Feature Article
MLB 15 The Show: An Era of Transparency

In our MLB 15: The Show preview podcast last week, I expressed my surprise at the lack of available information. At that time, we were nearly two months away from release, and most of what we knew came from online product pages.

Since then, we've been given a detailed fact sheet and a lengthy Twitch feed to digest. It was while watching the video feed that it occurred to me how unique the marketing of MLB 15 seems to be. This title may be the best insight we've ever had into the making of a game, and may signal an important change in how games are advertised.

Before digging into what makes this particular Twitch feed special, let me provide some context. I teach a media class to high school students; one of the important developments we discuss is how marketing has changed. A huge milestone was The Blair Witch Project and its use of viral web marketing. My students often relate how, in 2015, social media information has replaced corporate websites as the best way to get information on upcoming films and games. And, like it or not, U2's free release of their latest album directly through iTunes was a pretty revolutionary way to generate buzz.

So, it seems that simply releasing information through a website or pre-packaged commercials doesn't quite cut it anymore. Sure, a product may be successful despite reliance on traditional marketing; on the flip side, interesting advertising doesn't guarantee anything. But how many times have we scrutinized a trailer or studied a fact sheet and been left with more questions than answers?

Which brings me back to MLB 15's Twitch stream. In it, we had real developers sitting down and honestly showcasing features without a "safety net." They demonstrated "widgets" and how they worked to set up any scenario they'd like to test. We saw the game handle a specific situation over and over, and the variability found therein. And, while the dialogue may have been a little "inside baseball" (pun intended), it was refreshing seeing developers share their passion.

Admittedly, there are lots of questions still out there regarding MLB 15: The Show. But outside attending an industry convention, I can't recall such an honest and inside look at the development of a sports game.

Does this insight guarantee the game will be good, or that its flaws should get a pass? Of course not. Will the feed stand as a watershed moment in sports game marketing? Hard to say, as it won't have quite the impact of Blair Witch's first online advertising campaign.

What it does do, though, is humanize the development team and set the bar high for other titles. We've come to understand that Ramone and his crew are real people with a passion for baseball, not a collective of faceless coders and salesmen in slick suits. Of course, the territory of human being brings fallibility, so if/when the game fails to perform in certain areas, we share an understanding of how they feel.

The feed, along with Ramone's ongoing interaction here on OS and "Community Day," make the MLB: The Show series feel more transparent than any of the other major sports titles, at least in my opinion. The community is given a running commentary during the development and, for some, a tiny degree of input. It's like watching a friend or relative write a song, build a house, or raise a child: we may or may not like the outcome, but we'll understand how they got there.

Will this transparency pay off for the second iteration of the title on PS4? Who knows. But as a fan and critical observer of the series, the level of detail and openness is appreciated.

MLB 15 The Show Videos
Member Comments
# 41 BeatArmy @ 02/12/15 06:34 PM
I'm going to be slightly contrarian in the praise of SCEA. Last year was a debacle for the PS3 crowd. We got no communication, could not get patches for things fixed for the PS4 (franchise bugets, etc.) and our complaints both on OS and the MLB:TS fora were either closed or ignored. Incidents/bugs that were requested to be noted to the staff were closed/deleted for PS3 without being addressed in the final patch.

I'm not sure if the numbers will bear this out but there are many of us holding off purchasing anything this year without solid feedback in the gaming community. You made a buncha enemies last year with the older generation crowd.

This all being said, the rollout of this year's edition is light years better than last.
# 42 thaSLAB @ 02/12/15 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Nwo4Life75
I understand that,the problem I have is this option has been requested for awhile now! They have said over and over again in the PS3 wasn't powerful enough. Now we supposedly have the most powerful console ever in the PS4 and they still make excuses. How about this,maybe instead of putting all these bells and whistles in the game,they should address the the most requested stuff fans want to see first. It seems like they come up with these new ideas and force feed it to people. They have a whole year to put things in the game! I know it's not hard to fix the stadium problem. Madden has given you the option for years. But it is what is. I just question how much they really listen to the fans. I know I'm not in the minority about the stadium issue.

As the community stadium "guy", I can say NO. You don't know. Or understand exactly how detailed these stadiums and backdrops are.

Think of it this way. The playable surface for every basketball court, football field, soccer field, hockey rink, etc... are all the same. Baseball stadiums all have a uniqueness. Also, the PS4 version is still playing catch-up to the number of stadiums in the PS3 version. It takes time to build up that number. If you have one functional version of a stadium, resources can probably be better used elsewhere. And you mention Madden, but realize that they are also a team that is at least 4X larger than SDS.
# 43 dovuto86 @ 02/12/15 06:41 PM
Obviously none of you (that are saying Sony is doing a great job with this game) actually plays it online because last year it was so terrible that you couldnt play 3 innings without it dropping a match. When I hit a double into the outfield it shows me scoring 2 runs yet after the scene is over and the pitcher has the ball ready to pitch it shows that my player was out and zero runs scored. I really hope they fix this MAJOR issue for this season but I highly doubt they did as they had zero information about it during the live twitch interview
# 44 SoxFan01605 @ 02/12/15 07:34 PM
Originally Posted by dovuto86
Obviously none of you (that are saying Sony is doing a great job with this game) actually plays it online because last year it was so terrible that you couldnt play 3 innings without it dropping a match. When I hit a double into the outfield it shows me scoring 2 runs yet after the scene is over and the pitcher has the ball ready to pitch it shows that my player was out and zero runs scored. I really hope they fix this MAJOR issue for this season but I highly doubt they did as they had zero information about it during the live twitch interview
As far as if it's been improved or not, I obviously don't know either, but they had "zero" info on it because the streams are feature focused.

In other words, we'll get online news when they cover online, presentation when they cover presentation, etc.

Whether or not that news is satisfactory to people is another story...lol.
# 45 Armor and Sword @ 02/12/15 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by dovuto86
Obviously none of you (that are saying Sony is doing a great job with this game) actually plays it online because last year it was so terrible that you couldnt play 3 innings without it dropping a match. When I hit a double into the outfield it shows me scoring 2 runs yet after the scene is over and the pitcher has the ball ready to pitch it shows that my player was out and zero runs scored. I really hope they fix this MAJOR issue for this season but I highly doubt they did as they had zero information about it during the live twitch interview
Your right I don't play one minute online. I know how frustrated online players are though. I would love for this game to work properly online, as baseball is my favorite sport by a hundreds of miles and I would love to play in an online league one day. But I I have known about just how difficult online has been for The Show.
# 46 CaseIH @ 02/13/15 10:33 AM
Nice write up, and this is why the developers of this game are the very best in the business, and are so highly thought of. They have always been as open an honest as possible, while other game makers feed you full of lies, then your sadly disappointed after buying the game, namely NBA2k. Its also why like last yr when SCEA didn't fix the budget issue in the PS3 game yet fixed it in the PS4, I can give them a pass, even though it was upsetting and kind of shaddy by them too, but they have built up a good enough good will over the years, its easier to give them a pass unlike others in the sports game world.
# 47 Will I Am @ 02/13/15 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by CaseIH
Nice write up, and this is why the developers of this game are the very best in the business, and are so highly thought of. They have always been as open an honest as possible, while other game makers feed you full of lies, then your sadly disappointed after buying the game, namely NBA2k. Its also why like last yr when SCEA didn't fix the budget issue in the PS3 game yet fixed it in the PS4, I can give them a pass, even though it was upsetting and kind of shaddy by them too, but they have built up a good enough good will over the years, its easier to give them a pass unlike others in the sports game world.
Wonder if now that they've had a year if the franchise budget issues will be fixed for 2015? Have you heard? Thanks.
# 48 rjackson @ 02/13/15 03:00 PM
Originally Posted by Nwo4Life75
Apparently I'm wrong and everybody on here is right. It is what it is.
I keep saying something very similar to the wife...
# 49 catswithbats @ 02/16/15 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by Armor & Sword
Well said. The Show's team is really a bunch of pros. They listen to their fans, implement new features without taking out old ones. They constantly stack the deck and keep building a game full of options and features without taking away the core gameplay that some Show veterans (like myself) still utilize (Classic pitching, timed batting) in fact a perfect example of adding is directional hitting to the timed mechanic. They are not forcing on us. If you want to play timed the default way...you can. If you want to add in the directional user input you have that option.

And the communication with the community is second to none.
The bolded is why I gave up on 2K and switched to MLB the Show. Besides the fact MLBTS is a far superior product.
# 50 Will I Am @ 02/16/15 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by catswithbats
The bolded is why I gave up on 2K and switched to MLB the Show. Besides the fact MLBTS is a far superior product.

They listen to their fans, implement new features without taking out old ones.

Might want to check out the analog thread regarding the above statement.
# 51 Knight165 @ 02/16/15 08:09 PM
Originally Posted by Will I Am
They listen to their fans, implement new features without taking out old ones.

Might want to check out the analog thread regarding the above statement.
1. If your attempt at a point is they don't listen to fans.....I'm sure a MUCH larger group than O.S. wanted a change
2. If it's about removing....it wasn't removed....design change is not removal.


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