Madden NFL 11 Preview (Xbox 360)

At EA’s recent community event, I was able to sit down with Madden developer Ian Cummings and get a very early hands on with Madden 11. With the tagline "Simpler," "Deeper" and "Quicker" being emphasized, I was able to take a look at some of this year's gameplay improvements that the Madden team feels will elevate Madden 11 to the next level.

Gameplay Improvements


When I first sat down with Ian, I was introduced to Madden’s locomotion engine. Much like NCAA Football 11’s movement mechanics, Madden’s locomotion engine promises to provide much more realistic player movement and acceleration on the field. On offense, the right stick now controls a player's upper torso, giving players unprecedented control over a ball carrier's ability to shed and avoid tacklers.

The most surprising addition to Madden 11’s gameplay is actually a subtraction: the removal of a turbo button (off by defaut, can be turned on). Taking a cue from EA’s successful NHL franchise, Madden 11 no longer requires players to spam a turbo button in a desperate attempt to create offensive separation or track down an elusive player on defense. Instead, player speed and acceleration are completely tied to ratings.

While I was a bit surprised when Ian let me in on the removal of the turbo button (again, this is off by default and can be turned back on) once I got my hands on the game, I immediately felt the difference. The best way I can sum up my gameplay experience with Madden 11 is that the game feels very organic in the way it moves. In other words, the days of choppy animation transitions and stop/starts on a dime that were in previous versions of the game should be minimized this year -- replaced now by an an overall feel that sim fans everywhere should enjoy.

Game Flow

During our time together, Ian also informed me that a lot of research had been completed that determined how many plays gamers had been calling in an average game, which was also coupled with some insight from John Madden himself. After these findings, the development team decided to completely overhaul the way plays are called.

The result is what is known as the "GameFlow," a streamlined game-planning option that will allow a virtual coordinator to call in a play for your team via headset based on a number of offensive variables that the game calculates. Now, before anyone jumps to conclusions and immediately writes this feature off as a way to make Madden 11 more "noob" friendly, please note that the feature can be ignored at any point during the game with a simple button press that takes you back to the traditional play calling menu.

As a veteran of the series, I was a bit worried that GameFlow would be something that I would not utilize -- I typically avoid the "Ask Madden" types of plays in my football games. However, after getting some hands-on time with the feature, and grilling Ian on it, I am absolutely hooked because of the depth that its simplicity provides.

First off, you can completely customize what plays end up in the GameFlow playbook, and you can change plays on a game by game basis. You can even rate your plays via a five-star system (like on iTunes) so that you can easily find them on the fly when customizing a GameFlow. I can already see myself putting together different game plans for online and offline franchise mode, which would add an NFL Head Coach-like layer of strategy to the game that has been sorely missing since the removal of the create-a-play feature.

Secondly, GameFlow makes you feel more like a real head coach. As many of you already know, it is a rarity for a head coach to actually call plays while in a game. Clicking over to the GameFlow button, and then listening to my offensive/defensive coordinators call out specific plays based on game situations is undeniably cool. What is even better is executing plays to perfection -- something that is undeniably rewarding. I can see the GameFlow feature being big among coach-mode fans, especially if you take advantage of the playbook customization in between games.

Finally, as advertised, GameFlow dramatically increases the tempo at which the game is played. In a day and age where the "core" Madden gamer is getting older and has more non-gaming responsibilities, it is very refreshing to be able to complete an entire game of Madden in roughly 30 minutes. I was able to play an entire half utilizing GameFlow in approximately 15 minutes, and it did not feel like I had been cheated out of a gameplay or play calling opportunity either. Instead, I felt like I was an actual NFL head coach who had a laminated page of plays in hand. Yes, I know I come off sounding a bit lame by writing that, but as a huge fan of the NFL, it is a feeling I have never had before in a football game.

New Line Interaction

Similar to the NCAA series, shoddy line play and interaction has been something that has plagued the Madden series for years. However, the new locomotion engine has gone a long way towards improving what some considered "broken" line play in past iterations of the series.

Since players now have to plant before moving, suction blocking and lackluster AI seem to have at least been minimized when it comes to the offensive and defensive lines. During my limited amount of time playing the game, I was able to get solid pressure on the QB when it made sense. In addition, the CPU also pressured me if I attempted to hold the ball for too long in the pocket.

Presentation Upgrades

Outside of the new GameFlow feature, I was able to see some of the improvements EA has made to the presentation in Madden 11. While Ian was feverishly button pressing through some of the more secretive options (more on those in future Madden blogs), I was able to catch some team-specific introductions (example: Drew Brees' pregame "speech"), and even cuts to players preparing for the game in the locker room. On the field, you will see new cut scenes between plays that look more natural than those in the past, and new animations for sideline catches, big hits and mid-air collisions.

Graphically, the game looks to be largely unchanged from Madden 10. Player models, stadium lighting and the turf look like they received minimum upgrades at most. It is worth noting, however, that the build of the game I played was very early in development. In other words, many of the aesthetic details most likely will be improved by the time the game releases.

As a side note, the kicking meter has also been completely redone. It now more closely resembles the putting meter from the Tiger Woods games. Ian explained to me that this change was the best way to differentiate kicker ability in the game because the old meter would not allow the developers to create the differences that truly exist in the NFL. The meter feels great to use, but since I was only able to use one kicker during my time with the game, I was unable to feel any difference in how the meter reacted.

Final Thoughts

It is very difficult to pass any judgments on Madden 11 at this early stage in the game. But, what I can say is that the locomotion engine and GameFlow additions have the potential to fix some of the nagging issues from Madden 10. Since both elements already work very well at this early stage in the game's development, I am very excited to see what the final product looks like come August.

Look for more hands-on previews from OS as E3 approaches, and as always, stay tuned for the most up to date Madden 11 media and information.

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Member Comments
# 101 ShaneTheMaster @ 05/01/10 12:31 PM
Originally Posted by ODogg
Yeah it's BS rudy how people change their standards. They nitpick Madden about not having the right cleats but then give a pass to Backbreaker for not having any injuries, LOL. Such hypocrisy.
I think the difference is that Madden has had 5+ years to get it right.. Backbreaker is in it's first iteration... and although they made a bad decision to not have injuries, I think people are praising it's potential.
# 102 moneal2001 @ 05/01/10 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by ShaneTheMaster
I think the difference is that Madden has had 5+ years to get it right.. Backbreaker is in it's first iteration... and although they made a bad decision to not have injuries, I think people are praising it's potential.
That makes no difference, Its still hypocritical. Can't flame one for not having things while praising another that doesn't have them either. That by definition is hypocritical.
# 103 23 @ 05/01/10 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Bgamer90
I understand that, but still... I remember ones saying "I'm never going to buy a football game that doesn't have proper fatigue, lacking features, etc." in terms of Madden earlier this gen (a good number of them being 2k fanboys) and now they are all over backbreaker and call it "super sim" even though it doesn't have fatigue, injuries, hot routes, etc.

I'm pretty sure that if Madden put in euphoria but took out fatigue, injuries, etc., it would get a lot of bad feedback from the same ones looking forward to backbreaker. Heck, chances are if backbreaker didn't even exist and what I said in my previous sentence was true, ones would call euphoria a "gimmick" (lol).
I can hardly find many people that decree the "im never doing such and such" and follow through with it.

I did, when they released that mess of an NCAA basketball game and screwed the gamers over, even after not doing much work in the game, they weren't getting my 60 bucks, now the game is gone...ah well for them.

That said, the killer part is, you throw backbreaker off of the argument and you still have people here longing that this game can even do many things that a game was doing back in 2004

Think about it for a minute and you will realize how sad that is. Not only because it was so long ago, but because these are alot of basic things that people are asking for, its not even re-inventing the wheel.
# 104 Bgamer90 @ 05/01/10 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by 23

That said, the killer part is, you throw backbreaker off of the argument and you still have people here longing that this game can even do many things that a game was doing back in 2004

Think about it for a minute and you will realize how sad that is. Not only because it was so long ago, but because these are alot of basic things that people are asking for, its not even re-inventing the wheel.
I agree that football gaming is about 2-3 years behind where it probably should be due to the first maddens this gen (hopefully madden 11 will bring things back up to speed).

Anyways, like I said, I just don't get how ones can talk about Madden missing "basic" things and then say "Backbreaker will blow Madden away" when Backbreaker is also missing "basic" things. Seems like if they really want football gaming to progress as a whole that they would get backbreaker when it does have injuries, fatigue, etc. (if it ever will since it might not have a sequel).

In terms of madden 11, people are saying "Save 65!!!!... Get Backbreaker" due to the first trailers not showing true to life logic in animations and yet they go and say backbreaker is "TRUE FOOTBALL" when it lacks pretty basic things that football games have had since the 90's...

I guess some are just into animations more than anything else and can put all the other things about a football game aside. I mean, I just find it funny how much people "dissect" madden vids and are yet still pumped for backbreaker when if they did the same for backbreaker they could also see a lot of issues... some that are even bigger (like players being tackled by their own teammates pre snap).

To put it frankly, it's just one big hypocritical mess lol.
# 105 Moegames @ 05/01/10 03:15 PM
Im really hyped for M11.. after enjoying M10 for many months and still enjoy it today.. i can only imagine that im gonna like M11 much more seeing that a lot of the stuff being fine tuned from last year.

I hope they keep on evolving the presentation/atmosphere some more. I know it made a world of a difference with M10 and it seems Ian and the rest at the camp realize that its a vital ingredient to a football game...it really does add so much to playing this game.

Also glad they retooled the kicking meter and scraped the old one.
# 106 Crimsontide27 @ 05/01/10 03:17 PM
Originally Posted by Bgamer90

Anyways, like I said, I just don't get how ones can talk about Madden missing "basic" things and then say "Backbreaker will blow Madden away" when Backbreaker is also missing "basic" things. Seems like if they really want football gaming to progress as a whole that they would get backbreaker when it does have injuries, fatigue, etc. (if it ever will since it might not have a sequel).

In terms of madden 11, people are saying "Save 65!!!!... Get Backbreaker" due to the first trailers not showing true to life logic in animations and yet they go and say backbreaker is "TRUE FOOTBALL" when it lacks pretty basic things that football games have had since the 90's...

To put it frankly, it's just one big hypocritical mess lol.
The issue here is that we know exactly year in and year out how Madden / NCAA will play. I have no clue how Backbreaker will turn out, but its the first breath of fresh air in a football title that any of us have had since back in 2004.

Madden and NCAA have yet to fix the critical flaws in their titles year in and out, so people expect more from them since its apparent that from year to year, very little actually improves and in some isntances actually regresses.

I think we can all agree that we just want some solid football titles out there , and since Madden and NCAA have yet to be a solid title for the past 4-5 years, people hold out hope for something new.

Its a tragedy that features that were on the last generation titles on a much less powerful system have yet to make it into next gen...and thats without bringing anything to the table that 2k did very well.

Edit : To add to this, EA has been making Madden games since back in the very early 90s. If you take into account all the Madden and NCAA series across various systems...( SNES, Genesis, Playstation, 3DO, Playstation 2, Playstation 3, Xbox, and the Xbox 360 etc...) then this team has probably over 50 different football titles to have learned from. Dont forget that even with 20 years experience with this genre, that it was just last year that fatigue didnt even work and had to be patched. Didnt they forget to include a ton of penalities one year as well? Think we had 3+ years of no facemasks even though the animation was still in. Wasnt it just 2 years ago that injuries were so prevelant that you actually had to turn them off due to 5+ major injuries just on your squad per game? Im much more willing to give a company a pass on leaving some features out when its their first football title...versus their 50th.

Im thrilled that someone is willing to even make another football title period, regardless of publisher / developer.
# 107 yardz23 @ 05/01/10 03:36 PM
Originally Posted by Crimsontide27
Im much more willing to give a company a pass on leaving some features out when its their first football title...versus their 50th.

Im thrilled that someone is willing to even make another football title period, regardless of publisher / developer.
Good point.
# 108 Bgamer90 @ 05/01/10 03:40 PM
Originally Posted by Crimsontide27
The issue here is that we know exactly year in and year out how Madden / NCAA will play.
I personally don't know how the games feel this year with the new locomotion in place (and I can't see how anyone else who hasn't played the games can for that matter). Unless you didn't mean "play" in terms of control...

I have no clue how Backbreaker will turn out, but its the first breath of fresh air in a football title that any of us have had since back in 2004.
It does look different (due to animations and camera angle) but that camera angle just doesn't look fun to me at all. When news came about the camera not being adjustable, it really did put a hamper on me wanting to play the game.

Madden and NCAA have yet to fix the critical flaws in their titles year in and out,....

Come on now... while there are some flaws in terms of Madden, they have fixed issues that people have wanted fix and seem to be continuing that with '11.

so people expect more from them since its apparent that from year to year, very little actually improves and in some isntances actually regresses.

I think we can all agree that we just want some solid football titles out there , and since Madden and NCAA have yet to be a solid title for the past 4-5 years, people hold out hope for something new.

Its a tragedy that features that were on the last generation titles on a much less powerful system have yet to make it into next gen...and thats without bringing anything to the table that 2k did very well.
To be honest, I just think it's people mad at EA for the exclusive deal than anything else.

Any football game that isn't made by EA is going to get some form of hype from "Madden haters".

I don't really understand completely ones saying, "Since Madden (and/or NCAA) doesn't have some things that football games have had since 2004, I'm not buying any more EA football games and will be getting a new football game made by a different company and will forgive the makers of it for the flaws that it'll have", when it would seem to me that people would get more and more tired of basic features being missing as the years went by regardless of who the football game is made by. Like if they got tired of Madden lacking things for 4-5 years, it would seem like they wouldn't give the light of day to a new football game lacking the same thing(s) and/or something even more basic since they put up with "lack" for so long.
# 109 Crimsontide27 @ 05/01/10 04:17 PM
There are a lot less Madden haters than people think. People just want a decent playing game of football, its pretty darn simple. As it is now, football is the worst representation of all next gen sports titles and its a shame.

When the exclusive contract was signed, many people thought it would be bringing in a new era in football titles, and it sure did...

This isnt an exclusive versus no exclusive topic though.

With the exception to graphics, both Madden and NCAA have failed to deliver even after 5+ years of next gen. Even leaving the 2k series out of the equation, they still havent made a game that was better than NCAA 04 and Madden 05 yet. Its pathetic. I am comparing the same football titles to the same football company so anyone can keep the " EA ***** " chatter to a minimum. When games that were made 5+ years ago...by the same company...play better and have more options and features than brand new football titles with 5+ years of next gen experience...its beyond sad.

This entire next gen EA crew should be moved to other products that are more suited to their development skills.
# 110 Crimsontide27 @ 05/01/10 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Bgamer90
I personally don't know how the games feel this year with the new locomotion in place (and I can't see how anyone else who hasn't played the games can for that matter). Unless you didn't mean "play" in terms of control...

Everyone on this board has a short term memory. Locomotion was a HUGE selling point with Madden 09 and was followed with videos and blogs etc etc, and we all know how Madden 09 turned out. Why should this year be any different? Same song and dance every year. Every year is the year that things will be " finally realized and come together" only to be followed with maybe " next year " posts within less than 24 hrs of release.
# 111 23 @ 05/01/10 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Bgamer90

I agree that football gaming is about 2-3 years behind where it probably should be due to the first maddens this gen (hopefully madden 11 will bring things back up to speed).

Anyways, like I said, I just don't get how ones can talk about Madden missing "basic" things and then say "Backbreaker will blow Madden away" when Backbreaker is also missing "basic" things. Seems like if they really want football gaming to progress as a whole that they would get backbreaker when it does have injuries, fatigue, etc. (if it ever will since it might not have a sequel).

In terms of madden 11, people are saying "Save 65!!!!... Get Backbreaker" due to the first trailers not showing true to life logic in animations and yet they go and say backbreaker is "TRUE FOOTBALL" when it lacks pretty basic things that football games have had since the 90's...

I guess some are just into animations more than anything else and can put all the other things about a football game aside. I mean, I just find it funny how much people "dissect" madden vids and are yet still pumped for backbreaker when if they did the same for backbreaker they could also see a lot of issues... some that are even bigger (like players being tackled by their own teammates pre snap).

To put it frankly, it's just one big hypocritical mess lol.

Again man, you're comparing a 5 year 6 year series to some game that hasnt been out yet.

Please understand, there are things that 2k5 has that blows Madden out of the water, so in terms of things like maybe animations, thats not a stretch to say.

I think people are tired of not having a choice is what it really is. Picking off pieces of comments without really going after the real issue is where the problem lies.

Some people are completely complacent and will accept anything. Then there are those who are tired of spending their money on just enough to get by when you know there can be and has been better quality.

As I said, let the fans ask for injuries for 6 years and they get ignored and you'll see the backlash, but on the other side there really is no excuse. NONE
# 112 Bgamer90 @ 05/01/10 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by 23
Again man, you're comparing a 5 year 6 year series to some game that hasnt been out yet.
What do you mean? All I'm saying is it would seem that people would be wanting more regardless of whether or not it's an EA game.

I think people are tired of not having a choice is what it really is.
Yeah more than likely that's what it is. That would explain a lot.

Some people are completely complacent and will accept anything. Then there are those who are tired of spending their money on just enough to get by when you know there can be and has been better quality.

As I said, let the fans ask for injuries for 6 years and they get ignored and you'll see the backlash, but on the other side there really is no excuse. NONE

I didn't get madden 06 for the 360 due to it's lack of features and just stuck with the ps2 version. I got Madden 07 for the 360 since I just bought a 360 and I was craving for a new next-gen football game (since I didn't have any at the time). I bought it and was pretty disappointed after the newness of it wore off a few weeks later. I mean it was fun to play against friends and the graphics were amazing during the time but I was disappointed that it didn't play as well as the last gen maddens. But anyways, I guess I'm different then since if something was a "deal breaker" for me in terms of it not being in Madden I wouldn't get any football game period that doesn't have that certain thing and/or lacks something that is even more basic especially if I have been complaining about it for years. Maybe a bad example but I'm going to say it anyways (lol)... It like complaining about a cell phone not having MMS in 2006 but anticipating a new phone by a different company in 2010 that doesn't have MMS and text messaging.
# 113 Bgamer90 @ 05/01/10 05:06 PM
Originally Posted by Crimsontide27
Even leaving the 2k series out of the equation, they still havent made a game that was better than NCAA 04 and Madden 05 yet. Its pathetic.
In terms of depth in modes I agree but in terms of gameplay, I disagree...

Madden 10 is better than Madden 04 and 05 in terms of it. Less suction and better momentum during tackles and when breaking out of them alone makes it a better playing game (at least for me)...
# 114 Bgamer90 @ 05/01/10 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by Crimsontide27
Everyone on this board has a short term memory. Locomotion was a HUGE selling point with Madden 09 and was followed with videos and blogs etc etc, and we all know how Madden 09 turned out. Why should this year be any different? Same song and dance every year.
Except for the fact that Madden 11 will have a completely new locomotion engine where as Madden 09 was just tweaks/additions in the already existing one.

So yeah... it should be different and according to the people who've played it, it is.
# 115 Bgamer90 @ 05/02/10 12:19 AM
Originally Posted by MJenness
Yeah, but remember how many, many things in the "early builds" last year at cd were absent/missing/broken in the retail version.
I highly doubt that a completely new locomotion engine that will more than likely be a "back of the box feature" will be missing.

Man... I could only imagine how these forums would be if that was the case lol.
# 116 ODogg @ 05/03/10 09:30 AM
No, that'll be in there, the question is will it work right? With such a huge change there is a really good chance the game could be fatally flawed due to its introduction.
# 117 MAzing87 @ 05/18/10 03:30 PM
take out the speed button completely and make sure the ratings are utilized completely without it being cheesy
# 118 huskerwr38 @ 05/19/10 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by ODogg
No, that'll be in there, the question is will it work right? With such a huge change there is a really good chance the game could be fatally flawed due to its introduction.
I don't think it will be fatally flawed, because I believe they have been working on this locomotion engine for at least 2 development cycles. They said it's been in the works for a while, and I'm willing to bet that the CD guys experienced the new locomotion engine in it's first year of development. Which is why you heard all of this stuff about how the game had momentum, etc. last year.
# 119 cam780 @ 05/19/10 06:05 PM
Originally Posted by huskerwr38
I don't think it will be fatally flawed, because I believe they have been working on this locomotion engine for at least 2 development cycles. They said it's been in the works for a while, and I'm willing to bet that the CD guys experienced the new locomotion engine in it's first year of development. Which is why you heard all of this stuff about how the game had momentum, etc. last year.
I think its hard to tell. EA on next gen has always been 1 step forward 1/2 a step back. Locomotion may be great but something else that worked last year could very well be broken. I do appreciate that the big headline is locomotion because I think that is directed straight toward the die-hards here. Locomotion is not sexy and attractive to a general audience but to us its an awesome starting point.

Personally though, I could pass on this one. There is way too much real life football that's left out that's intricate to the game and has been in before and has since been taken away for me to mark my calendar for Madden.
# 120 CreatineKasey @ 05/19/10 06:06 PM
I think EA put 2 years into locomotion given that it WAS in last year's game at CD. That's good news for us.

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