Feature Article
Five Things EA Sports must do for Success in Madden NFL 13

Ever since Madden landed on next-gen consoles, there has been a plethora of issues that seem to go unfixed every year. As gamers, we cannot seem to get an answer one way or another as to why these issues persist -- Is it just not possible to fix these issues given with what the developers have to work with? No matter the answer, the issues remain. With Madden 13 possibly being the last Madden to be exclusively on the current-gen systems, will we see some of the fixes we have been clamoring for, or do we simply have to put this generation behind us and hope for best on the upcoming new systems?

Without further adieu, here is the top five fixes EA must make for Madden NFL 13.

Newton throws over the middle and it's...blocked by a linebacker leaping 11 feet into the air?

1. Pass Trajectory 

Look, it’s a bird, no, it’s a plane, wait…It’s a SUPER LINEBACKER!! Well actually it isn’t. Its not that the linebackers jump too high, it’s how the ball does not arc properly over the second level of the defense. Its like the ball travels on a single plane without variation. Sure, the ball can still be high or low, its just that there is no middle ground. If you are trying to throw the ball over the middle of the field, and if there is anyone within five yards they can easily bat the pass down. 

This is an issue that has plagued the series since its debut on the current systems. My fear is that there is simply no way to fix it with the current game engine. I think as Madden fans we have made our voices heard for long enough to reasonable expect a fix this year. If not, then we surely must chalk it up to the unfortunate fact that it is unable to be fixed 

2. Revamped Foot planting/Momentum engine

One of the single biggest complaints from Madden detractors and fans alike, is how the current foot planting engine needs a huge upgrade. Since the inception of Madden on our current generation consoles player movements seem to lack momentum. It also seems like a player can zig and zag to avoid contact way to easily, along with being able to turn on a dime. I should not be able to be running towards the sideline as I catch a pass and turn it up the line on a dime. My momentum should carry me out of bounds. 

If only this were rendered in real-time...if only.

3. Real Time Physics

The mother of all wish list items. Real time physics could be a game changer if done right. Canned animations, or canimations as the community affectionately likes to call them, are getting old in most gamers eyes. The fact that Madden doesn’t seem to have a large number of them anyway is enough to make you want to pull your hair out. Real time physics could make every tackle, block and interaction unique.

4. The Little Things

Like MLB: The ShowMadden needs the little things. To be blunt, there is no excuse for some things being left out. I want all the penalties. I mean heck, we waited untilMadden 10 to have officials on the field. I want to see an illegal block in the back call on a punt or a kickoff return; I want illegal motion, defensive holding, illegal contact, and for the love of all that is football, make pass interference work. Basically, every penalty in football should be in the game. The challenge system also needs redone. Too many times it doesn’t challenge what you want it to. These are all things that should have been in the game since day one. 

Totally willing to settle for less of the same, and more variety too. Deal? DEAL!

5. Animations

Madden suffers greatly from lack of animations. It takes away from the immersion factor. A football game needs to have enough animations where you don’t see the same things over and over. For example, catching animations are so few that you can pretty much see all of them in one game; the same could be said about blocking animations. What might be the biggest area where improvement is needed is tackling. Simply put, there needs to be a ton more tacking animations. 

I shouldn’t see the same animations over and over. This, however, brings us to improvement No. 3, real time physics, and the ultimate problem solver to tackling. I want to see specialized animations as well. All 32 starting quarterbacks should have signature throwing animations, and at least most running backs should have their signature running animations, or as close to their real life movements as possible. Wonky running animations have been an issue for years. 

Final Thoughts 

If there is a negative tone to any of this, it is certainly not my intention. I am just a football game lover like all of us. These five improvements, while mostly gameplay based, are a very small amount of what we, as a community, want to see. I will be very interested to see where the Madden team takes us this year. With next-gen systems looming, will we even see real improvements, or will most of their focus being on the future. With the Super Bowl match up set, it shouldn’t be long before the first info starts to trickle out.

What are your top 5 keys to success for Madden NFL 13?

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Member Comments
# 61 baronb43 @ 01/26/12 12:36 PM
Another thing I'd love to start seeing is guys with full sleeves finally have some sort of tattoo animation. It's strange looking at guys like Aaron Hernandez and seeing no artwork, and having a completely default look.
# 62 moose616 @ 01/26/12 12:39 PM
I've read that the exclusivity deal is through 2013. Wouldn't that mean Madden 14 would be the last of the deal, not 13?
# 63 roadman @ 01/26/12 12:46 PM

That is true, a deal hasn't been made public at this time, either.
# 64 ShaneTheMaster @ 01/26/12 01:34 PM
The problem is not so much the lack of animations.. it's that their is no fluidity between the animations.
# 65 KennyG @ 01/26/12 01:47 PM
Why isn't the coaches on the sideline during the game they need 2 put the coaches on the sideline need to make real players on the sideline to warming up, ect.......
# 66 pegout @ 01/26/12 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by KennyG
Why isn't the coaches on the sideline during the game they need 2 put the coaches on the sideline need to make real players on the sideline to warming up, ect.......
the coach is on the sideline during gameplay there isnt real players on the sideline but at certen cutsceens you see Qb's throwing on the sideline
# 67 KennyG @ 01/26/12 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by pegout
the coach is on the sideline during gameplay there isnt real players on the sideline but at certen cutsceens you see Qb's throwing on the sideline
while u playing the game the coach isnt on the sideline only on cutsceens thats not cool they should show the coach roaming the sideline during gameplay
# 68 pegout @ 01/26/12 02:26 PM
Originally Posted by KennyG
while u playing the game the coach isnt on the sideline only on cutsceens thats not cool they should show the coach roaming the sideline during gameplay
there is a coach on the sideline you can see it in replays. iv never zoomed in to see if its the real coach but why would i i could careles about my coach that does nothing for the game
# 69 KennyG @ 01/26/12 02:29 PM
Originally Posted by pegout
there is a coach on the sideline you can see it in replays. iv never zoomed in to see if its the real coach but why would i i could careles about my coach that does nothing for the game
I dont care for it either im just giving ideas since they want 2 make Madden like u see in real live football o Sundays
# 70 pegout @ 01/26/12 02:39 PM
Originally Posted by KennyG
I dont care for it either im just giving ideas since they want 2 make Madden like u see in real live football o Sundays
got ya but to your point the sidelines are kinda dead looking
# 71 ANDROMADA 1 @ 01/26/12 03:21 PM
Originally Posted by tazdevil20
Chris, AWESOME list. I love the fact that you made it a point to note that all of the issues are ON THE FIELD. The FOOTBALL!!! That's what we care about the most.

I'd also like to add:

1. Warping - remove it
2. Fix the Finess move DEs
3. Ball physics
4. Less frequent interceptions
5. Export roster files from online franchise
I,'de settle for sliders and tuner updates.... You kn ow those things they added this year but never did anything with, not ONE single update....What a travesty.
# 72 Bdubb @ 01/26/12 03:37 PM
Commentary overhaul, tweaked gameplay (be nice to have passing trajectory fixed) are the two things I'm looking for in Madden 2013. I'll still purchase the game and play it but if those two things are emphasized I'll play Madden for a while and not just a month like I have in recent years.
# 73 truintellectplaya @ 01/26/12 03:50 PM
Madden needs to do what Live is doing but never will because of that exclusive. End of story. Everything they do will be a fraud to make you believe they are trying to get better.
# 74 mwjr @ 01/26/12 03:55 PM
It's "ado."

# 75 phant030 @ 01/26/12 04:02 PM
Here are some non lob touch passes...sorry for the quality. Demonstrating touch pass over defenders...no super jumps. No over lobbing of the ball.

# 76 at23steelers @ 01/26/12 04:06 PM
When do WR's ever leap for balls in Madden? It's just the same catch animations over and over again. When do WR's ever leap out and catch the ball? It's almost like their glued to the football field and can only make 5 catches from that position. Not to mention, how many people get annoyed when they try to catch a pass 1 handed, and totally fail at it. Have you ever seen in Madden where a WR jumps to the ground, and you're not sure whether or not he maintained possession through the catch because it might've hit the ground? No of course not! The only thing in Madden is like a jump ball with a CB. The QB can't just throw a pass to where the CB can't make a play on it. This is also due to sliding where anyone can go anywhere on the field in a matter of seconds. If they actually planted their feet this would immensely help. It's just a combination of things that make passing and catching feel bland and unrealistic.
# 77 joelram @ 01/26/12 04:31 PM
i wish they bring back the old franchise where you could set ticket prices, food and drink prices, little things like that made it feel more in-depth
# 78 TDKing @ 01/26/12 04:50 PM
Commentary.... All players have names use them ! I want to hear the players name who made the catch, made the tackle, got the sack and how many yards gained/lost etc... on every play. Listen to a real broadcast then replicate .
# 79 at23steelers @ 01/26/12 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by TNT713

Usually I know what people are talking about, but this time you have baffled me because there are WR's that jump. Throw a Fade inside the 10. Your WR will jump for the ball. Throw a high pass to a stationary receiver and he jumps. Conversely, if you throw the ball low the receiver will go down to get it.

Also, sliding all over the field in a matter of seconds? Huh? I've never seen a player slide more than 2-yards in any direction and even then it's once or twice a game MAX.

That said, I never touch sliders for any reason. I play the game as the devs intended without tinkering with the internal logic using the thousands of possible slider combinations that interfere with how the game ships.

Ok, I will try and explain it better. WR's can jump vertically, but they can't outstretch their arms if throw is towards the sideline. Also, there is no fighting for position. There's no leverage or anything. All it is, is like I said before: a jump ball with no contact between the WR or DB. There's no fighting to get into position. It's either you jump infront or behind, but there isn't a battle. I have seen before plays where my WR should have made the catch but the DB slides forward with footplanting and gets there a few seconds earlier.

When have you ever seen a play like this in Madden?

# 80 canes2008 @ 01/26/12 06:03 PM
mass substitutions would be awesome unless i'm missing something on '12

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