Feature Article
Madden NFL 15: Full Details of New Presentation, Graphics, Gameplay Mechanics

EA Sports has lifted the curtain on Madden NFL 15 today, with tons of new details about how their flagship sports title is going to be playing this year. We've compiled the big stuff into this feature (with links back to the original story on the EA site). Be sure to read through each and let us know what sounds good and what doesn't.

Enhanced Graphics

Improved Lighting

The Madden NFL team reworked the game’s exposure system to create better lighting and colors in all weather conditions. Improvements have also been made to the game’s stadium night lighting, as well as ambient lighting.

Characters are now fully reflective, and will reflect light bounced from the environment itself. This creates richer, more realistic lighting that brings player/material details to life like never before.

3D Grass

The playing field itself comes to life in Madden NFL 15 with 3D-enabled grass during gameplay. In past versions, grass was merely a texture. This year, the game now features full “infinite grass” technology.

Richer Detail

Heavy improvements have been made to player and coach likeness thanks to player scanning. Upgrades have been made to player and coach heads, as well as Colin Kaepernick's tattoos.

(More Details)

Improved Presentation

Authentic NFL-Style Broadcast

Former NFL Films Senior Cinematographer Brian Murray serves as Presentation Director of Madden NFL 15, and his goal was to shoot Madden like an authentic broadcast. Scripted celebrations and on-field moments have been phased out to allow for emotional moments to be shown with variety and energy. Players now celebrate big plays (even by their teammates) with organic, unscripted excitement.

The improvements are also evident with polished transitions coming in and out of timeouts. Quarterbacks can now jog towards the sideline while music plays, just like you’d see on TV heading into a commercial break.

New Broadcast Elements

The Madden development team placed a heavy emphasis on broadcast banners, and tying new commentary back to them. Every banner in the game has been retouched to reflect the look and feel of an authentic NFL broadcast, and players will see a variety of new broadcast wipes that provide context to in-game performances.

A refined drop-down system will provide consistent updates on player performances. These additions help provide context to games in Connected Franchise mode, making them feel like a living, breathing season. Pregame and halftime banners tie together events from the season, including new Playoff Chase and Divisional Standings banners.

Real NFL Jumbotrons

Gone are the days of generic “LOSE LOSE LOSE” messages on Madden NFL scoreboards. Madden NFL 15 features authentic jumbotrons messaging and imagery from a number of NFL teams, displaying more than 20 events including touchdowns and crowd cues (get loud on defense, be quiet on offense).

This new treatment is extended to Super Bowls as well, giving them a more “neutral” feel. Super Bowl scoreboard images are no longer be subject to the game’s home team. Instead, the winner now sees their team’s logo alongside the Lombardi Trophy.

Player Spotlight Montages

New broadcast banners and montages tell dynamic stories about how players are performing, making every game feel fresh. If a quarterback like Colin Kaepernick or Robert Griffin III is making big plays with their legs, gamers may see a montage of some of their biggest runs. If a pass rush is making life difficult on an opposing quarterback, you might see a few of their biggest plays. It’s all about telling a story.

Commentary Improvements

Madden NFL 15 features more than 80 hours of new commentary between play-by-play announcer Jim Nantz and color commentator Phil Simms. Some of the recording focused primarily on player names, so that Jim and Phil will call out more names during and after the play.

Jim Nantz has re-recorded much of his mid-play commentary so that it fits more comfortable with the rest of his dialogue. This results in a smoother, more cohesive broadcast as Jim calls out the action on the field.

Pregame and Halftime

Local sports director Larry Ridley leads an all-new intro sequence before games, calling out specific matchups and other tidbits to keep an eye on during the game. The halftime show also includes broadcast-style graphics, as well as a fantasy ticker with player stats on the bottom of the screen.

During halftime, Larry will also break down some of the game’s highlights with all-new audio recordings.

New Playcalling

Call Plays With Confidence

Players can leverage data from millions of online games with all-new crowd-sourced play recommendations.

 For example, if Madden NFL players like spreading the field with four wide receivers on third down, you’ll see some of the plays that get called most often, as well as their success rates.

The improved game-flow system is not just limited to community success, but also opponent tendencies. This new data results in better suggestions than in years past, and replaces the “Ask Madden” feature.

Knowledge is Power

Madden NFL 15’s new playcalling also tracks how often you call certain plays over the course of your career, as well as how successful the plays are.

The “Previous Play” widget also shows you how well the plays are being executed compared to the rest of the Madden community.

Plays by Concept

Looking to exploit your speed on the outside? Are your receivers tough to press off the line? Then call plays based on concepts like streaks, fades, and slants in order to capitalize on your personnel.

If you’re looking to dial up Dez Bryant in the red zone, then check out the fade concept and get him a touchdown. If your opponent can’t hang with the savvy of Wes Welker, perhaps double move and slant concepts are your best bet.

Player Sense 2.0

Zone/Man Coverage Improvements

Zone Coverage ratings now have a bigger impact on how quickly defenders break on throws. Defenders with higher ratings in Zone Coverage will react much quicker to throws.

Defenses are now smarter when it comes to going for a swat vs. an interception or a tackle. This improved logic will be broken down by player traits.

Improvements have also been made to zone defenders responsible for the flats. Some things to look out for include smarter principles (no more out route abuse!), improved head tracking on all players, increases in press and chuck interactions between DBs and wide receivers, as well as better pursuit and tackling ability.

Man Coverage ratings have also been tweaked to impact how much separation receivers are able to get on cuts in their routes, resulting in improved behavior of the defender.

New to Madden NFL 15 is the addition of disguised defenses, where opposing secondaries will show you one coverage but give another.

Real AI 2.0

The Madden development team continues to improve the decision-making of computer-controlled players. Thanks to Real AI 2.0, computer quarterbacks understand different passing concepts, and will read defenders before making correct throws. They'll also audible and call hot routes based on Real AI, and also have improved logic for handling pressure in the pocket.

The computer now makes the same types of decisions that a skilled user would make. One improvement is CPU Fake Snap, which attempts to draw players offside more than in previous versions of Madden NFL.

War in the Trenches 2.0

Pre-Play Fidgets

The improvements are obvious before the ball is even snapped, as new animations replicate the pre-play behavior of an NFL line of scrimmage. Each position group has their unique set of fidget animations to prepare them for the snap of the ball.

Power Pass Rush

In Madden NFL 15, Players can now trigger power pass rush moves by pressing the X/Square buttons while engaged with a blocker. These moves used to be triggered by flicking the R-Stick, which sometimes felt unresponsiveness. With the new controls, players will have more control and ability to get off blocks. Use these moves with powerful linemen like J.J. Watt, Chris Long and Julius Peppers.

Finesse Pass Rush

Power pass rushers aren’t the only guys getting love, as finesse pass rush moves have also been improved. Players can now press the A/X buttons while engaged to trigger finesse pass rush moves from players such as Cameron Wake and Brian Orakpo.

Off the Line

Some of the NFL’s best pass rushers like Robert Quinn, Robert Mathis, and Von Miller use their quick first step to get off the ball and gain an advantage by timing the snap. That’s now possible in Madden NFL 15, as players can make successful (or unsuccessful) speed rush moves by pressing RT at the correct time during the snap. However, mistiming the move will result in a slow first step and a win for the blocker, or even an offsides penalty.

Disengage and Contain

Contain the scrambling abilities of quarterbacks like Robert Griffin III and Colin Kaepernick by keeping them in the pocket and getting off blocks when they try to leave the pocket. New QB Contain pass rush logic and animations have been added so that defenders will pressure the quarterback while keeping the outside of the pocket contained.

Pass rushers can now easily disengage by pressing A/X while moving the L-Stick away from the blocker. Playing defense offers much more control and responsiveness when attempting to get off blocks.

Catch Variety and Pass Inaccuracy

Inaccurate Passes

In past versions of Madden NFL, any quarterback could consistently shred an opposing defense with accurate passes. But in Madden NFL 15, the quarterback accuracy rating (THA), situation, and scenario have never been more important.

QBs now throw a number of inaccurate passes determined by their accuracy ratings and pocket pressure, with the level of accuracy ranging from “very inaccurate” to “perfect.” As in the real NFL, there's a much higher chance of being inaccurate when under pressure.

When building your offensive strategy, be sure to consult your quarterback’s three accuracy ratings: THA Short, THA Mid and THP Deep. Accurate throwers like Philip Rivers and Drew Brees will be able to pinpoint their throws more effectively than less accurate quarterbacks like Geno Smith and Eli Manning.

The effectiveness of mobile quarterbacks has also been tuned to allow for greater ability to throw on the run. In previous version of Madden, throwing on the run came at a heavy cost. This year, players will have more ability to take advantage of their quarterback’s athleticism outside of the pocket.

Catch Variety

New in Madden 15 is increased catch variety. Players will now see both wide receivers and defensive backs make efforts to go after inaccurate passes.

If you put too much air on a curl route, you’ll now see your receiver leap in an attempt to catch the overthrown ball, rather than just stand there and let the ball sail over his head.

These varied animations are available for both wideouts and defenders, so be sure to put the ball on target.


Each of the details above were all originally posted on EA's website. Check out each article linked below:

Catch Variety and Pass Inaccuracy

Enhanced Graphics

Improved Presentation

New Playcalling System

Player Sense 2.0

War in the Trenches 2.0

Madden NFL 15 Videos
Member Comments
# 21 ForUntoOblivionSoar∞ @ 06/09/14 06:36 PM
Seems they didn't get the memo that they have the wrong color for the 49ers pants. It must have been hard not noticing when actually having access to all 19 games they played in last year... and the 19 they played in the year before that... and so on and so on.

Kane99 told me he had this on his "to fix" list. I wonder what happened with that (what happened man? ).


Notice how they are actually darker and have a different yellow/blue differential in real life. smh.

I guess I'll go back to emailing the NFLPA, Jed York and everyone associated with the game or the league I can contact again. I did actually get a response from the NFLPA last year regarding the gold helmet, and EA/Tiburon actually fixed it midway through the release/media cycle (they showed a trailer that had the old flat tan helmets, then I sent a flurry of emails to everyone I could find, got a response from the NFLPA, and suddenly the helmets became metallic gold). It certainly couldn't hurt, although correlation doesn't equal causation, naturally.

Mods: if you think this belongs in the uniform thread by all means please move it.
# 22 ajayi1987 @ 06/09/14 06:37 PM
I hope they added a strip tackle...
# 23 Rams_3 @ 06/09/14 06:40 PM
Did they say "Infinite grass technology" lol here we go again with this grass non sense. They must really be proud of their grass. Smh
# 24 kehlis @ 06/09/14 06:43 PM
Originally Posted by XXstormmXX
Here comes the Gameplay Police, demanding unedited gameplay before the game is out.

We'll see unedited gameplay in August when they send early copies to the reviewers.
Wait, what's wrong with wanting to see gameplay?
# 25 jmurphy31 @ 06/09/14 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by HealyMonster
Presentation homer here. Can't wait to see how it is implemented but it sounds promising. My biggest pet peeve has always been how they show a stat overlay and it's gone in about 3 seconds. Like it was there just to be there, I never had the chance to get into the feel of the game with madden, everything is like boom boom boom touchdown, dude all alone on the side of the field celebrating, next cut scene dud somehow in the bench area, ,boom kickoff. Everything blazing fast and for no apparent reason, just random cutscenes and banners that wiz by.

I'm getting stressed out just describing the,
I think they mostly go fast if you touch any button. Not sure why if I want to hurry to the Line of scrimmage or start making defensive adjustments the banner ads can't stay on the screen.
# 26 jmurphy31 @ 06/09/14 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by J ROCK 05
Do you think with this info we are going to get a real time ticker with scores, stats from other teams during gameplay?
I hope so, but I think they would of mentioned it as part of the presentation blog. I am excited about banners relating to your franchise
# 27 lopey986 @ 06/09/14 06:47 PM
Originally Posted by kehlis
Wait, what's wrong with wanting to see gameplay?
Yeah, for real. EA puts together some nice pre rendered sizzle reels (and slaps REAL GAMEPLAY on it) but until we see someone sitting down with a controller and playing I'll hold my breath.
# 28 Aggies7 @ 06/09/14 06:49 PM
Originally Posted by lopey986
Yeah, for real. EA puts together some nice pre rendered sizzle reels (and slaps REAL GAMEPLAY on it) but until we see someone sitting down with a controller and playing I'll hold my breath.

I assume it will be playable during the rest of E3 so video should start rolling in...I guess maybe tomorrow. I'll hold judgement til then gameplay wise.

Don't quote me as I have never attended E3.
# 29 kehlis @ 06/09/14 06:55 PM
Originally Posted by lopey986
Yeah, for real. EA puts together some nice pre rendered sizzle reels (and slaps REAL GAMEPLAY on it) but until we see someone sitting down with a controller and playing I'll hold my breath.
I've seen a lot of really odd trolling and some just downright crazy people over my years here but I can honestly say one thing I've never seen is someone accuse others of being the "gameplay police." I still don't understand that....
# 30 totalpoop @ 06/09/14 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by Daywalker86
"This year, the game now features full “infinite grass” technology."

Laughed really hard when I read this...
that's when you know no real innovations or upgrades were made to this game. never once have i seen nba2k detail about their all new 'sweat absorbing infinite hardwood'.
# 31 lopey986 @ 06/09/14 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Aggies7
I assume it will be playable during the rest of E3 so video should start rolling in...I guess maybe tomorrow. I'll hold judgement til then gameplay wise.

Don't quote me as I have never attended E3.
Yeah usually we get some stuff popping up on YouTube, hopefully someone ethnic a nice camera can record some.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
# 32 lopey986 @ 06/09/14 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by lopey986
Yeah usually we get some stuff popping up on YouTube, hopefully someone ethnic a nice camera can record some.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
Haha, someone ethnic. Friggin spell check. Someone WITH A!

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk
# 33 DeuceDouglas @ 06/09/14 07:03 PM
Lots for me to look forward to seeing from the gameplay vids coming.

I'm don't particularly care for the halftime/post-game show stuff but I'll be interested to see how it's laid out and how well it flows with playing the game. Definitely be interested in how the cameras and presentation looks. And then of course the DL-OL play as well as pass coverage and this variable pass accuracy that's being touted.

Really hoping to see some CFM stuff today too but I think they might be releasing that stuff tomorrow or over the next couple days.
# 34 Exile04 @ 06/09/14 07:18 PM
I like the fact tha tin the pictures players have short socks like real life instead of that mid stuff
# 35 Jr. @ 06/09/14 07:23 PM
Looks like Jump the Snap is back. Hopefully it's not as overpowered as it was in the past.

Nice to see some adjustments to inaccurate passes. Hopefully they're more of the "just out of the reach" kind and not the "10 yards off right to the defender"
# 36 Step2001 @ 06/09/14 07:24 PM
Hopefully there is specific Audio Commentary for Pre-Season, Regular Season & the Post Season. I know it touches on it, but nothing in-depth.

The audio commentary needs to connect All the years together as you play. Players Breakout Season, Players having a down year. Calling the team who won the Super Bowl the previous season "Super Bowl Champs" during the following season.
It can't feel like just Single Consecutive season's and nothing tying them together.

Rookies, Talk About them, as they are each team future. Presentation wise, add the "R" next to their picture.

Better Hall Of Fame induction announcements. Players passed over and not heard about again making it into the Hall!

Injury System fix! My Players getting a lot of Broken Collarbone injuries. Need new system with setbacks and each player is different when it comes to recovery.
Injuries need to be year round & in practice. Injury recovery need to carryover into the next season.
Players needing Off-Season Surgery and getting updates from Medical Staffs.
The addition of the PUP List!
OL & DL injuries?
Removing any injury blocker based on my depth chart. An injury just happens. If I have a One FB on my roster & he get injured, then I have to adjust by moving a TE over or use another RB OR just stay out of any Alignment that uses a FB. Same with my QB Depth Chart.

Like the Presentation like the QB light jogging over to the sideline during a timeout. Nice Touch! Look forward to seeing others......

Will there be a Off-Season Weekly Re-Cap show covering Player moves (Re-Signing, Release/Cut, Retirements)?

The Draft Presentation? A better breakdown on trades.

Scouting revamp? Adding a scouts & and info on players based off the scouts info. Each team has different info on players. Each team views players differently based on their scouts info.

8 man Practice Squad

Fixed Cut Down Days during Pre-Season Schedule. Should be Two, After 3rd Pre-Season game & Final one after the last Pre-Season Game.

Lessen Players coming out of retirement. In My Madden 25 CFM, Ray Lewis coming out of retirement for the second time. A handful of others coming out of retirement to, hmm.

46 Game Day Roster

Full Coaching Staff, Already have other Coaches on the sidelines!
# 37 tril @ 06/09/14 07:28 PM
sounds promising, but no mention of penalty fixes, especially DPI and OPI.
they mentioned 3d grass years ago, why keep mentioning this?

like the fact they fleshed out the qb accuracy ratings, to include short, medium and deep.
I wonder if theyve improved maximum passing feature or included controls like manual catch for receivers and cb's, in the controls settings.

halftime presentation improved, but it seems to be a direct port from NCAA 14. which isnt a bad thing.
# 38 Cowboy008 @ 06/09/14 07:36 PM
Originally Posted by XXstormmXX
Here comes the Gameplay Police, demanding unedited gameplay before the game is out.

We'll see unedited gameplay in August when they send early copies to the reviewers.
We should see some unedited gameplay in a few days since it is playable at E3.
# 39 XXstormmXX @ 06/09/14 07:48 PM
Originally Posted by Ryank197
This is literally one of the dumbest things Ive ever read on here.
Originally Posted by Cowboy008
We should see some unedited gameplay in a few days since it is playable at E3.
Why, because you have to wait two months to see?

And game demos are always edited, so until the game comes out I wouldn't judge gameplay on them, for better or worse.
# 40 Iceman87GT @ 06/09/14 07:54 PM
Who in EA's PR department still thinks its a good idea to tout grass?

Don't get me wrong I want the grass to look as realistic as possible but when you brag about the improvement in the grass each year it means that you are actually spending time improving grass each year. Fans don't care about the grass, its one of the last things we want to see perfected, and the fact that pretty much each year EA says something about it only leads to less consumer confidence that they are taking the more important aspects of the game into account.

It's at a point of diminishing returns, you can work on the grass but stop talking about it, its not a feature, and yet it is worked on and talked about pretty much every year as if it is as crucial as CPU AI, or player animations.

From a PR perspective it is a terrible thing to talk about: it gives consumers the idea that you haven't done much so you are going to talk up something as peripheral as grass. You said it was the best grass ever last year, and now you're telling us its improved (yeah I get it now it will be 3D during the gameplay instead of just in replays, then why did you tout it as 3D last year?!).

This list is long, and a lot of it looks pretty awesome so don't talk about something you've been droning on for years about. Let us as the gamers remark how awesome the grass is, instead of playing it up each year. I do this as someone who wants this game to be the best it can be, and I want others to get excited about the game instead of being as pessimistic as they have been for years, and its hard to convince them that you are taking a positive step when you keep talking about something that so few care about, that for some reason is always listed as an improvement to the game (even if it has been improved, there is zero reason to talk about it unless it has been perfected).

And now I will shut up about grass!

The list is looking good can't wait to hear impressions from the OSers on the floor over the next few days, hoping this is finally the game we have been waiting for (because I'm gonna buy it anyway and I hope others see a reason to do the same).

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