MLB 2K8 News Post

Matt Blumenthal had an opportunity to demo Major League Baseball 2K8 this afternoon. His official writeup of the event will be up later this week, but we wanted to get some quick thoughts up here for you guys.
  • This game looks beautiful, the player models have improved but the real leap is in the animations. The animations move silky smooth and there is no need to worry about herky jerky animations of the past anymore.
  • I'm impressed with how intuitive and fresh the analog controls are. The pitching takes a little time to get the hang of but the new mechanics add a whole new dimension to the pitching model.
  • The baseball cards feature is surprisingly cool, expect me to have more on that later on this week.
  • In-game saves are officially in the game this year.
  • Check swings don't seem to be a chore anymore. They are now accomplished by pulling back on the right analog stick - no more right trigger necessary.
  • Stadium-specific animations are in. The Yankee Roll Call was mentioned specifically.
  • There should be plenty of foul balls this year. I saw several in the few at-bats I played.
  • No spring training games this year.
  • I counted eight unlockable classic stadiums. I think more might be available by default as well.
  • No co-op play
  • You will have the option to make trades for CPU-controlled teams in franchise mode, but you won't be able to edit their rotations and lineups.
  • It was suggested to me that the demo is done and has been submitted. If that's the case, it's in Microsoft's hands now.
  • I will hit on a few of the big questions from the forum here.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 801 HK-47 @ 03/04/08 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by skeem
you CAN use your own music, I have done this, a warning though. I would not try it if you have a wireless adapter for your 360 and your music resides on your computer. The game becomes unplayable as it takes a while to load the music, i would recommend ripping the music to your hard drive.
Alright, thanks for confirming!!!I freakin' LOVED how 2K5 had custom soundtracks, and now it's back!!!

I already have a bunch of songs on my hard drive, no wireless adapter stuff here!
# 802 Speed1093 @ 03/04/08 03:41 PM
Can someone please tell me how you clear the cache on the 360? Thanks
# 803 Tomba @ 03/04/08 03:41 PM
Originally Posted by bluengold34
I am running downstairs to play a couple of innings...be right back with comparative impressions.
REALLY appreciate it man...
# 804 HK-47 @ 03/04/08 03:44 PM
Originally Posted by ehh
I was hoping they had fixed this. I don't want to see six calls an inning for an up-and-in change up.
You could take off "catcher suggestions" in 2k7, so I'm pretty sure you can take it off in 2k8.
# 805 ChicagoChris @ 03/04/08 03:46 PM
Quick impressions after a few innings:
  • Graphics defiantly not as sharp as last year..not bad but not as clean and bright
  • Not seeing the framerate problem. Some stuttering but it is overblown thus far
  • New pitching and fielding is WAY different and will frustrate some
  • Anyone download an update when first putting the game in? I did..
# 806 Glenn33 @ 03/04/08 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by thextreme1
Here is what I dont understand. Why are people so quick to defend the deficiencies in this game? We should be playing a smooth game on next gen systems. 3 3.2GHZ Cores, a powerful graphics chip and we cant get a game with 10 people max, on screen at once moving smooth? Especially since they are using baked lighting and low res textures. It isnt like there is a ton of animation happening within the stadiums themselves. I just dont understand how alot of people can be OK with framerate stutters with these powerful machines we are playing these games on.

Obviously 2KSports has no clue how to code for multi-core systems, because if they did, the game would look real, have realtime lighting and shadows and a smooth framerate to boot. Look at a game like Oblivion, which looks awesome in 720p, has 13 sq km of landmass, runs at 30fps, uses realtime lighting and has 4xAA.

Now, you tell me that a baseball game cant look just as good?

I, for one, am not OK with these stutters and demand more from my $60 games. Hell, 2K's games ran better when they were $20!

While the gameplay may be better, presentation is just as big a part in any sports game as the gameplay. 2K seems to be backsliding in the presentation department.
You sir....have a very good point.
# 807 JoshCA916 @ 03/04/08 03:47 PM
is there a way to make it so base runners arent automaticaly set to run home after they get a hit or am i missing something, every time i get a hit it has my runner dessignated to run home do i need to change a setting?
# 808 Dtownballa @ 03/04/08 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by JoshCA916
is there a way to make it so base runners arent automaticaly set to run home after they get a hit or am i missing something, every time i get a hit it has my runner dessignated to run home do i need to change a setting?

Your tapping A... lol

You use the face buttons to send runners to different bases.
# 809 mr_president @ 03/04/08 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by Trevytrev11
Can someone get into a little detail on the hitting system? What happens when you try to pull an outside pitch or go the other way with an inside pitch? Do you feel like you have any influence on whether or not you hit the ball on the ground or in the air? Are you able to lift low pitches and hit high pitches on the ground at times or will contact on a low pitch always result in hitting the ball on the ground?

Can you tell that you now have more "room" for contact being that they expanded the # of frames available for contact?

I know you're seeing more hit variety, can you go into a little detail? Choppers, line drives, any balls hit ove OF's heads? Any hits down the lines?

How are the check swings?

How is bunting (sacraficing and bunting for hits)?

the hitting system is definitely better than last years...a definite upgrade.
you can definitely feel it when you get on top of a ball or when you pull it or go the other way, i even grined a bit when i made contact and knew immidiately as soon as the ball left the bat that it was a grounder(chopper) because of how it felt during contact.(very nice)
you feel in complete control of where the ball is hit to.
i haven't tried to check swing or bunt so i can't answer that.

i am also not experiencing any framerate issues...not saying they don't exist, just that i have not had any....strange
sharp aquos running in 720p

so far right out of the box the game plays a very good game of baseball, and once i make a few adjustments this game will play a great game of baseball......welcome back 2k basball.
# 810 HK-47 @ 03/04/08 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by JoshCA916
is there a way to make it so base runners arent automaticaly set to run home after they get a hit or am i missing something, every time i get a hit it has my runner dessignated to run home do i need to change a setting?
Don't press A(360) or X(PS3).
# 811 ComaFaction @ 03/04/08 03:50 PM
are you tapping the a button as you run?

the face buttons equal the base you want to go to (there is no more turbo)
# 812 thornie @ 03/04/08 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by JoshCA916
is there a way to make it so base runners arent automaticaly set to run home after they get a hit or am i missing something, every time i get a hit it has my runner dessignated to run home do i need to change a setting?
If I'm not mistaken each face button corresponds to to a particular base. So if you get a hit and immediately tap 'A' the runner will read this as going home, since 'A' is the button that corresponds to home plate.
# 813 Direblaze @ 03/04/08 03:52 PM
Besides the framerate is the game fun. Meaning that it plays well
# 814 MizzouRah @ 03/04/08 03:52 PM
Impressions Part 2

Ok, switching to the aerial cam seems to have really helped the framerate for me. I also have the ticker off and ball trails off. (Thanks for finding this!!!)

You can change pichers and lineups for the CPU controlled teams, not sure if it was like that last year?

Just had a REALLY enjoyable game at home vs Cleveland. I LOVE PITCHING, best EVER in a game so far. I have maybe seen a few meatballs, but alot of mistake pitches have been high or outside...

The fields seem so much better on aerial view as well. You can REALLY tell who's running the basepaths as I hit one in the gap with Ankiel and he legged out a triple.. the ball was thrown offline and I slid in just under the tag.. VERY cool hit and run.

Base coaches have helmets (just for those who want to know)

Did I say I LOVE THE PITCHING in this game, feels very fluid once you get it down and you don't always put it where you want to.

Love the throwing meter now for pickoffs

Hit variety is worth the price of the game for me so far. Tons of hits all over the place and plenty of foul balls.

Hitting seems much better, but not as fluid as The Show. Again, MUCH better than last year.

Playing on Pro right now and the CPU throws mostly strikes... although I'm walking batters.

I'm slowly moving towards disappointed to happy. Really wish the game was buttery smooth though.
# 815 HK-47 @ 03/04/08 03:54 PM
Originally Posted by mr_president
the hitting system is definitely better than last years...a definite upgrade.
you can definitely feel it when you get on top of a ball or when you pull it or go the other way, i even grined a bit when i made contact and knew immidiately as soon as the ball left the bat that it was a grounder(chopper) because of how it felt during contact.(very nice)
you feel in complete control of where the ball is hit to.
i haven't tried to check swing or bunt so i can't answer that.

i am also not experiencing any framerate issues...not saying they don't exist, just that i have not had any....strange
sharp aquos running in 720p

so far right out of the box the game plays a very good game of baseball, and once i make a few adjustments this game will play a great game of baseball......welcome back 2k basball.

Sounds great!!!

I have the same kind of T.V as you, so I hope 2k8 will play smooth for me too!
# 816 ryanryanryan @ 03/04/08 03:55 PM
i got The Show, and i got 2k8 (on 360). The Show absolutely blows the 2k game out of the water. no comparison. the frame rate issues in 2k8 are brutal.
# 817 Glenn33 @ 03/04/08 03:56 PM
Guys! All this malarkey about framerate issues please don't forget what's really important....

Don't forget to order your free Jose Reyes bobblehead dolls! (while supplies last)
# 818 bluengold34_OS @ 03/04/08 03:56 PM
Ok, after playing both versions....as much as it pains me to say( lol ) I have to say that the 360 version to me, plays better. There is still some stuttering and slowdown, but not like I experienced on the PS3. I played the exact teams...Cubs vs Red Sox at Wrigley during the day....and while it did stutter some, not like the PS3 version

On the graphics side I couldnt tell a difference, they looked almost identical, including textures, colors and player models....

I am happy I bought the game, I hit a double in the gap off of JBeck and it felt so good, and there happened to be no stuttering or framedrop, and it looked awesome. You can tell, at least to me, that when the game runs smoothly, it is a beatiful game of baseball...not saying its perfect, but much better than last year..IMO
# 819 mikev8786 @ 03/04/08 03:57 PM
so is there like a homerun in almost every at bat or is it more realistic
# 820 MizzouRah @ 03/04/08 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by Scottd
How is the swing animation?
Seems much smoother this year to me so far.

It could be the swing stick is finally something I can use.

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