
MLB 12 The Show Preview - Pulse Pitching, Zone Analog Batting, Collision Awareness

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Old 12-14-2011, 08:59 PM   #137
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Preview - Pulse Pitching, Zone Analog Batting, Collision Awarenes

Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Very obvious, but we don't and until we can design a compelling way to do it we won't. It's never at the top of the list to begin with so the chances are slim year to year. That is until someone comes up with a compelling design that makes sense...
Rain delays would be tough, too many factors involved. How long of a delay? Does the game get pushed back? Do they call the game after "x" amount of innings?

Rain outs on the other hand, they would factor into a season nicely, and would force a manager to shuffle things around to compensate.

Where's the wishlist thread?
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Old 12-14-2011, 09:05 PM   #138
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Preview - Pulse Pitching, Zone Analog Batting, Collision Awarenes

Originally Posted by tnixen
I think by "working weather" he means can a game start out sunny and then start raining in the 4th inning. Or maybe a game starts out in the rain and then the sun comes out later in the game. A better word for it would be "dynamic weather"

Or I could be wrong too
Yep this is exactly what I was saying. Thanks for translating my post.
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Old 12-14-2011, 09:06 PM   #139
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Preview - Pulse Pitching, Zone Analog Batting, Collision Awarenes

Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Very obvious, but we don't and until we can design a compelling way to do it we won't. It's never at the top of the list to begin with so the chances are slim year to year. That is until someone comes up with a compelling design that makes sense.

On the realistic note the game will never be "realistic" if it was everyone would suck at the game. There is a fine line between what people think they want in "realism" standards and the contrast between fun.
Rain delays, games being called and double headers have been done before just not by you guys.
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Old 12-14-2011, 09:10 PM   #140
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Preview - Pulse Pitching, Zone Analog Batting, Collision Awarenes

Originally Posted by spit_bubble
Rain delays would be tough, too many factors involved. How long of a delay? Does the game get pushed back? Do they call the game after "x" amount of innings?

Rain outs on the other hand, they would factor into a season nicely, and would force a manager to shuffle things around to compensate.

Where's the wishlist thread?
From the human perspective, sure it would be nice. But keep in mind that for that to work, the game's scheduling logic (currently only used to generate a set-in-stone schedule at the beginning of each year) would have be able to handle re-scheduling of games, whether and when to have double-headers, whether the game even needs to be played if it's late in the season (I know some meaningless games late in the season just get straight-up cancelled occasionally, because MLB simply doesn't have a place in the schedule to move them to). Even the real MLB struggles with this stuff at times, and trying to program all of this extra logic in would undoubtedly take away from development on other things.

And that's probably just the tip of the iceberg - the first things I can think of off the top of my head that would make this a royal pain to implement.
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Old 12-14-2011, 09:18 PM   #141
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Preview - Pulse Pitching, Zone Analog Batting, Collision Awarenes

Originally Posted by Russell_SCEA
Commentary is a huge focus this year, however if you are expecting new announcers and for our audio team to completely be able to replace over 7 years of accumulated lines you are setting your hopes way to high.

Working weather, I have no idea what that means.

We aren't fans of rain delays and games getting called in a video game baseball.
I'm talking about how none of the announcers sound like they were even in the same state more or less in the same ballpark when their lines were recorded. None of it sounds natural and this is one area that should have been fixed before other none requested features are designed into the game. If that is corrected then I will have little complaints. However, if it is like NCAA Football where once you have heard the lines a million times, at what point is the series going to be viewed as stale?

Not being fans of rain delays is a problem as this happens in actual baseball games. I understand those who would not like it but it could be a feature that is turned off for those who prefer more of an arcade experience.

The Show is built on a great foundation and I am just hoping that it doesn't turn into another Madden where the next great feature = to a gimmick year to year that isn't really apart of the sport. This is a game that is known to be more sim so why move away from it when that is the big draw?

Last edited by Rules; 12-14-2011 at 09:28 PM.
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Old 12-14-2011, 09:34 PM   #142
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Preview - Pulse Pitching, Zone Analog Batting, Collision Awarenes

Originally Posted by bcruise
From the human perspective, sure it would be nice. But keep in mind that for that to work, the game's scheduling logic (currently only used to generate a set-in-stone schedule at the beginning of each year) would have be able to handle re-scheduling of games, whether and when to have double-headers, whether the game even needs to be played if it's late in the season (I know some meaningless games late in the season just get straight-up cancelled occasionally, because MLB simply doesn't have a place in the schedule to move them to). Even the real MLB struggles with this stuff at times, and trying to program all of this extra logic in would undoubtedly take away from development on other things.

And that's probably just the tip of the iceberg - the first things I can think of off the top of my head that would make this a royal pain to implement.
I agree 100% but it has been done before by another baseball game. Yes it requires a ton of work but once you build it in, then all they have to do is tweak it year to year. To me, this is just one area The Show has a glaring weakness. Don't get me wrong, I love the series!!!! I'm just a big weather guy when it comes to sports games.
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Old 12-14-2011, 10:33 PM   #143
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Re: MLB 12 The Show Preview - Pulse Pitching, Zone Analog Batting, Collision Awarenes

Any word on if Zone and Classic (just pushing X to swing) hitting options are still in the game?

I know it's old school but I LOVE hitting with either of those options.
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Old 12-14-2011, 10:35 PM   #144
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I think rain delays in a video game are a waste of time, but that's just my opinion.

What I wouldn't mind seeing is real-time weather, where "current conditions" was an option on the weather selection screen. And have it pull the current conditions for the ballpark you are playing in. Of course there would probably have to be a minimum temperature so that you're not playing at Yankee Stadium in January in 20-degree weather lol.

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