Feature Article
OS Fact or Fiction: Baseball's Midseason Edition

#1: There will be a new baseball game next year on Microsoft consoles.

Caley Roark - Fact: I think someone will jump in, capitalizing on a vacant market and the lowered pressure to create a quality product. Despite what EA may say, people will buy Madden 25 on the Xbox One (just as they did in ‘06) simply because it will be the only next-gen football game...not necessarily because it is a good game, even though it might be.

That said, a baseball game on Microsoft consoles next year may not be the type of game everyone wants. While I would love to see the return of MVP Baseball or High Heat, I think there is a better chance we get a watered-down or arcade title. It may come as a downloadable game, with or without the MLB license. This approach would allow a company to test the waters without a) spending big money for licensing and b) worrying about creating a statistically accurate simulation.

So, yes I think there will be baseball on the Xbox One--but I expect it to be a fairly safe, if not underwhelming, production.

#2: The Show will be the best next-gen sports game next year.

Caley Roark - Fact: I think this is true, simply from a timing perspective. The NBA, FIFA, and Madden all launch right before or around the time of the Xbox One and PS4 release window. That means production is underway/almost finished, and that these games have somewhat of a connection to current-gen titles being released in the interim.

The Show, while also probably being produced as you read this, has the benefit of a few extra months. Again, with no first hand experience in development, I think it is obvious the extra months may allow Sony to add polish or technology that the other games cannot. Also, while I suspect there will be an iteration for the PS3 next year, the added time can be further focused on developing exclusively for the PS4.

Also, subjectively, I think The Show has the fewest improvements to make, at least in the major sports game market--NBA 2K and NHL are close seconds. None of them are perfect, but I think  MLB 13’s gameplay is nearly there--even a graphical and presentation upgrade on this year’s version would be an outstanding title.

#3: Road to the Show is best played as a pitcher.

Caley Roark - Fiction: This used to be the case for me, as I liked developing my repertoire and making the transition from a bullpen guy to a spot starter to an ace.

However, this year, I love playing as a fielder, especially as an infielder. I don’t go the completely crazy route and watch every pitch, but I do love making plays with the new fielding camera, adjusting my defensive positioning, and turning double plays.

Plus, it’s a different experience that when playing a regular or franchise game. I mean, normally, you play as the pitcher--I like the diversity. And I like to hit.   

#4: The Pirates will make the Postseason this year.

Caley Roark - Fact: They can’t collapse again, can they? The Pirates owned another great first half, due in part to a roster with a good mix of veterans and homegrown talent. Plus, I think their experiences over the past few years have helped develop a mentally tough and mature team.   

The other thing helping the Pirates is a relatively weak National League. Other than the Cardinals, Pirates, Braves, and Reds, no teams are tearing up the win column (and the Braves are really riding a hot start). I wouldn’t be surprised to see three playoff teams emerge from the Central Division.

So, yes, I think after 20 years, the Buccos will not only finish with a winning record, but will secure at least a Wildcard spot.

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Member Comments
# 1 boomhauertjs @ 07/24/13 03:25 PM
I can't understand why MS (who owns the IP for it) wouldn't release an XBL version of High Heat with enhanced graphics and updated rosters.

I won't be surprised if we get (at least on current gen consoles) another year of MLB 2k, which will be a $60 roster update.
# 2 Detroitfan4life1993 @ 07/24/13 03:37 PM
Im so glad im going to be getting the ps4 and will finally be able to play the show.
# 3 CRoman513 @ 07/24/13 03:38 PM
I'd really hate to not have a baseball game next year. I don't plan on buying the new consoles upon their launch dates since the quality of games wont be there just yet.

Looks like I'm leaning towards the new Playstation though. I'm a BIG baseball fan
# 4 braves_94 @ 07/24/13 03:41 PM
The Bravos have also been making due with an injury problem second only to the Yankees. (Uptons, Heyward, McCann, and Gattis have all spent time on the DL. And now it's Schaffer and Maholm. Dodgers have been on for the past month as well.
# 5 bwright25 @ 07/25/13 07:48 AM
Raise the Jolly Roger!!!!!
# 6 Guapo516 @ 07/25/13 11:01 AM
Reinstate Pete Rose!
# 7 CPRoark @ 07/25/13 01:15 PM
Originally Posted by BizDevConglomerate
In a perfect world, we would see MLB The Show mixed with MLB 2K. The two would give us everything we need essentially. The depth and customization on 2k and the graphics of the show. That being said, I believe ppl are truly deluded in belief that The Show is a SIM of real baseball. It's dry, there are no dynasty updates, and batting isn't real. however the 2k version has enough to offer if you detest the look. I'm so shocked at the amount of hate 2k gets. These same ppl gate ea sports for making graphically pleasing games year after year. The Show looks great, but the amount of depth in the dynasty is lackluster. The accessories are minimal, the trade feature is lacking, the salary is off. List goes on. They still didn't put in the braided necklaces. At least 2k gives you options to play with.

I believe if 2K makes a game that looks close to the Basketball, they will top the Show. Hands down.
Just curious: what would you do to improve The Show's gameplay? I agree that more could be added to Franchise mode, but I'll stick to the fact that gameplay-wise, The Show is tops.
# 8 Madden's Jowels @ 07/25/13 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by BizDevConglomerate
I would leave the look, feel, and gameplay as is, save the batting physics. Now, I'm not the analog stick swinger. No time for that. Just plug and play. But the batting for the last 3 yrs has been nerve wrecking.

Doesn't like the batting physics for 'timing' mode.

Refuses to use the much more intuitive, smooth and natural feeling 'pure analog' mode because, "no time for that."

# 9 Madden's Jowels @ 07/25/13 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by BizDevConglomerate
Come on man really!!!!!! Lol. The X button is easy. It's simple, but outside of that I'm buggin?

Tell me you play 162 games? Plus playoffs if you make it.....

Please. Keep it 100% n b fair.

I paid for the game bruiser.

What are you talking about? I only mentioned the fact that you don't use the analog swing, nothing about playing 162 games.

Using the pure analog swing takes literally zero extra time, so saying "no time for that" isn't an excuse lol.

It produces a much more natural, smooth feeling when trying to time your swing, it also makes it much easier to check your swing. You should give it a shot.
# 10 Knight165 @ 07/25/13 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by BizDevConglomerate
Come on man really!!!!!! Lol. The X button is easy. It's simple, but outside of that I'm buggin?

Tell me you play 162 games? Plus playoffs if you make it.....

Please. Keep it 100% n b fair.

I paid for the game bruiser.
To be honest...you're all over the place.
You say it was the gameplay.....then you tell CPR that you just hit timing(which is mostly ratings...no other game counts ratings as much in it's timing hitting...it doesn't get more "sim" than that).....and go on to rant about presentation which has little if none to do with "sim" gaming in which anyone who thinks The Show is....is "deluded"(um...okay)
But you're most compelling point has to be that braided necklaces aren't in the game.
How the heck can it be sim!?

# 11 Ban_Irl @ 07/30/13 03:52 PM
Fact of Fiction? How about speculation? I'm confused by the title

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