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Someone please tell waspman3 to sort this out!
Monday, September 6, 2010
When you buy a Sports game why do you buy it?
1.)You like the game
2.)You like the developer
3.)Good Price
4.) You've did your homework and compared everything and this IS the best one for the buck.
6.)just gotta have it no matter what.
7.)The physics of the game.
8.)It's popular

Why I ask this is because it seems like there are NOT as many choices but the quality of games is getting better and price going up. Unlike ... Read More
Posted on September 6, 2010 at 02:13 AM.
I'm reading and trying to decipher about the BAP mode between the 2 years. Will they be identical? Looking back now I don't remember anything other than being drafted. What will I need to do to get drafted in 1st round and what games will I need to play? The prospects game I believe? I'm pretty deep into my season now so will try to get that finished up before I pick up the new edition this Tuesday. I don't think I'm going to miss not being able to get online and participating in the HUT mode. Any ... Read More
Posted on September 6, 2010 at 12:04 AM.
Ok have owned and liked playing the NCAA college basketball games but never quite struggled like I am with the Pro version. I'm losing by an average of 15 points but was hoping for more than moral victories at this point. With the college game you can call plays but haven't found out yet how on the Pro 2K10 for the 360. Reckon I'll figure it out but good grief a win here shortly would be nice. Was telling the wife if I do poorly enough I'm assured of a high draft pick. Is that still true if I'm ... Read More
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Posted on September 5, 2010 at 02:56 AM.
Hoping ya'll are fortunate enough to view the few pics of our wedding. That we look that happy is not an accident and to this day are forever will be happy as we are 2 people which have a lot of the same idea's,we don't argue on a regular basis at all,we send each other emails,we tell each other we love each other every day and the list goes on and on. As an added Bonus we like a lot of the same teams which makes it really neat when watching sports. We both Love the Bruins and Cowboys and I'm pretty ... Read More
Posted on September 5, 2010 at 02:28 AM.
No one has mentioned how good/bad that sounded? C'mon give me the scoop.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Posted on September 4, 2010 at 03:46 AM.
Ill be keeping my 2K10 basketball game. Pretty competitive but have started out losing my 1st 2 games. No biggie. Good grief no way to shut down the Celtics. Lost by 20 but literally everything they put up everything went in. 1st game against Spurs I screwed my clock management up after having a 10 point lead and lost by 5. Guess that's how ya learn. Is there a way to draft players on that game as well or can I not doing since I've started the season? What mode would that be in where I can draft. ... Read More
Posted on September 4, 2010 at 12:28 AM.
Starting out our 3 day weekend my wife and I decided to go out and eat chinese. It was good so thought we'd walk next store and see what all they had. What a Gamestop Card,magazine subscription and what 3 4 games later pretty much set the night in motion. We were scheduled to go to see a movie as well to round out the night. Worst movie of the year for me and a waste of movie. The American with George Clooney. Booooooring. Ok so I picked up the 2k10 basketball game. Have never owned a pro basketball ... Read More
Friday, September 3, 2010
Posted on September 3, 2010 at 12:26 AM.
Ok how much more fun is this mode to play as say BAP mode like I'm doing now? I wouldn't mind being able to say draft a Tyler Seguin and get some young guys and go from there. Essentially is that what I'll be doing is drafting a team. Also there'll probably be a a cap limit or am I wrong about that? Really looking forward to exploring this game in less than a week now. I wanna start from scratch and I think I'll try something other than Dynasty or BAP mode and go with the GM mOde. Sounds like fun? ... Read More
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Posted on September 2, 2010 at 01:59 AM.
Blake Hawksworth..Trade him as he's got a lively arm but is not a good fit in a Cardinals uniform. Needs a change of scenery.
Kyle Lohse/Dennis Reyes/Jeff Suppan. What kind of garbage have they given us this year? Not even a chance to win. Reyes alone is like a left handed specialist which I understand but like 50-75 overweight easily. Looks terrible. Brendan Ryan. He's no Ozzie Smith and thats fine but his batting average is the lowest if not hovering around the .200. Simply unacceptable. ... Read More
So I'm watching ESPN and Big Ben for the Steelers wants Roger Goodell to reduce his suspension 3 game instead of the 6 he has now. I don't have an opinion of the QB as a whole but this is not his 1st mistake if you call it that. Pretty serious allegations if I remember correctly to. I do however like Roger Goodell for the way he goes about his business and that being the integrity of the NFL. I'm not saying you have to make an example of Big Ben he'll make one of himself. I don't care if he was ... Read More
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Posted on September 1, 2010 at 11:43 AM.
When oh when will this talk of him ever just completely die? Answer: From everything I'm ready not anytime soon. Say the season starts and he plays like crap can you blame him. There's nothing worse than being somewhere that doesn't want you. I know the league is looking into his 7 year home discount contract he signed late last year. I'm disappointed mgmt won't either get off there *** and get him traded so he can if nothing be closer to his family and move on or say hey we made a mistake (which ... Read More
Posted on September 1, 2010 at 03:22 AM.
I'm enrolled in 6 this year and even though I admit that's far to many I'm really looking forward to rolling up my sleeves and see what happens. I've always been a part of Yahoo leagues whether it be football,baseball,hockey but not this year,so far. A couple with NFL,CBS Sportsline,Fox Sports,ESPN. After this year I should be able to tell which one I like best. Shoot I've still got a couple of hockey ones to get.Maybe we could get some people and join one whether it be football or Hockey,doesn't ... Read More
Posted on September 1, 2010 at 03:04 AM.
I didn't realize by doing a little housecleaning up my site and removing some blog articles that would cause me to lose some points. So sorry. Now I know. So glad to be a part of it wouldn't want to do anything to jeopardize my standing with ya'll. Anyway just let me tell ya'll who have stood by me I'm doing better and better on a daily basis. My wife is still dictating what I can do and what I cant. Needless to say I'm stuck playing video games all days or watch tv if I want. Such is the life ha? ... Read More
Posted on September 1, 2010 at 02:33 AM.
Ok so far so good as I finished 10-3 and won a bowl game. Can't remember. It was the GMAC game and it was against Western Michigan. Just so happens I have them on my schedule so I have an idea how they play already. Defense was the name of the game for me. Haven't always been able to say that. 39-21 I believe. Now starting 2nd season and if there's 2 teams I despise it's Michigan and USC. I just beat Michigan and Michigan St to start my 2nd season. USC should be coming to my place this year so that ... Read More
Posted on September 1, 2010 at 01:58 AM.
Don't get me wrong yes I'm a Cardinals fan but to see them squander the rest of there season away to teams like Houston,Pittsburgh,Washington. Are you kidding me? No seriously this burns my *** in a big way. Great for the Reds and it just so happens my wife likes the Reds and I'm congratulating her on a nightly basis because we can't score,pitch or better yet compete against teams that have no business even still playing. I can't say I watch each and every game but as a sports nut I can usually ... Read More

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