NBA 2K14 Preview (Xbox 360)

The demo of the current gen version of NBA 2K14 I played at gamescom feels and plays a lot like last year’s game with a couple of refinements and tweaks that hardcore fans will definitely appreciate. I was expecting something similar to 2K13 due to the next gen release but honestly I was a bit disappointed to see almost the exact same presentation even down to the same camera angles before tip off.

After a couple of games you do see the gameplay improvements shine through a bit more. 


The most noticeable change to this year’s game and probably a real game changer is the new blocking system. Not only do you get to see awesome block animations, the feel and reward of playing defense is much higher than last year. On one possession, I played great defense against Tim Duncan and the San Antonio Spurs until the end of the shot clock, at which point I blocked his shot because he couldn't get a good one off. You really feel the presence of good shot blockers around the rim this year. Great addition.

Defense on the whole felt a lot stronger as offensive players tend to lose the ball when going into traffic and a lot of contact animations are triggered around the rim. Defense movement seemed improved as well – all in all I really liked playing defense, it was a lot more fun than in last year’s games.

On offense there are some great improvements as well. Passing animations and speed are noticeably improved plus the addition of the stick as a passing trigger felt great too. Shooting is a lot more responsive as well – unfortunately there are still those very quick release points where you don’t have the opportunity to really hang in the air while shooting. Shot releases did feel disconnected again for me which was very disappointing to see.

Another thing I didn’t see a lot of improvements in was the floor spacing. You can tell that they were trying to address the issue (which has plagued the series for years) and the faster passes and jump shots did help a bit – but the main problem with help defense being too one-dimensional and defensive recovery being too quick still exists. Also the teammate AI doesn’t space the floor well enough when penetrating. On one occasion I had Parker of the spurs on Chris Bosh in the post & paint and no Spurs player came to help.

Hope they can fix this issue in the next gen versions.

The new Pro Stick needs a little getting used to at first. I had some instances where I wanted to dribble but went up for the shot. Overall I liked this setting more than holding down LT for a shot or drive. There are a couple of nice new dribbling animations as well.

There were other positive aspects as well. Biting on pump fakes can cause very realistic looking animations where players fall over each other. Contact animations in the paint seemed more varied but you can´t really tell how good or varied they are from playing only a couple of games. I did see some familiar contact drive animations from 2K13 a little too much. I saw a one handed dunk by Lennard on Haslem which looked almost exactly like the one in he NBA finals against Miller. I had the feeling that dunks were a little bit more explosive as well.


Playing the Euroleague teams feels a little different as a result of different defensive schemes. 

Overall I liked the improvements a lot after playing for a while but was disappointed to see some issues I had with the last couple of games still existed (jump shots & spacing). This is the year of the first next gen version of NBA 2K so I can understand that the wheel won´t be reinvented with the last big current gen effort. NBA 2K14 will may very well be the best version of NBA 2K to date – just don´t expect a  very different game.

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Member Comments
# 41 jersez @ 08/23/13 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by NINJAK2
Catching bullets with your teeth..Man that ain't nothing Jersez


playing D in 2k13 was much harder

Thanks for the impressions DaWolf- In your short play sessions did 2k14 feel like a neccessary pick up if you already have 2k13? I think the defense alone may justify it..
That's how I'm feeling, people are saying it's a patched 2k13 and I really can't argue that, but 2k13 if you add defense and make finishing in the paint harder, that sounds nice.

And I'm not saying I'm okay with minimal fixes and devs not creating a different experience. I'm just saying I like some things from 2k13.
# 42 liberaluser @ 08/23/13 08:32 PM
I usually find that even minor improvements in NBA 2K feel like major improvements compared to other more stagnant sports franchises. Presentation is already amazing so I can forgive them if it feels the same.

Hearing that defense and passing speed feels noticeably better makes me happy. Making spacing adjustable sounds like a very good idea that I hope they follow through with.
# 43 jersez @ 08/23/13 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by liberaluser
I usually find that even minor improvements in NBA 2K feel like major improvements compared to other more stagnant sports franchises. Presentation is already amazing so I can forgive them if it feels the same.

Hearing that defense and passing speed feels noticeably better makes me happy. Making spacing adjustable sounds like a very good idea that I hope they follow through with.
That's what I'm saying, I think part of the problem is the lack of graphical improvements and presentation improvements as well, if 2k14 looked noticeably better than 2k13 people wouldn't have a problem with what some are calling a "patch".

The devs fix huge issues we don't pat them on the back we call it a patch, passing has been terrible forever in 2k basketball games lol, contact has never been realistic or without canned-animations. To me when the demo drops and people experience it for themselves is when their opinions will change.
# 44 ffaacc03 @ 08/23/13 08:59 PM
Am all in for having as many options as possible to adapt the game, so it fits each of our own unique views on how the videogame should simulate the NBA experience, for online and offline modes.

Here is to hope for that (being able to alter: the recovery on the perimeter and on the paint, the amount of offball movement, to run or walk when bringing the ball up, etc).
# 45 KyotoCarl @ 08/23/13 10:08 PM
Originally Posted by Ramboooo
Nba 2k Demos seem to always have better contact in the paint and more defense than game holds on to. Then comes the inevitable influx of noobs in the following weeks with their "it's too hard to make a layup or dunk (they don't usually realize it's contested), fix this!" etc, and 2K caves in. Let's hope that the defense stays in the game throughout the year. Sounds like 2K14 will have sharp gameplay, but hoping they fix the godlike cpu recovery speed on defense by launch.
I believe this happened once in the franchise, and not at all to the extent you describe. It's not something that happens regularly.

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# 46 infam0us @ 08/23/13 10:30 PM
Wasn't it with 2k8 where people were crying about missing lay-ups and open jumpers?
# 47 Taer @ 08/23/13 10:41 PM
Thank you for your insights DaWolf.

There are a lot of encouraging things you point out. Passing and more responsive defense will be something I am absolutely looking forward to, as I really enjoy doing both.

One area that no reviewers have given feedback on and I'd love to hear more about from you or the others is the transition aspects of the game. Are they smoother and more natural feeling?

Have they made improvements to the fast break situations?

Passing is faster, but how about receiving? Do players still bobble the ball in awkward ways like they do in 2k13?

Finally, is pace finally more represented? I've always felt that 2k's gameplay reflected the slower half-court set pace types of teams much better then the faster paced teams. Can you "feel" the difference when playing a Denver team versus a slower more set team?

Thanks for taking the time and effort on providing feedback.
# 48 Sundown @ 08/23/13 11:25 PM
Originally Posted by liberaluser
I usually find that even minor improvements in NBA 2K feel like major improvements compared to other more stagnant sports franchises. Presentation is already amazing so I can forgive them if it feels the same.

Hearing that defense and passing speed feels noticeably better makes me happy. Making spacing adjustable sounds like a very good idea that I hope they follow through with.
I'd love for recovery speed and general momentum to be adjustable too. Or maybe it is already. Quickness setting?
# 49 mauro78 @ 08/24/13 01:06 AM
Thanks for preview...a few questions:
1. Are volleyball like big blocks in?
2. What about mid-air collisions? Are they improved?
3. How does it feel the transition from balling 2 shooting? Is it more smooth than 2k13?
4. Did you see any signature dribbling/layup new anim?

# 50 Jrocc23 @ 08/24/13 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by Seidowskyy
idk how people talk about missing 2k11.

people hopstepping all gm with yao and dwight or pump faking with kobe

no thanks
What's your point? It's exploits in all of the 2Ks, but I felt like gameplay wise it was balanced. The hopstep and the spin dunk was the only gimmicks in the game that couldn't really be stopped. Everything else could.

I don't know what pump faking with Kobe you're talking about. Pretty sure it could be contained with good defense.
# 51 quehouston @ 08/24/13 01:23 AM
Reaaaallly hoping the spacing/defensive recovery isn't still an issue. That and the physics were my personal gripes from 2k13.
# 52 Sundown @ 08/24/13 02:29 AM
Originally Posted by Jrocc23
What's your point? It's exploits in all of the 2Ks, but I felt like gameplay wise it was balanced. The hopstep and the spin dunk was the only gimmicks in the game that couldn't really be stopped. Everything else could.

I don't know what pump faking with Kobe you're talking about. Pretty sure it could be contained with good defense.
Those are pretty huge exploits.

The thing is 2k11's perimeter defense by way of bumping was patently illegal. There would be six fouls called on each possession. I liked where subsequent games went with the perimeter defense.

It did have incredibly immersive graphics though. I really thought the overhaul took several steps back in 2k12 and beyond.

Anyway, here's hoping next gen 2k14 plays like an improved, well patched 2k13 and looks phenomenal.
# 53 Jrocc23 @ 08/24/13 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by Sundown
Those are pretty huge exploits.
Those were big exploits. But the rest of the gameplay was balanced very well to me. Now, for Crew Mode the hopstep was pretty bad because mostly everyone's big man was like 6'10"+ w/ a 99 standing dunk. When it came to regular games, it wasn't that bad because a lot of bigs couldn't do it with ease.

2K12 and 2K13 had a lot more problems imo.
# 54 thedream2k13 @ 08/24/13 07:58 AM
Originally Posted by infam0us
Wasn't it with 2k8 where people were crying about missing lay-ups and open jumpers?
They were casuals crying because they don't understand that NBA players don't shoot 100% when open
# 55 TheLetterZ @ 08/24/13 08:24 AM
You mentioned at the end different defensive schemes for the Euroleague teams. Can you explain that a little more?
# 56 scottyp180 @ 08/24/13 09:04 AM
You said you had some trouble getting use to the new stick controls but from your experience how did the dribbling feel? Beside occassions where you would accidentally put up a shot did the dribbling/crossovers feel more responsive/quicker(closer to 1 to 1 control) or similar to 13 just with a modfied control input? One of my complaints of past 2ks is that dribbling doesnt have that feel of control and freedom because you are a slave to the animation.
# 57 detriotpistonfan @ 08/24/13 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by DaWolf
Post game hard to answer dont know what you mean with usable. Didnt use it much tbh. New jump shots are included. Duncan for sure, Wade a little different, lebrons was a lot better, bosh the same. they all feel a little better because of the faster reaction times.
When you say that Wade's shot was 'different', was it different good or different bad?
# 58 yaboythecib @ 08/25/13 12:20 PM
This Blog Pretty much Somes up what i said in a blog months ago....checkit out..http://www.operationsports.com/yaboythecib/blog/22926-has-the-nba-2k-series-which-a-ceiling-with-hd-consoles-ps3xbox-360pc/#comments
# 59 TeamHawkins @ 08/28/13 12:27 PM
It disgusts me in these reviews when they say, "This may be the best game to date" and in the same sentence say, "It feels like last year's game." Make up your mind and stop pacifying these companies.
# 60 FR33 @ 08/28/13 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Taer
Thank you for your insights DaWolf.

There are a lot of encouraging things you point out. Passing and more responsive defense will be something I am absolutely looking forward to, as I really enjoy doing both.

One area that no reviewers have given feedback on and I'd love to hear more about from you or the others is the transition aspects of the game. Are they smoother and more natural feeling?

Have they made improvements to the fast break situations?

Passing is faster, but how about receiving? Do players still bobble the ball in awkward ways like they do in 2k13?

Finally, is pace finally more represented? I've always felt that 2k's gameplay reflected the slower half-court set pace types of teams much better then the faster paced teams. Can you "feel" the difference when playing a Denver team versus a slower more set team?

Thanks for taking the time and effort on providing feedback.
Great question! They do really need to improve the pass receptions. I lost a lot of assists because of bobbled passes. They even caused me to get credited with turnovers because my cpu teammates couldn't catch the ball. If they were finally able to reign it in, then they were no longer open for the shot. I'm excited to see/feel the passing improvements because that was one of the biggest irritants in 2K13.

Also I would really love to see some more improvements & additions to myplayer/mycareer.

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