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Friday, May 17, 2013
Posted on May 17, 2013 at 12:07 PM.

3 Weeks till Summerslam

Welcome all to Raw, tonight we have tag action from The Shield vs Team Extreme. Guessing the winner of this match will be doing themselves a favor in getting in the title picture. Also Chris Benoit and Buff Bagwell have are-match tonight and Scott hall will face X-pac tonight. We have Undertaker and CM Punk coming face to face after the events of MITB tonight.
Bret Harts music plays He enters the ring to say "well maybe it true at MITB Shawn got one up on me but all I know is he will not be successful whatever he does I shall make sure of that" he also says "anyway there's still the thing of the WWE championship now I know if I am given the chance I will do a better job then anyone in this whole locker room has done to de-throne that Jackass CM Punk" Stone Colds music plays "did I just hear you correctly?" Stone Cold says "you can do a better job then anyone in this locker room? hope for damn sure you was not including me there!" he continues saying "because if you was I may have to open a good ole can of whoop *** on you tonight" Bret Hart says "Stone Cold you think you have what it takes bring it on tonight then!"

After The Break

Backstage Shawn and Triple H are talking and then Shawn sees Hollywood Hogan with Kevin Nash and says "hey Punk you think you really won against me last week if it was not for Bret I would of beaten you easily!" Hollywood Hogan says "Kevin do you smell something brother because I think I am smelling crap!" Kevin says "you could never beat Hogan it's already been proven now run along and stop playing with the big boys" Triple H says "well Hogan how about this tonight you have a re-match against Shawn and this time I will have his back should you or anyone else try any funny business in the match" Shawn say "he will probably decline because we know how much of a coward you are Hogan!" Kevin Nash says "Hogan not scared of anybody!" Triple H says " so you must be Hogans voice or bitch more then likely his bitch" "what did you say?" Kevin says Hogan then says "ok...ok everyone take it easy obviously after you trash talking me the way you did I accept your challenge and I will have Kevin by my side incase you try anything stupid! now get out of my face brother" Kevin and Hogan both push past Triple H and Shawn and Triple H says "like I said I have your back Shawn see you tonight"

Scott Hall vs X-Pac
Kevin Nash attacks X-Pac before the match costing him his match and Scott wins after a deadly Razors Edge.

Winner Scott Hall

Scott Continues his attack on X-Pac with a chair and then says after "DDP this will be you soon enough!" and Kevin just claps and celebrates with him saying "Yeah like Hogan said things will be getting very messy here!"

Chris Benoit vs Buff Bagwell
Buff tries to attempt to leave the stage but it ends up it was just a trick to bait Chris into coming after him. he later wins by Count out after giving Chris a ddt on the stage.

Winner Buff Bagwell

Bret Hart vs Stone Cold
Bret and Stone Cold have a good match till Shawn decided to interferes and Sweet Chin Music Bret enabling Stone Cold to get a win.

Winner Stone Cold

Tag Match
Team Extreme vs The Shield
Team Extreme got overwhelmed by The Shield and Seth tried to prevent Dean getting his win to no prevail via Interference. Dean wins the match after a Air Raid on Matt Hardy.

Winners The Shield

Shawn Micheals w/ Triple H vs Hollywood Hogan w/ Kevin Nash
Very aggressive match Triple H Pedigreed Kevin for trying to interfere this left a opening for Shawn when he Sweet Chins Hogan who was distracted. after 15mins wins after another Sweet Chin to Hogan.
Winner Shawn Micheals

Shawn says after "I want you... Hogan and Bret Hart in a Ladder match at Summerslam!" he adds "I will prove neither of you punks deserves what I have!"

After the break

Undertaker is in the ring and says "CM PUNK! you did not beat me at MITB you cheated your way to retaining again I have had enough of your crap and at SummerSlam I want a re-match!" CM Punks music plays he come to the ring and says "you want to re-match me the best in the world? don't make me laugh you lost your chance at MITB" Undertaker then says "what is it do you fear me so bad that you won't re-match me lucky for me Vince has already said I will get a re-match but I don't want this to be a normal match I..." The Shields Music plays Dean and Roman come to the ring and then attack Undertaker and CM Punk. Dean says "CM Punk... Undertaker this is a message to you both it a injustice CM Punk you still hold that belt and remember that The Shield will come for you at anytime and any place!" Roman then Powerbombs CM Punk and says "believe in The Shield!" They then leave in the crowd.
Monday, May 13, 2013
Posted on May 13, 2013 at 11:43 AM.

4 Weeks till Summerslam

Welcome To Smackdown and after the events of MITB where Shawn Micheal's became Mr Money in The Bank. Also our WWE Champion was happy to retain by countout which disappointed everyone but at least the tag match was one of the best when The Rock and Sock successfully retained in a long and hard fought match. but back to tonight well our main event involves Triple H vs Big Show now Triple still has not managed to get revenge on Brock after Randy Ortan won the Fatal 4 way elimination match. So I guess he will be looking to take his anger out on someone as he not had the baest of luck all thanks to Brock for months. Also we have Seth Rollins vs Roman Reigns this time after Seth turned his back on the Shield 4 weeks ago. Christian dominance continues he still has the Intercontinental title after 4 months! and tonight he faces off with Kofi again in a non title match.

CM Punks music plays he enters the ring and says "well once again I rise on top this means I have held this title for 5 months!" he continues boasting about how great he is and nobody is going to take his title from him. Then NWO music plays and Hollywood Hogan comes out and says "well Brother you better keep a lid on it because this is a warning to you we have you marked!" he then attacks CM Punk who gets knocked over the ring and says after "what will you do about that Brother just remember you been warned it only a matter of time before the NWO runs wild on you!" Then Shawn Micheals music plays he stands at the ramp saying "Hogan...Hogan...Hogan you are delusional if you think you will be champion while I hold a free pass to become champion when and where I want" he also says "I know it hurts you lost your opportunity but comeon get over it Hogan anyway I will sit back and watch for now and you better take this warning BROTHER! that whoever has that belt is just keeping it warm for me!". Hogan then has stare down with Shawn and it cuts to the break

After the Break

Mixed Tag Match
Dolph Ziggler and AJ Lee vs Zack Ryder and Nikki Bella

Winners Dolph Ziggler and AJ Lee

Jack Swagger vs Rey Mysterio w/ Sin Cara
Jack Swagger gets a much needed win maybe now he can finally get back up the ladder.
Kofi also showed his face for some reason during the match only time will tell why he was getting involved and looked to be on Reys side.

Winner Jack Swagger

Non Title Match
(C) Christian vs Kofi Kingston
Good match but it ended with Christian getting a win over Kofi after a pin war and he Small Packages him to win by pinfall.

Winner Christian

After Christian shakes hands with Kofi

Seth Rollins vs Roman Reign
Roman gets revenge for Dean after last time where Seth won over him and brutally attacked Dean with a Chair.
He wins after doing 2 Power Bombs of Justice on him.

Winner Roman Reign

He say after "Seth Justice still is not served yet on you, you chose to walk the path of non believing you will now be punished for it this is just the start of your pain believe in The Shield!" and walks off into the crowd

Triple H vs Big Show
Triple H think he facing Bigshow but Daniel Bryan soon ruins it by attacking Bigshow and replacing him.

Triple H vs Daniel Bryan

Triple H is in no mood for games and still wins after doing 2 pedigrees on Bryan one outside and one inside the ring after a spinebuster.

Winner Triple H
Posted on May 13, 2013 at 10:21 AM.

4 weeks till Summerslam

The NWOs music plays They enter the ring and Scott says "So thanks to Vince screwing me over DDP managed to get my belt by luck again!" Hogan says "we have had about enough of your bull crap Vince you also screwed me out of my spot at MITB as we said things will be getting messy around here" Owen Harts music plays he stands at the ramp saying "Scott please shut up you blew it and DDP won fair and square and tonight I want to face you to teach you a lesson!" Scott says "who the hell are you and if that's what you want even though I was hoping DDP would show his face but tonight I will demonstrate what we will be doing to DDP and whoever else stands in our way!" Then Shawn Micheals music plays "hold it right there Owen ok you got Scott how about this HOGAN me and you in a match tonight i own you a beating! Buff says "are you sure you want to do that? it kind of suicidal" Then Chris Benoit music plays "Buff you should worry about facing me tonight I been seeing what you guys are capable off and I don't like it so you and me in a match tonight!" The show then cuts to the break.

After the Break

Ryback vs Primo
Ryback picks up a fast and easy win after doing a Shellshock on Primo to win by pinfall.

Winner Ryback

Trish vs Natalya
Lita interferes screwing Trish in her match after a Twist of Fate and after Twist of fateing Natalya.

Winner No Contest

Lita says after "Sorry did I go to far..."

Shawn Michaels vs Hollywood Hogan
Hollywood Hogan wins after Bret Hart screws Shawn Micheals mid match by Pile Driving him when the ref was unaware. Then Hogan just pins him for the 3 count.

Winner Hollywood Hogan

After Bret Hart h as jumped over the barrier and gone,Hollywood Hogan says "Looks like Shawn brother you have not only me as a problem but someone else as well we all know you stole that case from me!" and laughs while walking off backstage

Buff Bagwell vs Chris Benoit
Christ really dominates Buff by Power boming him through a announcer table and doing the 3 German suplexes on him. After rolling him in the Ring he makes Buff tap out to a Crippler Crossface.

Winner by submission Chris Benoit

Owen Hart vs Scott Hall w/Kevin Nash
Some reason X-Pac comes ringside Owen Hart what is he up to?
Well his presence keeps Kevin occupied as when they face off the ref ejects them both while Owen and Scott fight. Owen performs some amazing high risk moves and wins after doing a Pile Driver on Scott.

Winner Owen Hart

Owen Hart then says "I think I have clearly proven Scott is nothing without his buddies now DDP I think I have earn't my chance to face you Summerslam" Then he gets attacked from behind by Scott Hall and The Show goes off air.
Saturday, May 11, 2013
Posted on May 11, 2013 at 08:39 AM.

Welcome all to Money in the Bank, finally the time has come where 6 superstars will get a chance to go for any title when and where they like within a year. who will it be all we know it eitheir going to be Stone Cold, Shawn Micheals, Bret Hart,John Cena, Seamus or Daniel Bryan. Shawn got his spot after Hogan got disqualified from MITB by The Chairman Vince McMahon after The NWO interfered in a match involving Shawn and Bret Hart. The NWO have been doing what they want recently and Vince had enough of their actions.

That's not all we have we also have the Undertaker who will be the person attempting to knock a dominant and arrogant CM Punk of his perch. Can 'The Deadman' get hold of The WWE Title or will CM Punk retain for a 5th time. CM Punk has made it clear he will do anything it takes to keep his belt.

Also The Rock and Sock Connection will face off again against The Road Warriors in their re-match clause and it will be a no Count out, no DQ, no holds barred match. Now everyone know that The Road Warriors are Dangerous enough with having no DQ.

We also have a match that was just changed last week after Edge turned heel and backstabbed Randy Ortan as well as attacking Lesnar. Triple H who is also involved in this Fatal 4 Way Elimination Match blames Brock for everything that went wrong in his mission to de-throne CM Punk who has formed a alliance with Brock now this alliance is questionable after a communication issues in a interference by Brock and CM Punk where CM Punk apparently accidently hit Brock with a chair attempting to hit Triple H. Now Edge,Triple H and Randy Ortan will all face each other as well as their rival Brock Lesnar. Brock Lesnar has been showing what a monster he is by attacking all 3 of the other men in their matches his focus has been targeting Randy and Triple H mostly but he also attacked Edge in his match few week ago. Will Brock live to regret his actions or will it be a free for all? we shall find out later tonight who will be the one that gains revenge and stands tall.

Lita and Trishes Rivalry continues after months and months of the Diva title switching sides.

The Mitz gets his chance to become Intercontinental Champion again after losing to Christian at Extreme Rules. Christian has held this title for 4 going on 5 months should he retain tonight.

First we kick start tonight with the word Extreme yes Scott Hall will be facing 3 other men in a Extreme Rule Fatal 4 Way Match. Jeff Hardy made his debut last week being the 3rd man involved in this match. can Scott overcome the odds as the Stipulation in the match is no NWO members can get involved should they get involved Scott will be stripped of his title.

United States Championship
Fatal 4 Way Extreme Rules Match
(C)Scott Hall vs DDP vs Kurt Angle vs Jeff Hardy
Good match it was a all out brawl and intense match. Scott went Straight for DDP and Jeff and Kurt fought. Jeff looked well in this match doing various high risk moves. Scott and DDP took their fight outside and Scott hit DDP multiple times with a ladder. Kurt did various submissions on Jeff while DDP then Throws Scott into the steps. and Kurt and Jeff take their fight outside where Kurt receives a chair shot from Jeff. after a reversal Kurt plants Jeff through the announcer table then rolls him into the the ring to do the 3 German Suplexes Jeff kicks from the pin attempt. Jeff then gives Kurt a facbuster but Kurt kicks out from the pinn attempt. Meanwhile Scott is merciless on DDP and hits him with a guitar. then Scott rolls him in the ring but DDP reverses his Razor Edge attempt and Diamond Cuts him then pins him for the 3 count. Jeff and Kurt was too occupied to break it in time after Kurt clothslined Jeff over the ropes..

Winner and New United States Champion Diamond Dallas Page!

DDP slides out of the ring and grabs a mic and says "you see... once again... I have proven Scott is nothing without... his guard dogs and I become United States Champ... again!... Bang!" and staggers off backstage.

Money in The Bank Ladder Match
Shawn Micheal's vs Stone Cold vs Sheamus vs John Cena vs Bret Hart vs Daniel Bryan
The time has come to see who will become Mr money in the Bank the thing is CM Punk or Undertaker better be worried who it is they could even cash in tonight! Was a great match epic match lasted 30 mins some would say this was Shawns match. The end result was Shawn Micheal winning!

Winner and Mr Money in The Bank 'The Heart Break Kid' Shawn Micheal's!

Shawns says after a big celebration "I garrendamtee I will be show stopping whoever is the WWE Champion tonight wait I forgot I can do it when I like! Vince knew this was the right thing to do and Bret Hart once again I one up you all thanks to Hollywood Hogan!"

Then The NWOs music plays Hollywood Hogan comes from behind Shawn and attacks him then giving him a leg drop saying "you ok there Brother! This was my Spot! Vince will regret disqualifying me and so will you regret taking my spot!" Then the rest of the NWO continue attacking Shawn.

what will be the repercussions of this brutal attack on Mr Money in the Bank?

Womens Championship
(C) Lita vs Trish Stratus
Lita wins after a extreme leg drop on Trish and retains.

Winner and still Women's Champion Lita

Intercontinental Championship
(C) Christian vs The Mitz
Christian controls this match well also The Mitz gives it his all but after 15mins a pin war occurs Christian wins with a small package to retain again!

Winner and still Intercontinental Champion Christian

Christian just Celebrates and looks at The Mitz shaking his head and slides out of the ring holding his belt high.

World Tag team Championship
No Count out, DQ no holds barred match Match
(C)Rock and Sock Connection vs The Road Warriors
The Rock and Hawk start a match where the only rule is you must pin or make someone submit in the ring preventing the Title holder advantage of count out or DQ. This match lasted 20mins. The Rock seemed to want to do everything by himself and was doing well doing it. Till he received a double team from Hawk and Animal. The match changed for while but then The Rock gained momentum controlling the match again. Mankind wanted a tag but The Rock seemed intent on doing everything himself. Hawk and Animal did lots of tags when they got the chance. For some reason they was working better together then the champions. The Rock kept trying to make Hawk or Animal submit but they both resisted and continued tagging each other in. The Rock finally lets Mankind take over after about 15mins who Double Arm DDTs Animal but Animal kicks out at 2. Hawk bust The Rock open on the ring corner. Mankind takes the match outside with Animal throwing him into the steps. The Rock later gets tagged back in as does Hawk but The Rock just does a double team with Mankind to tag him back in. The Rock and Mankind take advantage of the No DQ rules Mankind illegally double teaming Animal with The Rock and staying in the ring. The match ends when Mankind gives Animal a devastating DDT to win by pinfall. A well earned victory and one of the best tag matches to watch could of gone either way.

Winners and Still The World Tag Team Champion The Rock and Sock Connection

After They both Celebrate a well earned win and The Rock says "Guess I should thank The Road Warriors for such a electrifying match! and also thank them for enabling The Great One and Mankind to still be the World Champions If you smelllllll..." Mankind interrupts and says "wait let me say it please" The Rock looks at Mankind funny and then just gives him the mic and says "ok...go on then..." "If you Smeeeelllll what The Rock and Sock is cooking!" Mankind says "I always wanted to say that!" and The Rock leaves with Mankind backstage

Shawn recovered from the attack earlier and bumps into Triple H before his match and says "Triple H make sure you teach Brock a good lesson tonight" Triple H says "Don't worry I will but I think you have more problems like the NWO doubt they going to let it slide you took Hogans spot and won that case" Shawn says "I will teach Hogan a lesson when I am good and ready just like I will take the WWE Championship when I am good and ready!" Triple H says "well you know I always have your back anyway I need to go to my match guess we will talk about the NWO later" He then starts walking to the ring with his music playing.

Fatal 4 Way Elimination Match
Brock Lesnar vs Randy Ortan vs Edge vs Triple H
This match is a battle of revenge from all sides Brock gives Triple H a evil look as he enters. This match is intense months of anger from Triple H comes out at Brock as well as Randy's anger at Edges betrayal last week he seems to of forgotten about what Brock has done to him in the past months. All men had close calls but resisted. The first person eliminated was a shock it was Triple H by Randy Ortan after a 3rd RKO. Edge after got out number by a angry Brock and Ortan for while till they turned on each other. Next eliminated was Edge after a F-5 by Brock. It was now between Brock and Ortan they got in a pin war but kept kicking at 2 then they took their match outside for while. After Ortan sneaked a win after while Brock re-entered the ring he gave Brock a backbreaker then a RKO to win the match.
This match lasted 20mins

Winner 'The Viper' Randy Ortan

Randy just celebrates getting revenge surprising everyone with his win and slides out of the ring and goes backstage. Triple H must feel he got nothing from this match.

WWE Championship
(C) CM Punk vs Undertaker
Was another good match Undertaker dominanted CM Punk after about 10mins CM Punk must of felt overwhelmed by 'The Deadman'. He just ended the match in the worst way by walking backstage and getting him and Undertaker both counted out.

Result a Draw by Count out Undertaker and CM Punk and still the WWE Champion CM Punk

CM Punk snatches his title from the ref and Undertaker just looked shocked at whats happened. CM Punk then receives a tombstone from Undertaker who then walks of angry. Then Shawn Micheals Music plays He stands at the ramp holding his case and looks around at everyone and starts walking towards CM Punk there in the ring but Bret Hart ruins Shawns moment by attacking him from behind with a grin on his face.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Posted on May 9, 2013 at 12:50 PM.

Money in the Bank this Sunday

Welcome all, to Smackdown the final show before MITB!
and tonight we have a Elimination Tag team match tonight Stone Cold and Daniel Bryan vs John Cena and Sheamus now who knows how this could turn out will they work together or against one other? Also have Randy vs Brock Lesnar tonight and our main event is non title match with CM Punk vs Undertaker who is the #1 contender for the WWE Championship. Dean and Seth Come to blows again tonight in a re-match from last week.

CM Punks Music plays he enters the ring and says "shut up everyone your champion is talking it's disrespectful to talk when someone more important is here" he adds "ok so Vince without informing me made a match with me and Undertaker tonight as well as one on sunday who does he think he is! I am the best in the world the best thing in the WWE forget people like Christian who think their titles actually mean anything" he is then interrupted by Undertakers Music Undertaker just appears behind CM punk making him exit the ring to the outside CM Punk then says "hold it there deadman you think you can just try and cheap shot me that's is disrespectful even coming from you" he says this smiling. Undertaker just says "soo... tonight I get to give you a taste of the pain you will be receiving at MITB run while you still can!" CM Punk then says "me run? I not running I am being smarter then you do you really believe I will even let you get this belt of me pfft if i was you I would be one running from the match" Undertaker then exits the ring but CM Punk just runs backstage but as Undertaker turns to go back in the ring to speak CM Punk comes back out and low blows him and then picks up a chair and hits him before walking away backstage again with a big grin on his face chanting "Best in The World".

After The break

Christian is in the ring and he says "so as everyone knows I need to defend this belt Sunday but the question is who will fight me hmm let me think of people who I would like to fight The Mitz wait done that Cody Rhodes wait done that Kofi Kingston wait done that as well" he adds " so who else who I have not beaten wants to fight me?" Dolph Ziggler's music plays Christian just looks on as he comes out saying "you have not fought me have you how about tonight me and you one on one if I beat you I get to fight you Sunday?" Vince McMahons music plays "Ziggler since when do you get to jump in above everyone else? without informing me, as The Chairman it only fair to say Christian you will face The Mitz Sunday!" "What" Dolph says "what about me?" Vince replies "yes about you how about as your in my ring you can face Christian right now and maybe if you win you will get a chance after MITB!"

Non Title Match
Dolph Ziggler vs (C) Christian

Well just as the match is started Jack Swaggers music plays and he walks into the ring with Christian looking confused to whats going on. Dolph Ziggler says "do you have a problem loser?" Swagger just looks at him then attacks him causing Christian to be DQed and Christian just exits the ring and leaves them to it before security has to split Ziggler and Swagger up.

Winner by DQ Dolph Ziggler

Backstage Christian bumps into The Mitz "well look who it is my opponent Sunday" The Mitz says Christian says "I don't have time to chit chat with you I will see you Sunday" The Mitz says "Reallly nor do I" Christian says "get out of my way" The Mitz says "make me" they square up to each other Vince then comes up to them and says "hold it right there there will be no more brawls tonight save it for Sunday" Christian just pushes past The Mitz and walks off

Randy Ortan vs Brock Lesner
Brock dominants the match but during the match Triple H Music plays and Brock gets distracted and receives a RKO from Randy and randy wins by pinfall.

Winner Randy Ortan

After The Match for some reason Edge does a shock Heel Turn and attacks both Randy and Brock knocking them both out of the ring but then Triple H comes running into the ring saying "thought you wanted us to team up?". Edge says to him "look nothing against you much I was tired of waiting for you two Jackasses to decide on things I know I made the original offer but I decided to take things in my own hands screw a gauntlet match how about a good old fashioned Fatal 4 way so we can beat each other up!" Triple replied "let me think beat you,randy and Brock up my answer is Yes!" Randy then recovers and RKOs Edge and says "you tell "Edge I am in!" and starts to walk of backstage and Brock tries to attack Triple H from behind and Triple H Pedigree Brock and celebrates then leaves.

Like I said this was Edges Heel Turn

Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins
Seth wins after low blowing Dean when the ref was unaware and doing a Moonsault to win by Pinfall

Winner Seth Rollins

Seth after continues Assaulting Dean with a chair till Roman comes running in to see him out.

Elimination Tag Match
John Cena and Sheamus vs Stone Cold and Daniel Bryan
Good match Cena and Bryan took their fight outside for a while Cena planted Bryan through a table.and Stone Cold brawled with Sheamus. Then Cena and Bryan returned to the ring. John Cena AA Bryan but Stone Cold does the save. Then Stone Cold starts fighting Cena and Bryan Sheamus. Stone Cold Stunners Cena but he kicks out. While this happens Bryan eliminates Sheamus so now it a handicap match. Daniel does The Yes Lock on Cena to win by Submission.

Winners Stone Cold and Daniel Bryan

After the Match Stone Cold shakes Daniels hand then does not let go and Stunners him saying "like I said to Bret non of you are getting my Contract because Stone Cold said so anyway good match see you all Sunday you all might need a headache pill tho" he then walks off with momentum for Sunday.

Non Title Match
(C)CM Punk vs Undertaker
After The earlier attack Undertaker is not in a good mood and he makes CM Punk regret his action by laying a beating on him. but just as he about to win CM Punk chair Shots Undertaker in face and gets DQed.

Winner by DQ Undertaker

Punk says after "remember this Sunday Dead Man!"
CM Punk continues his attack till all of a sudden Undertaker sits up to CM Punks shock. Punk then slides out of ring looking at Undertaker as if to say what the hell. Undertaker just does his cut throat jester at him.
Posted on May 9, 2013 at 10:32 AM.

Money in The Bank this Sunday

The NWOs music plays they enter the ring and Scott says "so Vince thinks he can keep me waiting with telling me who this Mystery 4th opponent is in my match Sunday well I demand a answer now!" DDP's Music plays he says "Scott well in fact all of you why don't find a hobbie or something all you guys want to do is make silly threats like for example you tried to threaten Vince last week and he ended up making you all look stupid damn" Scott says "come over here and say that then Kurt angles music plays he stands next to DDP and says "sorry DDP if theres a *** kicking needed I have to join this party!" Scott then taunts Kurt and DDP to come in the ring. They bravely run in to attack all 4 men Kurt knocks Buff Bagwell out of the Ring and DDP Knocks Hogan out of the ring. Then Scott low blows Kurt Angle and then Razor Egdes him Then Scott and Kevin are about to get DDP then all of a sudden Jeff Hardys music plays he comes running in the ring and Twist of Fates Kevin then twist of Fates Scott and after says "gueseesssss! what Scott I am the 4th guy! and sorry about this DDP but you will not be becoming nor will Kurt Champion before me!"Vince McMahons Music plays and he says "Jeff yes I did choose you but if I was you I would worry about tonight you will be facing DDP later and as for Kurt Angle you will be facing Scott Hall in a Non Title match and it will be a Last Man Standing match tonight!" Then Jeff turns on DDP and Twist of Fates him before sliding out of the ring saying "see you tooonight!"

After The Break

Backstage Bret sees Shawn "hey Shawn looking forward to losing Sunday?" Shawn says "this is my perfect match a Ladder match think about it Bret you will soon see who will be losing when I get that case and become WWE Champion!" Bret says "whatever you say you need to stop lying to yourself Shawn and admit I am just better then you" Shawn says "I will be seeing you tonight I still owe you another beating" Bret says "I still owe you a beating for your slander against me in accusing me of attacking you few weeks back tonight you will know what it feels like to be attacked by me!" Bret then pushes past Shawn and walks off.

Eddie Guerrero vs Shane McMahon
Eddie and Shane put on a good show Shane attempted to put eddie through a announcer table but was reversed. Then Eddie tried to 3 amigo Shane but he reversed it. Shane then gave Eddie a Leap of Faith but Eddie kicked out on 2. The match ends when Eddie does another 3 Amigos and Then Frogsplashes Shane to win by pinfall.

Winner Eddie Guerrero

Triple Threat Match
Road Dogg vs Billy Gunn vs Bossman
These two collide again and Road Dogg is still bitter after last week where a interference by Bossman cost him a win in a triple threat match. Billy got a cheap win because of it. It looked like Road Dogg was outnumbered till Billy turned on Bossman trying to pin him and Bossman was not happy about that. Then Road Dogg tries to leverage pin Billy but Bossman then gives Road Dogg a deadly bigboot to his face to win by pinfall.

Winner Big Boss Man

Bossman just laughs and walks off leaving Road Dogg and Billy knocked out.

DDP vs Jeff Hardy
The NWO ruined this match by attacking both DDP and Jeff Hardy The match ends up having to be canceled.

Winner No Contest

Maybe as the NWO know they cannot be involved Sunday without causing Scott to have to give up his title. They will weaken the competition now.

This was Buff Bagwells Heel turn

Bret Hart vs Shawn Micheals
Every time these two have match you know it will be brutal what ever the match is. This was no different with just 6 days till they compete in MITB they still couldn't wait to beat each other up. Shawn attacks Bret from behind before the match has even started and taunts him. Bret kicks out when he gets Sweet Chinned by Shawn. Shawn really lays into Bret working on Bret's body most of the time. Bret then after a reversal gains momentum and starts working on Shawn's body. He Also gives him various punches on the turnbuckle. He then Sharp Shoots Shawn but Shawn resists and then does a comeback move on Bret but Bret kicks out as he gets up he gets another Sweet chin but does a shock kick out! Shawn Surprised then gets a piledriver and Bret then wins by Pinfall.

Winner Bret Hart

Bret says "Shawn you ok there? I will be seeing you Sunday" then all of a sudden Stone colds music plays he comes jumping over the barrier from behind Bret and stunners him before celebrating and walking off while saying "I will see you both Sunday and non of you including the other 3 will be getting my contract cause that the bottom line cause Stone cold said so!"

Last Man Standing Match
Non Title Match
Kurt Angle vs (C) Scott Hall
Very good match but Scott became more dominant after he continued to use weapons to hurt Kurt. Kurt did return the favor a few times and angle slammed him but Scott got up. The 15min match ended when Scott Razored Edged Kurt through a Announcer Table to get the 10 count.

Winner by KO Scott Hall

Scott says "you see Vince must want to help me as all 3 of my opponents faced the wrath of The N.W.O tonight and it won't stop here everyone better grow eyes on their backs" he adds "sorry Kurt was I too rough?" and walks off holding his belt high when Kevin and the rest of the NWO come to greet him.

After the Break


Triple H is walking and Randy and Edge approach him "So" says Randy Ortan "are you in in this match Sunday come on man we all know you want to beat the crap out of him after everything he done" Triple H replies "exactly I want to beat the crap out of him!" Edge says "ok..ok I know we are exactly best friends but this is a chance to really lay the beating Brock deserves then after I will focus on his bitch CM Punk" Triple H says "you will focus on CM Punk? I think if he survives after MITB nearly the whole locker room will want to be the one to put him down" Randy then says "well i for one will be one of those people anyway Triple H so you in?" Triple H just says "I will make my decision friday" and walks off
Saturday, May 4, 2013
Posted on May 4, 2013 at 06:12 PM.

Money in The Bank in 2 Weeks

Welcome all to Smack and tonight we have Triple Threat match with Undertaker vs Triple H vs John Cena tonight. We also have Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins in a fallscount anywhere match after last week when Seth betrayed The Shield will justice be served tonight? Brock Lesnar is due to Face 'The Viper' Randy Ortan tonight after Randy cost him his match last week against Edge who has agreed to team with Ortan in a Gauntlet match They have yet to get Triple H response. Also The World Tag Team Champions The Rock and Sock are due to face Epico and Primo tonight in a non title match. We already know they are facing the Road Warriors in a no DQ Match at MITB.

CM Punks Music Plays He enters the ring to say "so Brock Lesnar must still be pissed at me for hitting him with a chair last week by accident, Well Brock should know by now that I am on his side and I wish him good luck in his match at MITB" he continues to say "Well it looks like I have nobody worthy of facing me at MITB so I guess there will not be a match oh well what a shame I held this belt for 4 whole months people should know by now they can't win against me" Vince McMahons Music plays He says "sorry CM Punk did I hear you correctly you aid you did not have match at MITB, well your wrong there I have someone in mind for you already and you will be finding out tonight who it is but I am going to let you sweat a bit before that now if you not done let my show start!"

After The Break

Backstage Dean is talking to Roman "so that Seth think he will get away with his betrayal" Roman says "Seth you have brought all this on yourself your either brain dead or plain stupid to want to leave The Shield and become one fo the non believers and tonight Dean will show you want justice feels like to traitors" Dead the says "Seth after tonight you better hope you will be able to stand up you was always the weak link in The Shield and tonight I will prove how weak you was! believe in The Shield!" Roman Repeats "believe in The Shield!"

Jack Swagger vs Sin Cara
Well Dolph Ziggler comes in looking like he going to help Swagger then turns on him and ZigZags him and then does the same to Sin Cara.

Winner no contest

Ziggler says after "jack I am done being your partner I have the sexy AJ that is all I need! as usual I steal the show!" he then walks off

Non Title Match
(C)The Rock and Sock Connection vs Epico and Primo
After a varity of double teams The Rock finishes the match after Mankind tag him in to do the People's Elbow to win by pinfall.

Winners The Rock and Sock Connection

After The Road Warriors music plays They just come out staring at them intensely. The Rock says "so I guess your not coming down here so I can lay the smackdown on your candy ***'s how about this stay there for now in a weeks time I will it then!" The Road Warriors just carry on staring at them.

Brock Lesnar vs Randy Ortan
Randy comes rushing down the ramp to attack Brock. but this just makes Brock mad and he ends up after a reversal powerbombing Ortan then giving him 2 F-5s.

Winner Brock Lesnar

Brock then continues with his attack but Edge come running in only to get F-5ed. Then CM Punks music plays and he starts clapping and goes to shake Brocks hand saying " come on one stupid mistake" Brock just looks at him and and walks out of the ring leaving Punk confused.

Falls Count Anywhere Match
Dean Ambrose vs Seth Rollins
Seth attacks Dean from behind but the end resulted in Dean winning after A Air Raid.

Winner Dean Ambrose

Dean says "you see Seth The Shield never lie unlike you who is a fraud you think this ends here! You are wrong! this will never end Seth till real Justice has been served!"
He then continues beating up Seth.

Triple Threat
Undertaker vs Triple H vs John Cena
A good match but after Undertaker after doing a Chokeslam on Triple H then a Tombstone on Cena wins by pinfall.

Winner The Undertaker

Undertaker says "Vince give me CM Punk at MITB I promise I will make him experience Hell for what he did to me last week!"

Vince McMahons music plays Undertaker you have proven to me that you have a right to face The WWE Champion and you will face CM Punk at MITB I have now made you the #1 Contender for The WWE Championship!

The show goes off air
Friday, May 3, 2013
Posted on May 3, 2013 at 07:18 AM.

Money in The Bank in 2 weeks

Welcome to Raw and tonight we have Shawn Micheals vs Stone Cold Steve Austin both these men are MITB competitors. After we found out Hollywood Hogan was disqualified from MITB ans Scott Hall would be facing 3 other men the 3rd man is yet to be known. Kurt Angle has been granted another chance to get revenge on Scott Hall tonight.

The NWOs music plays They walk in the ring and Scott says "so it bad enough Vince screws Hogan but he screws me too! not only that he does not tell me everyone that I will be facing at MITBhe takes Hogan out of a match he earn't" Hogan then says "Vince brother you think taking me out of the match will stop the NWO bringing carnage to the WWE you have just started a war with us and believe me brother this is far from over" Kevin says "when we are good and ready we will be coming to take everything from the WWE" Vince McMahons music plays "are you trying to threaten me?" he says Kevin then says "the NWO does not make treats we promise just be known we have warned you about butting in our business" "I think you will find it is my business not yours and I can fire anyone of you when I want so get out of the ring or I will fire all of you!" The NWO then quietly leave into the crowd but they start making jesters as if things are not over.

After the Break

Triple Threat
Shane McMahon vs Road Dogg vs Billy Gunn
Well now both Road Dogg and Billy are single competitors they can now face each other more. The winner ends up being Billy after Bossman screws over Road Dogg big time who was the most dominant man by interfering while Road Dogg is doing a leverage pin on Shane and knocking Road Dogg out of the ring. While Road Dogg and Boss Man Fight, Shawn comes in to help Road Dogg with a chair which makes Bossman make a swift exit Billy just Small Packages Shane to pick up a cheap win.

Winner Billy Gunn

Billy just slides out of the ring smiling Road Dogg just looks on at the shock win holding his head. Billy just says "I told you I am better then you Dogg"

Tag Match
The Hart Foundation w/ British Bulldog vs Too Cool w/Rikishi
Easy win after Bret and Owen show great teamwork by doing double teams. Even when Rikishi tried to distract the ref Owen just gave him a super kick and then Power bombed Scotty to win by Pinfall.

Winners The Hart Foundation
Bret says "so Shawn gets it all easy getting in MITB while everyone else had to work for it! typical anyway it does not matter because I will be taking that case at MITB!" he then walks backstage.

Triple Threat
Non title match

(C)Lita vs Trish Stratus vs Natalya
Natalya just let Trish and Lita fight for a while till she tried to pin Trish then Lita Twist of Fated her to win by pinfall.

Winner Lita

Non Title Match
(C) Scott Hall vs Kurt Angle
Kurt Angle comes running in to attack Scott before the match has started. But after when the ref was unaware Scott wins after a Leverage pin on Angle.

Winner Scott Hall

Scott says after "you see Vince you won't stop me still holding this belt after MITB and remember The NWO will be taking everything it only a matter of time when we do!"

Shawn Micheal's vs Stone Cold
Was a ok match and went back and forth throughout.
End result was after two Stunners Stone Cold ins by pinfall

Winner Stone Cold Steve Austin

Stone Cold says after "well looks like I will be finally getting my title shot at MITB when I win that case CM Punk or whoever holds that belt had better watch their back! that's the bottom line because Stone Cold Said so!" he then walks off backstage
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Posted on May 2, 2013 at 01:37 PM.

Money in The Bank in 3 weeks

Welcome all, to Smackdown and tonight we Have Undertaker vs John Cena. It also seems that Seth challenged Dean Ambrose to another match this week. The Mitz is due to face Cody Rhodes tonight. Also the final Qualifier for MITB Daniel Bryan will face Chris Jericho for the last spot.

Triple H's Music plays he enters the ring and says "ok I had enough can't take it anymore Brock Lesnar I am going to make you pay in 3 weeks, Yes I am challenging you to a match!" [Brock Lesnars music playsbut he is not coming out then Brock tries to attack Triple H from behind with a F-5. Then Triple H just brawls with him then all of a sudden Edges music plays he comes running out and spears Brock and Edge says "you think I forgot what you did a few weeks back to me Brock and sorry Triple H you just got to wait tonight me and Brock are going to have words!" he then walks off.

Backstage Seth is talking to Dean "so for some reason Vince is booking me and you to fight again remember this time I won't hold back" Dean Then says "you was holding back last week? I don't think you was anyway as we are booked you can show me if you was holding back" Roman just shakes his head and says "you two need to get it together we are The Shield!" Seth says "hopefully this match will finally sort things" and walks off. Dean says "hmm I getting worried about Seth after he let us down at Capital Punishment" Roman "just says you guys just need to know it was just a mistake that we will fix believe me we are not done with Goldberg or Austin"

After the break

The Mitz vs Cody Rhodes
The Mitz wins after doing a Bostan Crab to make Cody submit

Winner by Submission The Mitz

The Mitz says after "Christian it only a matter of time before I get my belt back!"

MITB Qualifier
Chris Jericho vs Daniel Bryan
This Match considering was one of the best matches I have seen lasted around 30mins. There was so many close calls they both seemed intent on making on another submit. Both men deserved a win but only one got it and it was Daniel Bryan after reversed a second Walls of Jericho and then Suplexed him for the pin.

Winner and #6 for MITB Daniel Bryan

Brock Lesnar vs Edge
After earlier Brock is on a mission to destroy Edge and Edge is thinking the same. Then Randy Ortans Music plays mid match distracting Brock and costing him his match. Edge wins after a Spear to a unaware Brock.

Winner Edge

Triple H then comes running in to pick up Brock and Pedigree's him.
Randy Then comes out at the ramp and says "hey Brock you forgot about me huh shame, anyway I been thinking and thought about this you pissed me off and Edge and Triple H so...." He continues to say how about a Gauntlet Match in 3 weeks vs all 3 of us! if Triple H and Edge are down with that sorry I know you can't speak at the moment not such a beast now are you"
Edge thinks for a second and says "Randy that sounds good to me Brock deserves a good old beating anyway?" Triple H just looks at them both and walks towards Randy and just pushes past him looking back as he walk backstage.

Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose
Seth and Dean have a good match but then Seth cheapshots Dean by Holding the ropes to win. Just as Dean is about leave the ring with Seth. Seth then low blows him and goes to hit him with a chair but Roman comes running in and Seth quickly exits the ring he also says while doing so "I am done with the Shield! I actually asked Vince for this match just to embarrass you!"

Winner Seth Rollins

Dean just looks at Seth as if he wants to kill him. Looks like Seth has also turned his back on The Shield.

This was Seth's Heel Turn

Undertaker vs John Cena
Undertaker and Cena put on a good match but Then CM Punk comes in the middle of the match and takes out Undertaker when the ref was not looking. John Cena looks less then happy about this but still goes to pin Undertaker after AA him and wins.

Winner John Cena

CM Punk comes out to raise Cena's hand but then just clothlines him and knocks him out cold. The Undertaker sits up and CM Punk just swiftly leaves and Undertaker does his Cut Throat Taunt at him.

The Show goes off Air
Posted on May 2, 2013 at 11:41 AM.

MITB in 3 weeks

Welcome to Raw is War, and tonight we have a explosive main event Shawn will face Bret Hart to decide who will be #5 in the MITB match in 3 weeks. We also have Kurt Angle vs Scott Hall in a non title match again. Also tag action from The Road Warriors and The Steiner. Eddie and Chavo are teaming up once again against Team 3D. Also there still yet the decision of who will face CM Punk there no doubt that there are many candidates for a title shot.

Seems after Friday last week there was communication issues where CM Punk apparently accidently hit Brock Lesnar with a chair.

But first we have

Trish Stratus vs Stephanie McMahon
Trish Stratus picks up a easy win after just one Chick Kick followed by a Stratusfaction Stephanie is out.

Winner Trish Stratus

Lita then comes from behind Trish and Twist of Fates her.

Chavo and Eddie Guerrero vs Team 3DEddie and Chavo get a win over Team 3D after Eddie and Chavo show some great team work like the old days and Eddie gives Bubba a brain buster to win.

Winners Eddie and Chavo Guerrero

Non Title Match
Kurt Angle vs (C) Scott Hall
Scott attacks Kurt from behind before the match has started and cost him his match after throwing him into the stairs and beating him up outside the ring even putting him through a barricade and then giving him a Razors Edge in the ring to win by pinfall.

Winner Scott Hall

The NWO come out after and continue assaulting Angle.

The Road Warriors vs The Steiner's
The Road Warriors showed some ruthless aggression in this match and great teamwork. Hawk wins after making Rick tap out.

Winners by Submission The Road Warriors

Hawk says after "Edge and Christian better think again if they next in line for a title shot me and Animal still have a re-match clause to get back what is rightfully ours Edge and Christian think they the best team but they are wrong it only about The Warriors!" Animal then says "Rock and Mankind heres a message for you 3 weeks we want to hurt you so bad that the match will be a No DQ anything goes match!"

Edge and Christian are looking at what The Road Warriors said Edge says "guess we can wait then" Christian says "don't matter who it is end of the day we will become Champions again the Rated R Superstar and The most dominant Intercontinental champion! The Tag Champs rings a bell right?" Edge says what would be better is me being The WWE Champion again and having The tag belts" Christian then says "well you already know I feel I should get a shot soon..." Edge just says "let me deal with that you focus on your title you have right now" Christian says "you do know everyone wants to be WWE Champion?" Edge says "bro you do know I only care about me becoming Champion! anyway I got things to do now" he walks off.

MITB Qualifying Match
Shawn Micheal's vs Bret Hart
Hollywood Hogan attacks Shawn out of the blues and costs him his Match after rolling him into the ring for Bret to pin him.

Winner and #5 in MITB Bret Hart

Then more NWO Members come out and Bret just exits and leaves Shawn to get beaten up. Hollywood Hogan says "Brother you never saw it coming two weeks ago did you! let me make this clear it was me that attacked you!"

Vince McMahons music plays "so" he says "The NWO seem to think they can do what they want around here? Well as the chairman of WWE I decided that Hogan you are disqualified from MITB for interfering with other competitors and instead Shawn will take you place!" Hogan says "what you can't do that brother I EARN'T MY SPOT!" Vince says I think you will find I can and have! anyway that was all!" all The NWO look angry at the decision being made. Vince then comes back in and says "Oh I forgot Scott you will face Kurt Angle, DDP and a Mystery Opponent who I have not decided about yet in 3 weeks in a Extreme Rules match! Should anyone interfere from the NWO you will hand me back that belt" Scott just says "what! you will pay for this Vince" Vince just smiles and walks off and the NWO all look pissed off.

The show goes off air
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Posted on May 1, 2013 at 04:27 PM.

Money in The Bank in 4 Weeks

Welcome to Smackdown, and tonight we have John Cena and Sheamus teaming up to face Jericho and Daneil Bryan in our MITB qualifiers as we know so far it Stone Cold and Hollywood Hogan from Raw. The same rules applies for tonight's qualifier. Also we have Randy Ortan vs Edge tonight and Triple H vs Undertaker who have built a little rivalry in the past month.

CM Punks music plays He enters the ring and says "yeah yeah boo all you want I do not care I am still the most dominant WWE Champion in the world and nobody not even Triple H feeble attempts to de-throne me The Best in The World worked!" Randy Ortan's Music Plays He come into the ring and says "CM Punk yes you have proven something that you will do anything to win but you sure as hell have not proved your the most dominant superstar in the WWE as you never faced me! Randy Ortan!" "excuse me you are just small fry" says Punk "could you show some damn respect and not interrupt your WWE Champion you have not earn't the right to face me" "Ok Punk your right I should of done things better" says Randy Ortan and he punches CM Punk before CM Punk swiftly exits the ring.

[b]After the break[/B
Backstage The Shield are talking to each other about their loss Sunday. Dean Says "I am sorry to say this Seth but you let us down Sunday" "you what" Seth says "we let each other down but as you seem to blame me how about a match tonight just to let of some steam" Dean says "are you serious you want to fight me ok well I guess I can't say no now" Roman says "you too need to get a grip or we will fall apart!" Seth says "don't worry Roman this is just for fun as all the other matches will be boring anyway so Dean see you in the ring tonight" Dean says "you better give it your all and prove why you are in The Shield" Seth just walks off. Looks like things are getting tense within The Shield.

Cody Rhodes vs The Mitz
Some Reason Christian comes ringside of The Mitz. The Mitz ends up being the victor after a distracted Cody loses after losing focus with Christians presents around the ring.

Winner The Mitz

Christian seems happy with the result for whatever reason

Randy Ortan vs Edge
Brock Lesnar attacks Edge before the match and starts pacing towards Randy. looks like this will be a different match now.

Brock Lesnar vs Randy Ortan
Brock Triple Power bombs Randy and Then F-5s him but Randy kicks it takes another F-5 to get Brock the win.

Winner Brock Lesnar

Backstage Triple H is watching what has just happened and says "Brock Lesnar is going to pay..." then Undertaker comes from behind Triple H and says "so... it going to be you and me soon I think you had better focus on that match and deal with your torn in you back later" Triple H says "look the difference between you and him is you face you enemies head on he just cheapshots probably rich coming from me but hey he cost me two titles shots and I am going to make his life hell from now on" Undertaker says "maybe you should worry about me making your life hell tonight!" he then walks off.

Seth Rollins vs Dean Ambrose
Well both men fought well but after about 10 mins of brawling Dean gets the win after a Air Raid to Seth.

Winner Dean Ambrose

Dean just picks up Seth and both men shakes hands after the match and Dean says "I think I will let Sunday go for now as we have more important things to focus on"

Triple H vs Undertaker
CM Punk Screws Triple H before the match has started by attacking him and rolling him into the ring. CM Punk then after smiles at Undertaker say "no need to thank me". Undertaker then looks at Triple H beaten who just grabs Undertaker and says "we have a fight still to finish" undertaker reluctantly continues as requested and wins after doing a Tombstone to Triple H.

Winner The Undertaker

After CM Punk still lurking around just stares at Undertaker saying "your Welcome" and Undertaker looks mad at what Punk has done.

After the break

Tag Team Match (Winners Qualify for MITB losers must fight for final spot next week)
John Cena and Sheamus vs Chris Jericho and Daniel Bryan
This match equaled Raws Qualifier just the difference was both team worked better together.
The match lasted 15mins there was a lot of high flying from Bryan and Jericho. This was a match of speed vs strength Cenas and Sheamus's strength vs Chris and Daniels speed. Frequent tags was made everyone knew this was the opportunity to guarantee a place in MITB. The match continues then Brock Lesnar interfered in the match and pulled Sheamus from his corner to F-5 him and later CM Punk comes out of the crowed to help but coincidentally hits Lesnar instead with a chair after trying to hit Cena the ref stays distracted for a while till both men go backstage arguing about CM Punks Chair shot. John Cena fights most of the match by himself till Sheamus recovers. Then Cena and Sheamus do a lot of double teams on Daniel Bryan who then later gets Pinned by Sheamus.

Winners and qualified for MITB John Cena and Sheamus

Looks like next week it will be Daniel Bryan vs Jericho for the last spot.

Who knows why Brock and The WWE Champion got involved in this match maybe Brock was jealous of not being included.

Backstage CM Punk is backstage and says "Brock sorry about that I was going for Cena my bad right? you should not be mad at me be mad at Vince who did not include you in the match" Brock just looks at him as if to say he don't believe him and walks of.

The Shaw goes off air
Posted on May 1, 2013 at 01:56 PM.

Money in The Bank in 4 weeks

Welcome all to Raw, After Sundays events where CM Punk once again retained The WWE Championship is he really just The Best in the World like he says? Triple H tried once again to get some revenge and thanks to Lesnar he failed. As we all know that time has come where in 4 weeks will will have a Mr Money in The Bank. The person in possession of the contract can cash in anytime within a year for a title shot. The question is who will be competing for that chance it will be 3 men from Raw and 3 men from Smackdown. There are many people who deserve a chance but only 6 men will get it. So here how people will qualify. Tonight will be a tag match which ever team wins both men will qualify for a place from the Raw Roster the losers will have to fight next week against each other and the winner will qualify for the last spot.
This tag match will include Shawn and Bret Hart teaming up against Stone Cold and Hollywood Hogan. Judging by how all these men hate each other who knows what will happen.

Also tonight we have Triple H vs Brock Lesnar and Kurt Angle vs The New United States Champion Scott Hall in a non title Match.

Christian music play He walk in the ring with Edge and says "Like I said this belt I have may not be The WWE title but it treat it just the same and proved for 3 months that I am as unstoppable as CM Punk and maybe one day I will prove it by winning the big one" Edge then says "anyway we are not here to talk about how great my brother is no offence Christian but we are here to talk about The Tag Belts" "yeah" Christian says "Me and Edge have decided that we will become a team again just like the old days and after we both win the Tag Belts I will then be focusing on knocking Punk off his tree" "excuse me" says Edge "I think you will find I will be knocking Punk out when we are done getting the titles of the Rock and Sock after he attacked me in a match few weeks ago I owe him one" The Acolytes music plays JBL says "Hoooold it riiight there you two think you will be the next Tag Champions me and Faarooq think differently" Faarooq then says "how about this tonight you face us so we can show you how a team works!" Edge says "you challenge the best tag team ever to a match Christian just answer him..." Christian says "well let me think your on we will see you tonight along with my peeps!"

After The Break
So a Money in The Bank qualifier Tag Match is on tonight but sticking rivals all in one match one has to think if they will be able to get along long enough to win.

Backstage Shawn Micheals is walking backstage and Bret Hart bumps into him "well Shawn it looks like me and you are going to have to work together tonight and by the way hows your head from last week" Shawn says "what did you say" Bret Hart says "oh nothing anyway make sure you don't let me down tonight" Shawn says "me let you down and if i find out you had anything to do with my attack you are going to be sorry" "yeah real scary Shawn real scary I am bored of this conversation now you make sure you don't try taking all the limelight tonight and cost me my chance at a contract to beat the WWE Champion anytime I want" he then walks off and Shawn looks at him suspiciously after what Bret said earlier.

Triple H vs Brock Lesnar
Triple got so revenge after reversing a F-5 and giving Brock 2 Pedigrees and a DDT to win by pinfall.

Winner Triple H

Triple H says after "Brock one day I will truly make you pay for everything it your fault I am not champion and it your fault I am going to make your life a living hell! This win is not enough!"

Tag Match
[u]Edge and (C)Christian vs The Acolytes[/U
Edge and Christian put on a great performance and Chistian does a variety of spring boards and wins the match after Edge does a Tag Team Finisher with him.

Winners Edge and Christian

Edge says after "you see this is why we are the best tag team to exist!" Christian just says "I hope The Rock and Mankind are watching this we will work our way to the top no matter what!" They then both walk back stage.

Non Title Match

(C)Lita vs Alicia Fox
Lita was winning till Trish comes in and brutally attacks her costing her the match.

Winner Alicia Fox
Trish then Chick Kicks Alicia to the ground.
Trish says "you both got what you deserved and Lita you bitch where's Edge now to save you?"

Stone Cold talks to Hogan "well looks likes I am being forced to team up with you, Hogan just listen loud and clear this is about qualifying for MITB nothing else ok" Hogan says "Brother I could not of put in better words when we win and I win MITB I will bring The WWE title where it belongs with the NWO!" he then just walks off.

Non Title Match
Kurt Angle vs (C) Scott Hall
For once Scott had no backup in this match and Kurt won after a Moonsault from the top rope to pin.

Winner Kurt Angle

Tag Team Match (Winners Qualify for MITB losers must fight for final spot next week)
Bret Hart and Shawn Micheal's vs Stone Cold and Hollywood Hogan
This was a match that had high stakes a chance to get a contract in 4 weeks for the WWE Championship whenever and wherever they wanted in a year. The only thing all 4 men can't stand each other.Shawn and Bret Hart argued before the match had even started till Shawn just went to his corner. It all started well both teams tried to tolerate each other enough to get a win.
In the end it seemed Shawn just could not compete alongside someone he hated so much and betrayed Bret mid match leaving him to fight alone. Bret looked angry at what Shawn had just done but knew he had to just continue.

Handicap Tag Match
Bret Hart vs Stone Cold and Hollywood Hogan
Bret Hart put up a great fight the match lasted 20 mins. Numbers seemed to matter more till Bret refused to give up. Bret and Hogan continued fighting Bret showed resilience kicking out of two leg drops and double teams. He even kicked out of a stunner to Stone Colds shock. Bret even planted Hogan through a announcer table. The match finally came to a end when Hogan did a Legdrop on Bret and then held the ropes for leverage to win.

Winners and competing in MITB Stone Cold and Hollywood Hogan

Shawn then comes back in for behind Bret and Sweet chins him and says "See you next week you really think I wanted to help you get a title opportunity I want to be responsible for you not getting one! I also have come to the conclusion you attacked me who else has bigger motive! Next week I will embarrass you"

Show goes off air.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Posted on April 29, 2013 at 08:42 PM.

Welcome all to Capital Punishment and tonight just 2 days ago it was decided CM Punk would face Triple H in a Cage. We also have Road Dogg versing Billy in a 2 out of 3 falls match and a Tag Team handicap match The Shield vs Goldberg and Stone Cold steve Austin!

Will anyone be able to de-throne CM Punk? Will Kofi prove he the better man and will we find out who Shawn's attacker was last week? wait a second who is this.

Shawn Micheals music plays he come to the ring and says "so last week someone attacked me my best bet it's was CM Punk or Lesnar as they did not want me ringside my friend Triple H but as it a Cage match now CM Punks little lap dog must be pretty mad" he continues to says "anyway I just want them to know when I recover I will be coming for them for revenge" CM Punks music plays he says approaching the ring "Shawn would you please stop with your slander against me and Brock, you really think if it was me that attacked you that I would do it and not admit it don't make me laugh unlike you I have better things to do like beating your buddy tonight" Shawn says "ok..ok if it was not you or Brock who would have motive then?" CM Punk replies "your starting to annoy me how should I know but if you really think I did your just barking up the wrong tree anyway by the way get the hell out of my ring before I actually knock you out right here! Triple H music plays he runs to the ring and CM Punk swiftly exits in the crowd Triple h says "yeah you stay there remember later there will be no escape and I will get revenge for what you did to Shawn!" CM Punk just looks back shaking his head smiling as if to say what are you talking about and saying "are you stupid?" the show then cuts to the break.

After the break

So was it really CM Punk or Lesnar who attacked Shawn or was it someone else guess the fingers are all pointing at Punk. Well back to tonight before a explosive Main Event.

Brief Background
After Scott retained his belt twice dirty there was one guy who finally out done it was DDP after Vince granted him a re-match after Scott got himself DQed at Over The Limit. Question is Scotts Re-match Clause has come it will also be a Falls Count anywhere match and will DDP be able to hold on to the belt when Scott has more then enough backup well for now he does.

United States Championship
Fallscount Anywhere
(C)DDP vs Scott Hall w/ Kevin Nash
Scott Hall controlled this match well once again with Kevin's aid. DDP then get back in the game after a reversal and gives Scott a suplex. Later after Kevin interfere with the match again Scott Razor Edge's DDP through a announcer table to win by pinfall.

Winner and New United States champion representing the NWO Scott Hall!

Scott Hall just smiles and celebrates and then says "I should set my sights higher then this really this was a no brainier"

Brief Background
Trish and Litas rivalry started the minute Lita took the belt of Trish at Extreme rules and has carried on ever since. Trish turned her back on the fans a few months back she says all she cares about is holing onto the belt and she is the best diva in the locker room. Can Lita change that and become Womens Champion again?

Womens Championship
(C)Trish Stratus vs Lita w/ Edge
Trish ate her words bad after trash talking Lita throughout the match. Edge aids Lita into getting her title back after she Twists of fates Trish to win by pinfall.

Winner and New Womens Champion Lita

Brief Background
Since Christian won against The Mitz at Extreme Rules he has proven to be a dominant champion for two months. There's one guy who believes he is better and also seems to of gain some respect for Christian. But tonight is about winning one has to wonder will they still be friends after the result come out?

Intercontinental Championship
(C) Christian w/ Edge vs Kofi Kingston w/ R-Truth
Christians Partner Edge comes to cheer him on as well as R-Truth coming to assist Kofi. Was a very good match both men put on a epic performance. Was very back and forth lot of reversals and high flying from Kofi. Both men almost got counted put at one point. The match lasted 20 mins Christian did lots of neckbreakers and suplexes. Both men pushed each other to their limits, Christian argued with R-Truth which resulted in him losing his guard and getting dropkicked but Christian recovered and Killswitched Kofi and Kofi kicked out at 2. The long match ended when Edge and R-Truth got in a fight and Kofi tried to help R-Truth but Christian then rammed him through the barricade to retain by count out.

Winner and Still The Intercontinental Champion Christian

Christian says after "well Kofi thanks for the great match but the best man won as expected, I did this for the peeps!

Brief Background
This started from the first Raw Show when Billy turned his back on Road Dogg in match. Billy claims he been Road Doggs lap dog and has had enough of him. Road Dogg tried to sort things out but to no avail so Road Dogg said there only one way to settle their issues in a 2 out of 3 falls match. who will be the victor? and will this really settle thing once and for all.

Best out of 3 falls Match No DQ
Road Dogg vs Billy Gunn
Well Billy looked strong at first and got the forst Pin. Then Road Dogg used a Chair to pin Billy to make it 1-1. Billy's let his anger get the better of him and Road Dogg seized the moment and low blowed him to get another pine making him the winner and revenge was sweet.

Winner by 2-1 Road Dogg

Road Dogg says after "you know Billy you got what you deserved now it time for me to move on you was a lap dog holding me back next time think think twice before hitting Road Dogg if your head not hurting too much in the morning you can wake up and go suck it when ever you need my help!" he then walks off

Brief Background
Since The New Age Outlaws differences cost them their match against The Road Warriors crowning them the Tag Champions. The Road Warriors claim they are bored of the Talent in the tag division. Then The Rock reunited with Mankind claims they are better then The Road Warriors and after after beating them in a non title No DQ match they have the opportunity to really prove it now.

World Tag team Championship
(C)The Road Warriors vs The Rock and Sock Connection
Another Epic match was very good both team worked well Mankind took a beating from Hawk and Animal before finally tagging in The Rock. Mankind later puts Animal through a announcer table and the Rock give Hawk a spine buster and then a Rock Bottom to win by pinfall. Match lasted 20 mins.

Winners and New World Tag Team Champions The Rock and Sock Connection

The Rock finally says " Finalllllly! Mankind I think we can be friends not just partners now!" He then celebrate in ring with Mankind and then Hawk tries to attack then bit The Rock just spinebusts him and then Animal gets a Double Arm DDT to the ground and after both The Rock and Mankind People Elbow Hawk and carry on celebrating.

Brief Background
This match was unscheduled but after Stone Cold was not happy about the Shield attacking Goldberg giving him a easy win. He then Challenged them to a match to teach them a lesson and Goldberg also wanting to get his own back. So who will get revenge or who will end up looking worst off in this match?

Tag Team Handicap Match 3 on two
The Shield vs Stone Cold and Goldberg
Ok match Stone Cold and Gold berg worked well together in defeating The Shield after Goldberg Jackhammers Seth a second time to win by pinfall.

Winners Stone Cold and Goldberg

Brief Background
CM Punk has been non stop boasting about how he cannot lose the belt and he will not be beaten. He even formed a alliance with 'The Beast' Brock Lesnar. But after last week Triple H challenged Punk to a Cage match Punk Declined but was then forced to be in this match after Vince made the final decision, Also Brock attacked Triple H 2 days before this match who knows if this was the plan he had with Punk or not. Also these two are suspects of Shawn Micheals Mystery attacker. Will Triple H be able to keep his cool or will CM Punk get into his head. CM Punk still denies attacking Shawn but who can trust him maybe after this match there will be answers or maybe it just a guessing game. Can Triple H after months of trying get hold of the belt of a dominant CM Punk or will CM Punks ego be filled even more with another successful title defense?

WWE Championship
Steel Cage
(C) CM Punk vs Triple H
Very good match quickly spoiled when Brock Lesnar comes and shakes Triple H down just as he about to win. CM Punk recovers after 3 Pedigree and staggers out of The Cage door.

Winner and still The WWE Champion CM Punk

CM Punk just staggers smiling with Lesnar as Triple just holds his head disappointed at his loss again against Punk this time because of Lesnars interference doubt this will be forgotten. CM Punk pants and says "by the way me and Brock had nothing to do with Shawns attack don't have to believe me but it true why would I waste time on him when I have you to play with I am the Best in the World and still the jerks watching WWE Champion!"

The show goes off air
Friday, April 26, 2013
Posted on April 26, 2013 at 07:58 PM.

Capital Punishment this Sunday

Welcome all to Smackdown! tonight The Undertaker get a chance at revenge against a man thats been a torn in side the past few weeks Big Show in our Main Event. Also Randy Ortan, John Cena and Sheamus vs 3MB.

We also have The WWE Champion CM Punk meeting with 'The Game' Triple H to have final words.

Christians Music plays He enters the ring and says "well only two days till I face Kofi and I bet my peeps can't wait for that!" everyone cheers Well I had this title for two months now it may not be The WWE title but i treat it exactly the same and Kofi we may have respect for each other but I hate to say this you will be losing Sunday!" Kofi Kingstons Music plays He enters the ring with R-Truth and says "so Christian you think I won't beat you I am Kofi Kingston! I hardly lost any matches for months and I will sure as hell not be losing Sunday I already beat you last week and will do it again!" Christian says "ok you got lucky last week I was testing you out but Sunday will be a hell of a different story!" R-truth then says "hold on you two one second I want to face Christian tonight to see if he has what it takes to face my partner Kofi so how about it?" Christian then begins to talk till The Mitz music plays "Kofi...Kofi are you three serious? you all should get a room or something Kofi I dare you to put your contender ship on the line tonight! You will never beat me a third time I garren dame Tee it!" Vince McMahons Music Plays he says "ok there's a slight problem there Kofi is going to face Christian if you like it or not but I have decided tonight should Kofi lose to The Mitz it will be a triple threat, and as for Christian you will face R-Truth tonight in a non title match and it will be a falls count anywhere match!" he then walks backstage leaving the other 4 having a staredown.

After the break

Brock Lesnar vs Edge
Edge gets screwed after CM Punk helps Brock win by a interference distraction on the ref and Brock chair shots Edge to win by pinfall.

Winner Brock Lesnar

CM Punk and Brock then try to continue assaulting Edge but Triple H and Shawn Micheal's come in to see Brock and CM Punk off.

6 Man Tag Match
Randy Ortan,Jhon Cena and Sheamus vs 3MB
Easy win after John Cena makes his return count by giving a AA to Heat Slater after he got a RKO from Randy and a Celtic Cross from Sheamus to win by pinfall.

Winners Randy Ortan, Jhon Cena and Sheamus

Non Title Match
Falls Count Anywhere Match
(C)Christian vs R-Truth
Christian and R-Truth had a good match the end resulted in Christian winning by giving R-Truth a Killswitch through The announcer table to win by pinfall.

Winner Christian

Christian says after "Kofi emember this could be you or even better both you and The Mitz!"

if The Mitz wins Kofi vs Christian match at Sunday will be a Triple Threat
The Miz vs Kofi Kingston
Kofi puts on a match that equals Christians by doing a SOS on The Mitz through the announcer table and then rolling him in the ring to do a Trouble in Paradise to win by pinfall.

Winner Kofi Kingston

Christian just comes out after looking at Kofi nodding.
Kofi says after "Christian you may of beaten R-Truth but you will not beat me and guess what it still just me and you one on one!"

Backstage There's a sighting of Shawn Micheals walking and getting knocked out by someone in a hood and the medics come to help him. Who could of done this?

After the Break

Bigshow vs Undertaker
Undertaker just comes running in to attack the Bigshow Undertaker as waited a few weeks to face him so who can blame him.
Bigshow and Undertaker have a good match lasted 10mins. Undertaker recovers from two K.O Punches much to Bigshows shock. Then Undertaker finishes Bigshow with a Last Ride and then forcing Bigshow to tap with a Hells Gate.

Winner The Undertaker

After The Break

CM Punk is in the ring He says "So Edges head must be hurting after Brock took him out poor guy, anyway there was someone unimportant that wanted to meet with me?? where is he I forget what his name was as he means nothing to The Best in The World!" he continues talking then Triple H music plays he walks to the ring and CM Punk says "typical disrespect! interrupting me!" when Triple H has entered he says "would you just shut the hell up all you talk about is respect yet you give nobody anything I know you must of been responsible for taking out Shawn and I will teach you some respect this Sunday and how about doing it in some Steel!" CM Punk replies "are you trying to say you want me to face you in a Cage?" Triple H says "Your not that stupid are you yes I am the real question is do you have balls to face me in a Cage?" CM Punk says "I have no need to risk hurting myself for anyone I need to stay in good condition considering I will be champion forever! so answer to your question is yes i have balls to face you but I refuse to do so why should I entertain the Universe who mean nothing!" Vince McMahons music plays he come out and says "CM Punk you do not deserve to be holding that belt and for that reason I think Triple H's idea sound good so you will face him in a cage!" then all of a sudden Brock Lesnar comes from the crowd and F-5's Triple H then he and Punk just look at Vince and CM Punk says "ouch look at your son in law on the ground! and he denies having anything to do with Shawn Micheals attack"
Vince just looks mad at what has happened

There's still that mystery to the attack of Shawn Micheals

The show then goes off air
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Posted on April 24, 2013 at 03:16 PM.

Capital Punishment this Sunday

Welcome to Raw is War! Tonight we have tag team action from the NWO vs Too Cool. Also have Stone Cold vs Goldberg and our main event is Shawn Micheals vs Brock Lesnar. Brock Lesnar seems to want to hurt everyone in Connection with Triple H.

We also have Road Dogg confronting Billy Gunn later just before there 2 out 3 falls Match Sunday.

Also tonight DDP will face Jeff Hardy in a non title match Jeff can pin the United States Champion could mean him getting a chance against whoever owns it in the future.

but first we have...

Tag Team Match
The NWO w/ Kevin Nash vs Too Cool w/ Rikishi
The NWO pick up a easy victory after Grand Master gets outnumber after Kevin put Scotty through a Announcer table. After Buff Tags in Hogan to Leg Drop him to win by pinfall.

Announcer Winners The NWO

Non Title Match
[u](C) Trish Stratus vs Stacy Keibler
Lita tries interfering mid match but Trish just Chick Kick her and smiles at her then returns to defeat Stacy by pinfall.

Winner Trish Stratus

Lita just holds her face staggering backstage and Trish carries on smiling at her saying " see you Sunday honey better find out from Stacy what happens to people who cross me"

Non Title Match
(C)DDP vs Jeff Hardy
Jeff and DDP put on a good match went on for 15mins looked like it was for the title. Jeff was really putting DDP to the test with various high flying moves. Jeff even Swanton Bombed DDP through a announcer table. Thing looked good till DDP Reversed a Twist of fate in ring and Diamond Cuts Jeff by surprise to win by pinfall.

Winner DDP

DDP celebrates his win and then...
NWO Music Plays but nobody comes out DDP looks toward the Ramp and then Kevin and Scott Hall come behind him and Kevin Nash Jackknifes him and then Scott Razor Edges him. They then continue assaulting DDP. This can't be good one week before his title match.

Stone Cold vs Goldberg
The Sheild decide to ruin this match by attacking Goldberg before the match and rolling him in for Stone Cold to pin him. Stone Cold reluctantly pins Goldberg.

Winner Stone Cold

Stone Cold does not look happy about Romans interference and
before The Shield get ready to exit Stone Cold says "wait just one damn minute who do you guys think you are coming to Raw where the legends are and poking your noses in my match" Goldberg recovers from the previous attack and says guess what "your all Next!" Stone Cold says "at Capital Punishment Sunday we both challenge you to a tag Match! That's the bottom line because Stone Cold said sooo!"

The Shield just make taunting remarks at both Stone Cold and Goldberg before exiting.

After the Break
Road Dogg is in the ring he says "so one week to go before I finally prove to Billy that I carried him and that I am better then him!" Billy Gunns Music plays He enters the ring and says "shut the hell up Road Dogg you carried me? this is the reason why The New Age Outlaws are no more I am sick of you thinking I am a puppet who does whatever you say!" Road Dogg replies "only Sunday will prove who is better I always knew this time would come where we would face each other" Billy then says "I am going to hurt you real bad Sunday" "really?" Road Dogg replies "really? you think I am scared of the like of you, this is the story you was always in my shadow from day one and now I have finally got my act together to say I have had enough of you and you brought this fight on yourself!" Billy says "think I am done talking to you Road Dogg..." he then attacks him and they brawled till referees came in to separate them Road Dogg says your finished Sunday!" Billy just says bring it on punk!"

Looks like things are going to get nasty Sunday

back to our Main Event...

Shawn Michaels w/ Triple H vs Brock Lesnar w/ (C) CM Punk
Triple H came to have Shawn's back and after we see that Brock has someone with him too The WWE Champion CM Punk.
Shawn and Brock have a brutal match and while they are brawling, CM Punk starts taunting Triple H who then goes up to Him and then Pedigrees him by suprise Brock then looks towards Triple H and Shawn Sweet chins him from nowhere and wins by pinfall.

Winner Shawn Micheal's

Shawn says after "you see this Punk oh wait your knocked out! Triple H will be doing more then this Sunday and I have his back!" Triple H and Shawn then Celebrate together.

The show goes off air

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