
Four Keys to Success for MLB '11: The Show

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Old 11-04-2010, 03:05 PM   #225
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Re: Four Keys to Success for MLB '11: The Show

Originally Posted by pberardi
Just do something about the confidence meter please. Especially with relief pitchers at higher levels. Too many relievers come in with super human late slider movement and get strikeouts with relative ease. After one strikeout, the reliever's confidence is maxed out and the no hit robo pitcher is well on his way. Very arcade if you ask me.

If anything, relief pitchers blow a tremendous amount of games with leads in real life. Also, since when do relievers have 5 pitches they can throw for strikes! Make it real. They have 3 pitches and can throw 2 for strikes.

There are far too many swing and misses on sliders and changeups. The timing definitely needs to be tweaked so that foul tips are better represented. Sliders don't prevail on this. Professional hitters can foul off tons of pitches to get one they can make decent contact. This should not add to hits but more groundouts and popups.

Also, I will lower a cpu's fastball from 95 to 92 because that's what he throws in real life and he'll still throw 95 in the game! Make the attributes show up in the game! Too many pitchers with high walk meters show incredible control. This again is driven by the confidence meter.

95% of the game plays perfect. This year's game has some real arcade like gameplay. I can pretty much tell if I'm going to win or lose by the 2nd inning. The game should have more surprises and exciting finishes which I don't see this year.

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You're wrong about it being " arcade like " and knowin' you'll win or lose by the 2nd inning, but that's one person's warped view of the game, so whatever.

Some of your pitching gripes can be fixed with a couple adjustments in the sliders menu. My last game - I was up 2 to nothin' in the 7th. Pettitte was tired, so I put it in a very confident and energetic Joba Chamberlain. He blew the lead and gave up 3 runs.

As far as the adjusting a pitcher's fastball rating, i don't know about that cause I don't feel a need to adjust anything like that.

As far as walks and swings and misses on sliders and such - again, slider adjustments can tailor this to the user's liking.
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Old 11-04-2010, 05:25 PM   #226
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Re: Four Keys to Success for MLB '11: The Show


By any chance do you play in HD?

I just upgraded, and before HustlinOwl sent me some TV tweaks to help with lag, I swear; for about three days, I thought I was you!!!

Hang in there buddy. Increase fouls and you'll be fine. CPU strike frequency to 3 fixed my CPU reliever issues, BTW. I think we were in the same boat there for awhile.
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Old 11-06-2010, 08:41 PM   #227
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What really hurts my eyes is the swinging motion after getting a hit. Nothing seems natural about this movement - everytime I see it I cringe at how awkward the batter twists and turns. The only fluid hit is a 400 ft. home run that was made by a power player that he pulled. Opposite-field home runs are weird to see also. For example, whenever I see Ryan Howard, on ESPN for example, hit a ball the opposite way, it seems so fluid. In MLB the Show it seems like the batter had a tough time with the pitch.
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Old 11-08-2010, 11:07 PM   #228
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Re: Four Keys to Success for MLB '11: The Show

Originally Posted by MarinersVsDodgers
What really hurts my eyes is the swinging motion after getting a hit. Nothing seems natural about this movement - everytime I see it I cringe at how awkward the batter twists and turns. The only fluid hit is a 400 ft. home run that was made by a power player that he pulled. Opposite-field home runs are weird to see also. For example, whenever I see Ryan Howard, on ESPN for example, hit a ball the opposite way, it seems so fluid. In MLB the Show it seems like the batter had a tough time with the pitch.
Come on now.. you know what I wanna say right now.

ESPN ( actual physics of the world ) compared with The Show ( a video game ) ?
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Old 11-10-2010, 01:41 PM   #229
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Re: Four Keys to Success for MLB '11: The Show

Haha. I had a revelation the other day when I was wondering why so many of the physics in the game were out of whack. I then realized that there are no physics in the game. There is no 94 mph ball coming my way, and there is no piece of lumber making contact with the no existing ball. There are pixels that get larger based upon a perceived speed that another set of pixels will "make contact" with. You are not going to get perfect physics when there are no physics to begin with. After realizing this, I have been able to play my games in absolute bliss without worrying about why a ball did a certain thing.
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Old 11-10-2010, 05:44 PM   #230
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Re: Four Keys to Success for MLB '11: The Show

Originally Posted by cardsleadtheway
Haha. I had a revelation the other day when I was wondering why so many of the physics in the game were out of whack. I then realized that there are no physics in the game. There is no 94 mph ball coming my way, and there is no piece of lumber making contact with the no existing ball. There are pixels that get larger based upon a perceived speed that another set of pixels will "make contact" with. You are not going to get perfect physics when there are no physics to begin with. After realizing this, I have been able to play my games in absolute bliss without worrying about why a ball did a certain thing.
That is a good way of looking at it. By bringing things into perspective.

I do thing they do a great job at it, and it is something they will be improving every generation, also something that takes YEARS to refine, since there is so many variables, objects to collide with and tangibles.
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Old 11-11-2010, 01:06 PM   #231
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I only need 3 corrections, then I'm hooked

I've always been an Xbox guy and almost pulled the plug on a PS3 last year, but couldn't. Now I'm leaning in that direction and after selling a bunch of components and borrowing a unit and this year's game, I can see what all the hub-bub (bub) is about. But I need 3 corrections for "11" (start the Spinal Tap jokes now!)....

1. Fielding cams.... need the option for something more subtle. Some type of view that pans back and give you more of what's happening on the field at the same time. Cams following the ball around might be good for some golf shots, but not in a baseball game.

2. Better motion/momentum .... movement going to a ball in play or coming off the bag after a catch is way too abrupt, last gen-like in a way. People don't move like that. That includes makes directional changes/cuts.

3. Throwing motions .... I know I had this question answered about pre-determining where you're going to throw, but that's not always realistic. I should have the option to do that or to stop, set and throw, without it looking like a hornet just crawled into my cup! The off-balance, wrong-footed throw should be programmed into certain types of situations and angles, not when I purposely stop and push the button to throw to a base.

*additional minor* I'm not overly concerned about cut scenes, but the constant helmet taps, whether rounding the bag during a HR or when going back to the dugout after striking out should be minimized.

----now I have to learn how to not strike out so much!
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Old 11-11-2010, 01:28 PM   #232
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some more in depth presantation ideas

pm'd this to Kolbe but thought you all might want to see what i was thinking and even add to some of it or whatever...

1. opening day in your home park have all the pre game stuff going on. as in if any of your players on your roster won awards have them handed out.

2. have the starting lineups and entire rosters done how they would in real life. have all the coaches, manager, players announced and walked out to the base lines how they are in real life. (this can also be used in the post season as well)

3. world series celebration depth - after the on field celebration go into the club house and show the players with the champane and the trophy being given out and the mvp one as well. (again this could be applied to each level of the playoffs as well)

4. a pre-season show episode that has analysts that predict who will win each division and wild card slots. then do a mid season version that they can follow up on their predictions.

5. among the awards (post season) you have missed one big one, manager of the year.

6. oh how could i forget this, the singing of the national anthem before the first game of the season, your first home game, all star game, home run derby, each post season game by different pho person or persons. oh and don't forget the American flag in the outfield along with the color guard standing out there.

7. first pitch being thrown out by some pho celebrity person or ex team player.
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