Monday, April 15, 2013

Extreme Rules this Sunday
Welcome to Friday Night Smackdown tonight we have some great line ups includeing a #1 Contenders match with Lita and AJ Lee after Natalya picked up a Injury after Trish's attack on both Lita and her Monday. Christian is facing The Miz in a warm up match for Sunday were he will face him for his belt. Also New Age Outlaws are due in some tag action against The Steiners.
Shawn Michaels music plays He enters the ring and says "sooo everyone here knows that Sunday Bret Hart will experience some real pain as I am the only show stopper here" he also says "he always been jealous of who I have become, I really don't blame the guy honestly I just wanted to give him the chance to back out from the biggest embarrassment of his life and..." Owen Harts Music plays He stands at the ramp saying "Shawn... Shawn... Shawn you never learn do you my brother is saving his energy for you sunday but as your here bad mouthing him how about I teach you a lesson tonight" Shawn replies "who do you think you are do you really think your better then the Heart break kid! how about this I will face you on one Condition it's in a cage so your little foundation don't butt their noses in!" Owen Replies "I don't need The Heart Foundation to beat you but I agree a Cage will be good so your little lap dogs Triple H and X-Pac don't butt in!" Shawn says "so that's sorted it be good beating his brother before facing him Sunday anyway and if your not down with that yo can go su...uuuk it!" The show then cuts to the break.
After the break
Epico vs Faarooq
JBL Assists his partner in a win against Epico
Winner Faarooq
Non Title Match
Christian vs (C)The Miz
Christian was unable to defeat The Miz in this non title match after Two Skull Crushing Finales The Miz wins by pinfall. Wonder if Christian can pull it off when it matters.
Winner The Miz
#1 Contenders Match
Lita vs AJ Lee
Lita Wins this match with ease after a Twist of Fate and Diving Moonsault. At least now there was no interference by Trish.
Winner new #1 Contender Lita
Trish comes out clapping for Lita doubt see was cheering her on.
Lita just says "I am coming for you"
Non Title
Tag Team
(C)New Age Outlaws vs The Steiner Bros
Some reason during this match Billy Gunn backstabs Road Dogg which shocks everyone by hitting him in the face and walking off who knows what is to become of their title defense Sunday.
Handicap Match
Road Dogg vs The Steiner Bros
Road Dogg still wins without Billy but he looks confused as to what Billy was playing at.
Winner Road Dogg
Backstage Billy is asked why he did what he did he just says "Road Dogg treats me like his lap dog we may have these belts but he need to know I am nobody's lap dog!"
Cage Match
Shawn Michaels vs Owen Hart
Shawn Wins this match after 3 Sweet Chins on Owen Hart and wins by pinfall.
Match lasted 15mins
Winner Shawn Micheals
Shawn says after "you see Bret this is what is going to happen to you!" Then all of sudden he gets attacked by Bret Hart from behind "No! Shawn you have it all wrong this is what is going to happen to you!" he says then helps his brother Owen up and leaves Shawn Knocked out.
The Show goes off air

Extreme Rules this Sunday
Welcome to Raw is War and Tonight we have CM Punk and Brock Lesnar vs Sheamus and Triple H and Daniel Bryan in our main event. Looks like Triple H is not here after being attacked by Brock Lesnar last week.
Vince McMahon's Music plays he enters the ring and says "first all welcome to Raw is War secondly I have had just about up to here with CM Punk thinking he in charge around here so because of CM Punks actions he will face Triple H, Sheamus and Daneil Bryan at extreme rules!" CM Punks Music Plays"did I just hear you right you want me to face all 4 of them! you got to be kidding they have not earned the right to face me!" Vince then says "if you don't like it then hand me your title now you brought this on yourself" "Pfft... whatever all I get is disrespect from the universe and you! I told everyone already this is my belt nobody else has the right to try take my property from me I will do anything to keep this and win" Vince then says "don't you have a match to be getting ready for?" then cuts to the break
After the Break The Acolytes are in the ring JBL says "ok we have a request and want Kofi and R-Truth to come out here" Kofi and R-truth come out Kofi says "so why have you brought us out here?" JBL says "because we know you cannot beat New Age Outlaws reason because you don't know them like we do and also we are better then both of you!" Kofi says "you think your better then us how about a match tonight!" JBL says "ok only on one condition you put your contender ship on the line as you think your better then us should not be a problem right?" R-Truth says "fine we will do it" "Wait what" says Kofi R-Truth says "we can beat them and we will be Road dogg and Billy Gunn this Sunday after retaining our contender ship tonight!" "Fine you heard him your both on!" says Kofi JBL and Faarooq just smile and JBL says "see you tonight Jackasses".
Ok so a #1 contenders match is on for the world tag team championship tonight. Also have DDP vs Scott Hall tonight if he can pin the United States Champion that must be enough to get him next in line for the United States Title picture. Also have Lita in a #1 contenders match vs Natalya tonight but first...
X- Pac vs Goldberg
Goldberg dominates his opponent with ease and wins after a Jackhammer and Spear.
Winner Goldberg
Non Title Match
(C) Scott Hall vs DDP
Well DDP knew if he managed to win this match this would push him further in line for The United States Championship. DDP showed his dominance in this match. Then after a while Scott pushes DDP off the Ladder and gains some momentum. The End Resulted after DDP Diamond Cutted Scott he climbs to grab the case and win.
Winner DDP
DDP says after "Scott you better hope you don't retain at Extreme Rules because DDP is coming for that belt Bang!"
#1 Contenders Match
Lita vs Natalya
Womens Champion Trish Stratus costs Lita her match and the match resulted in a cancelation after Trish slaps Natalya in the face. Trish continued her assault on Lita after the match.
Winner No Contest
Trish says after "guess nobody is a contender for MY Championship and as for the Universe they mean nothing to me" she then laughs and walks off.
This was Trishe's Heel turn
#1 Contenders match
Kofi and R-Truth vs The Acolytes
Kofi and R-Truth get screwed big time in this match after the ref gets knocked out and JBL chair shot Kofi then he retaliates and the ref see Kofi do it and DQs Kofi and R-truth
Winners by DQ and new #1 Contenders The Acolytes
The Acolytes just get out of the ring smiling then all of a sudden New Age Outlaws attack them from behind. Road Dogg says "shame this is not even the worst of your beating yet see you Sunday!"
Handicap match Two on Three tag
Brock Lesnar and CM Punk vs Sheamus, Daniel Bryan and Triple H
Good match but this time it was a numbers game and Brock and CM Punk got over Powered. The end result was a well earned victory and a little of revenge after Brock received a Pedigree from Triple H who then won by pinfall.
Winners Triple H, Daniel Bryan and Sheamus
Sunday, April 14, 2013

2 Weeks till Extreme Rules
Welcome to Smackdown and tonight it has been decided that Christian and Cody Rhode will have #1 Contenders match for the Intercontinental Championship after Codys win on Christian last week he should have some momentum tonight. We also have our Women Champion in action tonight with the Rock and Sock Connection vs Stone cold and Edge w/Lita.
Shawn Micheal's music plays He enters the ring and says "sooo.. I have a little problem that I will sort out in 2 Weeks his name is Bret Hart! I have never liked you from the day you came into the WWE and in 2 week I won't only beat you I will make sure at least one bone on your body in broken!" Bret Harts Music plays He enters the ring staring at Shawn saying "you will break a bone in my body right? think your getting things a little mixed up here I am the one that will break you at Extreme rule, Look Shawn I know you too well and that's my advantage in our match but how about less talking now" Shawn squares up to Bret Hart and they push each other then start fighting people from DX and the Hart Foundation need to separate both men. Then it cuts to the break.
After the Break
Well what a intense start to our show well our first match is...
Jack Swagger vs Kofi Kingston
Kofi get a count out win after a trouble in paradise on Swagger through the announcer table.
Winner by count out Kofi Kingston
R-Truth come out to celebrate with his partner Kofi then New age Outlaws music hits.
Road Dogg and Billy come out clapping Saying "well done lets see what you two Punks have in 2 Weeks Btw it will be a elimination tag match and if your not down with that you can go Suuuuuuucck it!" Road Dogg throws the mic down and leaves with Billy.
Backstage Mankind is speaking to The Rock "Hey buddy just have one question are we still friends here or what?" The Rock replies "We are just tag partners for now just remember not to get in The Rocks way tonight and everything will be ok"
TLC Match
Primo vs Shane McMahon
Winner Shane McMahon
Tag Team Match
Rock and Sock Connection w/(C)Trish vs Stone Cold and Edge w/ Lita
This match was 4 star quality great match to watch The Rock and Sock Connection prevail the winners after Mankind gives Edge a Mandible Claw to win by Pinfall.
Winners Rock and Sock Connection
Stone Cold then says after "rock you and me can go one on one in a cage at Extreme Rules so nobody will be able to make excuses!" The Rock replies "you want to go toe to toe with the Rock in a cage so be it!" Stone Cold then Stunners the Rock and Mankind and leaves. Also looks like Lita and Trish during the match were having their own issues.
Jimmy Uso vs Antonio Cesaro
Jimmy showed his high flying ability to win.
Winner Jimmy USO
Jimmy tries to shake Antonio hand but Antonio just slaps it and leaves guess he a sore loser.
#1 Contenders Match (Intercontinental Championship)
Christian vs Cody Rhodes
These two put on a good show but the winner ends up being Christian after he Killswitches Cody after a cross Rhode reversal.
Match lasted 15min
Winner and the #1 Contender is Christian
The Mitz Comes out looking at Christian smiling and raising his title with one arm looks like he trying to make a statement.
The show goes off Air

2 Weeks till Extreme Rules
Welcome all to another edition of Raw is War! and tonight we have a action packed evening with a match involving Stone Cold and Mankind after his interference last week costing Stone Cold his match. Mankind Partner The Rock was also not happy his partner Mankind interfering last week in their match. Also there that question to who will face our WWE Champion CM Punk at Extreme Rules after on Smackdown he won a Handicap match against both Daniel Bryan and Sheamus.
Sheamus Music Plays He enters the ring and says "well CM Punk thinks he 'The Best in the world' if it wasn't for Goatface Bryan not working as a team CM Punk would of never beat me so I challenge him tonight!" Triple H's music plays he Enters the ring and says "Sheamus would you just shut up everyone knows you and Bryan blew it after last week and only one other man should be able to face Punk and that's me 'The Game' Triple H so Tonight..." CM Punks music interrupts he stands at the ramp saying "wow aren't I a popular guy guess it understandable everyone want to face 'The Best in the world' ok I kind of agree with Triple H he would be a more Challenging opponent for me but you both and anybody else better start getting used to the fact nobody can and will beat me!" Vince McMahon music plays"hold it this is what I will do Sheamus I will give you one more chance should you lose tonight against Triple H in the main event you will not face Punk at Extreme rule instead Triple H will!" Triple H and Sheamus have a stare down. Then it cut to the break.
After the break
So tonight's Main Event is Sheamus vs Triple H in a #1 Contenders match Daneil Bryan can't be happy with this as it was Sheamus who got pinned last week. Now back to the show well last week on Smackdown HBK issued a challenge to Bret Hart who has yet to answer it. Seems there is bad blood between these two men since HBK decided to cheap shot Bret Hart two weeks ago. HBK is scheduled to face Hollywood Hogan tonight. Well before all that we Have Stone Cold vs Mankind...
Stone Cold vs Mankind w/ The Rock
Well was a good match it took 2 stunners for stone cold to pin Mankind 1...2...3
The Rock did not even try to help Mankind
Winner Stone Cold
After Mankind starts asking "why the Rock did not help him?" The Rock replies "you never asked for my help just like last week I never asked for yours..." and walks off leaving Mankind behind.
Non Title match
Tag Match
(C)New Age Outlaws vs Dolph Ziggler and Swagger
Road Dogg and Billy demonstrate why they are the champions and good teamwork overpowering their opponents with frequent tags and double teams. Billy Gunn pins Swagger for the 3 count.
Winners New Age Outlaws
Road Dogg says after "Billy is this all the new talent has to offer? wow Kofi and R-Truth will be nothing then" he starts laughing and walking off with Billy.
Triple Threat
Shane Mcmahon vs DDP vs Vader
DDP seems to dominate both opponents Vader and DDP at first worked together getting rid of the weaker competition then DDP smartly turned on Vader and gave him a Diamond Cutter uexpectedly to win by pinfall.
Winner DDP
Hollywood Hogan vs Shawn Michaels
After a interference from Bret Hart Hollywood Hogan proudly picks up a win after Bret Piledrives HBK to the ground.
Winner Hollywood Hogan
After Bret Says "here's your answer! me and you in a Falls count anywhere No DQ match at Extreme Rules!"
Main Event
Sheamus vs Triple H
When Triple H enters and they start fighting some reason The Champion CM Punk is lingering around the ring and Triple H looks less then pleased.
Well this match go back and forth throughout but Triple H picks up a win after a 2 pedigrees and a spine buster to Sheamus
Winner Triple H
Triple Celebrates and CM Punk starts saying "your Funeral" then all of sudden Brock Lesnars Music plays
Whats this Brock Lesnar comes from behind Triple H and brutally beats him with a pole and CM Punk stands there smiling saying "you see what happens when you butt in my business".
The show goes off air
Thursday, April 11, 2013

3 Weeks till Extreme Rules
Welcome all to Smackdown, and after what our Champion did on Raw who will face him? Tonight looks like Cody Rhodes is not happy with Christian after being eliminated by him in the Battle royal which The Mitz won in our Main event they will face off maybe a win will give one man a chance to face The Mitz. Hold on who is this...
CM Punks Music plays He enters the ring to boos and says "I am The Champion! I deserve more respect then I am getting didn't you losers see what happens to people who disrespect me The Best in The World?" Vince McMahon Music plays he says "CM Punk when I last looked you was not scheduled in a match tonight but be sure that after what you did on Monday that has not prevented you facing anyone" CM Punk Replies " I am the Champion I could not care less what you have planned for me" Vince replies "you want to play it that way ok I will book you tonight you will face both Daniel Bryan and Sheamus! in a Handicap tag match should you lose you will face them both at Extreme Rules". "your kidding right" CM Punk says then it cuts to the break
After the break
Matches tonight
6 Man Tag Match
DX (HHH, Shawn and X- Pac) vs The Hart Foundation (Bret, Owen Hart and The British Bulldog)
After Cheap taunts and attacks on the Opposition Shawn and X-Pac kept knocking down Bret and Bulldog. DX prevail after HHH Pedigrees Owen Hart. then Bret and Shawn get in each others face. Was a very good match.
Winners DX
Then a all out brawl occurs started by Shawn and Bret Hart and everyone needs to be separated by Security. Shawn shouts out "Bret I want you at Extreme rules!"
One on Two Tag Handicap Match
(C)CM Punk vs Sheamus and Daniel Bryan
Daniel Bryan and Sheamus seem to have communication issues which CM Punk uses to his advantage.
CM Punk then over comes the odds and wins after a bulldog and holding the ropes for leverage on Sheamus
Winner CM Punk
CM Punk says after "you see anyone who feels like a beating come to me at Extreme Rules to face the Best in The WORLD! but remember facing me where weapons are legal is not a good idea..." he leaves the ring with a smug grin on his face chanting "BEST IN THE WORLD"
Tag Match
Dolph Ziggler and Jack Swagger vs Too Cool
Dolph and Swagger showed great Team work and after a ZigZag Ziggler pins Scotty 2 Hotty.
Winners Dolph Ziggler and Swagger
Extreme Rules Match
Jimmy USO vs Antonio Cesaro
Antonio places Jimmys leg multiple times in between a chair and wins after almost breaking his legs. Jimmy had attack him previously on Superstars.
Winner Antonio Cesaro
Cody Rhodes vs Christian
The Mitz joins the Commentators watching the match
Good match between these two look like they blame each other for not being the Intercontinental Champion. Cody ends up getting one up on Christian after Cross rhodeing him to pin him 1..2..3.
Winner Cody Rhodes
The Mitz just looks on at him they have a stare down.

Sorry simmed a week by mistake
3 weeks till Extreme Rules
Welcome to Raw is War and to the new Era of WWE where the Past superstars vs the current. After last week we determined the Champions and CM Punk beat Cena with a controversial win to become The WWE Champion.
Also The New Age Outlaws Beat Kofi and R-Truth to become World Tag Team Champioms. Scott Hall won a Battle Royal to become The United States Champion. Also on Smackdown The Miz proved himself in a battle royal for The Intercontinental Championship. Trish become The first Womens Champion when the title was just given to her.
Vince McMahon Music plays He Enters the Ring and looks like he has something to say. He starts by saying "well Ladies and Gents welcome again to the new Era of WWE and as we all know there is still the WWE #1 Contender decision to be made" Sheamus Music playshe walks to the ring saying "hold it right there fella before you decided anything I want to face CM Punk I never liked that guy and the way he won last week he is not worthy of that belt" Daniel Bryan Music plays Vince says "Now What!" Daniel Bryan comes in saying "Vince don't make this guys face Punk he will only lose I am clearly a better wrestler then the whole locker room even better then the legends here" Vince says "this is what I will do tonight you and Sheamus will have a #1 Contenders match in Raws Main event whoever wins will Face CM Punk in a Extreme Rules Match at Extreme Rules!"
After The Break
Road Dogg and Billy Gunn bump into Kofi and R-Truth Road Dogg says "well... well look who it is the former Tag Champions!" Kofi says "you won by luck last week you think your the best tag team Champions it all about now and you are both just old timers" Billy says "reaaaally well look who has the belts now? how about tonight we beat you again and if you somehow beat us we will let you fight us at Extreme Rules for these belts". Road Dogg then says "If your not down with that you can go suuuuuck it!"
Matches tonight
Tag Team
Non Title
(C)New Age Outlaws vs Kofi and R-Truth
Excellent team work shown by Kofi and R-Truth it pays of as they make regular tags in and manage to get a pin over the Champions getting their re-match at Extreme Rules. R-Truth gave Road Dogg Truth or Consequences and Pinned him
Winners Kofi and R-Truth
They celebrate together after their hard earned win can they keep this momentum up?
Shawn Micheals w/ HHH vs Bret Hart w/ Owen Hart
Very good Match which could of gone either way end result was Bret Hart winning after two Piledrivers to Shawn.
Winner Bret Hart
While Bret and Owen Celebrate it is shortly ruined when Shawn Sweet chins Bret Hart from behind and HHH Pedigrees Owen. Shawn says repeatedly to Bret "you think your better then me you got lucky!" and HHH gloats over Owen Hart laying on the ground.
Think things will be getting messy after this.
The Rock vs Stone Cold
After Mankind interferes Double arm DDTing Stone Cold helping The Rock who reluctently Pins Stone Cold
Winner The Rock
After The Rock looks at Mankind and says "did I need your help? don't do that again" he walks off leaving Mankind looking confused he says "thought we was friends?"
Non Title Match
(C) Scott Hall vs Ken Shamrock
Well this match was good Ken and Scott fought long and hard. Ken thoughts was if he managed to pin the champ this could get him in the title picture for the United States Championship. After The Big show for what ever reason decided to intervene and cost Scott his match with a K.O punch to his face.
Winner Ken Shamrock
#1 Contenders Match
Sheamus vs Daniel Bryan
CM Punk shocked everyone by interfering in this match and GTS Sheamus then a Anaconda Device on Bryan causing the match to be canceled.
Winner No contest
He says after " Sheamus who do you think you are bad mouthing me and Goatface you claim you can beat me? look at both of you, both of your disrespect got you both knocked out BEST IN THE WORLD nobody will take this from me nobody!" he then leaves the ring smiling saying "Best in World"
What will be done now there still not a #1 Contender to face Punk. Some may think this was his initial plan.
Show goes off air
Sunday, March 31, 2013

Sorry about Smackdown I skipped the show by mistake
Welcome to Royal Rumble and what a night we have! Bobby Roode will now defend his title against Undertaker and Alberto Del Rio and John Cena will face Ryback. First we have the United States Championship on the line.
United States Championship
(C)Kane vs Seth Rollins
Seth takes early control of the match by working on Kanes legs then Kane gets back in the game after aback breaker to Seth. Kane has many close calls and Seth does seem to be dominating him.
But after a reversal Kane Chokeslams Seth to retain.
Winner and Still the United States Champion Kane
Tag Team Championship
(C)The Shield vs SOS
The Shield show Great Team work with frequent tags and beat SOS after a devastating Spear from Roman.
Winners and Still the Tag Team Champions The Shield
Divas Championship
(C) Eve vs Beth Phoenix
Winner and new Diva Champion Beth Phoenix
Intercontinental Championship
(C) Randy Ortan vs Austin Aries
Randy starts the match by doing a RKO right away looks like he wants this match over as quickly as possible. Austin then starts working on Randys arms. After it becomes a grapple war then they both perform suplexes on each other. Austin Then makes Randy tap out to prove he can beat him one on one.
Winner by submission and New Intercontinental Champion Austin Aries
Austin just says repeatedly "I told you I can beat you!"
Backstage Austin sees Bobby getting ready for his match and says "well I told you Randy retained by a fluke now I wonder if you will be able to handle dealing with both Undertaker and Alberto I could always help" Bobby replies with "Well done on your win don't worry about me we may be partners but I don't need your help this title belongs to me" and Bobby walks off. Austin just looks on saying "ok whatever you say man".
World Heavyweight Championship
Triple Threat
(C) Bobby Roode vs Alberto Del Rio vs Undertaker
Very good match all men have scores to settle. Undertaker mistimes a attempt to put Alberto through a announcer table. Alberto and Undertaker take turns arm locking Bobby.n The Team work does not last long when Alberto and Bobby double team Undertaker. Bobby and Alberto notice they can't keep Undertaker down and the only way to end the match is to double team him. After the match finally ends when Alberto kicks Bobby out of the ring then small packages a beaten Undertaker for the 3 count.
Match lasted 20mins
Winner and New World Heavyweight Champion Alberto Del Rio
Bobby looks livid and attacks Alberto after the match saying "you never pinned me! this should of been just me and you!". Austin then comes out saying "should of allowed me to help" and Bobby just walks past him saying "don't piss me off!"
WWE Championship
(C)John Cena vs Ryback
This match is the match everyone was waiting for Ryback has showed dominance and now he finally got his first title shot.
Ryback seem to put his focus on Cena's legs after while Cena gets back in the game after a scoop slam and starts working on Ryback legs and arms. There a lot of reversing and attacks on legs from both sides. Cena AAs Ryback through the announcer table and then they both return to the ring where they start performing submissions on each other. Both men refuse to give in to submissions. Cena then does a comback move on Ryback but Ryback kicks out of the pin attempt after. Then Cena AA Ryback again to then pin him 1...2...3
Match lasted 20 mins
Winner and still WWE Champion John Cena
Then Roman Reigns come out from behind Cena and gives him a Power Bomb of Justice saying "you keep that belt warm for me believe in The Shield!"
Main Event
Royal Rumble
This is the match where dreams are made and shattered. Mark Henry and Christian start the match. Jey Uso then enters after it Dajavu. Santino comes in after Dajavu is first to be eliminated Then David Otunga comes in shortly after Mark Henry gets eliminated. Christian is trying his best to get Santino out but he resists. Primo then comes in and Santino if eliminated shortly after both Primo and Outuga get Elminated then Ted comes in later Khali comes in. Christian then eliminates Jay Uso then Brodus Clay comes in and gets Killswitched by Christian. Christian is look very dominate after getting Khali out. Cody comes and after all Christians work he gets eliminated by Brodus who did not take a liking to being killswitched. Shelton then make his entrance. Then The Great One comes in The Rock. Damian Sandow then comes in. Shelton gets eliminated by Ted then Cody cheekley eliminates The Rock and Jinder comes in shortly after Brodus gets out Ted. Jack Swagger then comes in after Sheamus makes his entrance. Swagger then eliminates Cody and Sheamus eliminates Damian Yoshi Tatsu then comes in Swagger eliminates Sheamus then Batista comes in to everyone shock! he eliminates Jinder Cactus Jack then comes in. After Brodus gets eliminated by Batista Chris Jericho then makes his entrance Yoshi get eliminated by Jericho then Tensai comes in. Batisa then eliminates Swagger. Then trouble come in CM Punk. Daniel Bryan is #24 Batista then throws out Cactus Jack his debut is looking good. #25 is Big Show Batista throws out Jericho shortly after Tensai throws out Bryan #26 is Justin Batista throws out Punk. Then Sin Cara comes in at #27 Justin eliminates Tensai things are getting tense now Epico is #28 #29 is The Mitz. Big Show gets out Batista and Justin. So who is 30 it's Rey Mysterio! It now or never the final five are Big Show,Epico,The Mitz Rey and Sin Cara. Big Show gets out Epico 4 men left now. Big Show throws out Sin Cara and The Mitz throws out Rey!. Big Show eliminates The Miz so finally he getting what he wants!
He Say after "I said that I wanted a title shot and nobody took notice now they have no choice but to give me what I want at the grandest stage of them all it was worth the wait!"
Winner The Big Show

4 Weeks till Vengence
Welcome to Raw is War! and What a Epic PPV we had and tonight is no different. There's a #1 Contenders match between Edge and Test to challenge for the Intercontinental Championship. Also have Tag Action from the New Age Outlaws and The Acolytes.
Bret Harts Music Plays he comes in with Owen Hart and says "ok so everyone talking about Undertaker and Jericho's epic match what about me I deserve to be next in line for a title shot!" Chris Jerichos music plays he enters and says "shut the hell up! Please you deserve a title shot? Really you the and I quote Hitman you really piss me off demanding this and that when only one man deserves that belt and that's me of course duh!" Owen then says "how about the Hitman kicks your sorry *** tonight!" Bong! it the champion Undertaker! He enters the ring and says " Chris Jericho I have proven you cannot defeat me one on one but Bret Hart you get beaten up by my worthless brother and think you can even survive facing me it would only be a early grave for you". The Gm then enters saying "ok as I have not decided yet who will face Undertaker I have decided tonight Bret Hart with Owen as his Manager will Face Chris Jericho with Undertaker as his Manager!". Chris and Bret Hart have a stare down before it cuts to the break.
After the break
Stephanie McMahon vs Brie Bella
Winner Brie Bella
Tag Match
Mankind and Mr McMahon vs Rikishi and (C) Paul Wight
Paul is another traitor of the Corporation so Vince is looking for revenge. But Rikishi and Paul over power Mankind and Rikishi Rikishi Drives Mankind to win.
Winners Rikishi and Paul Wight
Tag Match
New Age Outlaws vs The Acolytes
These two teams can't stand each other and Road Dogg seems content with aggravating Bradshaw by continually hitting him of his corner. It pays of after a while he Pumphandle Drops Faarooq and picks up a win.
Winners New Age Outlaws
After Road Dogg and Billy celebrate showing what great team and friends they are. Road Dogg says after "Edge and Christian you have something that belongs to us and at Vengeance we will be taking it"
#1 Contenders Match
(C)Edge vs Test
Chris Benoit attacks Test as he makes his entrance and Edge is just confused. looks like Christ wants in on The Intercontinetal Title.
#1 Contender Match
Chris Benoit vs (C)Edge
Chris Benoit intrusion makes Edge off his guard and Benoit After two Diving headbutts Chris wins by pinfall.
Winner Chris Benoit
Main Event
One on One w/ Manager
Bret Hart w/ Owen Hart vs Chris Jericho w/ (C)Undertaker
Undertaker and Owen Have a fight outside the ring and are asked to leave (Ejected). Bret Hart beats Jericho after two Piledrivers.
Winner Bret Hart

4 Week till Vengence
Welcome to WCW after our amazing PPV there a lot of bad blood going around the locker room. The Nwo almost screwed their way through every title defense except for one. Goldberg made a statement by defeating DDP and will tonight face Stone Cold Steve Austin. Goldberg has yet to lose a match since his return two months ago. Also John Cena managed to win The WCW Title back and I bet Hogan is not happy with that.
Jeff Hardys Music plays He enters the ring with Matt and says "Kevin Nash you screwed me again! I promise at Vengeance there will be Vengence against someone!"
Matt then says "well as Kevin is too scared to come out tonight Jeff how about tonight me and you face off for old time sake?" Jeff says "that sounds good seeing as you let your guard down at TLC!" Matt says "what did you say?" "oh nothing" Jeff says "look forward to seeing you tooooonight! Let make it end with a bang!"
After the break
Stone Cold vs Goldberg
The Rock Interferes by Rock Bottoming Goldberg costing him his match
Winner Stone Cold Steve Austin
Rock says after "Golberg you will not fight anyone before me you think you deserve a title shot before me? The Great One? this goes out to you too Austin". He then Rock Bottoms Stone Cold.
Non Title Match
(C) Scott Hall vs Brian Pillman
Scott Hall for once without the aid of the NWO wins and shows he fine without help by making Brian Tap out.
Winner by Submission Scott Hall
He says after "John Cena better watch his back he is a marked man as for trash like Pillman they don't know who they dealing with how about this at Vengence I face nobody as it pointless this belt is going nowhere and never will leave my waist!"
Sabu vs Scott Steiner
Scott attacks Sabu from behind before the match started and wins after brutally beating him up and throwing him around the ring to camel clutch him.
Winner by Submission Scott Steiner
Goldust vs Chavo Guerrero
Winner Chavo Guerrero
Main Event
Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy
Great match both men know each other well it takes Jeff two Twist of Fates and Swantons to put Matt down but it is eventually ruined when Vader comes in and passes Jeff a Chair and Jeff tries to hit Matt but then RVD comes in to help him.
Winner Jeff Hardy
Jeff says going backstage with his new friend Vader "I am done carrying you Matt! this is faaar from over!"
Looks like Team Extreme have split up The crowd are shocked by the split.

Royal Rumble this Sunday
Welcome to Raw, and we have the GM here to tell us who is chosen to face John Cena at Royal Rumble on the road to Wrestlemania it is out of The Rock, Big Show, CM Punk, Romen Reigns and Ryback. We Have R-Truth vs Roman Reigns tonight in the Main Event after SOS screwed the Shield last week R-truth better be careful.
Tonight we Have Kane vs Rey Mysterio in a tables match! and The Rock and Bigs how square off in a Extreme Rules Match!.
The GM enters the ring and Say "so finally I have made a decision and have chosen... Ryback music Plays He comes out and enters the ring The GM says this is the man to face Cena at Royal Rumble. Jack Swaggers music plays and he says "hold on one damn minute how about I beat Ryback right now to show Cena and Ryback that they will be dealing with me at Mania!"
Ryback just says "Feed me More!" and the GM confirms that Ryback will fight Swagger here and now!
Jack Swagger vs Ryback
Ryback knocks out the ref by mistake but he uses this to his advantage and gives Swagger multiple chair shots and finishes of Swagger with a Shellshock.
Winner Ryback
After the Break
CM Punk looks livid at the decision Ryback will face Cena Sunday he says to the GM "what the hell was you doing I had my title stolen from me and you do this to the best in the world who do you think your are" The Gm replies "I am The GM of Raw that's who I am, not you now deal with it or win the Royal Rumble" CM Punk says "Don't worry I will and get my title back from whoever wins Sunday on the grandest stage of them all BEST IN THE WORLD!" he chants then walks off.
Non Title Match
Table Match
Rey Mysterio vs (C)Kane
Seth Rollins in mid match interfere and costs Kane his match by Spearing him. After Rey drives Kane through a Table not really appreciating the interference then Seth Spears Rey.
Seth Rollins says "Kane it was a injustice you even hold that belt and at Royal Rumble Justice will be served!" He continues to assault Kane.
Seems also Kane has done a Face Turn.
The Rock is walking and bumps into Big Show. Big Show says "so you think your going to win the Rumble I am guessing well get that idea out of your head because I will be the one winning it!" The Rock says "shut the hell up! it's about tonight right now I will focus on winning the Rumble Sunday tonight me and you will go Extreme, now I have few last words for you you big fat jelly babie, If you smell what the Rock is cooking!" he then walks off.
Tag Match
Zack Ryder and Daniel Bryan vs The Miz and Seth Rollins
Daneil Bryan betrays Zack Ryder by leaving him to defend for himself.
Handicap Match
Zack Ryder vs The Miz and Seth Rollins
Seth just sits back watches the Mitz pick up a easy win after a Skull Crushing Finale
Winners The Mitz and Seth Rollins
Extreme Rules Match
The Rock vs Big Show
This two have been at blows in the past few weeks, both after the same thing but finding out they are not chosen decided that they would take their frustrations out on each other. Big Show gets hit with the bell many times.
Many weapons was used and the bloody match finally ended when The Rock 'Rock Bottoms' Big Show through the announcer table then does a Spine Buster followed by a Peoples Elbow to win by pinfall in the ring.
Winner The Rock
Main Event
R-Truth vs (C) Roman Reigns
Roman completely destroys R-Truth by Spearing him followed by a Power Bomb of Justice and feet on the ropes for leverage.
Winner Roman Reigns
After the match he for whatever reason tries to shake R-Truths hand by R-Truth as expected just slaps his hand.
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Welcome to Judgement Day, Tonight we have some great Main Events one being a I Quit Match The Champion Undertaker vs Chris Jericho and the other a Last Man Standing Match Champion Hollywood Hogan vs John Cena!.
Golbergs Music Plays Whats he doing here? He enters the ring and says "So I been hearing that everyone getting title shots but me since I returned I have been beating every man in my path and yet still not given a shot!" DDPs Music Plays He enters the ring and says "ok Goldberg one you have not beaten me and two you could never beat me! but how about now me and you go one on one" Goldberg responds with "guess what DDP? Your Next!" a fight starts in the ring and ref starts the match...
DDP vs Goldberg
This match was unscheduled but it is taking place.
Goldberg dominates the match and wins after a Jack Hammer followed by a Spear.
Winner Goldberg
Goldberg says after "DDP done now who's Next!" then all of a sudden The Rocks music plays and The Rock comes out staring at him smiling. There's a stare down now the question is where will this lead to?
Brief Back story
Well Scott's old rival Eddie won a #1 Contenders match to get here and Scott has been up to his old tricks cheapshotting Eddie. Will Eddie finally knock Scott down a peg and Help WCW get back their titles from the NWO or will he lose yet another match against his rival Scott.
Extreme Rules Match Anything Goes
United States Championship
(C)Scott Hall vs Eddie Guerrero
Scott Hall screws Eddie big time after Kevin Nash comes in mid match and Jacknifes Eddie. There was nothing the referee could do as it no DQ match and everyone watched as Eddie got out numbered and beaten by The NWO.
Winner and Still WCW United States Champion Scott Hall
They continue their beat down on Eddie and then leave. Scott says "this is what happens Holmes! to people who get involved in NWO Business!".
Brief Back story
This match was decided just a week ago after The NWO stole the Titles of Team Extreme. Team Extreme get their rematch claus but will it be enough to get their titles back as well as bringing them back to WCW?
WCW World Tag Championship
(C)NWO (Kevin and Buff) vs Team Extreme (Jeff and Matt Hardy)
After what Kevin did earlier The NWO are still play dirty anything to win attitude and Kevin gets himself DQed on purpose to retain by low blowing Jeff!
Winners by DQ Team Extreme and Still The WCW Tag Champions The NWO
Kevin says after the match to Jeff guess we stole your titles again!" Then Kevin and Buff get into a fight with Jeff and Matt then Scott assists by low blowing Matt from behind then Kevin Jack Knifes Jeff. Then The NWO walk of enjoying the boos from the disappointed crowd.
Brief Back story
Paul Wight has been a 6 time Intercontinental Champion after claiming his 6th time getting it against Owen Hart. Now he will face HHH and Edge who has been sending a message to both men in the past 2 weeks. Will Paul become a 7 time Champion or will HHH become a 3 time champion or will Edge become champion for the first time?
Triple Threat Match
Falls Count Anywhere
Intercontinental Championship
Triple H vs (C)Paul Wight vs (C)Edge
Edge made statement and holds his ground well as well as HHH in this match Paul seems to be the target of both men. after HHH gets Knocked out of ring Paul and Edge fight till HHH returns back in. Edge Spears HHH but his pin gets kicked out of. Then later HHH Pile drives Paul but his pin attempt is broken by Edge. The match go back and forth for a while pin after pin is broken. The match seems to have some many pin attempts seems each man is desperate to win. This match could go any way all men fought well but the end result was Paul Wight retaining to become the Intercontinental Champion a 7th time After a deadly Chokeslam on Edge. HHH could not break the pin quick enough.
Winner and Still The Intercontinental Champion Paul Wight
Brief Back story
Now these two men have some much hatred for each other that it was decided after they lost last week to have a match tonight. They both have a score to settle Who will be the better man tonight and will the score really be settled after?
Falls Count Anywhere match
Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart
There was a great performance put on by both men this match seemed like a title match. I guess considering the caliber in the ring this was expected. These men performed various grapples on each other throughout the match. Shawn showed of his Quickness and High risk ability and Bret showed his technical ability. Shawn Tried to put Bret through the announcer table but was reversed by Bret who planted him through it. Then Shawn brought in a table but was hit by Bret then Piledrived but Shawn kicked from the pin attempt. After Brawling Shawn Drop Kicks Bret from the top turnbuckle. He then Neck breaks him and prepares him for a Sweet Chin Music to win!
Winner 'The Heart Break Kid' Shawn Micheals
Shawn Micheals celebrates getting one up on his long term rival he says after "ok... I am usually a modest person then laughs but Bret you can just go suck it... oh wait forgot you already sucked on my foot in your face!" he also says "you think Kane is your problem you just made me another one this is still not over and never will be I will always be better then you!" Bret then gets up to try sharp shoot Shawn but he swiftly exits the ring smiling and saying " I am better then you punk suck it!" Then flames burst and Kane comes from behind Shawn and chokeslams him to the ground then just stands there staring at Bret but then Owen Hart comes in and Piledrives Kane saying "not so fast!" he then goes to see if his brother is ok.
What will be the repercussions of this?
Brief Back story
Jericho for many months had cheaply held this title and had never shut up about it. He claimed he could beat Taker one on one but when it came down to it they had never faced each other one on one without someone being involved. Chris lost his title after The GM gave him a taste of his own medicine by making his enemy Dude Love a special Referee in his match. Jericho's plan to get rid of Mankind had backfired as he was told Dude Love can get a shot when ever he wants as it was Mankind under the stipulation of no title shot for a year. But Jericho last week won a fatal 4 way to become #1 contender for the title and Undertaker wanted to face him in this match type. So who will face the utter embarrassment of quitting in the career ending match where anything and everything goes.
I Quit Match
Undisputed Championship
(C) Undertaker vs Chris Jericho
A fantastic match Undertaker controlled the match throughout being the crowd favorite to win. He superplexes Jericho from the top turn buckle out side but Jericho resists quitting after. Undertaker dominates him but Jericho resists all the time. Then Jericho smashes Undertaker multiple time with a chair begging him to stay down but Undertaker does not say the words. Jericho results to cheap tactics but nothing can keep The Deadman down. Undertakes control of the match again after another superplex to Jericho but he does not quit. Jericho then does The Walls of Jericho but Undertaker will not quit. Jericho tries everything he can performs a Lion tamer twice on the dead man but Undertaker will not says the words. Jerichos frustrations get the better of him when he lunges for taker who revers him into a Chokeslam. Undertaker then Chokeslams Jericho again and then tombstones him to finally make him quit.
Match lasted a record 35 mins!
Winner and Still The Undisputed Champion Undertaker!
Jericho surprises everyone by dragging himself all bloody and wounded to shake Undertakers hand saying "this... is... not ..over!". Undertaker staggers all bloody and shows good sportsmanship shaking it back saying "I... said... I...would... end... you!".
This was morally out of respect doubt it means they are best friends by a long shot.
Brief Back story
Since a very strange tag match two months ago Cena and Hogan have bee at each other throats. Now Hogan became Champion beating DDP and Austin in a TLC match. The NWOs influence on Hogan has changed him so DDP says. Now his arch rival Cena won a #1 Contenders match. This is the match that is not just about the title it about beating the living hell out of each other. Who will be the last man standing? Can Cena take the WCW title back to WCW or will the NWO be keeping this title for longer?
Last Man Standing Match
WCW World Heavyweight Championship
(C) Hollywood Hogan vs John Cena
Both men were trying to out do each other this match was just as intense as the previous match. Both men priority was to beat the living hell out of each other. Hogan was taunting Cena throughout the match. This has to be one of the most brutal matches I have seen. it took alot from both men to wear each other out. Cena F-Us Hogan to finally put him down!
Match lasted 20 min
Winner and New WCW World Heavyweight Champion John Cena
Cena Says after "Finally I proved I am the better man!" then the rest of the NWO surround Cena. But then The WCW superstars come in to back up Cena! and send The NWO packing with Hogan.
The Show goes off air
Friday, March 22, 2013

2 weeks till Royal Rumble
Well tonight we have a rematch between Austin and Christian in our main event. Also Sheamus has requested a Falls Count Anywhere match tonight against Alberto Del Rio.
The Shield are due in for some tag action and they have shown how dominant they are in this division and it looks like Roman has his sights on The WWE Title! The GM still has not decided who will face John Cena yet we will find out next week.
First we have singles action...
Wade Barrett vs Cactus Jack
Mark Henry interferes in this match costing Cactus Jack his match after giving him a Worlds Strongest slam when the ref was not looking. Looks like things are far from over between them after Mark lost against him few weeks back trying to add him to his Hall of Pain.
Winner Wade Barrett
Non Title Match
Tag Match
(C)The Shield (Dean and Roman vs The USOS (Jey and Jimmy USO)
SOS come in mid match screwing the Shield out of their match. Guess there's still Bad Blood from when the Shield took their titles.
Winners The USOs
The Shield then run after SOS backstage.
Triple Threat
Yoshi Tatsu vs Santino Marella vs The Great Khali
Winner The Great Khali
Falls Count Anywhere Match
Alberto Del Rio vs Sheamus
Sheamus come rusing in to attack Alberto, he then throws him out of the ring. After throws him into the steps and Spears him through the barricade and plants him through the announcer table. Alberto then gives him hits with a Kendo stick and Step after tries to make him tap with a Arm Lock but Sheamus resists. Sheamus later gives Alberto a White Noise then a Brogue Kikc to win.
Winner Sheamus
Main Event
Christian vs Austin Aries
Wade Barrett joins Commentary to watch the match
Wade Trash talks about how Aries does not deserve a shot against Randy and how he is better then both Christian and Aries. Then Aries gets in argument with Wade which makes him lose focus and Christian then Kill Switches him to win.
Winner Christian
Christian says " I may not be able to face Ortan but that does not matter what matters more is winning the Rumble!"
Thursday, March 21, 2013

Judgement Day This Sunday
Shawn Micheals music plays He enters the ring and says "so Undertaker you think your funny doing what you did last week, I am here to ask the GM to grant me a match against Undertaker Sunday" Chris Jerichos music plays he enters the ring and says "you what! Tell me I did not here you say you want to face Undertaker if you don't know I was screwed out of my title so I will face undertaker not you!" Bret Harts Music plays He enters the ring and says "blah Blah Jericho you sure do whine a lot for months we had to hear your constant babbling about great you are and yet you don't hold the title so give someone who can beat taker a chance" Flames burn Kane stands at the ramp looking at everyone and then pacing to the ring but before anything kicks off the GM comes out saying "hold it right there Kane! unless you do not want a chance to face your brother" Kane stops and looks at the GM. The GM then says tonight Chris Jericho, Bret Hart, Shawn, Kane will be in a #1 contenders match whoever wins will face Undertaker at Judgement Day!". They all look at each other before the break.
After the break
Edge bumps into Ken and Bossman and Ken says "you think you deserve a shot at Paul huh you may of beaten Bossman but you have yet to beat me so how about if I beat you tonight your shot goes to me!" Edge replies with "how about when I Educate you to the ground tonight I still get my shot Sunday" The GM then comes in and says "Edge, HHH will be facing Paul at Sunday but tonight you and Ken will fight for the third spot" "your kidding right HHH gets in without having to work for it whatever I will beat Ken tonight anyway" he then walks off.
Tag Team Match
Acolytes (Bradsaw and Faarooq) vs Too Cool
Winners The Acolytes
Falls Count Anywhere Match
Shane McMahon vs D-Von
Shanes still bitter at how quickly he was replaced by his father and challenges D-Von to this match.
D-Von attacks Shane from behind at the start and then brutally attack Shane. After hitting Shane with the steps and a sledgehammer he win by pinfall.
Winner D-Von
Vince come out clapping for D-Von saying "this is why you do not piss me off" He then stomps out his son and smiles while doing so.
Qualifying match for Judgment Day Intercontinental Championship Title Shot
(C)Edge vs Ken Shamrock
Bossman joins commentary rooting for his Tag Partner Ken. He trash talks Edge throughout the match.
Edge shows some spirit in this match and uses high flying and quickness to defeat Ken. He finishes him off with 2 Educations and 2 Spears.
Winner and #2 Contender Edge
Bossman then tries to attack Edge but Edge ducks and Educates him. He then celebrates saying Paul and HHH you both going down Judgement Day!"
Non Title Match
HHH vs (C)Paul Wight
Paul and HHH have a great match in the end it takes HHH 2 Pedigrees to put down Paul.
Winner HHH
After Paul tries to cheapshot HHH but HHH knocks him out of the ring. Then Edge comes running in from behind and Educates HHH followed by a Spear.
Main Event
Fatal 4 way #1 Contenders Match
Chris Jericho vs Bret Hart vs Shawn Michaels vs Kane
High stakes are in this match looks like thing will turn very nasty and fast after last week. It's a all out brawl nobody like anyone in this match. Jericho tries a quick pin on Shawn but he kicks out. Bret is busy going after Kane and we all know why. Later Jericho slaps Kane and Kane just looks at him before getting low blowed by Jericho. Bret and Shawn fight and perform various grapples on each other. Jericho then tries to pin Kane to no success. Shawn and Jericho seem strong in this match.Shawn give Bret a Sweet Chin Music but picks him up then they get in small package war. While this is Happening Kane and Jericho fight outside. The Shawn and Bret take their fight outside and Shawn gets planted through the announcer table. The crowd are cheering to the match they are seeing. Later Jericho makes Kane tap out to the Walls of Jericho to win!
Winner and #1 Contender Chris Jericho
Jericho says after "You see that I coming to get what Undertaker took from me! GM Music plays The Gm says "Jericho I have had a request from Undertaker should you win this match which you have Undertaker wants you in a I Quit Match!" Bong! Undertaker comes at the ramp saying "Jericho finally our long awaited match has come this time I will end you!" it goes dark then Undertaker appears behind Jericho and tombstones him.
Finally Undertaker gets his wish of fighting Jericho one on one but maybe Jericho may wish he had never won now.

Judgement Day This Sunday
The NWO Music plays They all enter the ring and Hogan says "So Cena must be suicide wanting to face me Sunday Brother, if he thinks he better then the hulkster he either on druga or just plain stupid!" Scott says "well Eddie Guerrero is another person who never learns and Sunday I will beat him to death in our anything goes match" The GM then enters and says "ok as Judgement day draws near I have decided this PPV will have Hogan vs Cena in a Last Man Standing Match!" The GM adds "Tonight Hogan will face Cena One on One and Scott will face Eddie Guerrero one on one in both Non title matches". The GM also says "oh I forgot as Hogan and Scott have matches Sunday, Kevin and Buff will defend those tag belts against Team Extreme Sunday!"
After the Break
BackstageJeff says to Matt " are you ready for Sunday we get our chance to get our Tag Titles back!" "yeah I am but tonight I have a match with Sabu to worry about bro!" replies Matt "ok make sure you kick his *** as we both will be kicking *** Sunday!" says Jeff.
Mark Henry vs Kurt Angle
After Bubba Ray,Hawks and Vaders brutal attack on Angle last month he back in action after suffering career threating injuries. He returns on a high and wins a very hard fought battle by doing 3 German Suplexes and a Angle lock.
Winner by submisson Kurt Angle
Gangrel for some reason attacks both Henry and Angle after the match. Must still be feeling angry about being defeated by Henry twice.
Chainsaw Charlie vs Chavo Guerrero
Chavo show some good in ring moves enabling to defeat Godfathers tag partner after two 3 Amigos and 2 Frog Splashes as well.
Winner Chavo Guerrero
Matt Hardy vs Sabu
Matt Hardy goes strong but then Kevin Nash come in and costs him his match.
Winner Sabu
After Buff runs in to attack Matt as well but then Jeff comes in and Twists of Fates Buff and Kevin. Matt after Extreme Legs Drops Kevin then Jeff Swanton Bombs Buff.
They say after "this is taste of Judgment Day for you all!"
Non Title Match
(C)Scott Hall vs Eddie Guerrero
Eddie comes rushing on his entrance and tackle Scott and starts puching him show how much Eddie hates him. Then Scott reverses him and starts returning the favour. Looks like Scott will win till Eddies does a spring board and take control of the match. Eddie later after doing The 3 Amigos followed by a Frogsplash wins with a Texas clover Leaf by submission.
Winner by Submission Eddie Guerrero
Eddie says after the match "Holms, this time I will beat you and bring the title where it belongs! He then leaves with momentum for Judgement Day.
Main Event
Non Title Match
(C) Hollywood Hogan vs John Cena
Two people who are bitter about each other collide just before their match Sunday. This match makes you think it's Sunday already, it goes back and forth throughout. The end result is Hogan acts like he wants to shake hands with Cena and a gullible Cena falls for it Hogan then kicks him in the gut and Leg Drops him to win
Winner Hollywood Hogan
Hogan says after "you see Cena, you will never learn never trust the NWO! at Judgment day brother it's the end of the line for you I will be the man standing with this still! Now what you going to do about that brother!" He stamps out Cena some more and leaves smiling.
Show goes Off Air
Wednesday, March 20, 2013

2 weeks till Royal Rumble
The Rocks Music plays He enters the ring and says "Well Big Show , Ryback and Punk are all after Cena and his title" he adds "but what about the Rock! I guess it does not matter as I will win the Rumble to beat whoever s sorry *** at mania!" Big shows music plays He enters the ring saying "you think you will win the Rumble? your kidding right? anyway how about tonight I break you in half like I did last week to Triple H" "Sorry did I hear something" The Rock Replies "oh wait I did I heard BS just then ok heres my answer for you!" he Rock Bottoms Big Show and then says "You want to face the Great One tonight so be it punk!" he then leaves the ring.
After the Break
Backstage CM Punk is talking to the GM "hey so I am getting my title shot right, like I deserve?" says Punk "excuse me? who's in charge here me or you?" says the GM "I have not decided who will face Cena yet, but tonight you can face Kane in a Non Title match" "your kidding Kane got nothing to do with this!" Punk says "do I look like I am kidding?" says the GM "now I have better things to do then to stand here talking, good luck in your match!". Punk just looks on and walks off mumbling "whatever".
Antonio Cesaro vs Dolph Ziggler
Ziggler picks up another win after Brock Lesnar for some reason interfers costing Antonio his match.
Winner Dolph Ziggler
Triple Threat
Primo vs Zack Ryder vs Tensai
Winner Zack Ryder
Shelton Benjamin vs Dajavu
Dajavu attacks Shelton from behind and powerbombs him and then holds the ropes to gain leverage.
Winner Dajavu
Dajavu then gets a chair but Antonio comes in and takes the chair away from him sending him out of the ring but then hits Shelton himself!
Non Title Match
(C) Kane Vs CM Punk
CM Punk wins by using underhand tactics and doing two GTS on Kane.
Winner CM Punk
CM Punk says after " is this what everyone wanted? now give me what I want! my title!"
Main Event
The Rock vs Big Show
Big Show attacks The Rock from behind but this time his attack back fires when The Rock reverses him into a ddt. The match goes on till The Rock teaches Big Show a long a waited lesson after 2 Spine busters and Peoples Elbows.
Winner The Rock
Ryback then appears just staring at The Rock, But CM Punk attacks Ryback from behind. He then looks at the Rock saying "best in the world". It looks like many are after Cena title but only one man can try get it at Royal Rumble.
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