Feature Article
Fight Night Round 4: Hopes and Concerns

EA’s Fight Night Round 3 was one of the best sports games in recent memory. The controls were innovative, the gameplay was fun, and the graphics are still among the best we’ve seen on the next-gen consoles. Nevertheless, the game still had some drawbacks. The lack of relevant licensed boxers was slightly discouraging, with certain obvious omissions like Floyd Mayweather, Jr. and Mike Tyson being most notable. Furthermore, while the Total Punch Control system was extremely well executed, there was little advantage to using it over the buttons, which allowed for faster and more responsive punching. Also, the heavy emphasis on cartoonish haymaker punches was for many a step in the wrong direction as far as gameplay was concerned.

With the recent announcement of Fight Night Round 4, EA is promising overhauled gameplay, including a new physics and animation engine, which supposedly will address many of the concerns players had with EA's last offering. Key additions like inside-fighting and differential punch power, hopefully will provide for a much more realistic and entertaining pugilistic experience. And oh yeah, Iron Mike is prominently featured too.

Will the new changes lead to a game that is even more entertaining than the first? Or will EA once again rely too heavily on gimmicky features, which ultimately do no justice to the gameplay itself? In this article, I will examine some of the promised new additions, and identify what looks promising, and what could be problematic.

1. Mike Tyson

First of all, it’s about time. People have been crying for Iron Mike’s return to the digital canvas since the Punch-Out! days. With each release, Fight Night forums all across the Internet become littered with posts entitled, "why no Tyson?" or some similar variation. Therefore, the addition of Iron Mike can only be a good one. He was invincible in his prime, with an unprecedented style, and an even more unprecedented combination of speed and power. He dismantled nearly everyone he faced early in his career, winning his first 37 professional fights. Of those, almost all were knockouts, many in the first round, and the few opponents who managed to survive the distance lost in unanimous decisions. With EA’s commitment to individual boxer-styles, we can expect an authentic replication of the bob and weave, as well as animations that are true to Tyson’s wildly explosive techniques. Surely, it will be a joy to recreate his heyday in Round 4.

But there are a few issues surrounding Tyson’s inclusion in the game. First, which Tyson do we get? Will EA include the aforementioned 37-0 Tyson, or the Tyson who got a tribal facial tattoo, and then got his face tattooed again by scrubs like Danny Williams and Kevin McBride? Perhaps EA will do something similar to what they did with Jordan in NBA Street Vol. 2. In that game, they included 3 versions of Air Mike: rookie Jordan, Jordan in his prime, and over-the-hill Wizards Jordan. This strategy worked well in a basketball game, especially a 3-on-3 version which allowed for an All-Jordan team, but would it transfer to boxing? Presumably the new career mode will still allow players to recreate the career of any boxer in the game. In that case, how will they handle Tyson’s evolution over the course of his career?

Also, Tyson media-friendliness is presumably one of the reasons that EA has passed on including him in their games in the past. This could conceivably be problematic in the marketing of a new game in which he is prominently featured. We don’t know for sure if Tyson will be on the cover, but if he is, it will be interesting to see how he handles the additional responsibilities of the cover-athlete in marketing their game. His craziness is what made Tyson so intriguing as a fighter, and I know EA will have to hold back on truly capturing that insanity in the game. Whether that will undermine the experience of playing with him is something only time will tell. What I do know is that I don’t expect to see the "Ear Bite" as a new illegal punch in Round 4, and that is just a shame.

Which Tyson will be collapsing skulls in FNR4?

2. New Boxing Styles

EA has promised new fighting styles that will emulate, and differentiate between, the best fighters in the game. This was applied somewhat in Round 3, with the inclusion of different base, punch, and defensive styles. This allowed for some variety between boxers and was extremely important in career mode, but ultimately the distinctions between the styles seemed to be mostly aesthetic, and did not affect the actual gameplay very much. In Round 4, considering the new physics and animation engine (more on that later), I expect the styles to have a greater impact on how the boxers actually perform in the ring. Ideally, Tyson’s bob and weave will allow for less damage, while setting up big time punches. Perhaps Ali’s dancing and jabbing will actually wear out, confuse, and frustrate opponents, and allow for players to discourage whoever they are playing against. Might we even see the rope-a-dope or the Ali shuffle? If EA can make the styles matter more in Round 4 than they did in Round 3, that will go a long way towards making Round 4 a comprehensive and versatile video-boxing experience.

The difficulty here will be knowing how far to go with this feature. If the styles affect gameplay too much, we could see unfair advantages or disadvantages emerge between boxers. Hopefully, the bob and weave, or any other style won’t be untouchable, and no one boxer will have a style that doesn’t live up to the others. Boxers' styles should reflect how they play, and the ultimate measure of their effectiveness in the ring should be their attribute ratings. Also, the distinctions should be subtle, but noticeable. Round 3 had a somewhat jerky animation system, which caused your player to move very quickly. If you held down the L-trigger (on 360) and rotated the left stick, your boxer would gyrate like a crack addict on speed. Hopefully this will be toned down, so we don’t have Tyson bobbing and weaving like he’s having a seizure, but rather doing it in a menacing and combat-effective manner.

3. New Physics-Based Animation System

This feature, EA promises, will allow for innovative, physics-based, punching, blocking, and moving. Although this sounds ambiguous, and could just be a fancy way of saying they fine-tuned the gameplay, it could also mean a drastic change in the way the game feels. One intriguing element of this feature is the idea of different punch-effectiveness depending on a variety of other factors. In Round 3, for the most part, you either landed a punch or you didn’t. Minor factors like distance and lean had some effect on punch power, but it was primarily an on or off type of system. In Round 4 EA is promising the fans missed and glancing punches, as well as knockout blows, depending on the integrated physics engine which incorporates stamina, timing, footwork, and adrenaline. Ideally, this will allow for a more open-structure than the one found in Round 3, which had almost all knockouts following the same pattern of one player going into the quiet-zone, and the other needing to land one or two punches to finish the knockout. The only exception to this (aside from the horrible first-person gimmick which I pray will be removed), was the extremely rare flash knockdown, which would put one player on the mat -- regardless of their health -- if they received a particularly hard and unexpected punch to the face. There was something special about flash knockdowns, which was exacerbated by their rarity. Hopefully, this new physics-based animation system will allow players to set-up knockout punches, and perhaps generate a few more flash style knockouts. If this is executed well enough, it could replace the haymaker system all together, which would be a huge step for the series.

Also, I hope the developers bring back the ragdoll physics on knockouts that gamers saw in the earlier Fight Night games. There was nothing like KO'ing a guy, then continuing to pummel him as the power left his body and he crumpled to the canvas.

This punch probably wouldn't register as a glancing blow in the new physics-based engine appearing in FNR4.

I think the biggest potential pitfall of this new physics system could be if it changes the gameplay too much. Fight Night Round 3 was so much fun for a reason, and EA needs to be careful not to stray too far from the proven path. I hope the Total Punch Controls are retained, minus the excessive amount of various haymakers, and the defensive system remains relatively untouched. Defense was extremely important, and fun, in the last game, and it should not be made any more difficult or any less important this time around. By the same token, I hope this is not a gimmick on EA’s part. They have been known to hide behind fancy wording, plugging minor gameplay tweaks as major game features. In the early stages, the trademark ambiguous wording is there, but only when more information comes out on the game will we be able to tell how much different Round 4 really will be.

EA’s Fight Night Round 4 is scheduled to be released sometime in 2009, and will be available for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.

Fight Night Round 4 Videos
Member Comments
# 1 ManiacMatt1782 @ 05/14/08 01:46 PM
the ear bite was an illegal punch back in KO Kings 2001.

Anyway this is gonna be a wait and see for me, i have been burned too many times by this particular company to warrant a 1st day purchase.
# 2 Complex @ 05/14/08 03:01 PM
Sounds promising but I will wait and see
# 3 fistofrage @ 05/14/08 04:14 PM
Please focus on the career mode. Lots of different attributes, and lots of different training options. We also need a relistic amount of fights going the disctance. Please allow for 2 minute rounds or accelerated clock in career mode.

Make the career mode robust with a huge list of rankings and being able to pick and choose your fights. Multiple belts and unification would be nice. No story mode, make all the choices.

One other thing I would like to see is in career mode, you create a boxer but you can't necessarily max out their stats. Some boxers will come up with alot of power, but some boxers just aren't made to be KO artists. It would be nice if created boxers has a certain potential factor and they may never be able to reach elite status, but it would still be cool to kick around with a journeyman who may or may not ever get a shot at the title.

Also, Please let us have multiple boxers going in the same career. Nothing would be funner than watching you and a friend rising up the rankings either ducking eachother or possibly fighting along the way.
# 4 Money99 @ 05/14/08 04:23 PM
I stopped reading his article after this:


"EA’s Fight Night Round 3 was one of the best sports games in recent memory.
Round 3 was barely a boxing game, let alone a sports game.
How on earth do you praise a boxing game that doesn't even have RANKINGS????

My wish for round 4 is that the career mode is solid. And there better be open ended training too. I'm so done with the stupid and tired 'mini-game' training.

Just like VB2, you should have X amount of hours in each day to prepare for a fight. You fill that schedule with things like weight-lifting, running, skip rope, sparring, etc.
Sparring is the biggest thing.
And I want total control over my diet.

I could go on and on, but to be honest, I'm not holding my breath. I tired of asking for the same things over and over again. It's been decades.

When the career modes in boxing games of this generation and last, still can't hold a candle to that of a 16-bit title, nobody should get their hopes up.

The only chance any of us have at this is if one of the members here wins the Powerball lottery and pays to have a game made.
# 5 fistofrage @ 05/14/08 04:30 PM
Originally Posted by Money99

When the career modes in boxing games of this generation and last, still can't hold a candle to that of a 16-bit title, nobody should get their hopes up.

The only chance any of us have at this is if one of the members here wins the Powerball lottery and pays to have a game made.
Even then your hiring pool would probably be limited to out of work 2k workers in flip flops.

I know, we beg and plead and we will never be able to have a say in it. Just please, please, please make a robust career mode. Another thing that would be great is a name database. Having the announcer only announce nicknames is terrible. All of the other games have the annoucers saying their names.

Also have the rankings in the career mode be active with other boxers moving up and down and fighting eachother. It would be great if the rankings had a minimum 100 boxers per weight class.
# 6 Vast @ 05/14/08 05:55 PM
What you guys speak of has been my dream since Evander Real Deal Boxing. And now that the gameplay has the possibility of being great, the hopes of having an AWESOME career mode is almost a fantasy. I pray EA answers our call. If they do what we want and make a robust career mode, it will only increase their sales and fatten their pockets. Its mind boggling why they don't do this.
# 7 EXboxur @ 05/15/08 04:26 AM
To add depth to the game boxers need to be represented from different periods in their career. I want to be able to select beginning, middle, or end of career for boxers.
# 8 BrianFifaFan @ 05/15/08 10:05 AM
I'm feeling this game will have the goods. EA Canada has put out some real winners lately. They seem to be a "sim" binge.
# 9 Complex @ 05/15/08 11:15 AM
I could careless about ring walks, or wearing the belt to the ring.

Boxer's Road 2 had a simple formula. The announcer said the name of the fighter, and showed him in his corner either:

1. Standing looking focused, no smile no grin
2. Bouncing up and down trying to stay warm
3. Shuffling his feet and jabbing about

Add this and simply have the trainer and cut man holding the belts in the background.

When they show these screens they also show the Tale of the Tap under his name (height, weight, record, notable fights). I think that is better than having my fighter crip walk to the ring.
# 10 fistofrage @ 05/15/08 12:05 PM
I definitely want the tale of the tape. Honestly, If EA takes the the career mode from Boxers Road, Adds solid in ring boxing, and puts in some extra presentation we'll all be very happy.
# 11 allBthere @ 05/15/08 01:43 PM
make jabbing a practical neccessity.

tale of the tape

harold letterman's score cards

choose who you fight (at least 10+ options during points of your carreer, but have some mandatory defenses).

Varied opponents (some pad stats by fighting bums and are therefore deceptively weak, make semi-scouting, record analysis available)

Create virtually as many boxers as you want that can be human or AI from that point on.

multiple gym's, trainers etc.

DNA starting point reflecting (to an extent) handspeed, power, heart, cuts)

make rounds, hit%, punches per round etc. statistically believeable in default settings (maybe accelerated clock?)
same w/ ko likelyhood ***for me, even more important than my fighter NOT winning every single bout by ko, is that, if I'm going to lose, I don't want to lose INEVITABLY by KO --- can't some AI outbox my slugger????

Don't make me age too quickly - why is my career over after 32-34 wins? and I start to diminish???

Why in god's name does my fighter's stats take a big dip after a loss? - this is often not the case...sometimes this happens when fighting a horrible opponent for a 'tune-up'. There are also natural 'ups and downs' how people feel during some nights + momentum, second wind etc..

Also if we had to quantify real life athlete's abilities, would they not be close to what they are for big portion of their careers like other sports?
did rocky's first 10 fights have a ''power score'' of less than 50, and it kept growing until he was a 'top ten' boxer where it finally reaches the 80s and 90s in score? also see tyson.
Was sugar ray and pbf's handspeed crap until they had 20+ wins??? did jake lamotta's chin continuously get better and better? was arturo's heart rating improving and so on and so on.

training imporves your conditioning andkeeps you in shape as well as imporving technique and boxing skill..there's a huge mental game too.

in the end i probably shouldn't have bothered thinking/writing about this stuff because it's useless we're in charge.
# 12 Complex @ 05/15/08 01:54 PM
I have posted this before but I will again. I would like to see different speeds for Feet and Hands. Some guys move around the ring fast but still punch slow. Some have fast hands but not quick feet. Klitcsho has slow movements but his right hand comes like its on a spring. This small change would make the 5-10 fighting styles that much more varied.

And we need way more animations. Not all jabs are the same. Some measure with it, some use it to set up punches, some double and triple it. Also Lennox's jab does not look like Tysons or Roy Jones.
# 13 D.Winn @ 05/15/08 01:54 PM
The Parrying system was horrible. I've never seen boxers throw a punch and pause for 2 seconds with their hands down.
# 14 Complex @ 05/15/08 01:57 PM
Thought of something else. Remember in GTA where CJ couldnt perform certain skills or if he did them they were very wild until he got training. How about having punches that look amatuerish when you are starting out and they improve as your career progresses based on training?

If we use a potential factor like some of you mentioned above and a fighter is at 20% of that, his punches would be less accurate and more wild. But as he moves up to say 70% his punches become more accurate and sharp.
# 15 Complex @ 05/15/08 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by D.Winn
The Parrying system was horrible. I've never seen boxers throw a punch and pause for 2 seconds with their hands down.
# 16 fistofrage @ 05/15/08 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Complex
I have posted this before but I will again. I would like to see different speeds for Feet and Hands. Some guys move around the ring fast but still punch slow. Some have fast hands but not quick feet. Klitcsho has slow movements but his right hand comes like its on a spring. This small change would make the 5-10 fighting styles that much more varied.

And we need way more animations. Not all jabs are the same. Some measure with it, some use it to set up punches, some double and triple it. Also Lennox's jab does not look like Tysons or Roy Jones.

Also need to have different power for right & left hand. And a power & quickness rating for each punch.
# 17 Complex @ 05/15/08 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by fistofrage
Also need to have different power for right & left hand. And a power & quickness rating for each punch.
Good idea.
# 18 mr_president @ 05/15/08 02:42 PM
Originally Posted by Money99
I stopped reading his article after this:

Round 3 was barely a boxing game, let alone a sports game.
How on earth do you praise a boxing game that doesn't even have RANKINGS????

My wish for round 4 is that the career mode is solid. And there better be open ended training too. I'm so done with the stupid and tired 'mini-game' training.

Just like VB2, you should have X amount of hours in each day to prepare for a fight. You fill that schedule with things like weight-lifting, running, skip rope, sparring, etc.
Sparring is the biggest thing.
And I want total control over my diet.

I could go on and on, but to be honest, I'm not holding my breath. I tired of asking for the same things over and over again. It's been decades.

When the career modes in boxing games of this generation and last, still can't hold a candle to that of a 16-bit title, nobody should get their hopes up.

The only chance any of us have at this is if one of the members here wins the Powerball lottery and pays to have a game made.

completely agree.

they should borrow as much as possible from the boxers road/victorious boxer series.

i still think the 1st boxers road on the ps1 is best(import only)

on the PS1 you were able to:
-diet,train, and view videos of you next opponent,
-the ability to switch weight classes during your career.if you feel you can train easier for a certain weight class then go for it, just arrange a fight with an opponent in the weight class of your choice.
-failure to train properly reflects your performance
-every weight and i mean every weight class was represented with countless fighters in each
-fighters retiring because of age or some early due to injury or lack of skills and victories
-you can change weight classes during your career.
- very fluid boxing animations and a great control scheme that worked perfectly.

EA should take the blue print from boxers road 1(ps1) and build around that and scrap the rock'em sock'em robots.
# 19 fistofrage @ 05/15/08 03:03 PM
Also need to have injuries, fights stopped for numerous reasons cuts, broken jaw, rib, etc. Ref stopping the fight if you don't punch back, etc.

It would be nice if they had a huge judge pool too. Different judges would favor different types of boxing. It would add some excitement to the decision. Also, please have a good number of fights going the distance. Having a Knockout in every fight isn't realistic.
# 20 EDD1E72I @ 05/15/08 10:59 PM

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