
Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

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Old 06-12-2012, 12:06 PM   #321
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by themassacre771.1
We can't edit numbers or equipment either though. That hurts immersion. I could live with no ncaa draft classes. They were terrible usually anyway. I can live without being able to edit ratings, I'll give this xp thing a chance. But no number or equipment editing is just flat out ridiculous.
yes, i agree on the equipment front, not sure how that would impact the CCM engine.
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Old 06-12-2012, 12:08 PM   #322
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by jpollard25
Draft Class, Fantasy Draft, Editing...those constitute a huge part of what makes Franchise fun...I think it's pretty even when you put all those elements on the scale vs. the new features...

I agree that the many new features are amazing in their own right, but it's so deflating to see so many of the core elements that make a lasting franchise, disappear right before our eyes.

I will buy the game so I can play online with the 5 or 6 guys I play with every year (which I agree...online is vastly improved)...but I will stick to M12 for my own personal franchise...because it's just that...personal...I can't replicate that experience in M13.

I appreciate all the info and explanation of what happens at CD...Being new to this side of things...it's pretty helpful in understanding exactly what happens at those events.
nice post man.. i agree and hope that these things are on the top of the list to add back into CCM. I have a gut feeling though, you will not be playing much of 12 after you play 13...
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Old 06-12-2012, 12:09 PM   #323
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by RynoAid
Then play it like a Franchise.. you can do that. You don't ever have to see the superstar portion of a CCM if you don't want to. And the version of franchise that you get in CCM will be far deeper than anything you've played before in Madden. If you like immersion.. offline or online.. then this is definitely the game for you.

Do you have to get over a few setbacks like editing a roster and no draft class.. yes, it appears that won't be available. Disappointing, frustrating... yes.. as expressed by us and everyone else. But after a few seasons, it's full on immersion into a world that you and your friends built... players will take on their own persona's, fake rookies will rise to prominence and take on mythical type proportions in your leagues... (at least in my experience).

The way i play the game, i get so deep and far into Franchises that im willing to sacrifice the first few seasons of rookies for the full immersion experience... especially in an online setting.
My problem are these:

1. You know as well as I do given the history of this game that this mode will be wonky. I don't know what will be screwed up but I know something will be. Whether it's all 6'8" wide receivers, or punters being drafted #1 overall, or crazy shoulderpads, or something else, THERE WILL BE A PROBLEM.

2. We will have no control to fix it.

3. I can play it like a franchise as you suggest, but that just means I'm playing a franchise mode with LESS control than I had last year, and with no draft classes. How is that an improvement? Because Brett Favre or TO might pop up and come out of retirement? That doesn't do it for me.

4. I don't play franchise mode online or anything else so "full on immersion into a world that you and your friends built" doesn't apply to me.

I don't have online gaming "friends" or facebook "friends", I only have actual human beings that I like and interact with that are my friends. Strange in these times I know but if I want to do something with friends I call em up and we go do something. I don't click on their webpage or play in online leagues with them.

This game has too many flaws that are fixable to spin their wheels creating new modes that have fewer options while not addressing the problems. Scrap CC and twitter and fix the draft class imports and add a highlight show.

My personal opinion and nothing more.
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Old 06-12-2012, 12:10 PM   #324
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I feel like if they would release a statement saying they would allow editing numbers... Just numbers mind you, this thread would not be still blowing up.
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Old 06-12-2012, 12:11 PM   #325
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by aholbert32
So you are saying that when you asked and they confirmed that none of those things were in the game, some GC's expressed that those were important and needed to be in the game? I guess I'm just shocked that people like Looman seemed to be so surprised about the backlash last week if they knew it was an issue.
We didn't know roster editing wouldn't be available. As for some of the other omissions, yes and we expressed our disappointment as well as the fact that a portion of the community would be upset. That's all we can do really. Some things we insisted had to be in the game made it, some didn't.
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Old 06-12-2012, 12:11 PM   #326
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by rgiles36
Well you're saying two different things:

When you say that you don't trust GC'ers or event attendees' impressions, to me that suggests that you think we could/would mislead you. Maybe that's my off-base interpretation.

But then you mention that it's hard to remember key details when sampling new features and taking in presenations, which is more along the lines of how I feel about it.

I mean honestly, who would've thought that we'd have a thread going about the omission of 'edit player'? You don't think to ask a question like that @ CD b/c you'd like to think most of the things you enjoyed from the previous game will be carried over. As we can see, that's not always the case.

My focus is offline franchise as well. So is RedzoneD25's. But to reiterate, CCM wasn't ready to go in February. We basically saw the presentation that was seen in the webcast last week.

I can assure you that if it was an open environment to test CCM in Feb, I would've learned of the inability to edit players b/c I often check to see if any sig passing animations have been added. It simply wasn't available considering that we got such an early look at the game.

Additionally, our reaction to CCM was much like everyone elses. Initial Ooohs & Ahhhs. Then more oooh's and ahhh's. Then, you peel back the layers and do see some shortcomings. But there should be enough oooh's and ahhh's to see the forest through the trees and enjoy M13 to a major degree. At least that's how I feel...the community will get over it and move forward. It's still a helluva mode.

You are exactly right. I believe that GCs and Community Day attendees impressions could mislead me. Thats why I dont trust them. I'm not saying that GCs would do that on purpose but I believe its hard to remain focused when 1) EA is inviting you to see something well before the public 2) Community Day presentations are geared to show you improvements and steer you away from potential issues and 3) EA encourages GCs to be positive about the game in public. I know its tough because I've been to MS, EA and 2k community days before.

I know about February but what about May? In May the GCs got an offline look at CCM. I just find it hard to believe that after seeing such a significant change to franchise that questions about how those changes would affect features offline franchise players love would not be asked. If they were asked why EA would openly ignore the GC's statements that these are needed features?
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Old 06-12-2012, 12:13 PM   #327
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by RynoAid
nice post man.. i agree and hope that these things are on the top of the list to add back into CCM. I have a gut feeling though, you will not be playing much of 12 after you play 13...
That could very well be true..maybe it's the fear of the unknown?

Maybe it's just getting old and hating to change?

I will say...I have never "hated" any version of Madden...I always end up having a good time.
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Old 06-12-2012, 12:18 PM   #328
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Re: Madden NFL 13 Roster Editing Issue Rears Its Ugly Head

Originally Posted by Yeats
Heh, a few dozen OS posters does not a consumer base make.
Odds are alot of that consumer base isn't aware of this problem yet. It's only going to get nastier as release date gets closer if it's not corrected.
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