
Four Keys to Success for MLB '11: The Show

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Old 11-13-2010, 10:56 PM   #257
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Re: Four Keys to Success for MLB '11: The Show

Originally Posted by Knight165
I guess I misread you on the name aspect. Sorry.
As for the stockpiling....I think it's because the devs wanted teams to take into account the possibilities of moving a player to a new position.
I agree it does happen too often and at times makes little sense.
I know that's what they wanted with the CP----->RP(which I wouldn't mind in Wag's case as long as they put him in the setup spot and didn't blow 15 million for him for the year at 43).
...and I truly don't think that the logic is limited by the programming capabilities...but actually in the amount of variables the team has in place right now. I do think and hope that they would add such things as a "star system"(that a certain player would mean more to his current team rather than another club)....and things of that nature.
I'm all for adding any new and good dimensions to the game as the more complex it gets...the more I enjoy playing vs. the CPU GM's.
Sounds like you(and others) feel the same.


I agree that a star system would alleviate many problems with the logic as well as make trading for that "star" player much more difficult. I am hoping that no trade clauses and 10/5 rights will be added as well. This would help alleviate players from being traded as well.

Only caveat I have is that NTC and 10/5 have to have some wiggle room, like real life. An example is a player in last year of deal and playing for a bad team "may" accept a trade to a contender, like Berkman did this year IRL.
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Old 11-15-2010, 07:11 AM   #258
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Re: Four Keys to Success for MLB '11: The Show

Haven't played '10 but am currently playing the 09 version.

Some things i would like to see :

- better player models, most look too much like body builders
- more pitching/hitting cams. I really like the 2k10 ones.
- tighter fielding. Mvp has been mentioned many times and i agree. That game has very tight fielding. Combine that with the animations from the show and you have a winner. I would love to have the some freedom of control with the right stick for diving at groundballs or linedrives as in Mvp.

In general i'm having a very very hard time with hitting in this game. I'm 41 and have 2 kids, so i don't have the time to play this game all the time.
As a casual player i'm really getting dominated by the cpu pitchers.

About pitching : even when timing the pitch perfectly i will still miss. Its realistic i admit, but sometimes i miss the strikezone 3 times in a row.
I'm a bit biased as i really love the 2k pitching system.
I also like the hitters eye system that they have in 2k10.
That being said 2k does most other things wrong.

Really hoping for some tighter fielding control for next year and i might just buy it again....if i can find a copy here (i'm in the netherlands).
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Old 11-15-2010, 01:46 PM   #259
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Re: I only need 3 corrections, then I'm hooked

Originally Posted by Knight165
Ways I think the trade logic can be improved?
-Star system...a player with 9 or 10 stars(editable in the editor) would be nearly impossible to pry from a team in contention...and would ask for the moon and stars if they are rebuilding.(this would be a Jeter, Rivera, MAUER) type player
-Tighten up the trade period...I agree...I think the big trades start too early...and there should be a flurry and a lot of talk at the deadline
-Have current performance(stats) play a bigger role in trades(and FA)
-Have a GM "smartphone" in place...where you would receive messages when a team is shopping a player...perhaps with a list of players the CPU GM is interested in from your team. This would serve multiple purposes....cause the CPU GM of the third team the CPU is looking at for trade to perhaps try and up it's offers and it's less "in your face" when a big trade comes down......you kind of know it's coming down the pike.

I'm sure there are plenty of others...and again...I'm not defending the CPU all the way...but when guys start involving names with the current system, it just doesn't make sense to me.

With the stockpiling...yes...I see it...but I believe it might have something to do with secondary positions and the CPU wanting to try and convert one player to somewhere else...but then never does!
I know they added this with CP and wanting the CPU to use one or more as a RP.

I love your ideas, especially the GM smart phone thing. I guess I would never have thought of that since I don't own one haha. This is exactly what I was hoping to see. I know the trade logic is not perfect, but it is the best I have ever seen so far (after the first patch anyway). There are certainly areas that can be improved upon, but I really hate hearing "improve trade logic" without any ideas to improve it.

I bolded one suggestion because it is already there. When a player is hot or cold, it affects their trade value. I believe there are some areas that are temporarily increased, thus leading to a higher overall (or lower) than their base rate. You can see this throughout the season when your players get hot or cold, they rise or fall on the overall list accordingly. I made a trade in my franchise that was initially rejected when my player was cold and then accepted when I got him back to normal by pitching 5-6 innings only per game to get out of the slump. But it doesn't carry over to FA unfortunately.

On NTC, they could add in that the player will accept the trade to a playoff eligible team. That variable is already there so no need to reinvent anything.
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Old 11-17-2010, 03:47 PM   #260
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Re: Four Keys to Success for MLB '11: The Show

Not necessarily a 4 key to success, but more downloadable classic stadiums, i.e. Tiger Stadium, and the ability to create and customize a league including Divisions, and number of teams.

You are so close to offering the perfect baseball game, but editing leagues would be something to put you on top as the GOAT.
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Old 11-17-2010, 04:28 PM   #261
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Re: Four Keys to Success for MLB '11: The Show

I'm not sure how active the Development Team is in this forum these days, but I figured I'd add these things to the discussion.

1. Improved CPU stolen base intelligence.

A. Too many baserunners are caught. Even with Jorge Posada, who is one of the worst in this category, I'm catching guys at a 35 percent clip with him. This is very high.

B. The CPU currently steals way too often in hitters counts. This could very well explain reason A. This goes for elite base stealers as well.

2. Outfield errors. I've only seen one, in nearly 150 games played.

Both of these are essential in accurate runs scored per game averages.
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Old 11-19-2010, 02:20 PM   #262
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Re: Four Keys to Success for MLB '11: The Show

Interesting what you are seeing in regards to stolen bases. I was thinking that they did a pretty good job of improving this since last year. Not only do I see runners that are not the top 10 fastest players attempting to steal, but I also see more hit and runs than I have ever seen in a video game (which might explain the hitter's count running you mentioned). I think they need to fine tune the decision on whether a successful steal is made rather than some in-game dice rolling algorithm that either makes a fast runner slow down or a weak catcher's arm magically turn into a rifle to make the perfect throw. Otherwise I think the steals are pretty good.

Couldn't agree more on outfield errors. I wish there were some way for the CPU to determine that I, the player, made an error and charge me with it. I have misplayed dozens of balls in the outfield (like getting behind the ball to throw out the runner only to have the ball bounce in front, or thinking I am right under the ball as it goes over my head) in this year's game and never get charge an error for it. I guess it would be pretty impossible for a CPU to know that, so perhaps some kind of error override system where the user can make the call.
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Old 11-19-2010, 05:19 PM   #263
Heroesandvillains's Arena
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Re: Four Keys to Success for MLB '11: The Show

Originally Posted by cardsleadtheway
Interesting what you are seeing in regards to stolen bases. I was thinking that they did a pretty good job of improving this since last year. Not only do I see runners that are not the top 10 fastest players attempting to steal, but I also see more hit and runs than I have ever seen in a video game (which might explain the hitter's count running you mentioned). I think they need to fine tune the decision on whether a successful steal is made rather than some in-game dice rolling algorithm that either makes a fast runner slow down or a weak catcher's arm magically turn into a rifle to make the perfect throw. Otherwise I think the steals are pretty good.

Couldn't agree more on outfield errors. I wish there were some way for the CPU to determine that I, the player, made an error and charge me with it. I have misplayed dozens of balls in the outfield (like getting behind the ball to throw out the runner only to have the ball bounce in front, or thinking I am right under the ball as it goes over my head) in this year's game and never get charge an error for it. I guess it would be pretty impossible for a CPU to know that, so perhaps some kind of error override system where the user can make the call.
Ah!!! Some official score keeper option!

I love it. I would use the heck out of that.

I agree that hit and runs are plentiful, just to add to what you posted. The AI baserunning agressivness is good. I'm with you on that. I just get sick of throwing to tier guys out on 1-0/2-0 counts to kill CPU rallies. I find myself talking to the television, pleading with Ichiro to chill out a moment. I throw plenty of balls...I just wish they'd capitalize on that a bit more and wait for an offspead pitch situation to run on.

Oh, and to add to my previous post:

How about Defensive Indifference?

You know, program a 9th inning scoring mechanic, where if the team that is stealing is behind 5 or more runs, the second baseman/shortstop won't cover the bag and the game doesn't register a SB or a SB attempt.

I don't know. Maybe if it were that easy, SCEA would have already included it...
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Old 11-19-2010, 05:44 PM   #264
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Re: Four Keys to Success for MLB '11: The Show

I have always hated the defensive indifference rule. I don't think a base runner should be penalized just because teams decide not to care about the runner. How is it the runners fault that the other team doesn't care if he is doing his job to get into scoring position. I do see teams pull the first baseman off the bag rather than hold the runner on in lop sided games.

I find it amazing how so many people see such a variety of game play. For instance, I have only had Ichiro run on me once that I can remember, and I play against him as much as any team can. Figgins on the other hand runs every time he is on base and is quite successful doing so, even stealing third (still the only person I have steal third on this game). I also have never seen someone go on a 2-0 pitch before. Plenty of 1-0 pitches, which does make sense if you assume the pitcher wants to get one over the plate. I also rarely see guys go on 3-2, despite the announcers always saying that they may want to send the runner. I wonder if we have different base running sliders set up, which might explain why we see such a variety.
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