Feature Article
NBA 2K14 My Career Mode Makes and Misses
Of all the PlayStation 4 sports games, NBA 2K14 is the one I have played the most. Not because of its online modes, which are barely functional, or because of the lackluster My GM mode, which has been hampered by bizarre trade logic, nonsensical contract negotiations, outdated rosters (until this week) and a major bug where players never return from injuries.

Instead, I have almost exclusively played the new-look My Career mode, where you create an avatar and guide him through the cliché ascent from unknown street baller to NBA champion.

While the premise itself is stale, the mode's presentation is fresh, plus its scope is larger than any previous sports gaming story mode. You'd have to go all the way back to Midway's retired NBA Ballers and Blitz: The League series to find a sports game that put anywhere near as much work into crafting storylines and choreographing cutscenes.

Turning NBA 2K14's career mode into a low-budget Hollywood movie may have turned off some hardcore gamers who only care about what happens on the court. But Visual Concepts' attempt to capture the emotional parts of basketball -- player rivalries, teammate tensions, coaching disputes -- may also help usher in a new audience to sports gaming. One that, potentially, could become much larger and more lucrative than the audience who is outraged that they cannot "press X to fast forward."

During the console transition of the mid-1990s, roleplaying games used movie-quality video scenes to help take an unaccessible genre with a nerdy reputation from the unknown obscurity of EarthBound to the blockbuster success of Final Fantasy VII. At a time when the number of yearly sports franchises is dwindling, and the sales of key franchises like Madden NFL are slipping, the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One could finally become the stage where sports games start acting more like big screen dramas and less like interactive spreadsheets.

My Career, though not without some significant flaws, represents the first significant step towards making sports video games mean something more than just a bunch of numbers.


Cutscenes and Storylines

Between each game, NBA 2K14 uses cinematic sequences to show your created superstar interacting with coaches, trainers, teammates, media members, agents, businessmen and rival players. The 300-page script contains many memorable moments, and while the voice acting can be corny at times, these off-the-court sequences help build an emotional investment in the mode. 

When I had to sit down -- face-to-face -- with my general manager and ask him to trade me, I genuinely felt selfish and a little remorseful, as the boss and I had experienced some funny, friendly moments during many previous meetings.

When a hotshot super agent pulled me into his limousine and tried to lure me away from my long-time friend, I couldn't wait to tell the champagne-sipping, Rolex-wearing sleazeball to take his contract offer, shine it up real nice, turn it neatly on its side, and shove it straight up his candy ***.

Intriguing behind-the-scenes moments provide extra motivation to play through My Career's grinding 82-game schedule, as I've already experienced many crazy and unexpected circumstances just two-thirds of the way through my first season.

Signature Skills and Personality Traits

While NBA 2K14's create-a-player interface is lacking in visual customization, it atones for that fault by offering excellent gameplay personalization.

In addition to the standard 0-99 attribute ratings, your player can also equip up to 7 Signature Skills, which unlock unique animations and provide performance enhancements in specific game situations. A "Pick & Roll Maestro" will have a greater chance of hitting shots or completing passes when coming off a ball screen. An "Acrobat" will have little difficulty changing his shots in mid-air using NBA 2K's patented "shot stick." With 35 Signature Skills to select from, created players can now choose specializations that go beyond simply being a "good shooter." In NBA 2K14, "shooters" have to decide whether they want to excel off the catch, in traffic or from the corners. 

As many as three Personality Badges can also be equipped to further define your player's on-court role. An "Alpha Dog" will elevate his game whenever teammates are struggling. "Primetime" players perform at their peak during the playoffs and against rival teams. These 22 Badges are yet another tool, alongside the insanely detailed player models and hundreds of player-specific animations, that helps Visual Concepts capture the unique personality and mannerisms of each individual athlete in the NBA.


Dynamic Goals

NBA 2K14's career mode actively encourages you to be a ball hog and a bad teammate. At least, that's what will happen if you choose to follow the game's poorly designed dynamic goals. 

I once was subbed into a game with six seconds left, down by a single point, with my coach telling me to "hit the game-winning shot." After receiving the inbound pass, I was immediately double-teamed, so instead, I passed to an open teammate, who hit the game-winning shot as time expired.

Afterward, the coach expressed his disappointment with my play, saying that he would be lowering my minutes and decreasing my role with the team. That night, media members and Twitter followers were asking me why I had missed the game-winning shot. Apparently, NBA 2K14 takes the cliché, "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take" too literally.

To make matters worse, if you are pressing the X button to skip a cutaway camera shot and a dynamic goal suddenly appears on screen, there is no way to go back and view the assignment after you've accidentally "buttoned through it." 

Virtual Currency

If you choose to ignore NBA 2K14 self-centered goal system in favor of playing strategically sound, team-orientated basketball, don't expect to earn many experience points. 

Virtual currency, which is required to upgrade your player's attributes, special abilities and wardrobe, is incredibly hard to come by in NBA 2K14 without accomplishing any of the me-first goals.

Finish a game with 0 turnovers? You earn 25 VC.

Complete the social media challenge for outscoring -- AKA out-ball hogging -- Carmelo Anthony? You earn 250 VC.

Achieve an A+ teammate grade? You earn 15 VC.

Score 10 straight points all by yourself? You earn 150 VC.

As messed up at the VC earning rates are, the spending system is even more backwards. 

Before I even began My Career, I created my own sneakers using NBA 2K14's awesome shoe designer feature. I initially had some trouble figuring out how to actually equip my custom shoes. Then I discovered that I couldn't even wear the shoes that I had made unless I spent 7,500 VC in the My Player store. For reference, I've played over 60 games in my first NBA season and have earned around 30,000 VC.

So almost a fourth of my "paycheck" for the year would have to be sacrificed just to wear a pair of sneakers that I created.

Obviously, no sane person is going to drop 7,500 VC for a cosmetic addition to their player when that same currency also has to be used to upgrade player attributes, unlock signature skills, buy personality badges, etc.

General Manager Moves and Coaching Decisions

It doesn't seem to matter what mode you play in NBA 2K14; there's simply no escaping the game's baffling general manager logic.

The Sacramento Kings should not be spending their lottery pick on my created point guard when the team's roster already includes Isaiah Thomas, Greivis Vasquez and Jimmer Fredette. I became even more dumbfounded when, a few games after their draft blunder, the Kings decided to trade for a fifth point guard, José Calderón. (Editor's note: OK, apparently the Kings like trading in real life, too.)

Coaching logic in NBA 2K14 suffers from just as many problems, as my player won Rookie of the Month multiple times and was leading the league in shooting percentage from day one, but he still had to wait the designated 30 to 40 games before finally "earning" a starting role over underperforming teammates. 

NBA 2K14's coaches also have a bad habit of assigning players to unnatural positions. My 5'10" point guard has logged more minutes as a shooting guard than he has at his natural position, as my coach frequently matches me up against taller, stronger players like Kobe Bryant (6'6") and Dwyane Wade (6'4").

Do you enjoy NBA 2K14's My Career mode, or are the issues deterring you in another direction?

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Member Comments
# 21 ponderguy @ 12/09/13 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by supermanemblem
Add gameplay to the mix. I'm a 7'2" center and I had to add dunk packages to dunk the ball. Really?? Rebounding is a joke. When I have inside position, the CPU makes 93% of the shots. When they miss, and I have inside position, I get out rebounded by someone much shorter. I'm averaging about 2 boards a game. My last game, I took a pass from the right block. I turned baseline and shot a hook that hit the side of the backboard. WTF?? I'm slowly not liking this game.
post up fadeaways are money
# 22 Athame11 @ 12/09/13 08:53 PM
Makes and misses is a great way to sum up my career experiences for me.

For the makes:

I really like the idea behind it. I like the player progression, the choice of player personality, the focus on your character while in game from broadcasters, the customization (yes very limited, but i do like the 'idea' of it), the agent, gm, coach and teammate relationships (again, very shallow as it is, the idea is still cool).

On the other hand:

I find the 'rpg' aspects of the mode pretty bland, and almost irrelevant. However, I am only on my second season, so perhaps as my character progresses, my choices will add depth to my character and his nba experiences, however I don't have a lot of faith in that happening.

The in game broadcasts don't feel very personal at all. It's like it is all focused to be a my player experience, but in game it is the same as any other game mode experience. I would like a lot more 'behind the scenes' experiences (perhaps skipable for the X mashers), like showing us enter the court to the screaming crowds, some halftime ear fulls from coach for not getting to the boards, little things like the car I drive changing as I make more money, PR opportunities like earning VC for helping a charity, or some autograph time cut scenes after the game. Yes the primary focus on the game should be gameplay, but I also feel some depth to your myplayer could go a long way in peoples experiences with the mode, IF it is done properly. The really is a myriad of opportunity to add depth to this mode, as it sits now it is pretty stale, all be it better then any other sports game career mode.

Why are we constantly getting hit with the same generic cut scenes that we can't skip through? This is a large wast of time, unless there is another choice of answer, or a reason for the cut scene, I feel it brings absolutely nothing to the experience.

Overall I like the idea of creating a player and watching them grow into an nba baller, but I feel it is a fairly generic experience the way it is implemented in 2k14. I get it is still a basketball game first, but it seems with the push towards this game mode, and VC, you would think the bar would have been set a little higher for depth and content.

Edit: I would also like to see deeper relationships built with the people closest around you in your path to greatness, like invited to team parties, maybe people seeking your wisdom, growing meaning full relationships with the basketball greats would also be pretty cool. Of course this cant all be crazy cut scenes and time consuming experiences, but I am sure a preper balance of fun, responsibility and rewards can be had.
# 23 tarek @ 12/09/13 08:54 PM
So I've yet to play the game (I'm waiting for the next ps4 batch here in Australia), but I'm definitely interested.

However, I keep reading how the scripting is rubbish and very controlled.

So, has anyone got any experience for what happens AFTER your rookie season? I've read somewhere that after your rookie season you can start to skip game (to key games). Does it generally get better? Or do the GM moves, and scripted events continue further into your career making the mode even less playable even after you put in such effort?

I always played My Player as a 7'0'' Center in the same mold as Tyson Chandler, rebounding and defence and if I get a dunk here or there good. I happily average less than 10ppg as long as I'm among the league leaders in rebounding and blocked shots. But someone wrote earlier that as a big man they couldn't grab any boards and that the mode values scoring way too much, which doesn't suit my play style AT ALL.
# 24 hapa17 @ 12/09/13 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Hurst31
My 5'10" point guard has logged more minutes as a shooting guard than he has at his natural position, as my coach frequently matches me up against taller, stronger players like Kobe Bryant (6'6") and Dwyane Wade (6'4").

This could just be because the team is overloaded with pgs and there are only 2 sgs.
get this ... i am a 6'11 PF and i get drafted by the t'wolves (uhhh ... kevin love, anyone?) and by new years, i REPLACE him in the starting lineup. i'm rated a 73 and i can score a little (when i follow directions and ball hog like a mutha), but i'm barely pulling down 5 boards a game. i mean, you know ... MAYBE start me at center next to love (sorry nik pekovic), but full on replace him? and to his credit, k-love has taken me under his wing and told me that there's no hard feelings about me getting his spot, but i mean come on! i almost feel like demanding a trade out of respect to the mofo! and as a 6'11" rookie PF with a low 70s rating, i just don't get the "score 10 points in a row" dynamic goal. i had 9 once, before love killed it with a putback deuce, but i mean ... who's ever seen a rookie PF on the same team with a top 10 nba player demand the ball and score 10 straight points? i play this mode the most of anything, and it has a lot of potential, but there are some things in there that are just plain goofy. and i'm willing to just roll with it the first year of next-gen ... i'm sure the dev cycle was relentless ... but i certainly expect things to be MUCH more ironed out next year.
# 25 BluFu @ 12/09/13 09:45 PM
2k11 still had the best my player. don't understand why they went away from this 'path to greatness'.
# 26 thomasg2488 @ 12/09/13 10:19 PM
Here's what to do to make this mode as best as it can be for 2k15

1. More options for creating a player. Things like the ability to choose a personality, a voice, things that make us individuals. Give us more than just a stereotypical sounding NBA guy that have swag. Some of us don't want swag, some of us want to be able to keep it quiet and just play. I'm not one of those guys that has swag, whenever that became the new word for cool. If you have it, good for you, enjoy it. I'm someone that like that. I aim to just get the job done without as much fanfare as possible and go about my day. Not everyone in the NBA acts like that, they just play the game. I think 2k has overdone this now.

2. Give us a choice of what we want from cutscenes. We can have them or we don't have to. Personally, when it's scripted like this and you don't get to choose any of the options that we probably would in real life, it's annoying. Or at least allow us to skip cutscenes. And get rid of the rivalry crap or at least make it a better way. If I outperform Jackson Ellis, why is he going first before me in the draft? Or why do I have a rival in the first place? If I met him in the tunnel, and he started going off I would have said "I'll let my game do the talking." Give us THAT option. And the after the game conservation "Guess running your mouth gets you no where" and kept on walking. Give us more than just a few options otherwise, get rid of the cutscenes and rivalry crap.

3. Give....The Goals.....LOGIC. I've had this happen way too many times in anything related to MyPlayer or now MyCareer. Ok, I played as an Athletic SF, got 25 points, 8 assists, 9 rebounds, 2 blocks, 1 steal. Pretty damn good game. But wait, I only got a B+ as a teammate grade. Hey, I only had 2 turnovers but because of "Bad pass attempts" or "Allowing an Offensive Rebound" when both were complete b.s. and other things I get an B+ when I'm out playing EVERYONE? Same with the Dynamic Goals. He's spot on with the Ball-Hogging goals. Sorry I don't play Hog-ball, I play LeBron, Magic Johnson ball. I facilitate the play and play defense. I can score at will, but defense and assists are easier for me to do to get the teammates involved. It doesn't make any freaking sense. Or better yet, when I'm scoring those same numbers off the bench and I'm out performing the guy who's starting, yeah, I'm going to be the starter. Another good spotting by the writer.

4. Give The TEAMS Logic. This has happened too. As that same SF, I perform fantastic at the Showcase, I have interviews with two teams that interest. By the way, why am I only interview by TWO teams? Yeah, that makes perfect sense there too. Here's a better way to do this, give me five teams that are interested in me, have them send me questions without the cutscenes and I answer each one, kind of like that personality test you get. If they like my answers, they stay interested, they don't, oh well. Anyways, I was interviewed by the Suns (YAY!) and the Pistons (WHAT?). Here's where the first part of logic is needed. Why would the Pistons, who JUST signed Josh Smith want to interview me? They just filled out that position and yet want me as well? Ok, so I'll be coming off the bench for 4 years? Uh, no, in real life that might fly (barely) but in this mode, you want to start. So basically, you want me to take Josh Smith's spot and COMPLETELY cause internal team problems? No, that doesn't make sense here, they should not be interviewing me. That's where the "we need more interviews" argument comes in here. Teams like the Cavs, Wizards, Bobcats, Suns, Timberwolves should be interviewing me because they have a need at SF. Then when I get the Suns saying they'll draft me, what do they do? Draft Ellis (figures) and the PELICANS draft me. The PELICANS? What? They already have most of the starter roles filled and never even interviewed me. Basically, logic gets thrown out the door for everything here. Fix that.

If those things could be fixed, this game mode would be ten times better than what it is. It's still fun, but it just makes you go WTF?
# 27 Phreezy P @ 12/10/13 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by da ThRONe
They put the cart in front of the horse and now the mode has become unplayable.
That's actually an amazing metaphor.

I need to jot that down honestly.
# 28 RangersCruz @ 12/10/13 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by supermanemblem
Add gameplay to the mix. I'm a 7'2" center and I had to add dunk packages to dunk the ball. Really?? Rebounding is a joke. When I have inside position, the CPU makes 93% of the shots. When they miss, and I have inside position, I get out rebounded by someone much shorter. I'm averaging about 2 boards a game. My last game, I took a pass from the right block. I turned baseline and shot a hook that hit the side of the backboard. WTF?? I'm slowly not liking this game.
This is your problem not 2k's i average 12 boards with a 7'2 easily
# 29 RangersCruz @ 12/10/13 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by Athame11
Makes and misses is a great way to sum up my career experiences for me.

For the makes:

I really like the idea behind it. I like the player progression, the choice of player personality, the focus on your character while in game from broadcasters, the customization (yes very limited, but i do like the 'idea' of it), the agent, gm, coach and teammate relationships (again, very shallow as it is, the idea is still cool).

On the other hand:

I find the 'rpg' aspects of the mode pretty bland, and almost irrelevant. However, I am only on my second season, so perhaps as my character progresses, my choices will add depth to my character and his nba experiences, however I don't have a lot of faith in that happening.

The in game broadcasts don't feel very personal at all. It's like it is all focused to be a my player experience, but in game it is the same as any other game mode experience. I would like a lot more 'behind the scenes' experiences (perhaps skipable for the X mashers), like showing us enter the court to the screaming crowds, some halftime ear fulls from coach for not getting to the boards, little things like the car I drive changing as I make more money, PR opportunities like earning VC for helping a charity, or some autograph time cut scenes after the game. Yes the primary focus on the game should be gameplay, but I also feel some depth to your myplayer could go a long way in peoples experiences with the mode, IF it is done properly. The really is a myriad of opportunity to add depth to this mode, as it sits now it is pretty stale, all be it better then any other sports game career mode.

Why are we constantly getting hit with the same generic cut scenes that we can't skip through? This is a large wast of time, unless there is another choice of answer, or a reason for the cut scene, I feel it brings absolutely nothing to the experience.

Overall I like the idea of creating a player and watching them grow into an nba baller, but I feel it is a fairly generic experience the way it is implemented in 2k14. I get it is still a basketball game first, but it seems with the push towards this game mode, and VC, you would think the bar would have been set a little higher for depth and content.

Edit: I would also like to see deeper relationships built with the people closest around you in your path to greatness, like invited to team parties, maybe people seeking your wisdom, growing meaning full relationships with the basketball greats would also be pretty cool. Of course this cant all be crazy cut scenes and time consuming experiences, but I am sure a preper balance of fun, responsibility and rewards can be had.
You my friend expected way too much for a first gen game and im surprised they even touched and have us a different my career i thought it would be the copy and paste from CG
# 30 RangersCruz @ 12/10/13 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by tarek
So I've yet to play the game (I'm waiting for the next ps4 batch here in Australia), but I'm definitely interested.

However, I keep reading how the scripting is rubbish and very controlled.

So, has anyone got any experience for what happens AFTER your rookie season? I've read somewhere that after your rookie season you can start to skip game (to key games). Does it generally get better? Or do the GM moves, and scripted events continue further into your career making the mode even less playable even after you put in such effort?

I always played My Player as a 7'0'' Center in the same mold as Tyson Chandler, rebounding and defence and if I get a dunk here or there good. I happily average less than 10ppg as long as I'm among the league leaders in rebounding and blocked shots. But someone wrote earlier that as a big man they couldn't grab any boards and that the mode values scoring way too much, which doesn't suit my play style AT ALL.
That's my style as well and there isn't a problem getting boards it's people with bad timing and positioning thinking they should get every single board i easily average 12 on superstar simulation so it's not the game

as for as valuing scoring more you get those goals on guards/forwards more that you need to bring your team back into the game or take the last shot
# 31 RangersCruz @ 12/10/13 12:43 AM
Originally Posted by Gosens6
How anyone could enjoy such a scripted experience is beyond me.

Sent from the Dungeon Of Doom using Tapatalk
I prefer it over the CG game after game that was boring quickly
# 32 tarek @ 12/10/13 01:37 AM
RangersCruz - Thanks for the answer mate. It's good to see that you can still dominate the boards if you focus on it. I haven't played 2K since 2K12 but back then my primary focus was to box out, rebound and protect the rim. On offense I would just hang around outside the key and crash the boards, or set picks and roll to the basket. That's all. Back then I remember I still wouldn't get many offensive rebounds (3-4 per game) but could generally clean up the defensive rebounds (8-10 per game).

Any comments on the mode past your rookie season? If it opens up to a more free mode, where you can skip to key games and move through seasons a bit quicker then it might be worth enduring the pain of that first season.
# 33 supermanemblem @ 12/10/13 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by RangersCruz
This is your problem not 2k's i average 12 boards with a 7'2 easily
It will be their problem when I stop buying their product. Cats like you crack me up as if we play with the same settings. I've been playing sports video games since the early 1980's dude so don't try to play me out as some scrub. The rebounding mechanics in this games is fugged up on the real, among other things. Don't get me started in my extremely dumb CPU teammates watching rebounds and lazy passes. But you'll probably blame those on my skills too huh?
# 34 Ejinternational @ 12/10/13 05:55 AM
Originally Posted by Csquared
Miss- Bob from maintenance has WAY to many birthdays!!
Lmfao Hahahaha hilarious stuff that was a good one I laughed hard for ten minutes on that one.
# 35 Ejinternational @ 12/10/13 05:59 AM
Originally Posted by quehouston
I just wish the mode was more realistic. They give us a 2x VC multiplier for HOF but HOF is close to impossible to win on while playing realistically. My teammates literally cannot function without me, and I put up ridiculous numbers without trying to. I find myself putting up 25+ shots a game because my teammates literally will not shoot the ball. They pass me the ball without me even calling for it. I call a play, but it breaks down immediately. It's really a mess on court if you are trying to play sim and not dominate every game as a rookie unrealistically.

The storyline stuff is okay, but make it dynamic. I don't want the same story as the next guy. Stop making me miss layups to force me to have a training session. Stop taking me out in the 2nd quarter when we are up by 25, just so you can put me back in with 2 seconds left telling me to hit the game winner. Stop telling me to score 10 points straight, so you can penalize me for not ball hogging.

This mode would be so great if it wasn't such a fantasy/fairytale.
Man I agree completely. It's like they want you to be Michael Jordan right out the gate it's completely ridiculous.
# 36 JayAtkHar @ 12/10/13 06:40 AM
I kinda want my money back. Cuz there's only 3 modes you actually think about which is online myplayer and mygm. Blacktop is boring but good for one on one practice. Like the game was way too simplified. Like graphics make the WHOLE game good. Graphics are cool just COOL. Gameplay is something else. Just because it's better than other ball games or two years ago (2k13 is the best ball game of all time, just needs physics with ps4 graphics) I can't just settle. Defence has become harder to execute yet it's still not as great as offence. I want my defence to be scary as much as my offence. If I use the Knicks I have a lot of length and perimeter lockdown pitbulls. But if my man scores on IMAN SHUMPERT once, he gets cold defensively...the rhythm thing sucks. It makes you miss free throws even when you time it the same way you did before.
# 37 da ThRONe @ 12/10/13 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by rtkiii
That disappointing to hear on the misses. This is truly the mode I want to play on PS4 later down the road but maybe later will be nba2k15. People must have complained how the earlier versions of myplayer kinda forced you to be more team oriented....which I liked. With PS4 the you passing and the guy making the shot bug shoulkd never happen. It should have logic/storyline based on A:shot and won, B:shot and missed, C: Passed and shot was made, D: shot was passed and missed. All 4 of those scenarios should be taken...hell a 5th one could be turnover.

That's the thing about sports there are so many different varying options that could take place(good, bad, or neutral) that having the appropriate cut scenes just based on the natural flow of each individual game isn't doable right now. It was difficult enough with the post game press conferences and that was way more simple. So 2K is forced with a choice either have less detail and more variety or great detail and a forced storyline to go with it. I won't purchase this game until we have the former as the direction for this mode.

IMO the way sports modes such as MyGM or especially in this case MyCareer should be taking is focusing on the real elements of working hard as a pro. It's great to have limited interaction with necessary personnel ex. teammates, coaching staff, agents and even to a lesser degree fans. I said this before you should get things like scouting reports. That's something that can be redundant, yet relevant every game.

2K did something so brilliant than completely went away from it. When they 1st introduced MyPlayer they had a demo where you got to create your MyP than go through the combine complete with drills and pick up games. Why not bring that back. They want to sell VC how about you sell a full fledged combine maybe with the draft, summer league, and training camp (for us sim people who keep asking for it back every year, but manage to get less) for MyP. Not only can we get a test run of the game early we get to have our MyP's made and improved from day one. And for all those instant people they can have the Rising challenge thing they added with the regular purchase.
# 38 dstroble @ 12/10/13 11:21 AM
Originally Posted by da ThRONe
The greatest miss of all is how they fail to capture a true simulation of what it means to go from a top college prospect to being a pro. Until they focus on that aspect this mode is unplayable to me.

Forcing cut scene, made up rivals, and story boards was the last thing this mode needed. The put the cart in front of the horse and now the mode has become unplayable.

If they are going to steal ideas for RPG's. They should have stole from Skyrim. At least in that game actually doing certain aspects make me better at the very same action that I'm doing. As oppose to accumulating VC/Skill point (or what ever they want to call it today) just to use not only on completely non related skills in My Career mode, but random stuff in every other mode.
That's a bingo!!!

I couldn't agree more.
# 39 Gosens6 @ 12/10/13 11:43 AM
This mode is pathetic. Coming down the stretch I'm down by 3 and at the line for 2 free throws.

My guy has an 88 FT rating, and I clank both shots, with excellent release because the game decided the AI was gonna win and I needed some stupid *** cutscene talking about my poor performance. Absolutely pathetic

Sent from the Dungeon Of Doom using Tapatalk
# 40 RangersCruz @ 12/10/13 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by supermanemblem
It will be their problem when I stop buying their product. Cats like you crack me up as if we play with the same settings. I've been playing sports video games since the early 1980's dude so don't try to play me out as some scrub. The rebounding mechanics in this games is fugged up on the real, among other things. Don't get me started in my extremely dumb CPU teammates watching rebounds and lazy passes. But you'll probably blame those on my skills too huh?
You guys come here and bash the game well then sell it and buy something else seriously

The rebounding is not perfect by any means but you only getting 2 rebounds with a 7 foot center is your problem not 2k's and i went on HOF got 9+ games

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