Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Survivor Series (Raw and Smackdown) this Sunday
Welcome Ladies and Gents to Raw and as usual this is where the action is at.
Tonight's line up includes Antonio Cesaro vs Dean Ambrose and The Shield have managed to rile nearly everyone up in the locker room in the past few months. What is wrong with these guys attacking anyone they feel like. Speaking of Shield what about Seth who ruined Kanes and Bryans #1 Contender match last week. It will a Fatal 4 way for the US title this Sunday and not only that R-Truth has to also face Zigglers Showoffs in a tag match lets hope he be able to cope with two matches. As Ziggler has shocked everyone with his win streak of now 5 matches in a row.
We also have the return of Dajavu who before getting injured was at blows with Jack Swagger. They will face off tonight in a match which I know won't be pretty.
Also we have CM Punk vs The WWE Champion HHH in a Non Title Match for our Main Event. Punk thought he had put HHH out and was on a rampage while The Champ was out of action. Last week we saw The Game return after CM Punk took it upon him self too brutally hurt Rey Mysterio. This is one match you will not want to miss.
Zigglers Music plays Ziggler, AJ and Ryback enter the ring Ziggler says "well seeing as nobody is able to beat me I thought I would come out and say tonight I will fight anyone who dares to face the show off" Ryback says "did you say nobody can beat you? how about me and you have a match tonight" "one second I did not mean I wanted to fight you" replies Ziggler "after all we are a team" Ryback says "Well you say you can beat anyone so beat me!" The GM enters and says "That actually sounds good it be Ryback vs Ziggler later tonight" Ziggler looks worried about having to face Ryback before they have a title match Sunday.
After the break
The Shield are in the ring and Dean says "ok John Cena is a non believer of us we know this and this Sunday me and Roman want to face him and he can pick whoever he wants as a partner" Cena then enters and says "your on! I will put a end to the Shield this Sunday!
Match Cards Tonight
Shelton Benjamin vs Kane
Kane even starts mocking Benjamine in this match. After Shelton does a number on Kanes legs, Shelton seems to dominate Kane as the crowd look in shock. Shelton then throws Kane out of ring and does a high flyer knocking him out cold. He goes back in the ring to win by Count out. Everyone is shocked has Kane lost his touch?
Winner by Count out Shelton Benjamin
Antonio Cesaro vs Dean Ambrose
Another guy who has had problems with the shield he was a member till they betrayed him wants revenge.
This match is back and forth and Dean even take off the padding of the turnbuckle to hurt Antonio some more. He really lays a assault on him. Wins after doing a Glam Slam to a pin.
Winner Dean Ambrose
After the match he also stomps out Antonio saying "Believe in The Shield!"
Jack Swagger vs Dajavu
Dajavu is looking for some revenge after being injured by Swagger in their last meeting few months ago. He plants Swagger through the announcer table from the top rope. He then throws Swagger back in the Ring to do the Daja Bomb (power bomb) to get the 3 count.
Winner Dajavu
Ryback vs Dolph Ziggler
Well this match was not even scheduled seems the show offs mouth got him into this fight. Lets hope it won't effect them working together Sunday.
Well we all thought we would see this match but someone had other ideas his name was Bigshow he attacks Dolph Ziggler and replaces him. Ryback does not look amused this also means Ziggler's streak still continues.
Ryback vs Bigshow
Two angry men fight Bigshow looks to be dominating Ryback. He makes Ryback submit to the shock of the crowd.
Winner by submission The Bigshow
Bigshow says after "Everyone seems to forget that I am here and this is what happens when people do.
Main Event
Non Title Match
CM Punk vs (C) HHH
This match is intense two people with separate views collide, this was never going to be a pretty match. Some wonder what are they thinking off facing off before Sunday. CM ends the match by wrapping HHH in a anaconda device.
Winner by Submission CM Punk
After the Match CM Continues his Assault and hits HHHs back and lays him on the ring post and kicks his head into it. He then leaves HHH knocked out chanting "BEST IN THE WORLD! I am the Champion! It is game over Sunday!"
Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Welcome to Survivor Series and we have some matches to look forward too The main event Mankind vs Chris Jericho in a Steel Cage. Everyone knows Jericho was not happy about the decision guess he wanted a anything goes match so he could get help. It also seems he and Paul White have made a alliance.
We also have Stone Cold vs DDP for the WCW Title in a lastman standing match.
but first we have the United States Championship on the line wait hold on who is this... oh no its him...
Break the walls dooooown Chris Jericho and Paul White enter the ring and Chris Says "Everyone shut the hell up and listen, we all know how I have been screwed tonight having to face Mankind in a Cage but I am not leaving till he comes out here now!" Mankinds Music plays "so why have you taken it upon your self to call me out and waste everyone time, shouldn't you be preparing for a beatdown tonight?" Chris replies "ooooook whatever the Jerichoholics know,I know that I will beat you and because I am so certain I will I have another stipulation to add" Mankind interrupted with "I accept now can the show be started?" Chris Jericho replies "this is why everyone thinks your a brainless Freak" "anyway as you accepted I was going to say the loser will never get another shot for the title for a whole year! I knew you would do something like this stupid as you are" Paul laughs "yeah he is pretty stupid". Then the Gm interrupts "hold on just one second I am the GM of Raw not you I make the decisions around here! Mankind the Interrupted and Say "Don't worry I still accept if this will get blondie and blubber butt out of the ring" Chris says "good little joke there we will see who laughs last tooooonight!". The GM asks "are you sure?" Mankind replies "yes make it offica!" the Gm says "ok then it done now can you both leave?"
After the Break
Brief Backstory
Gangrel has had this title for while and everyone was wondering how he managed to scrape through every match. Now he will face Scott Hall who made it clear he will be taking the title tonight.
WCW United States Championship
(C)Gangrel vs The NWO Scott Hall w/ Kevin Nash
With Kevins help Scott wins finally Gangrel has been defeated!
Winner and New WCW United States Champion Scott Hall
Brief Backstory
Since Bret Hart returned 3 weeks ago he has made it clear he wants a title shot but one man has made it clear he going to have to go through him. Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart have had matches and after Shawn screwed Bret last week in his match against HHH they will fight in a submission match tonight.
Submission Match
Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart
Very good match both men put on a excellent performance. The winner ends up being being Bret Hart after a Sharp Shooter.
Winner by submission Bret 'The Hitman' Hart
Brief Backstory
Owen Hart claimed the Intercontinental Championship last month in a Special Referee Match that some would say was a set up. There was then a #1 contenders match which Ken Shamrock won beating both Paul White and HHH. Will he be able to beat Owen tonight or will Owen prevail?.
Intercontinental Championship
(C)Owen Hart vs The Corporation Ken Shamrock w/ Big Boss Man
Owen Hart looked like he would lose after the cheap attempts from The Corporation but pulls through after Boss Man gets ejected. he wins after a super kick followed by a sharpshooter.
Winner by submission and still The Intercontinental Champion Owen Hart
Cena bumps into Eddie and they start trash talking The NWO then Hogan and Buff come and attack both men and say "how about a tag match tonight to give you something to talk about?"
Brief Backstory
Team Extreme have excelled in the tag division they currently hold the record for the longest running tagteam holing the record of 78 Weeks. Now since WCW signed The Whole FFing Show RVD and Sabu they been making it clear they want the belts. They finally got their chance by defeating The NWO in a #1 contenders match. Will they be able to get their wish of gold or will Team Extreme beat them?
WCW World Tag Team Championship
Tag Team Ladder Match
(C)Team Extreme (Jeff and Matt Hardy) vs The Whole FFing Show (RVD and Sabu)
Fantastic match between two fantastic teams RVD got close at one point before being thrown off the ladder by Matt. Matt also does RVDs own taunt. Jeff and Sabu fight outside and Matt fights with RVD at the top of the ladder before both get thrown down. At one point Matt hangs tugging at the title before RVD powerbombs him mid air. Jeff and Sabu soon re-eneter the ring after brawling out side. Then Matt throws Sabu out of the ring and does a High flyer to him outside and Jeff Twist of Fates RVD to climb up the ladder and retain.
Lasts 30mins
Winners and Still WCW Tag Champions Team Extreme
Brief backstory
Since a rather strange tag match Cena and Hogan have been at blows with each other. Cena was fed up of Hogans showing off and Hogan did not think much of Cena at all. Also Buff Bagwell and Eddie have been at each other throats.after the attack earlier Cena and Eddie will team up to face the NWO.
John Cena and Eddie Guerrero w/Chavo Guerrero vs The NWO (Hogan and Buff)
Hogan works well with people he gets along with and Eddie and Cena are still suffering injuries from the earlier attack. Buff chair shots Eddie after throwing the ref out of the ring. Hogan even grabs Cena when he not the legal man and lays a beatdown on him. Cena gets agitated and tries to come in but the ref holds him back then Hogan tags Buff back in and Buff spears Cena off his corner. After a while looks like both men won't let Eddie tag Cena and Buff tags back in Hogan after double teaming Cena. In the end The NWO win after a Leg Drop from Hogan to Eddie and Buffs spears Cena again to the outside of the ring.
Winners The NWO
Hogan says "now I am done with you there's something else I am after" and leaves the ring with Buff Bagwell.
Brief Backstory One of the biggest feuds that's been going on since Mania. DDP won a #1 contenders match against The Rock to earn the right to face The Champion Stone Cold. Stone Cold said he wanted to settle things once and for all in a Last Man Standing match. Who will be the man standing at the end of the match? and will this really settle things one and for all?
WCW World Heavyweight Championship
Last Man Standing Match
(C) Stone Cold vs DDP
Very brutal match everything you could think of was used. DDP nor Austin would stay down. DDP planted Austin through the announcer table and thinks he got him but he gets up at 8. Austin Stunners DDP he gets up at 7 he stunners him again he gets up at 8. Both men look agitated that neither will stay down. DDP taunts Austin throughout the match. DDP Diamond Cuts Austin outside to win!
Match lasted 40mins
Winner and New WCW Champion DDP
A bloody DDP celebrates beating Austin again.
Brief Backstory Chris Jericho finally got de-throned at Unforgiven in a Fatal 4 Way but who won was the biggest surprise Mankind pinned Undertaker in way which was cheap. Then Chris Jericho Assaulted Mankind and Undertaker in their match. He has been bad mouthing the Champ ever since. It was decided he would face Mankind in a Cage match by the GM. Jericho was less then please as he must of been plotting a plan with his friend Paul White thinking he would get a anything goes match. but does he have another plan?
Undisputed Championship
Cage Match (Loser never gets a title shot on Raw is War for at least a year)
Chris Jericho vs (C)Mankind
Chris screws Mankind during the match when Paul kicks open the Cage for him while the refs are not looking and he escapes via the cage door. Looks like Mankind will not get another shot for year... Chris and Paul stomp Mankind. The crowd boo the New Champion and Jericho Seems to enjoy it.
Winner and New Undisputed Champion Chris Jericho
Chris walks off with a grin on his face with Paul White saying "Jerichoholics I told you all that difference between me, Undertaker, you and Mankind I have brains!"
The show goes off air
Monday, March 4, 2013

2 Weeks till Survivor Series
Welcome to Smackdown and after last week where the Deadman won against Sheamus. It has been decided tonight they will have a number one contenders match in out main event.Lets hope the World Heavyweight Champion can stop with his mind games.
We also have tag action from the current Champions R-Truth and Kofi vs The Shield where it seem Dean and Roman have made up from last week. It must be hard for R-Truth as he going to have to defend two titles at Survivor Series.
Christians music plays he enters the ring and says "so Randy Ortan wants to avoid fighting me?", "I still believe he won at Hell in a Cell by luck". he also adds "I will deal with you at Survivor Series anyway there's one punk that needs a lesson taught to him Cody Rhodes, I spoken to the GM and been granted my rematch against you tonight" he then throws the mic on the floor and leaves the ring.
Match Cards Tonight
One on One w/ Manager
Dolph Ziggler w/ Ryback vs The Great Khali
Dolph Ziggler has picked up yet another win making it his 5th win in a row! makes Khali tap out with a sleeper hold.
Winner by submission Dolph Ziggler
Non Title Match
(C)SOS (Kofi and (C)R-Truth) vs The Shield (Dean and Roman)
This match is one grudge match The Shield refused to let R-Truth tag Kofi and R-Truth gets speared through the barricade. Then Dean rolls him in the ring and Roman follows to powerbomb R-Truth to win.
Winners The Shield
Cactus Jack vs Mark Henry
Winner Cactus Jack (simmed by mistake sorry)
Christian vs Cody Rhodes
Wade Barrett comes to watch the match.
Good match from both sides few close calls you can tell there bad blood between them. They get in a small package war and you can't tell who is going to win. Cody does a moonsualt and DDTs Christian but Christian kicks out. It takes Christian two Killswitches to put out Cody.
Match lasts 20mins
Winner Christian
Christian says after "Randy I now understand why you don't want to fight me!"
#1 Contenders Match
Undertaker vs Sheamus
Intensity is in the air Undertaker makes Sheamus tap out rather quickly...
Winner Undertaker
Albertos music plays Undertaker looks around at the ramp then Alberto cheapshots the deadman from behind. He says " I always do things when the time is right!" he stands over Undertaker smiling.

Survivor Series this Sunday
Welcome to Raw is War and after last week we have the GM of the show here to make their decision about what match type Chris Jericho and Mankind will be having this Sunday.
GM enters the ring and says "so everyone been waiting for my decision and I only think it fitting that it is a Cage match" Chris Jericho music plays he says "what your serious truuuuust... yooooou to go with the freaks decision!" "you always been against me from day one just because I am the best does not mean you can treat me like this!" GM replies "the decision is final if you don't like can always give your shot to someone else" Chris Jericho walks off looking pissed off.
After the break
Backstage Bret Hart bumps into Shawn Michaels he says "you relly think your better then me don't you" Shawn says "well duh of course I am better then you I beat your sorry *** last week" HHH then attacks Bret Hart from behind and says " guess who else is better then you, and tonight I am going to make you regret coming back". Shawn and HHH then walk off leaving Bret Hart on the floor.
Match Cards Tonight
Val Venis vs Mike Tyson
Winner Mike Tyson
Christian vs Big Boss Man
Boss Man gets another win on Christian
Winner Big Boss Man
Non Title Match
(C)Owen Hart vs Kane
After Owen loosing his temper and getting DQed last week by chair shotting Kane. The Big Red Monster Kane wants a rematch.
During the match Owen Hart piledrives Kane outside the ring and smashes his head against the ring post. He then throws Kane back out only to get thrown by Kane into the steps then into the ring post. Kane follows by spearing Owen through the barricade to win by Count out.
Winner by Count out Kane
One on One w/ Manager
D-Von vs Paul White w/ Chris Jericho
Last week we saw Chris come ringside now we see him as Paul's manager what is he up to?
Paul wins quite easily with the help of Jericho
Winner Paul White
Chris raises Pauls hand looks like a new alliance has been made
Main Event
Bret Hart vs HHH
Shawn Michaels joins the commentators to watch the match.
Shawn just trash talks Bret Hart throughout the match.
HHH seems to dominate Bret Hart in this match even does a piledriver on him. HHH busts Bret Hart's head open a while into the match Bret then busts HHH's head open. HHH puts pedigrees Bret through the announcer table making Shawn go backstage.HHH and Bret re-enter the ring but before Shawn leaves he distracts Bret and while Bret looking at Shawn HHH spine busts The Hitman to win.
Winner HHH

Survivor Series this Sunday
Welcome to another edition of WCW and tonight we some great matches to look forward too. We have a extreme rules match involving Eddie and Buff Bagwell. The main event is a non title match with Stone Cold vs DDP.
Also we saw the return of Hawk who seems to have a problem with Kurt Angle.
GM enters the ring and says "The Whole FFing show this Sunday will face Team Extreme in a tag team Ladder match" also says "tonight they will be in a non title match together"
After the break
The Champion Stone Cold is in the ring he says "everyone knows who I will be facing this Sunday but I have a idea to settle things once and for all first I want DDP to come out" DDPs music plays he enters the ring wondering why Austin called him out Austin says "I think everyone here wants to see who the tougher man is this Sunday and I know you won't decline my request of a last man standing match". DDP replies by saying "guess you know me too well your on! "but you should be worrying about our match later" Austin says "here is my way of saying Thanks" Austin Stunners DDP then leaves the ring.
To start the show we have a match between two stars who just can't stand each other this all started from a tag match and has escalated into these two facing off.
Match Cards Tonight
Hollywood Hogan vs John Cena
John Cena runs in when Hogan awaits for his entrance and a tackles Hogan to the ground.
This is the battle of egos and nobody backs down Hogan kicks from a F-U from Cena then Cena kicks from a leg drop and does another F-U to Hogan but Hogan kicks out again. It takes a third F-U for Cena to win was some grudge match
Winner John Cena
John Cena says after the match "at least the right person now is celebrating while you lay there on the ground!"
one on one w/ Manager
Kurt Angle vs Hawk w/Bubba Ray Dudley
Vader joins the commentators I can presume he is not here to cheer on Angle.
Hawk has no mercy and Kurt feels outnumbered with 3 people who hate him around. He give it his all even with distractions from Bubba. Hawk clothlines him twice from the top rope to win.
Winner Hawk
Vader then slides in the ring and all 3 assault Angle. Bubba grabs a chair and gives it to Hawk who continues hitting Angle. Hawk shows angle no mercy and all three gloat over a beaten Angle.
Extreme Rules Match
Buff Bagwell vs Eddie Guerrero
Looks like these two want to settle things here and now it's a back and forth match. Eddie taunts Buff throughout in the match. all kinds of weapons were used the brutal match finally ends when Eddie does a Texas Clover Leaf in the middle of the ring forcing Buff to tap out.
Lasted 30mins very entertaining match main event material
Winner by submission Eddie Guerrero
Eddie walks toward the ropes then stops and turn to stomp out Buff Bagwell.
Non Title Match
The Whole FFing Show (RVD and Sabu) vs Team Extreme (Jeff and Matt Hardy)
Well both teams show a teaser of what we have to look forward too this Sunday very good match. This match looks like a title match both teams have something to prove. Loads of close calls, ends when Matt Hardy does a Extreme Leg drop on RVD off the top rope to pin him for the 3 count.
lasted 15mins
Winners Team Extreme
Main Event
Non Title Match
(C)Stone Cold vs DDP
Stone Cold looks like he wants to only make DDP tap out performing many submissions on him. DDP does the same for a while DDP Diamond Cuts Austin outside the ring. DDP ends the match making the champ submit.
Winner by Submission DDP
DDP tries to shake Austins hand but Austin slaps his hand and walks out of the ring.

2 Weeks Till Survivor Series
Welcome to Raw and we have one heck of show today. Last week we saw CM Punks obsession with the Championship and rampage carry on can't believe he actually believes he the Champ still. Two weeks ago he put the real Champ out of action and last week he beat The Great One. For some reason this week CM Punk has issued a challenge to Rey Mysterio this guy is just a bully.
Kane music plays he enters the ring and says "so Daneil Bryan thinks he some kind of wise guy interfering in my match last week" he also say "why don't you get your goatface out here now!" Daniel Bryans music plays He enters the ring and he says "look Kane this is why we could never get along you always shift the blame on everyone but your self and by the way I do NOT have a goatface!"
He also says "ok KANE how about this you and me in a match if I beat you you give me your number one contender ship for the US Title?" Kane replies "fine but one thing I need to do" Chokeslams Bryan and walks off.
After the break
Match Cards Tonight
Non Title match
David Otunga vs (C)R-Truth w/ (C)Kofi
R-Truth wins very easy a very quick match after he does a Truth or Consequences followed by a Corkscrew Axekick.
Winner R-Truth
#1 Contenders Match
Daniel Bryan vs Kane
Seth interferes first hitting Kane from behind and then takes out Bryan looks like he wants in on the US title. The ref is forced to cancel the match. Seth leaves the ring with both men knocked out inside.
Winner no contest
Tensai vs Brock Lesnar
Chris Jericho attacks Tensai costing him his match (not that Brock would of needed his help) Brock wins very easily.
Winner Brock Lesnar
John Cena vs Dean Ambrose
After last week these two have a score to settle and the question is what was Cena doing last week?
Dean attacks Cena from behind and gives him one heck of a DDT. He also during the match puts Cena through the announcer table. Cena then does a comeback move to gain momentum and throws Dean into the steps and through the barricade this time Cena breaks the refs count... but still wins by count out...
Winner by count out John Cena
Main Event
CM Punk vs Rey Mysterio
CM Punk cheapshots Rey from behind while Rey awaits his entrance.
CM Punk prolongs the match to add more insult to injury on Rey after doing 3 go to sleeps he finally ends Rey's Pain with a anaconda device.
Winner by submisson CM Punk
CM Punks not done with Rey grabs a Chair to hurt Rey some more just as he places it on Rey leg something stop him. HHH music plays it the Champion HHH! he saves Rey and throws Punk out of the ring! he picks up Rey to see if he ok.
Sunday, March 3, 2013

3 Weeks till Survivor Series
Welcome all, to another Smackdown show and last week we saw a shock win by Sheamus making 'The Deadman' tap out!
Tonight they face off in a rematch in our Main Event.
We also have the Intercontinental Champion Randy Ortan vs the former champion Christian in a non title match.
Also The Selfish Generation have challenge all members of 3mb to a Handicap match.
First we have a non title tag match involving the champions SOS vs Zigglers Showoffs. Now this match has two superstars who have shown how dominant they are R-Truth and Ziggler in particular these are the two to watch. Zigglers win Streak still continues seems Ryback had a good influence on him. R-Truth has shown how dominant he is holding two Titles!
Match Cards Tonight
Non Title Match
(C) SOS (Kofi and (C)R-truth) vs Zigglers Showoffs (Dolph and Ryback)
Ryback and Ziggler prove they worthy of a shot at Survivor Series adding another win for team Ziggler! Both teams worked well together just the better team won. Ryback pinned R-Truth after Ziggler speared Kofi into the announcer table and while them two carried on fighting outside the ring.
Winners Zigglers Showoffs
Ziggler says "this is what everyone has to look forward too at Survivor Series!".
Handicap match Two on 3 Tag
The Selfish Generation (Bobby Roode and Austin Aries vs 3MB (Heath, Drew and Jinder)
Bobby and Austin was trying to outdo each other throughout the match. Austin slaps Roodes back after he does a spine buster to steal his pin on Jinder. Roode looks less then pleased...
Winners The Selfish Generation
Mark Henry vs Ted DiBiase
Cactus Jack comes to watch the match
Another victim is added to Mark Henry's Hall of Pain after a World Strongest Slam on Ted.
Winner Mark Henry
Non Title Match
Christian vs (C)Randy Ortan
Randy comes out but wait Cody Rhodes has made a shock return! and replaces him!
Christian vs Cody Rhodes
Cody makes his return count and wins with a knee drop followed by a Cross Rhodes!
Winner Cody Rhodes
Christian feels screwed out of his match against Randy
Main Event
Undertaker vs Sheamus
Alberto tries distracting Undertaker when his music plays and he does not appear.
After the shock win last week Undertaker taking no rubbish from anyone and gets some revenge by Tombstoning Sheamus for the win.
Winner Undertaker
Alberto seems to be trying to play mind games with Undertaker but this might be one dangerous game to play.

2 weeks till Survivor Series
Welcome to Raw is War and what a week we had last week we had one of the greatest main events involving the return of 'The Hitman' Bret Hart beating 'The Hart Break Kid' Shawn Michaels. Tonight we have them facing of again this time in a Tables Match in our Main Event!
Also Owen Hart and Kanes Rivalry continues tonight after Kanes cheap win last week on Owen Hart I am Sure the Intercontinental Champion is looking for some revenge.
Also Christian is due to face The Big Boss Man tonight
Backstage Chris Jericho is talking with the GM saying how can they allow someone like Mankind to hold any title he also says "he wants to face Mankind at Survivor Series in a anything goes match". Then the champ himself comes in and says "as your so certain I am not worthy how about our match at Survivor Series is a Cage match where you cannot escape or use cheap tactics". The Gm says they will make their decision next week to what match type is chosen.
After the break
Match Cards Tonight
Extreme Rules Match
Val Venis vs Mike Tyson
These two have a score to settle.
Val Venis gets hit with the Kendo Stick repeatedly by Tyson and also gets a ddt on it.
Winner Mike Tyson
Christian vs Big Boss Man
Boss Man attacks Christian from behind as he making his entrance.
Boss Man continues his assault and then throws Christian in the ring to start the match. Boss Man is really aggressive in this match. Boss Man thinks he finished Christian and tries to pin but Christian kicks out. From this stage look like Christian has gained some momentum doing various arm drags and then a superplex from the top rope. Christian has lots of close calls, he ends up tapping out to Boss Man.
Winner By submission Boss Man
D-Von vs Paul White
Some reason Chris Jericho comes ringside.. it never good when he is around...
Paul White is one angry man after losing to Ken Shamrock and makes short work of D-von. He wins after doing two chokeslams on D-Von.
Winner Paul White
Once again Y2J is confusing the crowd with his antics.
Non Title Match
(C)Owen Hart vs Kane
Kane once again cheapshots Owen from behind but a angry Owen Hart has had enough of Kanes attacks and pulls out a chair and hits Kane causing himself to be DQ.
Winner by DQ Kane
Owen Hart walks off leaving a knocked out Kane on the ground
Main Event
Tables Match
Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels
Bret Hart made his return count last week will he be able to do
it again?
A good match lots of reversals and close calls Bret almost puts Shawn through the announcer table they then reverse continuously looks like neither wants to go through Shawn wins the war and plant Bret through the announcer table winning.
Winner Shawn Michaels
Saturday, March 2, 2013

2 Weeks till Survivor Series
Welcome to WCW, last week We had one heck of a main event and the main event tonight is The Rock vs DDP in a number one contenders match to face The WCW Champion Stone Cold at Survivor Series. Any time there a match involving any of these three together always something to look forward too.
We also have a number one contenders match between the NWO and The Whole FFing Show for the WCW Tag Team Championship. So far RVD and Sabu have been showing they are worthy of facing the Champions.
But first we have some tag action rematch Hogan and Cena teaming up again...
Tag Match
Hogan and Cena vs Brian Pillman and Goldust
After last week events it a surprise these two are teaming up at all...
This time Hogan refuses to tag in Cena and keeps showing off then Cena slaps him on the back forcing him to go to the tag corner Hogan looks less the pleased about this. Hogan then comes in and hits Cena in the back and walks off backstage turning the match into a handicap match.
Handicap Match
Cena vs Brian Pillman and Goldust
John Cena still prevails regardless and wins after a F-U to Pillman.
Winner John Cena
After the match Cena says "Hogan I never needed you anyway just like last week I won by myself and if you want a fight you've got one". He walks backstage looking for Hogan who is nowhere to be found.
Buff Bagwell vs Eddie Guerrero
This time Buff wins against Eddie after knocking out the ref and chair shotting Eddie followed by a arm drag.
Winner Buff Bagwell
One ve One with manager
Kurt angle vs Vader w/Bubba Ray Dudley
To everyone's surprise Hawk has returned! and attacks Kurt and rolls him in the ring for Vader screwing him in his match against Vader.
Winner Vader
Vader orders Bubba to get a chair and Bubba lays a beat down on Kurt then gives it to Vader to hit him as well.
Not Kurts day today... and the big question is why did Hawk attack him?
Backstage Gangrel is walking back stage and bumps into Scott Hall. Scott Hall says "well look who it is the resident freak I cannot believe your holding that belt, well you won't be for long as I have spoken with the GM and been granted a shot at Survivor Series". he also says "Brian Could not get the job done but I promise I will".
#1 Contenders Match
The NWO (Kevin and Scott Hall) vs The Whole FFing show (RVD and Sabu)
The Whole FFing show had a statement to make in this match and over came the cheapshot attempts from the NWO to win. Sabu and RVD show some outstanding high flying moves and Sabu pins Scott. Good match lasted 20mins
Winners and new number one contenders The Whole FFing Show
RVD says after the match "Jeff... Matt I think you better enjoy those titles while you can The Whole FFing Show is coming to get them!"
Main Event
#1 Contender Match
DDP vs The Rock
DDP and rock have a great match lasts 20mins DDP ends outdoing The Rock again ending the match with a powerbomb for the 3 count.
Winner and new number one contender DDP
The Champ Stone Cold comes out at the ramp clapping and saying "Well guess it is round four then"

3 Weeks till Survivor Series
Welcome to another edition of Raw and tonight we have some great matches including Kane vs Kofi Kingsston and the Tag team and United states Champion R-Truth will face Kanes former partner Daniel Bryan. Speaking of Kane and Bryan did you see what happened last week! I really enjoyed them as a team but I guess the split was destined to happen considering they are different people.
Shield music plays Dean, Roman and Seth are in the ring Dean says "Cena! you think you can be allowed to interfere in Shield bushiness?" Roman then says "Your just a none believer of the Shield and even you pitiful attempts to ruin Deans match in the end was a waste" Cenas music plays He says " you think you can be allowed to walk around targeting everyone and anyone you like not on my watch!" Antonio then enters "he says how about this Dean? you vs me and Cena tonight!" Dean says "have it your way it be me and Roman vs you two and justice will be served!"
After the break
CM Punk is in the ring he looking very pleased with himself he says "Look at what happened to the fake champion last week this is what happens to fakes and cheaters he is not the champion everyone knows I am the real Champion" The Rocks music plays He stands at the ramp and says "would you stop boring everyone The Rock saw everything you did last week and The Rock feels like laying a Peoples Elbow on some some loud mouth delusional punk!" CM Punk says "hold on who are you again? oh wait your that guy that has been busy making films and is now demanding to fight a Champion like me?" The GM comes in and says "yes he is and I have already arranged a match in the main event it will be you vs The Rock!" Punk just laughs and walks off.
Match Cards Tonight
Non Title match
Kane vs (C) Kofi Kingston
Daneil Bryan interferes causing a DQ he walks off looking pleased with himself. Kane is less then pleased.
Winner No Contest
Non Title Match
Submission match
(C) R-Truth vs Daniel Bryan
R- Truth gets another submission win by making Bryan tap out to a Camel Clutch looks like this guy is really starting to show his strength.
Winner R-Truth by Submission
R-Truth says if "Seth, Kane, Bryan or anyone else wants some come get some!" he then walks off backstage
Chris Jericho vs Tensai
Tensai attacks Jericho from behind as he making his entrance. Jericho then reverses and throws Tensai into the steps and then the match takes place in the ring. Chris Jericho does a pretty good move after Tensai reverses him at ropes thinking he thrown him outside Jericho then spring boards Tensai into a dropkick. He ends the match after he Code Breaks Tensai busting him open in the process for the 3 count.
Winner Chris Jericho
Tag Match
Antonio Cesaro and John Cena vs The Shield (Dean and Roman)
Dean and Roman both attack Antonio and Cena from behind while they making their entrance.
Antonio surprises the Shield when he kicks out at 2 from a power bomb done by Roman. Cena is then tagged in and later makes Dean tapout to a STF.
Winners by submission Antonio and Cena
After the match get me confused Some reason it showed Roman throw a chair to Cena. Then Cena and Roman start hitting Dean and Antonio with chairs after the match I am confused to why this happened... maybe Cenas turned heel and Roman has turned on Dean or it is a glitch? hope hes not turned heel... but if he has I will go along with it.
Main Event
CM Punk vs The Rock
CM Punks attacks the rock from behind to gain a advantage it works as he ends up putting The Rock to sleep. He also busts him open with the move.
Winner CM Punk
Friday, March 1, 2013

4 Weeks till Survivor Series
Welcome to Smackdown and after the events of Hell in Cell where Randy Ortan finally proved he still has what it takes by beating both Christian and Wade Barrett. The question is will he be able to keep it up?
That was not the biggest surprise it was when Alberto cashed in on Undertaker taking his title immediately away from him after he beat Sheamus in a brutal match.
Tonight we see Zigglers Showoffs in action against the former Tag Champions Team Hell No who are having a few issues. With Ziggler on a win streak in fact beating Kane on Raw this week it's one not to be missed.
Undertaker and Sheamus face off again tonight in the main event.
but first it is One on One action involving Bobby Roode vs Heath Slater...
One on One with Manager
Bobby Roode w/Austin Aries vs Heath Slater w/Drew McIntyre
Bobby Roode makes short work of Heath Slater after a spine buster.
Winner Bobby Roode
Team Hell No (Kane and Daniel Bryan) vs Zigglers Showoffs ( Dolph Ziggler and Ryback)
Dolph and Ryback show what a dominant force they have been with another win for Dolph. They worked really well unlike the other side. Think the Tag Champions better be careful if this team gets a chance to face them.
Winners Zigglers Showoffs
NewsKane and Daniel Bryan decided they had enough of each other and it looks like they are no longer wanting to team together. The cause was Bryan blamed Kane for him getting pinned by Ryback and Kane got fed up after he blamed him as well at Hell in Cell for their loss.
Cactus Jack vs Mark Henry
Mark Henry adds another person to his Hall of Pain
Winner by submission Mark Henry
Christian vs Wade Barrett
Winner Wade Barrett
This time The New Intercontinental Champion Randy Ortan comes out after the match to gloat and starts clapping with Wade staring him down you can feel the tension between these two.
Main Event
Undertaker vs Sheamus
Sheamus gets a shock win by making Undertaker Tap out
Winner by submission Sheamus
The World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rios comes out smiling and pointing at Sheamus. Guess history going to repeat it self.

3 Weeks remain till Survivor Series
Welcome all to another Raw is War show and after last week we have one hell of a show today.
The intercontinental champion Owen Hart is due in a non title rematch against the big red monster Kane tonight who for whatever reason has been targeting Owen the past few weeks. We also saw last week who is coming for the title at Survivor Series and his name was Ken Shamrock who's a former Intercontinental champion.
Also former Champion Chris Jericho is due to fight D-Von Dudley tonight.
Wait who is this it can't be... Bret Hart musics plays He enters the ring and says "Yes I am back and Yes I have one thing on my mind that belt that Jericho took of me a while back and now it in the hands of Mankind? Really?". HBKs music plays He says "as much as I agree with some of the things you said do you think you can walk in here after being gone for months demanding title shots with me here?" he also says "nope that's not happening your not the only one that wants the title". The GM intervenes and says " ok before things get too riled up here you both should be saving your energy for the main event it will be Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart!"
Match Cards Tonight
Val Venis vs Mike Tyson
Winner Mike Tyson
Christian vs Bossman
Christian seems like he ready for the match goes streight in for the kill he superplexes Boss man off the top turnbuckle. Performs some backbreakers and more suplexes. The match ends when Boss Man spears him through the barricade to win by count out.
Winner by count out Big Boss Man
D-Von vs Chris Jericho
Takes Jericho 2 Walls of Jericho and two Liontamer to beat D-Von
Winner by Submission Chris Jericho
After the match he says "See this is what will happen to anyone who stands in my way!" "freaks like Mankind and Undertaker don't deserve Titles!"
Non Title Match
Kane vs (C)Owen Hart
Owen Hart is keen to fight Kane and tackles him in the ring before the match has started. After the attacks Kane has made on him who can blame him.
This match is bloody and brutal Kane chokeslams Owen through the announcer table to win by count out.
Winner by count out Kane
Main Event
Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels
Great match between these two they seem to know each well Bret was working on Shawns back alot and Shawn keeps working on Brets arms. They both perform figure of 4 leg locks on each other. Shawn gets thrown into the steps Shawn busts Bret face open. Shawn keeps trying to exit the ring. The match finally ends when Bret Hart puts Shawn in a sharpshooter.
Lasted 15mins
Winner by submission Bret Hart
Thursday, February 28, 2013

3 Weeks till Survivor Series (Attitude Era)
Welcome to WCW and tonight we have some great matches to look forward two one match is the main event a Triple Threat non title rematch from Unforgiven between The Rock, Stone Cold and DDP. Judging from the intensity between these three this match will not be one you want to miss.
Also The whole FFing Show will vs Team Extreme in a non title match a win over the champions may give them their wish for a shot for the tag titles at Survivor Series.
But before all that we have some tag action from...
Match Cards Tonight
Tag Team
John Cena and Hollywod Hogan vs Brian Pillman and Golddust
Hogan and Cena argue who will start after they finally decide Cena does not bother tagging in Hogan as Hogan is never present and wins with a F-U to Pillman.
Winners John Cena and Hollywood Hogan
Hogan Celebrates in the ring as if he pinned but Cena comes and grabs Hogan saying where was you? Hogan just ignores Cena and carries on celebrating. Then Cena walks off backstage not happy about Hogan taking the credit for the win.
Buff Bagwell vs Eddie Guerrero
Last Week Buff won very quickly against Eddie this time seems different Eddie refuses to stay down and this is a very good match. Ends when Eddie does a Texas Clover Leaf in the middle of the ring on Buff to make him tap out. Lasts 15mins
Winner by Submission Eddie Guerrero
Kurt Angle vs Bubba Ray Dudley
Since the split after the drafts Bubbas been away for a while and is back ready for singles action against someone else who has had a split (from the NWO).
Vader Comes ringside can't be for good reasons... Kurt does not look happy about this and get distracted multiple times in the match. Kurt gets a Bubba bomb but kicks out from the pin attempt. Vader is still Lurking around and distracts Kurt again making Bubba able to cheapshot him. Then Kurt does a comeback move followed by a Angle Slam but Bubba kicks out from the pin! Another good match which ends when Kurt does three German Suplexes followed by another Angle Slam.
Winner Kurt Angle
Vader is shocked to see Angle still pull through and walks back stage disappointed.
Tag Match
Non Title
(C) Team Extreme (Jeff and Matt) vs The Whole FFing Show (RVD and Sabu)
Great tag action in this match between two teams who know how to use the environment well. Both sides have the speed and agility needed to pull off some fantastic moves. Matt starts attacking the ref after a miss hit on him for some reason till he is hit by Sabu. Matt seems intent on throwing Sabu out of the ring. The match went back and forth till Sabu facebusts Matt to win by pinfall.
This match was main event material very good much to watch.
Winners The Whole FFing Show
Afterwards RVD says "this is why we should be the Tag Team Champions!" and leaves the ring with his partner Sabu.
Main Event
Triple Threat
Non Title Match
The Rock vs DDP vs (C)Stone Cold
The match we been waiting for is here! There is some real bad blood in this match everyone wants a piece of each other. Nobody cares about teaming up it a all out brawl. DDTs are coming out everywhere. Then the match takes it place outside The Rock gets put through the barricade by DDP. Then Austin throws DDP into the steps. Later Austin gets Planted through the Announcer table by The Rock. Then the match resumes inside the ring where The Rock spine busts Austin and DDP tries to steal his pin to no success. Austin then DDTs DDP and after Spine busts him to the ground only for DDP to break the pin at 1. The Rock puts Austin into a sharpshooter but DDP breaks it. DDP then Diamond cuts The Rock only for Austin to break it. DDP then powerbombs the Rock and throws Austin out of the ring to pin The Rock.
Match lasted 25 mins
Winner DDP
DDP celebrates a great win in a great match and the Champ Austin raises DDPs hand to show good sportmanship.

4 Weeks till Survivor Series (Current era)
Welcome to Raw and after last nights events one man in particular made a impact his name was R-Truth he managed to not only take the United States Championship but also get the Tag titles from his long term rival Kane. Also HHH made his promise and kept it and got back the WWE title beating both CM Punk and Ryback.
Tonight we will see Former United States and Former tag champion Kane will face Dolph Ziggler tonight who also has been dominate in the past few weeks.
Antonio is still seeking revenge on Dean Ambrose after The Shield just turned on him for no reason a few months ago (Was in the shield).
HHH music plays He enters the ring and says "so I wonder why don't people listen when I say I am going to do something it always happens". He also says " I said I would beat Punk and not only did I beat his sorry little *** I also beat Ryback". CM Punks music plays he says "hold on you never beat me you cheated me attacking me from behind how low can you get?" he says with a smile. HHH replies "Ok if that's what your delusional brain thinks how about I beat your Punk *** now!". The Gm intervenes and says "nobody will be fighting now but you both will fight in the main event in a non title match".
Match Cards Tonight
Daniel Bryan vs Roman Reign
Looks like The Shield target is Bryan next Seth interferes and costs Bryan his match helping Roman win.
Winner Roman Reign
Chris Jericho vs Tensai
Tensai Cheapshots Jericho from behind even so Jericho pulls through with some spring boards, ariel moves and make him tap out to the Wall of Jericho.
Winner by submission Chris Jericho
Antonio Cesaro vs Dean Ambrose
John Cena comes ringside for Antonio guess he just wants to prevent any other Shield member interfering. Antonio looks happy to see him here.
Cena and Dean start arguing throughout the match and Antonio takes every opportunity to attack Dean. Cena later returns backstage. Antonio really gives it his all after multiple submissions Dean ends up winning.
Winner by submission Dean Ambrose
Kane vs Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler Really has been showing dominance in the past 3 weeks since Teaming with Ryback. This match it takes him 2 signatures and 2 sleepers to put Kane out and to add to his win tally.
Winner by submission Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler goes to shake Kanes hand but Kane dismisses the gesture and walks off.
Main Event
Non Title Match
CM Punk vs (C)Triple H
Very good match lasted 15mins was like they was fighting for the WWE championship.
HHH adds insult to injury by doing a go to sleep on Punk! and wins!
Winner HHH
After the match Punk violently assaults HHH with a pole standing over him saying "Best in The World! I hate cheaters" then walks off smiling.
Seems tonight was the night of submissions...
Newson Heat Shelton Benjamin interfered in a match involving his partner Charlie Haas vs Zack Ryder helping his partner win.
There was also Triple Threat match involving The Rock, Chris Jericho and John Cena which was a great match to watch. Cena AA Jericho when he tried to do a spring board attack in mid air! but then after the Rock did the Rock Bottom to win a pin on Cena.
Cena celebrates with the Rock showing good sportsmanship.
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Welcome to Hell in a Cell and boy there is some Matches to look forward too. The main event is one not to be missed HHH, CM Punk and Ryback face off for the WWE Championship in a Cell, everyone Knows HHHs experience in this match type so will he reclaim the title back or will the current Champion CM Punk or Ryback ruin his chances?
Also Sheamus will Face off against The Undertaker in a Cell for the World Heavyweight Championship. Also there Rumour going around Alberto is here tonight.
First we Kick start with The United States Championship Match...
Brief Backstory Ever since Kane won the title at Night of Champions as well as retaining the tag titles. He has attacked R-Truth Multiple times and too add to this former Champion and Shield member Seth has been making life hard for R-Truth and his Partner Kofi. So R-Truth had a number one Contenders match against Seth and won much to Seth's disappointment. All three people have been at blows for over 2 months. Now it will be Kane vs R-Truth will Kane retain? or will R-Truth become Champion for a 3rd time?. What ever the out come they both better watch their backs in the future with Shield making their present clear the past few months.
United States Championship
(C)Kane vs R-Truth
Knowing he has another match later looks like R-Truth wants to end this as quick as possible to avoid tiring himself out later.
R-Truth wins by Submission this time after Kane made him submit last week.
Winner by Submission and New United States Champion R-Truth
R-Truth quickly exits the ring and goes backstage leaving Kane looking pissed off.
Brief backstory Eve has made herself dominant she has held the title for a record 80 Weeks! Will Beth be able to stop her dominace this time only this match will tell.
Divas Championship
(C) Eve Vs Beth Phoenix
Eve does it again! who can stop Eve look like nobody can take her title of her.
Winner and Still Divas Champion Eve
Brief Backstory With Randy Ortan's record when it comes to titles falling for months. The Intercontinental Champion Christian believes he can never cut it when it come to the big one and always has a excuse when he loses if it not countouts it always something else. Also a former Champion Wade Barrett has been cheapshotting both Randy and Christian. He Says nether deserve anything more then him and Christian only got the belt because he has not faced him yet. So it was decided it would be a Triple Threat Falls anywhere match so Countouts are not a option. Will Randy be able to get his career back on track? or will he prove Christian right? or will Wade steal the glory?.
Intercontinental Championship
Triple Threat Falls Count Anywhere Match
Randy Ortan vs (C) Christian vs Wade Barrett
This match went back and forth Christian and Wade seemed to be working together to get rid of Ortan. Then Wade turns his attention the Christian after grabbing a chair and hits him. While this is happening Ortan gets the steps and hits Wade then Christian gets the chair and hit Wade some more. Ortan tries to pin Wade but he Kicks out. Wades then Clothlines Christian and back drops Ortan and picks up the steps to bust Christian open. The match carries on Randy RKOs Christian only for him to kick out after the pin attempt.Wade Then goes to the announcer table which was almost his mistake as Randy almost pinned Christian for 3.Pin after pin is broken or kicked out of. This gruelling match finally ends when Randy RKOs the Champion outside to Pin.
Randy has finally put an end to his poor record maybe this is the start of a new era for him.
Winner and New Intercontinental Champion Randy Ortan
Brief backstory Smackdown a month ago made the decision to sign the Selfish Generation (Bobby Roode and Austin Aries). Bobby just thought he would take it upon himself to fight Drew McIntyre and his partner Aries also interferes in Drew's partners Heaths match last week and Drew claims he can beat Bobby Roode and will tonight.
Bobby Roode vs Drew McIntyre
Austin interferes and helps Roode win but then Roode starts arguing with him saying he did not need his help. He exits the ring "Saying next time come when I ask you too" and Austin just looks at him saying "you won didn't you?" with a smile. The argument carries on backstage.
Winner Bobby Roode
Brief Backstory Well for 4 months SOS have been trying to get the titles back since losing them at MITB. Team Hell No have shown how dominant they are in the tag division in a variety of Tag matches. Will R-Truth and Kanes match before hand effect their performances hindering their partners? or Will R-Truths and Kanes personal issues be the cause?
Tag Team Championship
(C)Team Hell No (Kane and Daniel Bryan) vs SOS(Kofi and R-truth)
Kofi and Kane start but Bryan kicks Kofi when he goes near him
Kofi Then spears Bryan outside the ring and continues to fight Kane. after a while Bryan is Tagged in to fight Kofi R-truth is eager to get in but Bryan won't allows Kofi to tag until Kofi head butts Bryan then tags in R-Truth. Bryan later double teams with Kane now it a repeat from earlier. R-Truth and Kane fight then R-Truth and Kane tag in their partners. Before Kofi quickly double teams again with R-Truth. R-Truth almost makes Bryan tap but Kane breaks it. Then Bryan tags in Kane who tries to make R-Truth tap but Kofi Breaks it. R-Truth later pins Kane to take another title from him!
Winners and New Tag Team Champions SOS
Kane and Bryan argue after the match who was responsible for the lost
Brief Backstory Undertaker has shown since defeating Randy Ortan 3 months ago that he worthy of being a champion. He has overcome the odds and now he will face a former champion Sheamus in a Cell. Everyone knows that this is Undertakers home but will Sheamus be able to prove the critics wrong and become Champion again?
World Heavyweigth Championship
Hell in a Cell
(C)Undertaker vs Sheamus
Winner and still World Heavyweight Champion Undertaker
Alberto's Music plays he is holding his briefcase! after Undertaker wins and is worn out looks like he cashing in now!
World Heavyweight Championship
Alberto Del Rio vs (C)Undertaker
Undertaker looks worn out after a brutal match before hand and Alberto goes straight it for the kill. After a reversal Undertaker gains some momentum for a while then Alberto throws him into the steel post. Undertaker then tries to make Alberto submit but Alberto being fresher makes Undertaker tap out after a Arm lock.
Great Match
Winner by Submission and New World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio!
Alberto says after "what did I say? When the time is right" and smiles then exits the ring with his new title. leaving Undertaker looking shocked.
Brief Backstory CM finally reclaimed the title back at Night of Champions and has not shut up since about it. Will Ryback or HHH be able to put a lid on the self proclaimed 'Best in the world' mouth or will CM Punk just fill his already high ego some more?
Main Event
WWE Championship
Triple Threat Hell in a Cell
Ryback vs (C) CM Punk vs HHH
Good match another back and forth match Ryback shows his strength big booting Punk before being spine busted by HHH. Then after a while looks like this is Rybacks match till HHH DDTs him on the floor. Punk watches the two fight for awhile before back dropping Ryback. HHH then grabs a sledgehammer and hits Punk twice with it before Ryback suplexes him. Then Punk drop kicks Ryback in the back to try and pin its broken. The match goes on for 10mins pins are broken. Then you think it will end when Punk tries to steal HHH pin but Ryback kicks out. Then Punk does Go to sleep on Ryback and HHH grabs Punk to Pedigree him and goes to pin Ryback to end the match.
Winner and New WWE Champion HHH
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