Feature Article
40 Fixes for NBA 2K11 (Part I)

Kushmir Hassan checks in over the next few weeks with 40 fixes that'd put NBA 2K11 completely over the top when it comes to gameplay. Check out his list over the coming weeks and see if you agree with all of his fixes!

1. Deflecting Passes Out of Bounds

This mechanic is perhaps the single-most important gameplay fix that could be implemented in next year’s version of the game. Backdoor plays are too effective in NBA 2K and need to be reined in a great deal. While it would certainly be nice to see more off-ball contact and defenders impeding and bumping cutting players, there is another aspect that is even more important: players being more aware of the ball.

If the players were more aware of the ball, then tipped passes that go out of bounds would dramatically reduce the ease that players pass into the painted area without turning gameplay into a sloppy turnover-fest. The introduction of this gameplay aspect would drastically reduce full-court and post passes and would also force offenses to operate late in the shot clock.

Here are two examples in NBA 2K10:



2. Ball Denial

It is great that we can finally play more effective off-ball defense. However, it would be next level if this mechanic was more dynamic. If we saw more passes deflected out of bounds and steals when someone tried to force the ball into a player who was being tightly covered off-ball, that would add a lot to the battle within a battle. On the other side of the equation, players (and specifically high-awareness guys) could attack this type of defense by going backdoor, slapping away the defender’s hand or by quickly separating from a defender trying to mirror their movements. Officials should also sometimes call grabbing fouls when a player is playing aggressive ball-denial defense to balance everything out.

(As a quick note, ball-denial defense does not always work when an offensive player sets a pick and during some dead-ball situations -- both of these things should be corrected. Also, when our user-controlled denying defenders are rubbed off by a screen or when an offensive player separates from them, the beaten defenders stand there motionless. It would be nice to see them return to their assignment instead of waiting for manipulation from the user.)

3. Auto Defense

This would be the perfect complement to ball-denial defense. Instead of the high-risk, high-reward denying defense, the user could click the R3 button to make a defender simply try to stay in front of his man. On defense, auto defense should allow our spotlighted defenders to simply follow their assignments. Therefore, the focus would be on taking minimal risks and staying with the assigned man. Auto defense would also allow our user-controlled players to stay with their men when their assignments are off the screen.

4. Challenging the Shot

Being able to use the right stick to make a defender put his hands up on defense is nice, but it would be great if these situations were more dynamic and included many more animations. There are way too many instances where non-shot blockers get blocks or cause offensive players to miss shots by just attempting to swat the ball.

It would be better to see shot blockers separated from the rest of the pack. Players like Jason Kidd, Rip Hamilton and even Kobe Bryant are not shot blockers and should be riddled with fouls when they attempt blocks. Those types of players should instead use the challenge-shot option to try and disrupt shots. Instead of one hands-up animation, it would be nice to see a bevy of light contact and disruptive animations that make shots more difficult for an offensive player.

At the very least, the challenge-shot option should allow us to play semi-physical defense without fouling like we see here: http://community.2ksports.com/commun...ediaid=1292497

5. Shot Difficulty

Many users complained that jump shooting this year was too difficult. Presumably, people want to play an NBA game where players hit shots when they are open, so it would be preferable to see open shots go in at a higher rate next year. On the reverse side, contact shots probably went in at a rate that was a little high. While it is understandable that better players like Kobe, LeBron and Melo will convert some difficult shots, defenders should be rewarded more often for properly contesting attempts. In short, open shots should go in more frequently and contested shots should go in less frequently.

This double-clutch layup by Ray Allen over three defenders should go in maybe one time out of 20. http://community.2ksports.com/commun...ediaid=1198987

6. Shots Behind the Backboard

This is the NBA, right? Players shooting the ball on the wrong side of the backboard for turnovers? Jump shots into the side of the glass? If gamers never see these animations again, it will be too soon. After all, NBA players are much too skilled to forget what side of the glass the basket is on.

View a clip of the nonsense here: http://community.2ksports.com/commun...ediaid=1198840

7. Equipment

While not a core gameplay issue, users clamored endlessly about their players wearing the wrong-colored headband and other unavailable accessory combinations. While I think this type of "fix" comes after gameplay, I understand their gripe from an immersion point of view. Hopefully, users have the ability to change the colors of all accessories in the future -- in addition to a separate section for home and away accessories.

8. Full-Court Passes

These passes are too accurate. In addition to that, many times the defenders are in a position to deflect or steal the passes yet they swing and miss at them. When attempting these passes, how about a much higher percentage of turnovers combined with more wayward and bad passes out of bounds?

9. Fix My Player

While this was a very popular new mode, the bugs associated with it were disappointing and almost too much to handle. Here is to a bug- and glitch-free My Player mode next year.

10. Foul Trouble Settings

Who is tired of watching their elite players pick up silly fouls when they are already in foul trouble? It would be great to see a "foul trouble" setting in the defensive-matchup screen that would allow players to play passive defense, which would stop them from picking up easy fouls.

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Member Comments
# 41 Crossover1 @ 03/26/10 09:00 PM
Why must we be the blind ones? Oh yea, it's because you're never wrong.
# 42 Pared @ 03/26/10 09:15 PM
Has nothing to do with that.

With all the authenticity in the game, sig-style, etc. to make a comment like that makes you look really bad.

It's one thing to make a point. It's another to exaggerate so drastically just to make yourself look right.
# 43 Crossover1 @ 03/26/10 09:27 PM
Learn to take a joke and stop being anti-Crossover1. Everytime I make a post about something u have something negative to say towards me. Lighten up. I only want the game to get better just like u.
# 44 Furq @ 03/26/10 11:23 PM
One thing I think the game could use is more trick moves. I don't mean NBA street style, and I know it's hard to draw the line between sim and arcade. But guys like Rondo, Nash, etc all have some great crossovers and fake passes etc that they use to set up their next move.

Aside from player ratings, when I control these guys in game they aren't too much like their real life counterparts. People say FIFA is a sim game, and that's true. But similarly, in FIFA the computer seems to never really use any skill moves. In real soccer, there is more than just passing and moving. Some of the better players use "trick" moves to setup their next move.
# 45 Furq @ 03/27/10 02:01 AM
I don't think this is currently in the game but I may be wrong. If it isn't, they should have progressive injury recovery. If my player has a sore hamstring or something, it should have the biggest effect on my player's rating when I'm first injured. After a few days the effect should gradually decrease until my player is finally healthy again.

This would help to simulate the recovery process
# 46 Kushmir @ 03/27/10 09:02 AM
thanks for all the feedback guys. FYI: this was NOT playing an an unpatched version of 2K10. my PS3 is fully connected and i received any updates PRONTO.
# 47 jtc324 @ 03/29/10 05:33 PM
I agree with those fixes. Another aspect of the game i wouldn't mind seeing tweeked is the rosters. If they are going to put in players in the FA pool from at least three years back there should be more players available. Maybe there can be an agreement with d-league licenses to put the 09-10 player pool from the d-league in the FA pool and on D-league rosters that are accessable and playable by the user. Also there should be a way for the 2k insider to upload added players to the game to 2k share so that users could just grab the players they need to add to their own rosters.
# 48 BDM313 @ 03/29/10 08:49 PM
All those fixes seem cool...All I really Want is For the players to be a tad bit Bigger kinda like 2K9...and just make the court a lil bigger to me the players look small...
# 49 STLRams @ 03/29/10 10:07 PM
Wow some good stuff in that list, I hope the 2KDevs are on this forum and writing this stuff down to add to 2K11.
# 50 JRSLOAN @ 03/30/10 08:13 AM
Whens the next list coming out?
Also i think 2k needs 'clutch' plays. Where down the stretch you can call for an isolation with lebron and have mo and anthony parker on the wings for kickouts, antawn in the short corner for the jumper and hickson crashing the boards or whatever. The ability to win the game your own way! Other than that I just want to see better presentations. Announcements of the players and pump up for the crowd would be sick. Also for teams to play better when crowds behind them.
# 51 JRSLOAN @ 03/30/10 08:14 AM
Abilityvto make your own plays on offence and defence?
# 52 dophin26 @ 03/30/10 12:52 PM
"I dont agree with not one single thing on your list and you still have more to bring. " <-- That is a double negative and therefore means you do agree with more than one thing on the list. At that point, even though it was your first sentence, I had to quit reading your post.

# 53 Jackmouv @ 03/30/10 07:19 PM
I have to say this again, any list that doesn't START and END with FIXING the SERVERS, is not valid IMO. If I can't get online and play a 5v5 game with headsets, don't fix anything else till I can. PERIOD.
# 54 joeblow803 @ 03/31/10 12:56 AM
We need to be able to switch playbooks an it to actually work!!! Online and Offline! This should be number one everything else is good folks compalin but you can configure the shoot any way you want and if thats my team im gone hit the shot. Oh yea taking nothing from Dwight Howard but come on he is over rated good timing does not block his shot once his feet leave the floor. Real life Josh Smith just sent his want to be dunk into the stands just last week.
# 55 Mecca_G @ 03/31/10 05:35 AM
Originally Posted by Jackmouv
I have to say this again, any list that doesn't START and END with FIXING the SERVERS, is not valid IMO. If I can't get online and play a 5v5 game with headsets, don't fix anything else till I can. PERIOD.
+1. This is HUGE to those of us who play in leagues and play online. I am one of those users who NEVER play offline, so if this isn't fixed, there is no need for me to buy the game.

Also, defense/player movement needs to be addressed. Players should definitely move more natural and I hope 2K puts as much emphasis on defense as they do offense. Basketball is a thinking mans sport, and it should be a chess match of sorts. Meaning, that offense should not always prevail, especially if I make the right call defensively.
# 56 jeebs9 @ 03/31/10 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by RayAP19
Dude, basketball is not a collision sport. This isn't football. Players shouldn't collide in the air.
Players tend to try their best to AVOID contact while they're in the air. We're not playing on grass fields with pads and helmets. Crashing into other players in mid-air is dangerous and very few people actually do it.

You don't have to have contact to contest layups. If people watched games and looked closely, they'd realize that.
Didn't even notice these post....lol Wow....
# 57 jeebs9 @ 03/31/10 12:12 PM
Originally Posted by RayAP19
I believe this with a passion. Neither 2K with NBA 2K nor EA with Madden NFL actually watches that respective league, takes notes, and tries to apply it to the game, because if they do, they're doing a horrible job of replication.
Its a freaking video game. If you made it exactly like really life close to it. You would draw a foul every single time. The game would have NO flow to it.
# 58 jeebs9 @ 03/31/10 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by spankdatazz22
They're doing a "horrible" job...? *sigh* It's silly ridiculously over the top attitudes like this that make this board unreadable; the unnecessary need to near-totally diminish the effort of developers because it doesn't meet your ridiculously high standards. Of course, you could never be wrong.
Originally Posted by Pared
Blind leading the blind.
# 59 robthakid @ 03/31/10 03:53 PM
the one fix they need to put in any basketball game is steve nash when he is on the bench hes sitting on the floor chiliin stretched out. When i see that in a video game I will be IMPRESSED!
# 60 djmartimart @ 04/13/10 08:57 PM
Please add some my pro new functions and more accessories.

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