MLB 2K8 News Post

Matt Blumenthal had an opportunity to demo Major League Baseball 2K8 this afternoon. His official writeup of the event will be up later this week, but we wanted to get some quick thoughts up here for you guys.
  • This game looks beautiful, the player models have improved but the real leap is in the animations. The animations move silky smooth and there is no need to worry about herky jerky animations of the past anymore.
  • I'm impressed with how intuitive and fresh the analog controls are. The pitching takes a little time to get the hang of but the new mechanics add a whole new dimension to the pitching model.
  • The baseball cards feature is surprisingly cool, expect me to have more on that later on this week.
  • In-game saves are officially in the game this year.
  • Check swings don't seem to be a chore anymore. They are now accomplished by pulling back on the right analog stick - no more right trigger necessary.
  • Stadium-specific animations are in. The Yankee Roll Call was mentioned specifically.
  • There should be plenty of foul balls this year. I saw several in the few at-bats I played.
  • No spring training games this year.
  • I counted eight unlockable classic stadiums. I think more might be available by default as well.
  • No co-op play
  • You will have the option to make trades for CPU-controlled teams in franchise mode, but you won't be able to edit their rotations and lineups.
  • It was suggested to me that the demo is done and has been submitted. If that's the case, it's in Microsoft's hands now.
  • I will hit on a few of the big questions from the forum here.

Game: Major League Baseball 2K8Reader Score: 6/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS2 / PS3 / PSP / Wii / Xbox 360Votes for game: 74 - View All
Member Comments
# 781 hoosier @ 03/04/08 03:25 PM
This game is crap. 2k has really dropped the ball recently with their poor nba and college hoops games and now this. Time to get a ps3 so I can get a real baseball game.
# 782 HK-47 @ 03/04/08 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by skeem
You can add custom music for solo home runs, 2 run hrs, 3 run hrs, grand slams, end of inning, end of game to name a few, even bringing in a pitcher
Yes kiz5 told me this but, noone has actually put there own music in and tried it out.It could be where you can only use the songs from the games soundtrack.That would suck!!!!!
# 783 bluengold34_OS @ 03/04/08 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by thornie
So wait... Let me try and get everything straight here... The game stutters and flutters like crazy on the PS3 and is only minimal on the 360? People are writing things that completely contradict each-other and no one is stating what system they are playing on.
I played it on the PS3 and it was downright bad( FPS) the gameplay seemed like a lot of fun, and I absolutely fell in love with the aerial cam, but the stuttering almost ...almost made it unplayable. Maybe other guys with the PS3 version are not experiencing this, but I sure in the hell did.
I now have the 360 version, just haven't played it yet
# 784 A.M. Son @ 03/04/08 03:26 PM
***360 Version on a 720p native HDTV***
I've only played one game so far (Red Sox), and got hammered by the Mariners 34-1! They hit like 9 home runs- I just couldn't figure the pitching mechanic out until about the 6th inning or so... and even then I gave up a few mistake homeruns.
Overall my impressions are: (after one game mind you)

-framerate seems very similar to lst year- very "hiccuppy" on throws during fielding, and that stutter before camera changes is still there. I didn't however, notice any framerate issues during pitching or hitting.
-graphics seem to have taken a slight step back. I see very little use of anti-aliasing, and the lighting has regressed big time IMO.
-Fenway needs a graphical upgrade, especially the grass.
-that depth of field blur has either got to go or be toned down- it makes the game feel cartoony or something...
-new pitching is very tough to "wrap your head around", and will take lots of time to get right
-the fielding throwing mechanic is sweet- feels just right.
-be careful tapping "a" for baserunner speed, as it will either make him begin to round 1st or send him all the way home hahaha.
-saw a collision b/w Varitek and Beckett after Tek fielded a bunt out in front of the plate- heard Miller say "oh and there's a collision".
-animations look improved overall, it feels "like baseball".
-throws feel more "weighted" and lifelike.
-saw PLENTY of foul balls- on all sorts of pitches and swings.
-hitting mechanic is nice, but I had trouble getting the timing down.
-bat sounds seem slightly improved. I heard new sounds but seemed to be relegated to foul balls only. That swat-crack sound is still there and still prominent I believe.
-haven't tried custom music, but it seems to be legit.
-the crowd noise isn't great, but they aren't dead either.
-there's some new "special moment" overlays such as "winning probability" (Majestic) and "performer of the game" (Chevy) which was cool to see.
-commentary is basically the same. I guess I just don't like these guys, they just don't get me excited or informed (ie. Morgan said, "there's a runner on 2nd with 1 out, a strike out won't help you here..." like a freakin' strikeout is ever a good thing lol).

I think this game will grown on me... I am envious of "that other game" but will have to dig in with 2K8 to see how it pans out...
Hope this helps you guys out there...
# 785 Metsui @ 03/04/08 03:27 PM
The Bigs? Did I miss something? I downloaded that demo last week and the graphics were awful. Was the retail version a lot better or something?
# 786 DocHolliday @ 03/04/08 03:27 PM
Just an FYI.

Some eyes are more sensitive to frame rate issues than others. So, basically, your eyes refresh at different rates than other people's eyes.

Last year i had no idea people thought there was a slowdown, so it think ill be allright cause my eyes are crappy and are reminicent of a VooDoo 2 video card.

# 787 skeem @ 03/04/08 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by HK-47
Yes kiz5 told me this but, noone has actually put there own music in and tried it out.It could be where you can only use the songs from the games soundtrack.That would suck!!!!!
you CAN use your own music, I have done this, a warning though. I would not try it if you have a wireless adapter for your 360 and your music resides on your computer. The game becomes unplayable as it takes a while to load the music, i would recommend ripping the music to your hard drive.
# 788 SeaNNyT @ 03/04/08 03:27 PM
This framerate is ridiculous, and I seriously can't look at these graphics. I seriously am taking it back, claiming it doesn't work.

I am not getting robbed of $60 on this choice.
# 789 bluengold34_OS @ 03/04/08 03:27 PM
Originally Posted by speels
Hi Blue,

I did not want to read this whole thread and from your other thread I know that you are a pure gamer and love baseball. So my question to you is this:

In YOUR opinion, so no one thinks you are a fanboy , which game do you think is better.
I don't need reasons why or why not the game is good, but in your opinion as a baseball fan and a gamer, which game are you going to spend more time with?

Also, PS3 is sooooo far behind with 2K sports, that it is ridiculous.
Great question, right now I think I am going to spend more time with the Show, but...and I stress but, I am going to give the 360 version of 2k8 a real run, because it did seem like a lot of fun, but i have only played 2 games
# 790 Blaise @ 03/04/08 03:29 PM
I've only played 1 game so far(360, clear cache before I fired it up).

I've noticed some little hitches, but mostly in transitions from graphic to graphic.

The new pitching system is neat, alittle difficult at first because the explanation, imho, is not very good. That said, I defintely feel like I have more control over my pitches.

I don't like the Swing Stick 2.0, also because the explanation is bad, but I'll get use to it.

It seems like its ok so far, but only time will tell.

BTW, playing on default settings.
# 791 Glenn33 @ 03/04/08 03:31 PM
*updated Impressions*

- I'm loving the pitching mechanics - LOVING it. I get it now. HOWEVER, the catcher AI calls a terrible game. Not so much the pitches - but the locations. Be prepared to call your own game.
- I'm just as much a graphic whore as the next guy. Really I am I am ashamed to admit. But those basjhing this game graphically I just don't get. It was - and still is - a good looking game.
- My PS3 has frozen a couple of times on me since popping this in (once when I tried to get ONLINE) - should I be worried
- Camden Yards looks really really good in this game.
# 792 ehh @ 03/04/08 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Glenn33
*updated Impressions*

- I'm loving the pitching mechanics - LOVING it. I get it now. HOWEVER, the catcher AI calls a terrible game. Not so much the pitches - but the locations. Be prepared to call your own game.
- I'm just as much a graphic whore as the next guy. Really I am I am ashamed to admit. But those basjhing this game graphically I just don't get. It was - and still is - a good looking game.
- My PS3 has frozen a couple of times on me since popping this in (once when I tried to get ONLINE) - should I be worried
- Camden Yards looks really really good in this game.
I was hoping they had fixed this. I don't want to see six calls an inning for an up-and-in change up.
# 793 Tomba @ 03/04/08 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by SeaNNyT
This framerate is ridiculous, and I seriously can't look at these graphics. I seriously am taking it back, claiming it doesn't work.

I am not getting robbed of $60 on this choice.
ohh man thats the thin no ones gonna be able to rent it where i am so it's either buy it or pass on it...
# 794 Tomba @ 03/04/08 03:35 PM
Originally Posted by bluengold34
Great question, right now I think I am going to spend more time with the Show, but...and I stress but, I am going to give the 360 version of 2k8 a real run, because it did seem like a lot of fun, but i have only played 2 games
Please tell us how 720p is for the 360 compared to 720p for the ps3...
# 795 UNC_Pete @ 03/04/08 03:36 PM
One neat thing I noticed was the pitcher was on the mound and it was windy and his jersey was going nuts like it should be. The little things seem to be in as I hit in a pitcher and he was wearing a warm up jacket. Also, since it was cold you could see the pitchers breath.

The choppiness isn't going to go away for people who are seeing it unless they make a patch. Some people can tolerate it more than others. It's a matter of priorities and opinion.
# 796 ComaFaction @ 03/04/08 03:36 PM
Despite my strong dissapointment in the frame-rate, I should qualify: I will be playing this game a LOT and am very excited to explore all the features in the game.

It's just frustrating, because a solid FR would make this game golden.
# 797 Glenn33 @ 03/04/08 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by hoosier
This game is crap. 2k has really dropped the ball recently with their poor nba and college hoops games and now this. Time to get a ps3 so I can get a real baseball game.
I know I should ignore....but I just can't. Poor NBA & College game? As opposed to what/who? Puuulease. be constructive or be gone.

I'm sorry y'all. Just had to let it out.
# 798 A.M. Son @ 03/04/08 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by ehh
I was hoping they had fixed this. I don't want to see six calls an inning for an up-and-in change up.
Yeah when I pitched against Ichiro (with inside edge, mind you), Tek called for pitches in his "red area" almost 100% of the time.... so I had to shake him off.
# 799 thextreme1 @ 03/04/08 03:37 PM
Here is what I dont understand. Why are people so quick to defend the deficiencies in this game? We should be playing a smooth game on next gen systems. 3 3.2GHZ Cores, a powerful graphics chip and we cant get a game with 10 people max, on screen at once moving smooth? Especially since they are using baked lighting and low res textures. It isnt like there is a ton of animation happening within the stadiums themselves. I just dont understand how alot of people can be OK with framerate stutters with these powerful machines we are playing these games on.

Obviously 2KSports has no clue how to code for multi-core systems, because if they did, the game would look real, have realtime lighting and shadows and a smooth framerate to boot. Look at a game like Oblivion, which looks awesome in 720p, has 13 sq km of landmass, runs at 30fps, uses realtime lighting and has 4xAA.

Now, you tell me that a baseball game cant look just as good?

I, for one, am not OK with these stutters and demand more from my $60 games. Hell, 2K's games ran better when they were $20!

While the gameplay may be better, presentation is just as big a part in any sports game as the gameplay. 2K seems to be backsliding in the presentation department.
# 800 bluengold34_OS @ 03/04/08 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by Tomba321
Please tell us how 720p is for the 360 compared to 720p for the ps3...
I am running downstairs to play a couple of innings...be right back with comparative impressions.

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