Feature Article
Madden NFL 15: Three Things To Be Excited About

Madden NFL 15 is coming in a few weeks, and at this point we've really begun to learn what this year's title is bringing to the table. Here are three things we are excited about with this year's game, be sure to add your own in the comments!

James Kerti: I feel most intrigued about the passing inaccuracy. For many years, it felt like every pass you threw was either completed, deflected, or intercepted. But in the NFL, there are so many passes every game, even by the most accurate quarterbacks, that are simply inaccurate. Madden never reflected it. Granted, I'm skeptical of how well it will be implemented in Madden NFL 15, but it's a welcome attempted change to the game.

Ben Vollmer: While I generally agree with James in that the passing inaccuracy feature could go a long way in fixing Madden, I'd have to say that I'm more intrigued by the upgrades they have made on the defensive side of the ball.

For one, I think it was imperative that they make defense fun. We can go back and forth on realism, and how important that is to the overall quality of a sports game (and for me, it's extremely important), but on the game's most basic level, defense needed to be fun to play. My ultimate hope here is that the defense, combined with the passing inaccuracy feature, leads to a game of cat and mouse on both sides of the ball. I'm tentatively optimistic that that will be the case with Madden 15.

Chris Sanner: The gameplay feature I am most intrigued about at this point that isn't either of the above two is the improved A.I., specifically the enhanced coverages. Passing in Madden has always seemed to be a wide open affair, yet in real life throwing in the NFL is about hitting small targets in small time windows. Obviously this has to be balanced out so you don't tick off the 90% of users who just want to sling the football around and feel like Manning without knowing what he knows, but I'd like to think that the passing game enhancements will mean the throwing windows will be tighter this year.


What are you excited about in Madden NFL 15?

Member Comments
# 61 La Verite @ 08/11/14 03:27 PM
Although I'm finally intrigued to buy Madden, I'm hoping the in-game experience has high replay value. Like will the commentary follow each season as they progress. Will the presentation hype up play off games and have rivalry stories that develops during the season. If I win the superbowl will that team be talked about as defending champs or will it be tired script?
# 62 Sheba2011 @ 08/11/14 03:57 PM
Originally Posted by La Verite
Although I'm finally intrigued to buy Madden, I'm hoping the in-game experience has high replay value. Like will the commentary follow each season as they progress. Will the presentation hype up play off games and have rivalry stories that develops during the season. If I win the superbowl will that team be talked about as defending champs or will it be tired script?
They did mention in one of the streams that some of that stuff would be in the game but were vague on specifics. For me replay value comes from wanting to see my team I build progress from year to year. I want to see that young QB I drafted connect with the young WR I drafted and become the most dangerous combo in the league. I usually end up muting the commentary by year 2 and listening to music or sports talk radio.
# 63 tdatcher @ 08/11/14 07:18 PM
I do like madden, but the game play is still very jerky. I thought by now EA would have made a transition to a smoother gameplay.
# 64 ManiacMatt1782 @ 08/12/14 11:22 AM
I wonder if they could code it that a pass inaccuracy is more likely to happen on a 4th down in a position that would be foolish to go for it in the real NFL. I am not talking about 4th and 1 from the opp 40. I am talking about 4th and whatever on your own side of the field in the 1st half, etc.
# 65 Sheba2011 @ 08/12/14 12:28 PM
Originally Posted by ManiacMatt1782
I wonder if they could code it that a pass inaccuracy is more likely to happen on a 4th down in a position that would be foolish to go for it in the real NFL. I am not talking about 4th and 1 from the opp 40. I am talking about 4th and whatever on your own side of the field in the 1st half, etc.
You mean all the "miracle" 4th and 30 hail mary plays that get converted on the regular? That would be very interesting and also force people into playing the game correctly (i.e. utilizing special teams).
# 66 WillGL9 @ 08/12/14 06:47 PM
Ok, all of these new features sound great, and im sure they will be, but this is madden and these new little tweaks and additions are expected in every new game. Since it is the first full year of having next gen I was expecting some big changes. Just look at NBA 2K15, there big new addition to next gen was MyLeague, and last year they completely re did the MyCareer mode and made it amazing(yes it had some growing pains) but what i'm trying to basically say is that other games are re doing there game modes or adding new ones, while Madden is just making small tweaks. I know I will still love the game when I play it, but this is next gen and they had loads of things to add and ideas from the community that they didn't add.
# 67 ryan36 @ 08/12/14 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by ManiacMatt1782
I wonder if they could code it that a pass inaccuracy is more likely to happen on a 4th down in a position that would be foolish to go for it in the real NFL. I am not talking about 4th and 1 from the opp 40. I am talking about 4th and whatever on your own side of the field in the 1st half, etc.
I would hate this. If the game is programmed and balanced properly, then the cheap moves like this would de-incentivize themselves
# 68 The JareBear @ 08/12/14 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by ryan36
I would hate this. If the game is programmed and balanced properly, then the cheap moves like this would de-incentivize themselves
I would only like this if it was tied to the awareness rating for user controlled QBs. I've being trying to figure out a way that awareness could still end up mattering for user controlled players at all positions, and for QBs I was thinking maybe it could affect throwing trajectories or something to do with accuracy of QBs.

Basically I'm just hoping to one day get rid of the "this guy has 20 awareness but has 95 speed so I just user him" thing.
# 69 ODogg @ 08/12/14 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by The JareBear
I would only like this if it was tied to the awareness rating for user controlled QBs. I've being trying to figure out a way that awareness could still end up mattering for user controlled players at all positions, and for QBs I was thinking maybe it could affect throwing trajectories or something to do with accuracy of QBs.

Basically I'm just hoping to one day get rid of the "this guy has 20 awareness but has 95 speed so I just user him" thing.
Yes, that's always been an issue in Madden....
# 70 Jerikokai @ 08/12/14 10:01 PM
You know what i look forward to?

Next year, when this exact thread will once again appear and we all get excited and hope for things to be better.

hey guess what? check out this thread from the last three or four years. read the comments.....

has anything really changed? just more free advertisement for madden.
# 71 ODogg @ 08/13/14 12:24 PM
That is true of just about any game....massive hype...then nothing for awhile...then massive hype before launch, everyone thinks this game is "the one", game releases and there's a honeymoon phase, the everyone starts ripping it, then people over analyze what they need to do for the sequel, then those who enjoy it actually play it while half of the folks abandon it and the other half head to OS to criticize it.

Then the sequels announced and you can rinse and repeat. Only difference with Madden and other games is the special hate for EA and the tiresome complaining about the NFL exclusive license.... Dead horse meet stick..beat please..
# 72 mestevo @ 08/13/14 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by Jerikokai
You know what i look forward to?

Next year, when this exact thread will once again appear and we all get excited and hope for things to be better.

hey guess what? check out this thread from the last three or four years. read the comments.....

has anything really changed? just more free advertisement for madden.
So your hope is that next year there aren't three things that can be singled out to be excited about?
# 73 mestevo @ 08/13/14 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by Cre8
There should only be one thing that we get excited about... Madden 16.

When it comes to any of the hype building for Madden - they don't need help. I just wish I was excited about Madden 11-15 as I was for Madden 10. I have high hopes for the future of the game, but when I start seeing "Three Things" or "So and So's Tattoos" I just have to shake my head and try to stay optimistic.

It has become far too common for myself and others to become jaded by annually released games (Call of Duty, etc.).
It's a thread started by staff to start a discussion about what they are looking forward to. If that makes you shake your head as 'hype' then maybe Internet forums aren't your thing. You've now bumped the thread, and even gotten a reply from someone that wouldn't have been posted otherwise. You're now part of the hype, congrats.
# 74 ODogg @ 08/13/14 03:44 PM
Well I'm excited as heck about Madden 15 and I don't care who gets butt hurt about it. I enjoyed and still enjoy Madden 25 and Madden 15 looks like that game with some big improvements.

If you don't like the fact some people still enjoy Madden then maybe the thread about things to be excited about the upcoming game isn't for you... What some folks call hype I call optimism..
# 75 ODogg @ 08/13/14 06:10 PM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
Not really sure who this post was directed at, if anyone but to avoid any misinterpretation, what I was referring to in my post was the difference between excitement in anticipation of something versus whatever impression of the actual something. Like there have been countless movies I was excited about based on the trailers and info prerelease but all that was moot once I got to see the actual movie, whatever my impression of it at that point, was based solely on the actual movie.

It's possible to be both excited about improvements being touted for Madden 15 and apprehensive about their actual implementation. That doesn't mean anyone has a problem with those that are able and willing to enjoy the game for what it is, no matter what, more power to them, imo.
It wasn't really directed at anyone in particular to be honest, just addressing the tone of this thread and yes I certainly see your points in your last paragraph and agree with them...

I'm just tired of every thread in here, even ones implicitly stated as a "here are the positives" turning into a Madden or EA bash-fest basically...
# 76 CM Hooe @ 08/13/14 07:04 PM
Guys, the topic of this thread is "reasons you are looking forward to Madden NFL 15". Let's stay on subject, please.
# 77 ODogg @ 08/13/14 10:26 PM
What I'm most excited about starts with the graphics...they are much improved from Madden25 IMO. But that's just initially..I think long term the changes to defense should actually make that side of the ball enjoyable instead of just biding time until you go on offense again. Last, I really a glad they finally got random drafts in the franchise mode.

I can't wait to get the demo or whatever it is us EA Access people are getting in a week or so..
# 78 Cowboy008 @ 08/14/14 12:06 AM
If CFM works as they say I will be playing this until Madden 16 comes out. Can't wait for the videos tomorrow.

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