
NBA 2K14 My Career Mode Makes and Misses

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Old 12-09-2013, 04:24 PM   #17
Hurst31's Arena
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My 5'10" point guard has logged more minutes as a shooting guard than he has at his natural position, as my coach frequently matches me up against taller, stronger players like Kobe Bryant (6'6") and Dwyane Wade (6'4").

This could just be because the team is overloaded with pgs and there are only 2 sgs.
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Old 12-09-2013, 04:30 PM   #18
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Re: NBA 2K14 My Career Mode Makes and Misses

The game sometimes forces you to miss shots or your team to fall behind for a cutscene or dynamic goal, and that's total BS. At least make those cutscenes pop up if I actually have a bad shooting night, not because the story decides it's time. Taking away that much control from the user has to be a cardinal sin
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Old 12-09-2013, 04:48 PM   #19
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So, my issue is that I miss WIDE open jumpers, my teammates don't TAKE wide open jumpers, and the play system almost never works. I either end up on the other side of the play (it's always the same play btw) with no involvement, no big deal; or I end up catching the ball and it sets up an iso or the play breaks down and we scramble.

Also, the fact that I can't practice my jumper sucks a lot. I assign one (through a VERY messed up menu system) and then have to play an entire game with it regardless of whether or not it works.

Furthermore, when Ronnie was on the blog last week he said we could alter rosters and sliders via "Features>MyPlayer" but when you go to that menu all you can alter is the appearance of your MyPlayer... has anyone else found out how to use custom rosters in MyCareer?

I really want to like this mode, but it's pretty frustrating some times. Thankfully I'm on the 76ers who are terrible and I get to play and become a featured player early in my career (albeit off the bench).

Lastly, the animation bumps that happen when you try to run out on the break and run into someone is so frustrating. I can't do anything without bumping someone and have only gotten a couple of very lucky dunks in my career. These small collisions send my player to a halt or even backwards which is worse on the defensive end as well. I give up a ton of wide open shots because I play up on my guy only to make a forced animation move to get out of his way... frustrating.
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Old 12-09-2013, 07:07 PM   #20
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Lots of good, lots of real bad. Basically 2k starting to go downhill on it's own success since NBA Live continues to suck. Basically, it's gonna take an EA type of rock bottom for the company to realize "Hey, we should listen to our consumers." I probably won't buy 2k myself next year until either A) I see gameplay videos or B) get it for Christmas.
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Old 12-09-2013, 07:30 PM   #21
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Re: NBA 2K14 My Career Mode Makes and Misses

How anyone could enjoy such a scripted experience is beyond me.

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Old 12-09-2013, 07:54 PM   #22
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Originally Posted by supermanemblem
Add gameplay to the mix. I'm a 7'2" center and I had to add dunk packages to dunk the ball. Really?? Rebounding is a joke. When I have inside position, the CPU makes 93% of the shots. When they miss, and I have inside position, I get out rebounded by someone much shorter. I'm averaging about 2 boards a game. My last game, I took a pass from the right block. I turned baseline and shot a hook that hit the side of the backboard. WTF?? I'm slowly not liking this game.
post up fadeaways are money
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Old 12-09-2013, 08:53 PM   #23
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Re: NBA 2K14 My Career Mode Makes and Misses

Makes and misses is a great way to sum up my career experiences for me.

For the makes:

I really like the idea behind it. I like the player progression, the choice of player personality, the focus on your character while in game from broadcasters, the customization (yes very limited, but i do like the 'idea' of it), the agent, gm, coach and teammate relationships (again, very shallow as it is, the idea is still cool).

On the other hand:

I find the 'rpg' aspects of the mode pretty bland, and almost irrelevant. However, I am only on my second season, so perhaps as my character progresses, my choices will add depth to my character and his nba experiences, however I don't have a lot of faith in that happening.

The in game broadcasts don't feel very personal at all. It's like it is all focused to be a my player experience, but in game it is the same as any other game mode experience. I would like a lot more 'behind the scenes' experiences (perhaps skipable for the X mashers), like showing us enter the court to the screaming crowds, some halftime ear fulls from coach for not getting to the boards, little things like the car I drive changing as I make more money, PR opportunities like earning VC for helping a charity, or some autograph time cut scenes after the game. Yes the primary focus on the game should be gameplay, but I also feel some depth to your myplayer could go a long way in peoples experiences with the mode, IF it is done properly. The really is a myriad of opportunity to add depth to this mode, as it sits now it is pretty stale, all be it better then any other sports game career mode.

Why are we constantly getting hit with the same generic cut scenes that we can't skip through? This is a large wast of time, unless there is another choice of answer, or a reason for the cut scene, I feel it brings absolutely nothing to the experience.

Overall I like the idea of creating a player and watching them grow into an nba baller, but I feel it is a fairly generic experience the way it is implemented in 2k14. I get it is still a basketball game first, but it seems with the push towards this game mode, and VC, you would think the bar would have been set a little higher for depth and content.

Edit: I would also like to see deeper relationships built with the people closest around you in your path to greatness, like invited to team parties, maybe people seeking your wisdom, growing meaning full relationships with the basketball greats would also be pretty cool. Of course this cant all be crazy cut scenes and time consuming experiences, but I am sure a preper balance of fun, responsibility and rewards can be had.

Last edited by Athame11; 12-09-2013 at 09:00 PM.
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Old 12-09-2013, 08:54 PM   #24
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So I've yet to play the game (I'm waiting for the next ps4 batch here in Australia), but I'm definitely interested.

However, I keep reading how the scripting is rubbish and very controlled.

So, has anyone got any experience for what happens AFTER your rookie season? I've read somewhere that after your rookie season you can start to skip game (to key games). Does it generally get better? Or do the GM moves, and scripted events continue further into your career making the mode even less playable even after you put in such effort?

I always played My Player as a 7'0'' Center in the same mold as Tyson Chandler, rebounding and defence and if I get a dunk here or there good. I happily average less than 10ppg as long as I'm among the league leaders in rebounding and blocked shots. But someone wrote earlier that as a big man they couldn't grab any boards and that the mode values scoring way too much, which doesn't suit my play style AT ALL.
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