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Why Madden sales are down... 
Posted on August 20, 2010 at 11:08 PM.
The number one reason why madden sales are down is simple...... The majority of madden gamers are of African descent and guess which ethnic group has been the most effected by the economy...... EA knows more than you guys think they know. Why else would they change the music from hip hop to mainstream rock. They are repositioning the franchise because their primary market isn't re- upping. Just my thoughts.
# 1 bnoe1023 @ Aug 21
Haha WTF are you talking about? Is this a joke?
# 2 shadthedad @ Aug 21
At the midnite release which ethic group was represented the most.

@ bone
It isn't a joke my friend, it's the truth
# 3 steinhauser34 @ Aug 21
i never write on peoples blogs or anything but this was just so completely ******** i had to comment on it.. number one majority of madden players are white because the majority of our the world is white..i dont no if you bought ur madden in harlem or what but when i went it was almost all white people, 1 african american, and 3 or 4 latinos. number 2 the soundtrack in madden is based off stadium play lists and they have several hip hop songs on there. If your going to say the majority of madden players are african americans than you damn well better have a reliable source that you can cite, not just a bull**** opinion.
# 4 boritter @ Aug 21
I saw a mom buy Madden at midnight at Walmart. Therefore moms are the demographic that EA targets with Madden.
# 5 steinhauser34 @ Aug 21
im not racist at all and im sorry that i came across that way, i was merely trying to point out that the downward effects of our economy on specific races isnt the reason madden sale are down.
# 6 Eski33 @ Aug 21
Written with ZERO supporting facts. The reason for the music change is that the music included in the game is what is used at the actual stadiums during games.

I feel dumb for having read this and even dumber for writing a response....
# 7 Eski33 @ Aug 21
Dude, the economy impacted everyone...How old are you?
# 8 charter04 @ Aug 21
This is the dumbest thing I have read in a while. Your not racist, just stupid. I don't know if you know this or not but African Americans are call a minority. Do you know what that word means? White people are a majority. Do you know what that word means? African Americans represent about 10 to 20 percent of the population in the US. Even less in other parts of the world where Madden sells a lot. There is no way they could have sold that many copy's over the years if what you say is true. I am white by the way and I bought Madden. Plus as someone said the economy has been hard on all of us. Please think before you type. I have an equal number of African Americans as Whites on my Xbox live friends list.
# 9 shadthedad @ Aug 21
Whoa, whoa!
Racist? I have tons of African American friends, so to call me a racist is unjust. Like I mentioned, these are only my thoughts and I would bet the house that over 60 percent of maddens install base is African American.

MM Chris, please help me out here. I think this is a valid point. Do I have the, but Its pretty obvious. I've been documenting this from year to year, and I bet if you would talk to your local gamestop they will tell you the numbers. I spoke to the manager at a gamestop prior to release and he said they had over 500 reserves for Madden 11. I drove to that gamestop an hour before release and it was about 200 people in line! Guess the ethnicity...... Also, another valid point is that the majority of these gamers have yet to play any madden online and do not have Broadband Internet. This is due to either education or money. There are numbers on that.

And for the people who scream iPhone or call of duty....Caucasians are buying those toys. Look at the lines and reserves prior to release and don't give me any kick back about seeing a couple of African Americans or Hispanics standing in line either. They represent the minority for those pieces of tech, but when it comes to Madden the African American male is the majority by far. Why do you think David Ortiz was lead producer for so long.....with zero experience........ Who were they trying to market to.... Look at the vast changes Ian has made since being at the helm? Who are they marketing too now?
# 10 shadthedad @ Aug 21
Obviously, the economy impacted everyone, but certain groups were hit a heck of a lot harder than some. Let's look at NBA 2K, are you suggesting that just because a grope represents a minority in society that this same group could not represent the majority for an NBA basketball game? I double dare you to take that side. I would eat you up so quickly, thus exposing my proper age through my teeth marks. Madden lacks the urban feel that used to make it great, couple that with a bad economy and the vast majority of African Americans who used to buy the title blindly are leaving in droves.
# 11 Eski33 @ Aug 21
First, to state that a game is taking a sales hit because a majority of the people who play said game are black without any statistics to back it up is idiotic. You state that "you bet at least 60% of the people who buy Madden are African American". The term "bet" is not factual.

Also, how do you know the African American community was hardest hit during these trying economic times? Where are the facts to back that up?

Stating your opinion is fine but to single out a specific race without any factual data to back it up is not smart.

In my opinion, if Madden's sales are down (still haven't seen any FACTS on this) I believe it would be to the perception that Madden didn't take any huge leaps over last year. Again, I use the term PERCEPTION because it is an opinion.

I also feel that NCAA 11 taking the huge leap helped improve sales of that game (FACT -- Up 8% over last year).

Madden 11 plays a lot better than it was reported prior to its release. However, a majority of the review scores were up over last year so EA did something right...
# 12 2 KIRK o NATION 3 @ Aug 21
F**K outta here.
# 13 charter04 @ Aug 21
shadthedad. I don't think you read my commit. I never said you were a racist. I guess you have trouble reading as well. If you read the second sentence of what I said you would know that. Also, your taking information totaly based on the part of the country you were at, at the time. I don't care who buy's the most Madden games, it just seems like you are saying, rather ignorantly, that the majority of African Americans will be more affected by the economy than other races. That seems a little short sighted to me. So I guess you think there are no educated with good jobs African Americans who buy Madden.
# 14 shadthedad @ Aug 21
This is extremely unfortunate that you guys are turning this into something that it's not. I'm not trying to be political or stir up any post civil war war wounds. All I'm saying is that this is something that must be taking into account for when looking at the declining sales of Madden. Quick question, If you had to bet your hard earned money which video game is the most popular amongst African American men which one would you pick..... If you guessed Mario Kart you should be shot on sight. There's no secret to Madden's strong hold on African American culture. It is what it is. For crying out loud, when they show celebrities are athletes gaming on Madden, you never see anyone of European descent. It's always someone like The game, Snoop dog, Chad Ochocinco, or Morris Chestnut. Gee, I wonder why...... It's marketing one on one! I can't believe you guys are giving me kick back on this. So you can say that the reason Maddens sells are declining is due to the economy, but you can't show the direct correlation between one group being affected more than others and that group making up the majority of sales in a game. That's a shame, but the numbers don't lie and until EA or an independent study reveals otherwise, I'm riding this theory to the wheels fall off.
# 15 SilentYetViolent @ Aug 21
I gotta say this is by far the dumbest sh*t I've heard anybody say. What possessed you to say that Madden sales are down because us African-Americans don't have the money to buy it? Umm, you do realize people aren't buying it because they dumbed it down right? Hell, I rather play the Wii version than the PS3/360 versions. In the future when sales of other games are down, (i.e.: NBA Elite 11), don't bring up this lame *** theory.
Thank you and good night

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