NHL 13 Preview

When it comes to getting their game down pat, the EA teams up in Vancouver, Canada, are masters. Especially the NHL folks; because once you get your own hands on NHL 13, you won’t want to put down the controller.

By introducing momentum, and by being the first team-sports game to implement real-time physics in skating, NHL 13 is already an early favorite for sports Game of the Year – yes, even above Madden NFL 13 and all of its improvements.

Momentum allows you to grab total skate control over your player. The momentum is different for each player in the game and is based on his ratings, height and weight. A perfect example shown at E3 compared NHL 12 with NHL 13. When you’re on a full-speed breakaway towards the goal, in 12, turning was easy; you could stop and change direction at the drop of a dime. But in 13, you can’t do that anymore. Your momentum will cause you to sort of glide through the turn, causing you to go further than you want which could ultimately lead to nothing but a sloppy possession.

Also, when on offense, last year in NHL 12, the defender could easily keep up with you and your exact speed while skating backwards. It gave the defense an unfair advantage and was one of the few gripes gamers had last year. Now with momentum, the puck holder can use his speed and agility to get around the defender. In turn, this affects defense as well. You can’t skate backwards and dominate the competition anymore. You need to be able to know when to skate forwards and when to skate backwards. For those who aren’t used to hockey’s strategy, there is an option in the settings to have backwards skating on or off.Goalies are also less stagnant, as it seems they can move each of their limbs when attempting to block a shot. In general, goalie play is said to be much better thanks to the new skating physics.

When tying together the new momentum and skating implementations you would think something else has to improve. That something else is the AI. The NHL 13 team spent more time on AI this year than they have in the past three years combined. Each improvement I mentioned earlier that is at your disposal will be the way the AI plays against you.

Also, the AI is constantly learning how you play. NHL 13 wanted to get away from last year when some users figured out how to exploit the AI. Now the AI constantly pay attention to how you play. If you like running up the right wing to go in for the kill, they’ll figure it out. If you play an aggressive, offensive based 1-3-1, the AI will figure it out and changes may need to be made.

Also new are the way strategies work. Each coach has his own strategy, which he takes with him wherever he goes. Potentially you could see the Kings playing like Pittsburgh depending on who their coach could be.

As you can tell, Be A GM mode is getting a make over. Though the majority of the details are said to be coming out in the next couple of weeks, some information was available. The biggest bit of information given, though, was how the mode will be making its way online. You’ll be able to play with your friends and manage your team from an iDevice if needed. You can also watch the new and improve AI battle each other while watching your team, but still having control. You’re able to choose when to shoot the puck, to substitute, to switch lines, etc. You’re also able to draw up your own plays outside of the gameplay and then watch the AI perform that play.

There are less than six weeks left in NHL 13’s development cycle, so the team still has plenty of plans and finishing touches to put on what could possibly be the Sports Game of the Year.

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Member Comments
# 41 Roggie @ 06/13/12 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by RealmK
Well it's either people complain about glitch goals, or they're going to complain the goalies are too good. At least for the offline game, sliders should be able to find some sort of middle ground. We'll have to wait and see how the online portion is tuned.
No, if it's done right, it won't be either. Goalies should be properly positioned the majority of a time, but shouldn't be perfect. If they're out of position and a good player sees it, they should be able to score if they hit the mark they're aiming at. Finding the balance in how often/well goalies are positionally is the key. Just something realistic, where goalies don't all behave the same and play to their strengths.
# 42 Roggie @ 06/13/12 08:45 PM
Originally Posted by RealmK
I meant more in general. I totally agree with that. Though easier said then done at 60fps, for what truly is the hardest sport to replicate in a video game. It'll be interesting to see some gameplay videos as we go along here, and the demo in August.
That I'll agree with. Never did I mean to hint that it should be easy for them to do. If it was easy, it'd be done already. EA might have to develop a new way for the goalie to position himself instead of using the puck/body as a marker. Easy to do? Heck no. If done right, though? A ridiculously good hockey game all around with the building blocks they've got with 12 and the new changes.
# 43 Vikes1 @ 06/13/12 11:54 PM
Originally Posted by Money99
LOVE reading this! Scoring should be harder due to defensive AI, not uber-goalies.
Amen Money!

Yep...reading anything about the defensive AI being more aggressive towards the puck carrier is terrific news. The "Bobby Orr" statement by Semipro is very encouraging. For me anyway, the most stale thing about NHL is being able to do the "Bobby Orr" thing on each and every rush up ice. To have much more play between the blue lines and down behind the goal lines in '13', imo...would be a thing of beauty.
# 44 MizzouRah @ 06/14/12 12:34 AM
Goalies need to have an organic feel to them. All games shouldn't be 2-1, 1-0, 3-2, etc.. which I see a lot in v11 and v12... some games goalies just are not on their game and weak goals should happen. There needs to be a balance and a feeling that each game is different from the one you just played. I hope all the new tweaks and skating engine finally produces that with the NHL series.
# 45 bwiggy33 @ 06/14/12 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by MizzouRah
Goalies need to have an organic feel to them. All games shouldn't be 2-1, 1-0, 3-2, etc.. which I see a lot in v11 and v12... some games goalies just are not on their game and weak goals should happen. There needs to be a balance and a feeling that each game is different from the one you just played. I hope all the new tweaks and skating engine finally produces that with the NHL series.
Yep I fully agree. I'm not sure how they could program stuff like bad games and what not, but I know that this alone would increase the replay value of the game. There needs to be different dynamics that can play a factor. Things like back to backs, just random bad games (more for weaker goalies, less for great goalies), stamina, etc. Same goes for the players themselves. I'm sorry but even the best players in the league have bad nights. Not often, but they do. Something just needs to be programmed so we see a variety in games. My feeling with the game as it stands now is that a certain percentage of the time a shot will go in. That may just be how the game has to be programmed in order for the game to work, but I don't know since I'm not a programmer.

I just believe that any shot should have the possibility of going in, which right now it doesn't seem like it does. This is probably why we see so many of the same goals. I may be asking for way too much but it's just the way I see things as it currently stands. This alone would create many different types of games because you wouldn't know whether or not your goalie/player was going to have a bad game or not. It also would separate players because obviously the best players would play great the majority of the year and the middle to weaker players might have stretches where they play well, but then their game tapers off. It would also open up the possibility of players having an off year. These things would also play into setting lineups. Choosing when to play a scratched player or play the backup goalie. In NHL 12 you can honestly play your starting goalie every game and be fine unless he gets hurt.

Just a couple of ideas that just popped into my brain. I think it would be an extremely hard concept to program in the game but it would honestly put this game over the top. In fact if all they did for one development cycle is put some kind of logic like this in the game, I would consider it successful. It's probably not going to happen in this era of systems but just wishful thinking. Maybe EA will surprise the hell out of me and add in some type of dynamics like this for NHL 13. Sorry for the ramble
# 46 ComaFaction @ 06/14/12 07:46 AM
The first thing they need to do for that to happen is have the goalie ratings actually matter, as opposed to things like height being the primary factor for success. Once that happens, they could easily incorporate a consistency rating that acts as a randomizer before each game. Perhaps something like affecting the range of high and low for each goalie's rating and a lower CON causing the goalie to vary at a higher frequency.
# 47 Fiddy @ 06/14/12 09:56 AM
touching on the goalies and glitch goals, i would love for the devs to code those certain hot spots where goals go in more times than not with a percentage of sorts. but with out telling us that.. say if player x tries that shot 12 times a game like most those jags do, he would be lucky to score 1 or 2 at the most.. the rest would be known by the goalie that its going to be saved automatically!! maybe that would make those jags mix up their game more etc.
# 48 Yeats @ 06/14/12 10:57 AM
Fantastic news that teams have their own playing styles. Now... will we be able to edit and change every team's style and then start a season/career? Or is this going to be a "Madden 13" where the ability to edit CPU team tendencies for career mode isn't allowed? Make-or-break question for me.
# 49 bwiggy33 @ 06/14/12 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by Yeats
Fantastic news that teams have their own playing styles. Now... will we be able to edit and change every team's style and then start a season/career? Or is this going to be a "Madden 13" where the ability to edit CPU team tendencies for career mode isn't allowed? Make-or-break question for me.
That's what I'm wondering as well. It's a huge feature. They said each coach will have their own specific style of play. So maybe the teams won't have strategies themselves but it would be huge if they would let us edit the coaches. I just don't want to get stuck seeing a team like Detroit not push the play against my team, which will be the Wild. Every time in real life the Wings dominate puck possession against them, I want to see that in the game. Just let the strategies be editable for the coaches or teams and I will be fully happy. More editing features the better.
# 50 canucksss @ 06/14/12 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by bwiggy33
That's what I'm wondering as well. It's a huge feature. They said each coach will have their own specific style of play. So maybe the teams won't have strategies themselves but it would be huge if they would let us edit the coaches. I just don't want to get stuck seeing a team like Detroit not push the play against my team, which will be the Wild. Every time in real life the Wings dominate puck possession against them, I want to see that in the game. Just let the strategies be editable for the coaches or teams and I will be fully happy. More editing features the better.
Originally Posted by Yeats
Fantastic news that teams have their own playing styles. Now... will we be able to edit and change every team's style and then start a season/career? Or is this going to be a "Madden 13" where the ability to edit CPU team tendencies for career mode isn't allowed? Make-or-break question for me.
agree. for me, player and team differentials are the key factors before i decide to buy NHL 13. so far, i see there's hope about player differentials based on the "alpha" stage of the product. if all of these are answered by NHL13, i dont mind playing multiple seasons with 82 games per.
# 51 Qb @ 06/14/12 03:48 PM
Considering this is not only a front page article, but the OS official E3 preview, let's do our best to keep it on topic from here. Thanks.
# 52 MizzouRah @ 06/14/12 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by bwiggy33
Yep I fully agree. I'm not sure how they could program stuff like bad games and what not, but I know that this alone would increase the replay value of the game. There needs to be different dynamics that can play a factor. Things like back to backs, just random bad games (more for weaker goalies, less for great goalies), stamina, etc. Same goes for the players themselves. I'm sorry but even the best players in the league have bad nights. Not often, but they do. Something just needs to be programmed so we see a variety in games. My feeling with the game as it stands now is that a certain percentage of the time a shot will go in. That may just be how the game has to be programmed in order for the game to work, but I don't know since I'm not a programmer.

I just believe that any shot should have the possibility of going in, which right now it doesn't seem like it does. This is probably why we see so many of the same goals. I may be asking for way too much but it's just the way I see things as it currently stands. This alone would create many different types of games because you wouldn't know whether or not your goalie/player was going to have a bad game or not. It also would separate players because obviously the best players would play great the majority of the year and the middle to weaker players might have stretches where they play well, but then their game tapers off. It would also open up the possibility of players having an off year. These things would also play into setting lineups. Choosing when to play a scratched player or play the backup goalie. In NHL 12 you can honestly play your starting goalie every game and be fine unless he gets hurt.

Just a couple of ideas that just popped into my brain. I think it would be an extremely hard concept to program in the game but it would honestly put this game over the top. In fact if all they did for one development cycle is put some kind of logic like this in the game, I would consider it successful. It's probably not going to happen in this era of systems but just wishful thinking. Maybe EA will surprise the hell out of me and add in some type of dynamics like this for NHL 13. Sorry for the ramble
Keep rambling.. this is what I'm talking about!
# 53 MizzouRah @ 06/14/12 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by Yeats
Fantastic news that teams have their own playing styles. Now... will we be able to edit and change every team's style and then start a season/career? Or is this going to be a "Madden 13" where the ability to edit CPU team tendencies for career mode isn't allowed? Make-or-break question for me.
My guess is that since they are tied to the coaches, I'm not sure you could go in and change them. Just a guess..
# 54 bwiggy33 @ 06/15/12 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by RealmK
Here's my question, and I'm pretty sure the answer is no but heck it doesn't hurt to ask. Are these coaches all fictional EA made up ones, or did they work out some deal with the NHL to have actual coaches in the game? Seeing Boston have Julian in game as a coach and play a much more defensive system, keeping opposing teams to the outside on offense, and using their hitting game and dump and forecheck to jump start their own offense would be huge.

Though my guess is they created a bunch of fictional coaches, and will tune them based on real team strategies at least at ship? Does this mean other teams during an offline BeAGM will hire and fire coaches and have that team's style change based on who is hired to replace the leaving coach?

Is this similar to what has been proposed in Madden this year? And does the presentation play into this at all. I guess Madden has some sort of twitter thing with updates from ESPN's Skip Bayless, would NHL get the same treatment to present the going ons around your particular franchise?

I won't hold my breath since NHL more than likely doesn't have half the budget Madden does, but those same type of injections into not only GM mode but the presentation back end itself, could do some absolute wonders for the game on the whole.
100% the thoughts I'm having right now. The good thing is I know not to have the belief that the coaches will be real life ones and not fictional. If you would have asked me that question back in last gens systems I would have said real life because they actually had the faces of each coach if I'm remembering correctly. I have just learned that when it comes to NHL never believe the best is happening because you will let yourself down when the proof comes out.

At any rate I am dying to know more about this game. I just want to know whats all in this game and how much I can look forward to the demo and hopefully retail game. Extremely excited because this could be the year where they finally turn this series in the right direction. It seems as though Madden has so maybe NHL is following suit.
# 55 PatriotsFan12 @ 06/15/12 02:49 AM
Too bad I'm not a hockey fan lol.
# 56 Weapon X @ 06/17/12 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by PatriotsFan12
Too bad I'm not a hockey fan lol.
...thanks for stopping by to let us know?

Originally Posted by ComaFaction
The first thing they need to do for that to happen is have the goalie ratings actually matter, as opposed to things like height being the primary factor for success. Once that happens, they could easily incorporate a consistency rating that acts as a randomizer before each game. Perhaps something like affecting the range of high and low for each goalie's rating and a lower CON causing the goalie to vary at a higher frequency.
I believe that's what the current Consistency rating for goalies is supposed (key word, "supposed") to do, if it actually worked properly and didn't simply tweak the odds of wins/losses in Be-A-GM (at least, that's all it did when I conducted my tests with it in NHL 11).

# 57 MizzouRah @ 06/17/12 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by RealmK
Here's my question, and I'm pretty sure the answer is no but heck it doesn't hurt to ask. Are these coaches all fictional EA made up ones, or did they work out some deal with the NHL to have actual coaches in the game? Seeing Boston have Julian in game as a coach and play a much more defensive system, keeping opposing teams to the outside on offense, and using their hitting game and dump and forecheck to jump start their own offense would be huge.

Though my guess is they created a bunch of fictional coaches, and will tune them based on real team strategies at least at ship? Does this mean other teams during an offline BeAGM will hire and fire coaches and have that team's style change based on who is hired to replace the leaving coach?

Is this similar to what has been proposed in Madden this year? And does the presentation play into this at all. I guess Madden has some sort of twitter thing with updates from ESPN's Skip Bayless, would NHL get the same treatment to present the going ons around your particular franchise?

I won't hold my breath since NHL more than likely doesn't have half the budget Madden does, but those same type of injections into not only GM mode but the presentation back end itself, could do some absolute wonders for the game on the whole.
The part I bolded would be sweet.
# 58 Vikes1 @ 06/18/12 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by RealmK
Does this mean other teams during an offline BeAGM will hire and fire coaches and have that team's style change based on who is hired to replace the leaving coach?
Coach carousel, was the first thing that popped into my head when reading about the coach's thing, RealmK. It sure sounds like it to me. I think this would be a pretty cool addition to BEAGM. Pretty much any kind of increased depth to GM mode is most welcome. Of course as long as it works in a sense able way that is. Hope it's there.
# 59 BaylorBearBryant @ 06/19/12 03:32 AM
Originally Posted by RealmK
That depends on if one likes soccer. I'm American, I don't like soccer.

10 chars
# 60 Playmaker76 @ 07/14/12 05:02 PM
"Also new are the way strategies work. Each coach has his own strategy, which he takes with him wherever he goes. Potentially you could see the Kings playing like Pittsburgh depending on who their coach could be."

If they finally put in a hire/fire coaches feature, that's perfect.

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