Feature Article
Five Things EA Sports must do for Success in Madden NFL 13

Ever since Madden landed on next-gen consoles, there has been a plethora of issues that seem to go unfixed every year. As gamers, we cannot seem to get an answer one way or another as to why these issues persist -- Is it just not possible to fix these issues given with what the developers have to work with? No matter the answer, the issues remain. With Madden 13 possibly being the last Madden to be exclusively on the current-gen systems, will we see some of the fixes we have been clamoring for, or do we simply have to put this generation behind us and hope for best on the upcoming new systems?

Without further adieu, here is the top five fixes EA must make for Madden NFL 13.

Newton throws over the middle and it's...blocked by a linebacker leaping 11 feet into the air?

1. Pass Trajectory 

Look, it’s a bird, no, it’s a plane, wait…It’s a SUPER LINEBACKER!! Well actually it isn’t. Its not that the linebackers jump too high, it’s how the ball does not arc properly over the second level of the defense. Its like the ball travels on a single plane without variation. Sure, the ball can still be high or low, its just that there is no middle ground. If you are trying to throw the ball over the middle of the field, and if there is anyone within five yards they can easily bat the pass down. 

This is an issue that has plagued the series since its debut on the current systems. My fear is that there is simply no way to fix it with the current game engine. I think as Madden fans we have made our voices heard for long enough to reasonable expect a fix this year. If not, then we surely must chalk it up to the unfortunate fact that it is unable to be fixed 

2. Revamped Foot planting/Momentum engine

One of the single biggest complaints from Madden detractors and fans alike, is how the current foot planting engine needs a huge upgrade. Since the inception of Madden on our current generation consoles player movements seem to lack momentum. It also seems like a player can zig and zag to avoid contact way to easily, along with being able to turn on a dime. I should not be able to be running towards the sideline as I catch a pass and turn it up the line on a dime. My momentum should carry me out of bounds. 

If only this were rendered in real-time...if only.

3. Real Time Physics

The mother of all wish list items. Real time physics could be a game changer if done right. Canned animations, or canimations as the community affectionately likes to call them, are getting old in most gamers eyes. The fact that Madden doesn’t seem to have a large number of them anyway is enough to make you want to pull your hair out. Real time physics could make every tackle, block and interaction unique.

4. The Little Things

Like MLB: The ShowMadden needs the little things. To be blunt, there is no excuse for some things being left out. I want all the penalties. I mean heck, we waited untilMadden 10 to have officials on the field. I want to see an illegal block in the back call on a punt or a kickoff return; I want illegal motion, defensive holding, illegal contact, and for the love of all that is football, make pass interference work. Basically, every penalty in football should be in the game. The challenge system also needs redone. Too many times it doesn’t challenge what you want it to. These are all things that should have been in the game since day one. 

Totally willing to settle for less of the same, and more variety too. Deal? DEAL!

5. Animations

Madden suffers greatly from lack of animations. It takes away from the immersion factor. A football game needs to have enough animations where you don’t see the same things over and over. For example, catching animations are so few that you can pretty much see all of them in one game; the same could be said about blocking animations. What might be the biggest area where improvement is needed is tackling. Simply put, there needs to be a ton more tacking animations. 

I shouldn’t see the same animations over and over. This, however, brings us to improvement No. 3, real time physics, and the ultimate problem solver to tackling. I want to see specialized animations as well. All 32 starting quarterbacks should have signature throwing animations, and at least most running backs should have their signature running animations, or as close to their real life movements as possible. Wonky running animations have been an issue for years. 

Final Thoughts 

If there is a negative tone to any of this, it is certainly not my intention. I am just a football game lover like all of us. These five improvements, while mostly gameplay based, are a very small amount of what we, as a community, want to see. I will be very interested to see where the Madden team takes us this year. With next-gen systems looming, will we even see real improvements, or will most of their focus being on the future. With the Super Bowl match up set, it shouldn’t be long before the first info starts to trickle out.

What are your top 5 keys to success for Madden NFL 13?

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Member Comments
# 141 Tyrant8RDFL @ 02/01/12 12:40 PM
Originally Posted by TNT713
Great engine in bad football game < Great football game with bad engine

"Madden players have never blocked and tackled players on the same team.

I like how people overlook every flaw in every other football game except Madden as if these other games don't cost money. Why don't the people who bought BackBreaker feel like fools instead of bringing it up as the shining example of what Madden should be.

C'mon man...

Wait a minute you mentioned something as if that does not happen in a football game. Players run into eachtoher on the same team in football games. Whether its tackling , blocking or running down the field.

Your actually saying that back breaker had somerthing in the game that Madden never had, but the truth is it should have.

Just this post season you had the safety and DB of the niners go up for a interception and the Db got crushed by his own man. This can be done in BB , but not in madden.

I can go on and on with different scenarios.

Don't see your point C'mon man.
# 142 Spyda 18 @ 02/01/12 01:06 PM
As much talk as there's been about DB's making magical catches, and how despreate a fix for that is needed. I feel one thing needs to be added. Or rather brought back and adjusted.

In the past (05' - 08') when you selected a "Smart Route" it was just that, your WR ran a "built in" option route and based upon what he saw or rather thought he saw. On this gen a "Smart Route" is similarly chosen but is decided upon BEFORE the play. Meaning if I show blitz the guy will run a fly route or a slant (good job). But if 2.5 sec later I back off and play insanely deep. Genius boy will run straight down the field and expect a pass to come his way. Unless you were lucky and he choose to run a slant from the start.

IF M13 was to implement a feature where all routes were "smart" and say when in bump and run if the WR dispaches the DB he takes off down the field or where if Vick rolls out to the right his WR's will come to him and "Get friendly with the QB" as opposed to staying on the opposite side where they'll never get the ball. It would go along way towards making the game feel more real, while making the game also slightly "Easier" for the casual gamers as they would feel their ai teammates on the field are trying to help them. While making the game Harder for us. Why? Try picking your "nano blitz" 8 times in a row, and watch every WR start making Wes Welker style plays. 4 steps, cut, catch, run, run far, run very far, score.

It would also make the field seem larger as (depending on Awr. Hey look awareness will actually do something for WR's again!) They'll be more prone to "breaking off"' their scripted route, and likely to do something useful. Like taking off down the sideline when the CB sllips on snow, not running across the middle to the MLB waiting to knock down a pass35 yds downfield that he shouldn't be able to touch.

And will give value and a reason to sign an aging WR like Hines Ward or T.O. Becasue unlike rookies they'll know when to try to make a play.
# 143 at23steelers @ 02/01/12 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by TNT713
There's a HUGH difference between running into a guy on your own team and fully engaging to block a guy on your own team head up with both hands on his chest.

What good is a great mid-air collision if guys don't even recognize who's on their own team?

No wonder the DB's are laying out their own guys.

Didn't Gholdson do this in the NFC playoff game?
# 144 huskerwr38 @ 02/01/12 04:28 PM
Originally Posted by at23steelers
Didn't Gholdson do this in the NFC playoff game?
Yea twice.
# 145 Tyrant8RDFL @ 02/01/12 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by TNT713
There's a HUGH difference between running into a guy on your own team and fully engaging to block a guy on your own team head up with both hands on his chest.

What good is a great mid-air collision if guys don't even recognize who's on their own team?

No wonder the DB's are laying out their own guys.

Yes but one engine atleast offers the ability for these events to take place. Now it just needs the right programming to be entered , so it can occur properly.

Don't you think that is a start?
# 146 Smoke6 @ 02/02/12 12:05 AM
Collision detection has always been an issue with madden, I just hope and pray one day it will be where it should be and we can finally reach that level of play to kill these threads each and every year.

One thing I did notice that EA listened too (or actually stumbled upon) was when people had quit on you in an online game, you had to play the CPU to get you win in most cases. I remember asking for this to be like it is now, where you get the win automatically when they quit. I can give them credit for that.

I just hate to think if things continue on this track, that I will never get to play a Madden game that finally hit all the notes and wishlists.
# 147 Tyrant8RDFL @ 02/02/12 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by TNT713
I'm more concerned about the football that leads to and produces the collision than whether its pretty or not. I'd prefer stick figures playing good football than any players, real or otherwise, playing bad football.

I need a game that is more about the football than watching people fall down.

Mainly everyone here wants a solid reproduction of football in thier game. Your not the only one.

# 148 Smoke6 @ 02/02/12 12:58 PM

Please fix this, its very annoying to have people tackling with the "strip button" now than they are with making a good tackle.

My idea: Make it to where it has to be clicked on a timely basis, engage one of many animations that can result in a strip animation to occur. With a great risk vs reward system behind this, it would be how the hitstick "used" to be. You try for a strip, doesnt mean you are going to make the tackle if the strip isnt successful.
# 149 Ueauvan @ 02/03/12 04:53 AM
i agree with these but also add warping, ol/dl interaction, small things on superstar like immersion and things actually working, franchise needs better draft experience and for the love of god something like the madden 06 pc training camp mod. you have a player with a shortfall you address it at camp like tebows throwing action, or alex smith making the right reads.

forget overalls, just have the stats so that the stats that affect an action are used and not anything else. therefore you can make something of a player if you use him one way because if you dont thats a roster spot and money tied up.

in fact use some things from 06, or hc 06/09.
# 150 MarvinOida @ 02/07/12 12:34 AM
I don't understand why EA doesn't use ESPN for Madden? Someone tell me why, EA be wise and have ESPN help you with Madden like 2K (Sega) did in 2K5. Somethings that need to be fix:

1) Superstar, we've seen 2K12's My Player, time to step up the career mode

2) More Physics and Gameplay focus, you got the graphics, now focus on gameplay

3) Online, yah I don't have Madden 12, but I heard the Online Franchise was kind of lackluster and online multiplay hasn't changed yet. Maybe Ultimate team + Online Franchise?? You and up to 32 friends have a fantasy dream draft with the likes of NFL Legends and play a franchise with the players you drafted (You could also export those dream teams you created to match up with #4

4) (Just a little treat, not really important) Classic teams/Teambuilder-like Create a Team/Gameface. Classic teams would be awesome, Teambuilder to make those teams who were left out and Gameface to create those players faces. (You can uploaded your Madden Teambuilder teams and Gameface Player DNAs to EA Sport s servers) This is this one of the things EA Sports has beat on 2K (excluding Classic Teams), but these things are only limited to a certain amount of games. Time to pull the guns for Madden. Gamefaces can also be your Superstar, so you can recreate Joe Montanas Career, Revive Ryan Leaf's, anything.

EA, I hope you're listen cause these 4 things can help Madden. Gameplay will be enhanced, Online will be better, and customaization will be re-created.
# 151 bzbnzc @ 02/07/12 02:20 PM
The Madden Pro Bowl games for ps3 & xbox 360 have been a disappointment because they have the players wearing those generic helmets with the "A" or "N" for their logos. EA, for a realistic game please have the players wear their own team helmets like they do in the real life. I hope you make that change for Madden 2013.
# 152 blklightning @ 02/07/12 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by MMChrisS
Ever since Madden landed on next-gen consoles, there has been a plethora of issues that seem to go unfixed every year. As gamers, we cannot seem to get an answer one way or another as to why these issues persist -- Is it just not possible to fix these issues given with what the developers have to work with? No matter the answer, the issues remain. With Madden 13 possibly being the last Madden to be exclusively on the current-gen systems, will we see some of the fixes we have been clamoring for, or do we simply have to put this generation behind us and hope for best on the upcoming new systems?

Without further adieu, here is the top five fixes EA must make for Madden NFL 13.

this is the same list that's been talked about since '06 for the 360 came out. i think it's time to admit that none of this is going to happen this gen. one of those, "if it was gonna happen, it would've happened" type situations.
# 153 KBLover @ 02/08/12 03:03 AM
Originally Posted by Smoke6

Please fix this, its very annoying to have people tackling with the "strip button" now than they are with making a good tackle.

My idea: Make it to where it has to be clicked on a timely basis, engage one of many animations that can result in a strip animation to occur. With a great risk vs reward system behind this, it would be how the hitstick "used" to be. You try for a strip, doesnt mean you are going to make the tackle if the strip isnt successful.

Yeah, it seems like you can ride the ball carrier's back and if you don't strip, you'll spin the ball carrier down anyway.

I hate the strip animation. I wish defenders would try to punch at the ball and stuff - and like you said, make it a separate move, not a tackling move.

Also, when a defender stands up a ball carrier, have the next guy there sometimes try to punch out the ball (new DPP trait?) like they do in the real game.
# 154 gzenius @ 02/08/12 06:33 PM
if they dont FINALLY fix the simmed season stats in franchise i dont know what ima do. i think might actually do it since there was 3 5000 yd qbs this year and 10 total over 4000, in madden youre lucky if you get 2 4000 yd qbs. they need tof inally fix the sack numbers too but thats been messed up so long i doubt it
# 155 cjmitchell @ 02/09/12 01:56 AM
I think Madden should really go more into detail honestly I like Techmo Bowl, and GameDay granite the grapichs where not as good as today's but it was more in detail and fun.

1. How come Madden want design the Raiders field the way its really designes with the baseball field and the dirt on it on when it rains it's all Muddy and slippery running through when u get tackled your muddy if it could be done on a Sega game it can be done now?

2. And why in practice mode teams dress up in their real uniforms? They sould be dressed in shorts, sholder pads, practice jersey, and helmet.

3. Real live scrimmage mode should be added to where teams can actually scimmage each other

4. and last please get some better tackling schemes
# 156 cjmitchell @ 02/09/12 02:01 AM
and please upgrade the catches i think NCAA 2012 has way better catching schemes
# 157 dmajors18 @ 02/09/12 02:40 PM
They should team up with ESPN to add new features. Such as the Monday Night crew, half time shows&post game interviews and also in-game highlights from other teams playing. More accessory options for UA&Nike. Also get Al Michaels back to do Sunday Nights. More crowd involvements..coach&player interactions. Momentum shift&effects. And take more time to review a play than just 5 secs..make it more like we see on gameday.
# 158 PRO318 @ 02/12/12 02:40 PM
how about fixing the defensive backs in this game they don't attack the ball in the air or try rip it out of a wide out hands plus the game lack press coverage animations as well cb on the game are really not playing lock down coverage as revis actually do

Look at this video of revis vs bryant very physical play going on here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIT2esvwBu4
# 159 Smoke6 @ 02/12/12 05:26 PM
Madden should be MMO status right now, what I mean by that is...

Depth: Madden lacks it seriously and through all the years of every madden to date, we dont even see a glimpse of features from maddens past that should still exist in this game we all play today.

RPG STYLE: Upgrade and progression like system that you see in typical MMO's or RPG's. Players should level up/decrease ratings wise by how they perform along with a few other factors to go along with it. Have player that makes amazing plays on the field like a RB or WR, should level up pretty quickly in a way thats not too unrealistic. People can still have bad games and hope fully the game can account for that...

History: Finishing what I was touching on above, I would love for madden to keep a History Track Record like irl of my teams, players and coaches tendacies when im up against whatever team I am playing at the time. If I have had a history (or my team in general) of problems against a certain, I can gameplan a way to overcome that. If I had great performances against certain teams and showed success doing something better over another then thats what I would like to hear and see when I go to play that game and the announcers are talking.

All this would help give that immersiveness to the game that we be looking for IMO, but I would guess it would be too time consuming to do so. Just my $0.02
# 160 tpeserik @ 02/12/12 10:56 PM
I agree with the list. The one thing I would like to see is opening up the create-a-playbook feature to include everything from the college game. I like to use the complete 3-3-5 defense & how much fun would it be to run a little wishbone in Madden every so often? It's not a deal breaker, but it would make the game more fun.

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