base this game off of. Blame 2K for not getting retail version stuff out early enough... including the demo.
# 235 Ltrain44 @ 02/28/08 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Blzer
To be fair, since December, this is all we have had to base this game off of. Blame 2K for not getting retail version stuff out early enough... including the demo.
I know blzer. There have been people who have played the 80% or 90% build and have had great things to say. The person at OS got to play a little bit and seemed very positive about it. I am sure he was playing a later build.
# 236 bowlerguy92 @ 03/01/08 12:13 AM
Things I noticed:

1. Why does it look like every pitch floats in?

2. I noticed how it shows updates about how pitchers are warming up and when they are finished etc. Nice touch!

3. When tulowitzki hits his second homer of the game he is looking the wrong way. I thought they had fixed this?

Those are just some of the things I noticed, other than that the game looks phenominal. That was one hell of a lucky play to save themselves from a loss...........
# 237 Foo4Everlong @ 03/01/08 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by bowlerguy92
Things I noticed:

1. Why does it look like every pitch floats in?

2. I noticed how it shows updates about how pitchers are warming up and when they are finished etc. Nice touch!

3. When tulowitzki hits his second homer of the game he is looking the wrong way. I thought they had fixed this?

Those are just some of the things I noticed, other than that the game looks phenominal. That was one hell of a lucky play to save themselves from a loss...........

I think I can answer number one even though I don't own the game. I know with last year the pitch speed had to do a lot with how the sliders were set. For some reason, whatever that setting is albeit "pro" or "all-star" that's probably how fast the pitch comes in, but I would imagine that it's probably "pro" cuz it also seemed quite slow to me as well. I have to imagine that "all-star" and "legend" have to de tougher. Last year I used pitch speed at 100% which made it more life-like to me. So I guess it's just a matter of asking DJRuhe what setting he played at.

As for the two home-runs I think you meant Matt Holliday not Tulo, but yeah that was one thing I hated about last year was one a player would jack a homer to right field but they would look as if they hit it to left. So it looks as if this was not fixed for this year either.

There was another thing that Ben Brinkman said was fixed and so far I hear no evidence of it being fixed at all and that's the stadium announcer announcing A LOT of players names incorrectly. Like Kevin Youk-u-lis, as well as others that escape my mind for a minute. But in that long conference call that Brinkman did last weekend see that thatsomeone was suppose to go through and fix all these name errors, but it seems quite obvious from what I've heard that so far nothing has been touched. I thought that it was the funniest part of that conference call cuz one of the questioners said, "Are we gonna hear the stadium announcer say Kevin Youk-u-lis for the third or fourth year in a row?" Then that's whe Ben went on to say that they went through and fixed everything. If someone definitely recognizes that one of the names was fixed please let me know, cuz otherwise I haven't heard anything fixed yet.
# 238 roadman @ 03/01/08 11:13 AM
I didn't see that on the podcast last Friday from here. I looked that over a couple times now, unless my eyes are playing tricks on me.

# 239 CarryTheWeight @ 03/02/08 04:16 AM
I think, as much as the commentary from Joe and Jon seems disappointing, the analysis from Zelasko and Physioc in the seventh inning redeems it. You can tell which team spent more time in the studio (and it's even been proven that they recorded more lines than Miller and Morgan).

I have a feeling this will be the last year Miller and Morgan announce for a 2K Sports game, unless they go back into the studio next year and record a dramatic amount of new commentary. I swear, if I hear "Poppin' The Mitt" one more time...
# 240 davewins @ 03/02/08 04:34 PM
I'm just curious what level betterai was playing on in these vids?? The game looks ok but it looks like it plays great. Can't wait a couple more days!!

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