Feature Article
Madden NFL 13: Demo Impressions Roundtable

Jayson Young: Like NCAA Football 13, the Madden NFL 13 demo is plagued with longstanding issues such as outdated line play, questionable AI decisions, unrealistic player movement, suction blocking, etc. Above all, it's these legacy issues that make the Madden NFL 13 demo feel stale and unexciting.

That said, the Infinity Engine does feature some legitimately cool additions like incidental player collisions. I love how players can now get tripped up and go into a stumble animation if they don't watch where they're running.

Unfortunately, for every collision that looks great, there are others that play out like a slapstick comedy routine from The Three Stooges. Barely touching the back of an offensive lineman can cause the ball-carrier to spin off five yards in the opposite direction. Some of the new tackling animations are so over-the-top and high-flying they look like they belong on Monday Night Raw, not Monday Night Football. The post-whistle pileups the Infinity Engine creates are equally ugly, featuring lots of body clipping and limb twitching, which shouldn't be acceptable in 2012. Even the reworked tackling sound effects are overdone, sounding more like a canon shot than two human bodies colliding.

Presentation-wise, Phil Simms' and Jim Nantz's announcing is tolerable, though a bit long-winded. However, many of the same announcing errors from Madden NFL 12 are still in Madden NFL 13. For example, my defense surrendered a first down while playing a Tampa 2 zone, then Phil Simms delivered a diatribe on how stupid I was for playing man-to-man coverage. Cris Collinsworth had the same problem distinguishing between man and zone coverages when he was commentating in Madden NFL 12. On another play, I was able to overcome the terrible blocking AI en route to an 18-yard gain up the sideline, only to be scolded by Phil Simms for not following my (nonexistent) running lanes.

In short, there is nothing in this free demo that has me excited to keep playing it, let alone pay $60 for the full game when it arrives in stores. For every good change the Madden NFL 13 team has made, there are a dozen other generation-long issues or newly introduced quirks that ultimately sack Madden NFL 13's fun factor in the backfield for a loss.

This is still Madden, which means a lot of the same old quirky issues are alive and well.

Chris Sanner:  As the reviewer for NCAA Football 13, I was pretty rough on EA football as a whole. Legacy issues mar both franchises, and at the very least, it appeared Madden NFL 13 was on the path towards really fixing a lot of what ailed the series. I don't think I had unrealistic expectations coming into my time with the Madden NFL 13 demo, I truly felt the game would feel a step up from NCAA Football 13 at the very least with the new physics engine.

With that in mind, I truly think that we're seeing another Madden with quirky legacy issues that just won't go away, but that still plays a good game of classic Madden football -- the question you have to ask yourself is if you like that brand of football or not? The new collision system is better than the old one I think, but there are a few small quirks and problems with it that Jayson described above. Another thing many won't be able to look past is that this game, for all intents and purposes, is still Madden.

So expect the same old issues to crop up, the same feel, all of that. Madden NFL 13 is an evolutionary title, not a revolution.

Sticking to a similar formula means a lot of the same issues you are used to, with new ones from the infinity engine mixed in, will be present in this year's Madden. So basically, if you were expecting a game-changing year from the Madden franchise -- one where quality magically skipped ahead dramatically by a huge margin -- you are probably in for a major disappointment.

For the rest of us, I don't think Madden is going to be a bad or even average game -- I think it's a solid to good title from what I'm seeing to be sure. But I think reeling in expectations somewhat is a prudent thing to do if you were expecting a completely different game.  From what I've heard from guys who have played the full version, Madden is a good and solid title. From my own observations via the demo, Madden NFL 13 is that type of a game, which means Madden won't be winning game of the year awards this year. The demo's gameplay ensures us of that probability

The Infinity Engine has some cool moments to be sure, but also some first gen quirks.

Caley Roark: I mostly agree with Jayson; while the Infinity Engine enables some neat moments, this demo generally feels like the same old Madden.

I suppose, in some ways, that is a testament to the integration of a new physics engine. It could have been way overdone, both to emphasize the newness of the engine and to grab the user's attention. Instead, we get finely tuned (for the most part) implementation, with only the occasional oddities. I haven't seen some of the more flagrant issues Jayson has up to this point.

However, the animations leading up to and after tackles seems like things we've seen before. There are still too few penalties, and line play doesn't seem changed at all. I like some of the new presentation elements, but I wonder how long it will be until the new guys seem as repetitive as the old ones?

In all, color me underwhelmed. That doesn't mean I think this demo represents a bad game. I've had fun over the past few years with Madden, and I like what's been added. I am most excited for the Connected Careers mode; unfortunately that's not something I can judge from this demo.

It's just that, as a whole, the demo didn't blow me away.

Simms and Nantz aren't a huge step up from last year's broadcast team.

Keni Glover: I've been out of the Madden loop for the last two years so I guess I fall into the "casual" category when it comes to the Madden franchise. The thought bubble near my head when I play Madden demos year after year reads something like "Is this this the year that I will actually have a reason to spend $60 on this game?"

Well after playing the demo, I think I'll be sitting on the sidelines for yet another season.

From the outset, the presentation of the game is sharp. Introductions and overlays are clean and resemble a live TV broadcast. The virtual Jim Nantz and Phil Simms look good and add a nice little touch in that regard. Their commentary also seems well done and fluid. I do however wonder how repetitive the commentary will be in the retail game, as I already heard some repeated lines in the demo.

The animations were the first thing that struck me when play began. Players seemed to glide down the feild, as it appears that foot planting is very minimal if present at all. I also didn't notice any sense of momentum when changing directions. The highlight of the gameplay is the new infinity engine which allows for some nice looking tackles and collisions. The drawback however is the ragdoll-effect the system tends to allow for, often leaving player bodies contorted in very unnatural positions.

In general, the gameplay felt quite familiar to what one might expect from a Madden game. I resisted the urge to drop back 10 feet for a pass though I didn't feel particularly safe in the pocket. Once again, blocking in the pocket does not seem genuine and my offensive linemen played the matador in some cases. At times however, the line did provide me a few precious moments to allow my recievers to make a cut on their route. Run blocking has never appealed to me in Madden and it didn't seem too much better in my time with the demo. I never felt the ability to really follow a blocker through a hole up the middle was represented well in any Madden I've played, this one included.

Interceptions felt a little less cheap and it felt good to thread the needle with a perfectly placed Eli Manning bullet pass. Passing physics did feel slightly better however.

Overall the demo was fun in spots, but generally did not provide a compelling enough experience for me to want to spend much time with it. I don't see myself dropping coin on Madden this year, at least not based off of the demo.


What do you think? Is Madden a buy or no buy after playing the demo?

Member Comments
# 61 bjones16 @ 08/16/12 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by rbowers7
Honestly, the reviews are way off from my perspective (which in no way is better than anyones or the right one) but to me, this feels like a whole new madden.

From the very first time loading it up to now, it just feels so refreshed. I do not remember a Madden game being this smooth, and when I say smooth I mean the fluid of the game not really so much as the animations being perfect.

The IE does have flaws but as I said before, it is first run with physics in EA football.

To me, this is a no brainer buy for any NFL fan. (If not a fan of NFL maybe not so much, but to me NFL fans have to have their real football and virtual football and this is the best madden this gen IMO)
I couldn't have said it better! I pre-ordered the game but I will be getting my $60 back this weekend. This game isn't football people. There is no foot planting and momentum, strength and speed mean NOTHING! You guys have extremely low expectations! Would you play 2k if Dwight Howard could hit 3's??? What about MLB the Show if Verlander threw a 77MPH fast ball???

Until Madden fixes the LEGACY issues i wont be able to purchase. I thought I may be able to over look them with the new physics but I just can't!
# 62 Moegames @ 08/16/12 10:40 PM
wow..i am quite surprised by the entire impressions from each of the writers here. I must say i totally disagree that the game feels like the same old madden..i't feels to me like a fresh madden to me. We all got our opinions and this write up does not make it correct by any means nor do my personal opinions but this is the first time in years where the demo has been keeping me coming back for more and that says a lot because i couldn't stand any madden demo's the last 5-6 years, same when the final retail came out...this year its entirely different for me..it feels fresh and exciting to play finally.

The way i always felt is if the game is fun for "YOU" than that's all that matters because going by another person's impressions..too many times have led me to miss out on a game that later i found out to be quite fun. Go by your own feelings of the game i say and take another man's opinion as a grain of salt because at the end of the day..that is all it is, a grain of salt.

I wont go through everything i like about this year's madden..i already did in the demo impressions but i truly enjoy the demo and i know the final will be more of what i already had a taste of but a bit more fine tuned.
# 63 jfsolo @ 08/17/12 12:41 AM
Originally Posted by roadman
I agree with part of it, but not all of it. The part I agree with is some new quirks.

I don't grade things that aren't in the game and know that they aren't in the game.

Again, back to each their own.
Discounting the people who will always hate Madden because of EA's business decisions, and the ones who will always love it because... it's Madden football, this is always going to be the main schism amongst people on OS who ultimately want the same thing.

"This is what the game is, can I enjoy it and get my money's worth with what is present."


"This is what is missing, can I enjoy it and get my money's worth with what they've left out."

These two camps are not going to see eye to eye and that's just how it's going to be.
# 64 rangerrick012 @ 08/17/12 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by StrawHat Patriot
I never said the presentation was a joke. I said the post game and halftime show were a joke.

And that's the reason why it's hard to feel immersed by the pregame cinematic intro.
I think that's a bad way of looking at it TBH. They have made big strides in the presentation dept and should get credit for what they've added there, not be penalized for what's still missing/not there.

Trust me I've been highly critical of the Madden team in years past. There's a reason why I haven't bought a Madden since '10. I also don't frequent the Madden section on here that much, but one thing I do notice is how hard people are on this game and how some won't let go of the disappointment of it not being what they want it to be.

You can't please everyone. Would I love to have a full halftime/postgame w/ highlights? Of course I would. But I'm at the point now with the improvements that they've made, I can overlook not having them. I guess that's what the disconnect is, some people understandably frustrated w/ things not being in (when they were present in games put out 8 years ago) Like I said I used to be that way, but I realize that I can enjoy that game for what it was but not hold it against Madden for not having those things on the presentation end.
# 65 FAM CEO @ 08/17/12 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by jfsolo
Discounting the people who will always hate Madden because of EA's business decisions, and the ones who will always love it because... it's Madden football, this is always going to be the main schism amongst people on OS who ultimately want the same thing.

"This is what the game is, can I enjoy it and get my money's worth with what is present."


"This is what is missing, can I enjoy it and get my money's worth with what they've left out."

These two camps are not going to see eye to eye and that's just how it's going to be.
I couldnt agree more. Madden is making strides and that is all i can ask. I love the new features and am very excited to get the retail copy. I understand that unfortunately EA will never bridge the gap from your 2 quoted examples. That is not there goal. I for one look at games as games and to try and simulate a sports game to the realist is a challenge. The demo was good in my eyes and will look to the positives they tried to relay to us consumers.

8/24 couldnt get here any sooner and my wife will hate when it does, but game on.
# 66 btemp @ 08/17/12 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by FAM CEO
I couldnt agree more. Madden is making strides and that is all i can ask. I love the new features and am very excited to get the retail copy. I understand that unfortunately EA will never bridge the gap from your 2 quoted examples. That is not there goal. I for one look at games as games and to try and simulate a sports game to the realist is a challenge. The demo was good in my eyes and will look to the positives they tried to relay to us consumers.
But we disagree on what "strides" mean. I see minor, largely cosmetic improvements backed by a large marketing campaign that hide massive, fundamental flaws in gameplay. You see a game that is definitely moving in the right direction and that works for you (and doesn't work for me).
# 67 Dogslax41 @ 08/17/12 01:41 AM
Originally Posted by tazdevil20
They want authentic presentation, and this is not it.
Unfortunately with the current CBS/ESPN/NFL network media deals they can't pick one to implement and while it would be incredible, I don't think putting all three in there is possible on current gen and I'm not sure will be possible next gen.
# 68 Dogslax41 @ 08/17/12 01:47 AM
Originally Posted by tazdevil20
There is PLENTY of power on these consoles to do whatever they want to do. That is NOT the problem. If they really wanted to add presentation elements that blew us away from one or a combination of the networks, there is no doubt in my mind that a deal could be worked out.
They can't just pick one, that is the problem. They would have to have all three and disc space(especially for xbox) would not be able to carry that much.
# 69 Bgamer90 @ 08/17/12 01:49 AM
Originally Posted by tazdevil20
After reading through this entire thread, I had to respond to this one Russ . As a guy who is mainly concerned with gameplay and the football on the field, I admittedly am not a HUGE presentation guy. That being said, It DOES come into play when they deliver something that I didn't know I cared about. What is baffling to me is how Tiburon continues to invent their own broadcast. It's not that appealing because it's not like anything we would see in real life. The success of 2k's presentation in their sports games comes from them replicating what we see on TV. In the case of 2k5, it was ESPN and NBA 2k is TNT. Everything is done superbly with all of the small details like the overlay graphics done just like their real life counterparts. Tiburon continues to invent the EA sports broadcast, which does not make a lasting impression because it's not what we see and relate to on Sundays. Not to mention, there's no difference between a Sunday Night game, a day game or a Monday night game. This really goes back to what Ryan36 said a while back. A good company gives the consumer what they didn't know they wanted. In this case, you mention that not many people care about presentation. However, I disagree. They don't care about EA Sports' presentation. They want authentic presentation, and this is not it.
I understand where you are coming from but it's obvious that they are copying CBS presentation (or trying to) for Madden 13.

The blue on screen graphics filled with clear red circles... It's pretty obvious they are going for CBS (that and the commentary obviously).

Right now Madden's presentation is at the same level of NBA 2K9 in my opinion. 2K9's presentation wasn't great, and it didn't have a true halftime show but it was solid and you could tell that they were on the right path.

That's exactly how I feel about the presentation in Madden 13 based on the demo. They are on the right track. All they need is better post play replays and a true half time show and it will be great in my opinion.
# 70 Dogslax41 @ 08/17/12 01:54 AM
Originally Posted by tazdevil20
Huh? Disk space has nothing to do with it. Also, they wouldn't need to have all 3 networks in there. ALthough I still contend it could be done, it's not entirely necessary. They could even use the NFL network presentation. At least it would be something authentic to a real life broadcast presentation.

This has nothing to do with disk space. There is plenty of hardware power on these consoles to do amazing things.
There is no way an Xbox disc will hold three different network style presentations. And its already been said that none of the networks are willing to allow their competition to have an advantage. If you think that a media exec is going to compromise a competitive advantage so a gamer can have a more authentic experience you are grossly overestimating the importance of a video game brand.
# 71 Dogslax41 @ 08/17/12 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by tazdevil20
I'm not going to argue with you, but this stuff about disk space is not even close to being accurate. Sorry.
Mass Effect 3
# 72 Bgamer90 @ 08/17/12 02:02 AM
Originally Posted by Dogslax41
If you think that a media exec is going to compromise a competitive advantage so a gamer can have a more authentic experience you are grossly overestimating the importance of a video game brand.

NFL comes on 3 major networks... FOX, ABC, and CBS. Those three channels compete against each other for ratings and are pretty much the main channels for the top media conglomerates.

Them coming together just for the sake of a football video game would never happen.

And even if it could happen, in terms of video advertisements for Madden, the in-game previews would have to show off the presentation of each network equally so that a network doesn't say that EA is favoring one network over another. It would just be a mess.
# 73 Dogslax41 @ 08/17/12 02:07 AM
Originally Posted by Bgamer90

NFL comes on 3 major networks... FOX, ABC, and CBS. Those three channels compete against each other for ratings and are pretty much the main channels for the top competing media conglomerates.

Them coming together just for the sake of a football video game would never happen.

And even if it could happen, in terms of video advertisements for Madden, the in-game previews would have to show off the presentation of each network equally so that a network doesn't say that EA is favoring one network over another. It would just be a mess.
It could happen, but it would have to be done from the NFL exerting their pressure on the network and why would the NFL even think about going to the negotiating table for their video game? They want to be hands off. That's part of why they signed the deal in the first place, that and a boatload of guaranteed money. So the NFL is getting paid anyway, why cause friction with the networks over something they could not care less about.
# 74 Dogslax41 @ 08/17/12 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
My question is, just putting out there I know you don't work for them, why can't Madden use the NFL Network and possibly ESPN since EA has an exclusive with both?

I know all about that ESPN/NFL Network beef stuff but evidently it's no that big of a deal if ESPN has Monday Night Football and the NFL renewed it.
My guess is that FOX,CBS,ESPN, NFL Network would all have to be part of it based on their deals with the NFL. The exclusive deal between ea and the NFL is what throws the wrench on the whole thing. If you were an exec at any one of the networks and were giving the NFL a ton of money would you want to see a competitors name plastered all over their exclusive product? If there were no deal with 3a and the NFL then I think they could pull it off because any network not featured on eas game could theoretically be featured on a competitor that still carried the NFL brand.
# 75 Bgamer90 @ 08/17/12 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by Dogslax41
It could happen, but it would have to be done from the NFL exerting their pressure on the network and why would the NFL even think about going to the negotiating table for their video game? They want to be hands off. That's part of why they signed the deal in the first place, that and a boatload of guaranteed money. So the NFL is getting paid anyway, why cause friction with the networks over something they could not care less about.
And that's the thing... Why would the NFL put pressure on competing TV networks to do it just for a video game? It would be silly.
# 76 ryan36 @ 08/17/12 02:20 AM
I think they screwed the pooch and missed a huge opportunity here.

They needed to make passing harder with a new more subtle mechanic...not easier.

And they need to add defense. A lot of defense and penalties and ol/dl.

CC's will be fun, but I'll still roll w/the browns or something and go 16 -0. That's what makes the game a "wait for the price drop " title to me.
# 77 Dogslax41 @ 08/17/12 02:20 AM
Just want to clarify, in case its not obvious, that everything I said is 100% speculation on my part, but having worked in licensing and royalties for two major companies I can't imagine this is very far from the truth. And it certainly explains why despite paying for one of the most powerful brands, ESPN, ea has chosen to include it in NCAA but not in Madden.
# 78 Dogslax41 @ 08/17/12 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by ryan36
I think they screwed the pooch and missed a huge opportunity here.

They needed to make passing harder with a new more subtle mechanic...not easier.

And they need to add defense. A lot of defense and penalties and ol/dl.

CC's will be fun, but I'll still roll w/the browns or something and go 16 -0. That's what makes the game a "wait for the price drop " title to me.
To take your thought a bit further my thought was that, to use your appropriate phrase, they screwed the pooch by not linking the added passing capabilities to qb ratings. This offered a perfect opportunity to differentiate between qbs and the throws that some can make and others can't. I thought it would have been great to eliminate the ability to put touch on the ball for poorly rated accuracy qbs.
# 79 Dogslax41 @ 08/17/12 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by Big FN Deal
I don't agree because I don't see how any of that prevents EA from using the actual NFL Network in Madden, an officially NFL licensed video game. I even went back to find some Head Coach 09 footage and to my surprise, they used Adam Schefter and the NFL Network in that NFL game.

This pic is too big to post;


and this video at around

I haven't seen, but is the NFL network used this year or are the draft and tweets generic?
# 80 SFNiner @ 08/17/12 02:53 AM
Personally I think the presentation is the best its been. I think the game play is the best its ever been....The fact they completely jacked up my offline franchise mode........Complete pass for me. Thanks for saving me $60 EA Sports....Until next year (maybe).

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