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NBA 2K15's Mike Wang Answers Your Questions (Interview)
NBA 2K15 Gameplay Director Mike Wang took to the Operation Sports forums this month to answer questions about this year's game.

Because that forum thread now contains hundreds of posts, I extracted the most interesting and important questions and answers for this piece.

I broke it down based on topics, including dribbling, player movement, game controls, and more.

Thanks to Mike for taking the time, jersez for starting the conversation, and all the Operation Sports Forums users who participated in the discussion.

Q: What improvements were made outside of signature sizeups for the dribbling system?

A: This hasn't been talked about too much, but quite a bit has changed with the dribbling system for 2K15. For one, all of the core movement was refreshed (first steps, cuts, autocrosses, etc.) I tried to bring back some of the fundamental feel that 2K11 had with its dribbling. 2K13-14 saw a lot of "flavor" injected into the dribbler, sometimes at the cost of responsiveness. I did my best to trim a lot of that fat out of the movement.

Q: How can I get explosive launches out of signature size ups?

A: The launches you get will vary based on when you try to branch out of any given size up. I'd advise going into practice with your favorite players and experimenting with breaking out of the size ups at different points in the animation. You'll find that launching out at some points will be more explosive than others.

To explode out of the sig size ups, hold Turbo+Left Stick left or right toward the hoop.

Q: How do I get past a CPU defender?

A: There are a number of suggestions I can make here. At a basic level, you should try to get your defender moving or biting in one direction and then take what he gives you. Bait him, make him make a decision, and then take advantage. Here's a "script" that I often use with a quick ball handler:
1. From the top of the arc, back out to the half court line.
2. Drive hard at a 45 deg. angle toward the free throw line extended
3. Hit the defender with a hard stepback move (Turbo+RS away)
4. At this point, if the defender has dropped too far back to take away your drive, you might have a nice look at a jumper. If he closes on your stepback, you can yo yo your defender by driving or doing a hard cross launch out of your stepback. Usually, the defender's momentum will give you just enough cushion to get by him.

Q: Is there anything in the patch that helps with the way PG's bring the ball up court?

A: I'm working on making it easier to walk the ball upcourt if that's what you're asking.
Player Movement & Contact

Q: Player movements have a lot of momentum this year. How do I gain full control over [a player]?

A: This was one of the biggest changes to gameplay overall this year, and it will continue to see significant improvement as we continue to refine it. My best advice is to try and read the ball handler, anticipate, and don't over commit. It's also important to manage use of Turbo, understand how feathering the stick works, and also make use of the Right Stick Quick Steps. Another big mistake I see people routinely make on defense is continually hugging up too much on the ball handler. When you're guarding a good ball handler, I suggest gapping off more often than not. Sometimes that's all you need in order to have enough time to react and cut him off.

That being said, we still need to do a better job at tightening up movement on both ends of the floor. That's something you can expect from us going forward.

Q: Will something be done to 2K15 to improve contact recognition on gameplay animations? We all know the current issue with the low amount of foul calls during gameplay.

A: I'm working on this right now for the next patch. For now, crank your shooting foul sliders to the max.

Q: One thing that has bothered me on various installments of NBA 2k basketball games and is very present in 2k15 is the CPU ability to recover from contact, forcing it's way into the paint creating contact and then able to go up for a perfect released shot, should there not be a mili-second of recovery to gather then go up for the shot or just more of forced release animation.

A: Yes. This bothers me too. Bad news is, we can't do much about this in a patch as it's quite a widespread issue. Good news is that it's a big focus for 2K16. The main issue is that our dribbler and body up systems don't do a good job passing information to our shot systems. We're looking at solutions for this now.

Q: [In MyCAREER, there] seems to be a disparity between players when they are your AI teammates and when they are your AI opponents. Is there some regulating factor that causes AI teammates to go against their own tendencies like passing up shots or not having their defense be effective?

A: The biggest difference between your AI teammates and your AI opponents is there are certain bonuses and influences in place to make your teammates "cooperate" with you, and in the case of MyCareer, involve you more than they normally might another AI teammate of the same caliber. This is done in an attempt to make playing MyCareer more interesting for the average user. So AI teammates might shoot shots they'd normally pass up because you're telling them to shoot or because they're trying to help you get assists. Also most people in MyCareer aren't running plays or any kind of structured offense. This can throw off the AI behaviors as well. Their defense shouldn't be any less effective when they're your teammates vs. Opposing you. But again, the user can throw off the AI's help and rotations by being in unexpected places which could make them seem dumb at times. I guess I'm saying that there are a ton of factors that might distort the AI but there's nothing artificial put in place to handicap your teammates.

Game Controls

Q: Does contesting a shot manually drop the percentage of the shot more than letting the CPU contest it?

A: Yes. All factors being equal, a user-controlled defender will affect the shot more than the AI.

Q: Is there any way to pick who you want to set a pick on a pick and [roll]?

A: Tap the pick control button and you'll see player icons show up. Press and hold the action button corresponding to the player you want to set the screen and he'll come over instead of the auto selected guy.

Q: Can you explain shot fatigue? When does it kick in?

A: There are two types of shot fatigue, jump shot and collision. The jump shot fatigue looks at the player's real life FGA stat and as soon as the player has exceeded the avg. number of FGAs, the %'s start to drop. The penalties can be pretty severe if you go way over the player's real life stats so be careful.

Collision fatigue is a cumulative fatigue that drains with each successive collision in the paint (both body ups and contact shots.) The contact shot %'s drop a little bit each time there's a collision and it adds up over the course of the game.

For both types of shot fatigue, the badges and ratings you'd expect to matter obviously do, so the penalties are applied according to a player's real life abilities.
Wrapping Up

So there you have it. Mike mentioned some helpful gameplay tips, particularly involving the controls and dribbling.

What was your big takeaway from the Q&A? Share your answer in the comments below!

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Member Comments
# 61 Klaime @ 11/05/14 09:16 PM
When you ask to form a big 3 does it actually work? If so can you give a step-by-step process of how to form a big 3?
# 62 Goffs @ 11/05/14 09:49 PM
Originally Posted by Svengali
Well that's probably more of a factor than you having the PC version, as a wired connection will always be faster than bluetooth and most console players use wireless controllers.
Not really...I use an old wireless one...I can stay in front of my guy easily but as I said the gameplay changes after each roster updates. I may cover the guy like a glue in one week then the next week it feels like I'm sliding with barely touching the sticks.

I stopped trying to figure out if they do ninja updates through roster updates. Just enjoy it for what it is when it plays awesome....
# 63 SPRINGS03 @ 11/06/14 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
No. I was specifically talking about AI behaviors. There's nothing in place to handicap the BEHAVIORS of your teammates. Shot %s is a completely different subject. There are absolutely handicaps in place to make your teammates shoot at a lower % than the opposing AI players when you raise the difficulty level. Pro and All-Star they're more or less equal but the divide grows when you go up to Superstar and HoF. That's also being refined in the patch
I feel like in this day and age, there's gotta be a better less heavy handed way to make the game more challenging than stat nerfs. Hell, i've seen other games do it. Instead of just lowering stats, why not make the opposing team just play a little smarter? Also, still remember back in the day when people said the opponent AI would get unfair advantages and people tried their hardest to deny it lol.
# 64 Beluba @ 11/07/14 03:57 AM
Originally Posted by SPRINGS03
I feel like in this day and age, there's gotta be a better less heavy handed way to make the game more challenging than stat nerfs. Hell, i've seen other games do it. Instead of just lowering stats, why not make the opposing team just play a little smarter? Also, still remember back in the day when people said the opponent AI would get unfair advantages and people tried their hardest to deny it lol.

Completely agree and we're getting there. The attribute and shot % "stat nerfs" are almost gone already, as we've been able to shift more difficulty level tuning to logic based factors in just about every aspect of Gameplay

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
# 65 henne407 @ 11/07/14 05:05 AM
Hey Beluba, can u answer me this, when will player hairstyle be updated? It was something that was suppose to be in the game for the past few years and I haven't seen not one players hairstyle change other Iman Shumpert for the Knicks and I think that was last year. Can u please answer this for me. Thanks in advance.
# 66 Sam I am @ 11/07/14 08:25 AM
What needs to be updated is when a player is in the paint especially bigmen & after a rebound , why does he always pump fake & if he fakes out a defender, he will still miss an open layup & the defender can recover faster than the offensive player can go back up. Show the post ppl some love, why is it harder to to fades & shimmy shots. Secondly why when you pass it to a guy on the baseline & you have the stick pointed to the hoop, fast break or alone , instead of driving, he will stay there & shoot. Third this thing of the ball hitting the side of the backboard has to go, doesn't make any sense. Forth If i hit up on the dpad to see my players stats, it should not go over the shot feedback & it should also show the opponents stats & grades for defense so i will know where to attack The break down of score along with heat check & fouls should be in the time out . Lastly should be able to save play books online, Mike , when will we be able to have settings & def setting for scrimmages so we can tweak what works & doesn't for our teams & the ability to assign plays & practice post moves etc. Also an option to go back to the old shot style, (its been here for 5+years) & most of all videos are nice but we need the training camp & have to do the moves on the mentor to get to the next mentor. Also if there is a lot of hidden moves or chained combo moves, either show us or have a lil guide for about $5.00 that teaches you every players move & special moves. Lastly the fatigue needs adjusting, seen too many games online where ppl don't sub out. If you try to edit a playbook online, it will disconnect. I'm done & Thanks again.
# 67 Vroman @ 11/07/14 09:37 AM
Outcomes of disconnected online games should be fixed.
Got 2 'free' wins and 1 win stolen(counted as loss) because a random match disconnect at RTTpP (my team).
On wins games didn't even start and disconnected before tip off, on robbed win it was 'waiting for opponent' message popping out until game disconnected at 3rd quater.
# 68 GisherJohn24 @ 11/07/14 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by bls
No need to, 2k11 is still the best 2k basketball game to date IMO

Sent from my SPH-L900 using Tapatalk 2
2k11 is also my favorite. Something about it. Plus all the legends are intact
# 69 GisherJohn24 @ 11/07/14 10:34 AM
So how do we wire up a ps4 controller? Seems like this fixes the lag issues?
# 70 flo182 @ 11/07/14 10:43 AM
How come blocking is so hard? Seems like my defender just randomly jumps up in the air instead of focusing on the defender. Even if I play with lockdown-D and have an A+ Shotblocker against a really small pointguard...it's so ****ing frustrating to play Defense in this game...
# 71 GisherJohn24 @ 11/07/14 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by flo182
How come blocking is so hard? Seems like my defender just randomly jumps up in the air instead of focusing on the defender. Even if I play with lockdown-D and have an A+ Shotblocker against a really small pointguard...it's so ****ing frustrating to play Defense in this game...
Blocking is not easy but i am leading the nba in blocks in my season. Just gotta anticipate. If ypu can get around 5 blocks a game that's really good.
# 72 cfghjdyu @ 11/07/14 12:02 PM
Still really no answers on fouls. Welp.
# 73 flo182 @ 11/07/14 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by GisherJohn24
Blocking is not easy but i am leading the nba in blocks in my season. Just gotta anticipate. If ypu can get around 5 blocks a game that's really good.
Maybe in MyCareer its possible but when you play MyGM / MyLeague and use the sideline camera perspective its so hard to block because there is no help at all with aiming your block. The player just seems to jump up and waive his arms through the air without any focus on the ball.
# 74 Soundtrack2C @ 11/07/14 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
No. I was specifically talking about AI behaviors. There's nothing in place to handicap the BEHAVIORS of your teammates. Shot %s is a completely different subject. There are absolutely handicaps in place to make your teammates shoot at a lower % than the opposing AI players when you raise the difficulty level. Pro and All-Star they're more or less equal but the divide grows when you go up to Superstar and HoF. That's also being refined in the patch
I hope the patch fix goes in place for not just my career, but all other modes in which you can player lock.

Has the shot contest gimp placed on user teammates been fixed as well? You spoke about a shot contest from a user teammate being weaker than a user's own shot contest. Has this been fixed? Its probably the most annoying gameplay "feature" outside of the non responsive controls. So I hope this gets/got addressed across my career and all other modes in which you can player lock.
# 75 Soundtrack2C @ 11/07/14 05:20 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
Completely agree and we're getting there. The attribute and shot % "stat nerfs" are almost gone already, as we've been able to shift more difficulty level tuning to logic based factors in just about every aspect of Gameplay

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Is this in reference to 2k15 or future titles? Please tell me you are referring to the gimp placed on user teammates across all game modes once a user is player locking.

Also, has anything been done to stop the massive amount of centers and power forwards opting to go for fadeaways instead of hook shots and actually backing down the defender to get a basket?
# 76 Soundtrack2C @ 11/07/14 05:23 PM
Also, I'm not sure if anyone has brought this up as yet, but the alley oops issues. The cpu throwing them out of bounds every time they go for one and users throwing alley oops to unintended targets, is anything being done in this patch to fix the issues with alley oops for both the user and the cpu?

Its a pain to see so many alley oops get sent out of bounds, or trying to throw an alley oops to deandre jordan off of a pick and roll, and having the ball get thrown to someone else.
# 77 dipset2050 @ 11/07/14 10:25 PM
Originally Posted by TheRealHST
Everything you posted in here has to some of the most over the top stuff I've seen on OS.

Now they don't care and you want to fire the staff??? Wow, who are you supposed to be? How do you know what these guys do and when are you going to develop some games?

I really don't understand sports gamers like you. You're never satisfied , then your type goes on tirades like this.

I hope whoever you sent that doc doesn't listen to you because you don't speak for us all.

I always say to guys like you that if its this deep to you and you're so outraged then just walk away from the franchise.
I loved this post.
# 78 dipset2050 @ 11/07/14 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by Beluba
Completely agree and we're getting there. The attribute and shot % "stat nerfs" are almost gone already, as we've been able to shift more difficulty level tuning to logic based factors in just about every aspect of Gameplay

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I'm definitely looking forward to this implementation.
# 79 mfalcon1013 @ 11/08/14 03:53 PM
All I want to know is how to turn off the shot meter. I have it for Xbox 360 and nobody seems to know the answer, not even 2k support. I looked in the options like they told me to do and it's not there, I looked in My career game play settings and it's not there. Does anyone know how to disable the shot meter?
# 80 SirDAB @ 11/10/14 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Svengali
Oh, so I have to buy a $30 play and charge kit just so I can play this game normally? Fantastic..... smh
Are you playing offline or online?

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