Feature Article
MLB 15 The Show: An Era of Transparency

In our MLB 15: The Show preview podcast last week, I expressed my surprise at the lack of available information. At that time, we were nearly two months away from release, and most of what we knew came from online product pages.

Since then, we've been given a detailed fact sheet and a lengthy Twitch feed to digest. It was while watching the video feed that it occurred to me how unique the marketing of MLB 15 seems to be. This title may be the best insight we've ever had into the making of a game, and may signal an important change in how games are advertised.

Before digging into what makes this particular Twitch feed special, let me provide some context. I teach a media class to high school students; one of the important developments we discuss is how marketing has changed. A huge milestone was The Blair Witch Project and its use of viral web marketing. My students often relate how, in 2015, social media information has replaced corporate websites as the best way to get information on upcoming films and games. And, like it or not, U2's free release of their latest album directly through iTunes was a pretty revolutionary way to generate buzz.

So, it seems that simply releasing information through a website or pre-packaged commercials doesn't quite cut it anymore. Sure, a product may be successful despite reliance on traditional marketing; on the flip side, interesting advertising doesn't guarantee anything. But how many times have we scrutinized a trailer or studied a fact sheet and been left with more questions than answers?

Which brings me back to MLB 15's Twitch stream. In it, we had real developers sitting down and honestly showcasing features without a "safety net." They demonstrated "widgets" and how they worked to set up any scenario they'd like to test. We saw the game handle a specific situation over and over, and the variability found therein. And, while the dialogue may have been a little "inside baseball" (pun intended), it was refreshing seeing developers share their passion.

Admittedly, there are lots of questions still out there regarding MLB 15: The Show. But outside attending an industry convention, I can't recall such an honest and inside look at the development of a sports game.

Does this insight guarantee the game will be good, or that its flaws should get a pass? Of course not. Will the feed stand as a watershed moment in sports game marketing? Hard to say, as it won't have quite the impact of Blair Witch's first online advertising campaign.

What it does do, though, is humanize the development team and set the bar high for other titles. We've come to understand that Ramone and his crew are real people with a passion for baseball, not a collective of faceless coders and salesmen in slick suits. Of course, the territory of human being brings fallibility, so if/when the game fails to perform in certain areas, we share an understanding of how they feel.

The feed, along with Ramone's ongoing interaction here on OS and "Community Day," make the MLB: The Show series feel more transparent than any of the other major sports titles, at least in my opinion. The community is given a running commentary during the development and, for some, a tiny degree of input. It's like watching a friend or relative write a song, build a house, or raise a child: we may or may not like the outcome, but we'll understand how they got there.

Will this transparency pay off for the second iteration of the title on PS4? Who knows. But as a fan and critical observer of the series, the level of detail and openness is appreciated.

MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 21 Jimmydm90 @ 02/11/15 07:59 PM
I never thought I'd be able to enter a thread for last names and put my last name in it only to see it in the game.


There's a thread for that?? Where? I got to get my name on there haha
# 22 cubby blue @ 02/11/15 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by Herschie
So here it was, late February of 2012, and I'm dying to pick up MLB 2K12 for my 360. I was a little upset that they weren't showing us much, but The Show was getting some exposure. Not that I really cared, I didn't have any Sony systems at the time. And then I saw this video clip of The Show:


Whoa. Was I ever impressed! So impressed that I went out and bought a PS3, a Vita, and The Show for both systems. Got two systems. For one game. And it was the best investment I ever made. Not only that, but since I was now hooked on The Show, it was the main reason why I got a PS4 over an Xbox One. I never did pick up 2K12.

The moral of the story? At least in my case, revealing the game early made me RUN out to buy it. If you have a good product, you're going to want as many people to see it as possible. I'm sure there are a ton of people out there right now who are just waiting for that good reason to get this gen's system. Will The Show be that reason? Will it be the deciding factor in selling a PS4 over an Xbox one?

It was for me.
Same here, only my first game was 13. Totally blew away 2k in every category. I thought 2k series was good until The Show. My only regret was not getting a PS3 sooner. PS4 was my next console and haven't regretted it for a second.
# 23 seanjeezy @ 02/11/15 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Knight165
Well then some people need to take of the blinders......because they only see what they want to see.....I call B.S. on the guys getting offended.......guys are perpetuating a myth with that one.

Well, there's that flaming weazel guy... so not completely a myth
# 24 Wiggy @ 02/11/15 09:48 PM
I would really appreciate them "transparently" showing working online play. It has been 10 years, after all.
# 25 smiley3 @ 02/12/15 01:15 AM
Is there going to be a stream tomorrow?
# 26 Jimmydm90 @ 02/12/15 01:28 AM
Originally Posted by smiley3
Is there going to be a stream tomorrow?

Yes at 2pm pacific time.
# 27 Herschie @ 02/12/15 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by Nwo4Life75
Well if Ramone and the other Show devs really listen to the fans/consumers of the Show,they say they are so passionate about Baseball and the Show. Please tell me why after all these years and how they stress how much they listen to the fans,then why haven't they still not give you the option still to play with the roofs closed on retractable roof stadiums then. Just something simple like that. It has been highly requested by the fans!
They listen to their fans, but they aren't magicians. Any project has its limitations in resources, whether that be time, money, labor, materials, etc. If you're building a house, you can't snap your fingers and make a mansion. You have to consider costs of labor, costs of materials, the type of market you're selling the house to, and ultimately your profit.

SCEA is no different. I only know Russell from what he posts and from the video clips, and from that, I can conclude that if he could he would snap his fingers and have every little detail (Including my 3:05 games) perfect down to a T. But he faces limitations just like everyone else does.
# 28 NYJin2011tm @ 02/12/15 08:42 AM
I already knew these guys are the best dev group out there. The fact that they are selling the ps3 version for $40 and Vita version for $20 shows me that they truly care about the game and their fans and not just about money.
# 29 Sip_16 @ 02/12/15 09:12 AM
Originally Posted by Nwo4Life75
I understand that,the problem I have is this option has been requested for awhile now! They have said over and over again in the PS3 wasn't powerful enough. Now we supposedly have the most powerful console ever in the PS4 and they still make excuses. How about this,maybe instead of putting all these bells and whistles in the game,they should address the the most requested stuff fans want to see first. It seems like they come up with these new ideas and force feed it to people. They have a whole year to put things in the game! I know it's not hard to fix the stadium problem. Madden has given you the option for years. But it is what is. I just question how much they really listen to the fans. I know I'm not in the minority about the stadium issue.
Honestly tho, you have no idea if it is really that requested other than these forums. OS is most likely the most die-hard show fans out there and an important voice but is no way the majority of the Show players.

Would I like retractable roofs? Of course, especially because I play with the Blue Jays in franchise, it has never really bothered me that much tho, i just enjoy playing the game.

When they can do it, they will do it. I don't see any other game developers doing what these guys do and I personally would give them some leeway because of that.
# 30 rjackson @ 02/12/15 12:24 PM
Yeah, I'd be quick to agree with NWO4life if it wasn't for all the other requests they did fix or add (like equipment and the annual this color is wrong criticisms). I cannot use certain teams for franchise mode because of the roofs.

I also know that I am one to appear to have blinders on at times, but that seems to be when people are jumping to opinions while ignorant of certain facts or are prioritizing something really small that only affects them.
# 31 Armor and Sword @ 02/12/15 01:40 PM
No one is perfect. While retractable roofs and historical stat tracking are no question the most requested improvements (and I think historical stat tracking is far more important and it is not even close IMO) this team is head and shoulders the best in the biz.

And oh Historical stat tracking is the #1 priority for 16. So we have that to already look forward too and 15 is not even out yet.

Do I hope retractable roofs get in the game? Of course it adds to the realism. But those that consider it game breaking I think are just taking things way too far. You can argue about historical stat tracking being far more of a detriment since baseball is a statistical game at it's soul. But roofs? Come on man. I get it...it's important to some but to the majority it is a grain of salt compared to stat tracking.

The game plays amazing. I can support this title year in year out with 100% confidence they are always improving and building this game each and every year.

It is the only sports title I buy every year, no question.
# 32 braves_94 @ 02/12/15 02:15 PM
I guess the fortunate one who got invited to San Diego doesn't play online. Or for some completely unrelated (smoozing-cough) explanation, doesn't care all too much to bring up why the servers in 2015 are so lackluster.

But I'm a BIG fan of this game, always have been, offline. I think it stands up to any sports game offering. But if the market is trending towards online play, can San Diego bank on the offline players to continue to carry the franchise? And for the record, I don't care about retractable roofs. It's not like real life Houston here. And I hope they never put in rain delays. Prior or during a franchise game. Improve on the tagging up issues where runners don't want to go to third on deep flys to right center, and I'm good. And less squeeze bunts for the love of god. Or at least have them result in the accurate amount of foul tips.
# 33 nomo17k @ 02/12/15 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by braves_94
I guess the fortunate one who got invited to San Diego doesn't play online. Or for some completely unrelated (smoozing-cough) explanation, doesn't care all too much to bring up why the servers in 2015 are so lackluster.

But I'm a BIG fan of this game, always have been, offline. I think it stands up to any sports game offering. But if the market is trending towards online play, can San Diego bank on the offline players to continue to carry the franchise? And for the record, I don't care about retractable roofs. It's not like real life Houston here. And I hope they never put in rain delays. Prior or during a franchise game. Improve on the tagging up issues where runners don't want to go to third on deep flys to right center, and I'm good. And less squeeze bunts for the love of god. Or at least have them result in the accurate amount of foul tips.
I play online fairly consistently (so does Nem I think), so online is indeed a huge concern for many of us who participate in CD events. That doesn't necessarily mean we can always test online gameplay in any meaningful manner in an environment like CD, as a lot of online-specific issues start happening only in production environment.
# 34 rjackson @ 02/12/15 02:50 PM
Like I've said before, I used to think that retractable roofs are not a big deal. I'd agree with A&S completely a year ago.

After seeing Minute Maid Park for the first time last year and then trying to play a game there, it does have an affect. There are plenty of other teams I like and I don't live in Houston, but I can now see why it is a big deal to someone who is a big fan of theirs to not be able to run a franchise with them. To that minority, it can be a game breaker. To me, personally, it isn't.

As somebody else said in another thread - this game is pretty darn amazing when the only stuff we can find to complain about are attention to detail type stuff (like stats, roofs, signs in parks, et cetera).
# 35 nemesis04 @ 02/12/15 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by braves_94
I guess the fortunate one who got invited to San Diego doesn't play online. Or for some completely unrelated (smoozing-cough) explanation, doesn't care all too much to bring up why the servers in 2015 are so lackluster.
Yeah, you found us out! We all sat around the room and praised them on how fantastic online was in 14. You might want to temper down the uniformed opinion!
# 36 Ghost Of The Year @ 02/12/15 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by nemesis04
Yeah, you found us out! We all sat around the room and praised them on how fantastic online was in 14. You might want to temper down the uniformed opinion!
lol I think the opposite of what braves 94 thinks might actually be closer to the truth.
I imagine when Sony San Diego sees the bunch from OS arrive at their door, they think "Oh lord, here we go again".
# 37 nemesis04 @ 02/12/15 03:23 PM
Originally Posted by Ghost Of The Year
lol I think the opposite of what braves 94 thinks might actually be closer to the truth.
I imagine when Sony San Diego sees the bunch from OS arrive at their door, they think "Oh lord, here we go again".
It is not particularly easy to sit in a conference room in front of some of the development team members and go over items that missed the mark (from the community perspective) when you know the guys sitting there put their heart in soul into it. I know it is something that I and the others who go take very seriously and it has to be approached in a polite professional manner. I am thankful that they entertain this level of interaction. It is not just hanging out and playing games!
# 38 Sco291 @ 02/12/15 04:07 PM
Originally Posted by Nwo4Life75
Well if Ramone and the other Show devs really listen to the fans/consumers of the Show,they say they are so passionate about Baseball and the Show. Please tell me why after all these years and how they stress how much they listen to the fans,then why haven't they still not give you the option still to play with the roofs closed on retractable roof stadiums then. Just something simple like that. It has been highly requested by the fans!

I don't think, in this context, "simple" means what you think it means.

Btw, I'll take historical stat tracking before retractable roofs.
# 39 Ghost Of The Year @ 02/12/15 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by Nwo4Life75
...Please tell me why after all these years and how they stress how much they listen to the fans...
I've never once heard anyone from the Show toot their own horn,
it's always been the customer to proffer that testimony.
Plus, with the thousands of simple requests they get, not every one can possibly be implemented.
# 40 countryboy @ 02/12/15 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by Nwo4Life75
Well if Ramone and the other Show devs really listen to the fans/consumers of the Show,they say they are so passionate about Baseball and the Show. Please tell me why after all these years and how they stress how much they listen to the fans,then why haven't they still not give you the option still to play with the roofs closed on retractable roof stadiums then. Just something simple like that. It has been highly requested by the fans!
You think its simple. Perhaps you should do research and see what all goes into the development of the game and how stadiums are created and such before stating that something is "so simple".

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