MLB The Show 17 News Post

As mentioned yesterday, MLB The Show 17 patch 1.06 is available now, weighing in at just over 600 MB. Check out the full list of fixes below and post your thoughts.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 161 CujoMatty @ 05/12/17 04:00 AM
Originally Posted by mariner690
Does anyone else have the issue of the baseball going blurry on a throw? I've played on every setting and it doesn't go away.
Sounds like a tv issue. My parents tv did that and if i turned off the trumotion setting it fixed it. On a LG its called trumotion and its called something else on a samsung but its basically useless on video games and should be turned off.
# 162 SilverBullet1929 @ 05/12/17 07:51 AM
# 163 mrCPUgeek @ 05/12/17 08:06 AM
Originally Posted by SilverBullet1929

I actually think the game unis look better than IRL. Maybe we should be complaining to MLB instead. [emoji1][emoji1]

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# 164 NAFBUC @ 05/12/17 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by mrCPUgeek
I actually think the game unis look better than IRL. Maybe we should be complaining to MLB instead. [emoji1][emoji1]

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How about the bearded ball boy sitting on a chair right by the on deck circle. I already complained to MLB.....makes the game much more realistic with the added drama of a foul ball nailing the ball boy.
# 165 RyanLeaf16 @ 05/12/17 10:01 AM
Any reports of the patch taking a long time to download? I just stared my PS4, got up to about 220 MB and it's slowed to a crawl since. For a small file it really shouldn't take this long, wondering if there were reports of any issues...
# 166 RyanLeaf16 @ 05/12/17 10:03 AM
EDIT....never mind, as soon as I posted, it jumped to 300 and started to just fly through the DL
# 167 hb5239799 @ 05/12/17 10:57 AM
Originally Posted by SilverBullet1929
It's been mentioned in another thread that they seem to have color saturation right everywhere else in the game, but unis??? Not even close. I'm a STL fan and have been disappointed with the lack of pop from the red, in both day and night games. The fans' red seems to have the right hue. We've been griping about this for several years to no avail. Onward to '18?
# 168 SilverBullet1929 @ 05/12/17 11:01 AM
Originally Posted by RyanLeaf16
EDIT....never mind, as soon as I posted, it jumped to 300 and started to just fly through the DL
All patch downloads require a post on these forums before completion. That was added this year.
# 169 Trackball @ 05/12/17 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by hb5239799
It's been mentioned in another thread that they seem to have color saturation right everywhere else in the game, but unis??? Not even close. I'm a STL fan and have been disappointed with the lack of pop from the red, in both day and night games. The fans' red seems to have the right hue. We've been griping about this for several years to no avail. Onward to '18?
Look, man, I don't get it either.

But would you rather have a great-playing game with the colors slightly off, or a color-perfect game that plays like MLB 2K9?

I'm not about to throw away a fun game because of a tiny thing like colors.

Now, if you said wild pitches/passed balls, that I'd get, because that's a genuine issue that affects gameplay. Those are lessened now, but still not to acceptable levels. They ARE working on it, that much we do know.
# 170 hb5239799 @ 05/12/17 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Trackball
Look, man, I don't get it either.

But would you rather have a great-playing game with the colors slightly off, or a color-perfect game that plays like MLB 2K9?

I'm not about to throw away a fun game because of a tiny thing like colors.

Now, if you said wild pitches/passed balls, that I'd get, because that's a genuine issue that affects gameplay. Those are lessened now, but still not to acceptable levels. They ARE working on it, that much we do know.
Sure the game is still playable and will be for me, but I WILL NOT EXCUSE them for multiple years of these uni colors being off. Competition keeps some companies honest. They have little to none and could be the reason why there hasn't been any urgency to correct it.
# 171 Caulfield @ 05/12/17 08:28 PM
Originally Posted by hb5239799
Sure the game is still playable and will be for me, but I WILL NOT EXCUSE them for multiple years of these uni colors being off. Competition keeps some companies honest. They have little to none and could be the reason why there hasn't been any urgency to correct it.
their sales are rather lowish and I assume they'd love to have Madden or NBA2K type numbers, so while they dont have baseball game competition, they are still competing with other genre of games. the want to grow the consumer base from small to big will be what drives the urgency. hence things like y2y saves, qc, dd and the like.
# 172 Trackball @ 05/12/17 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by hb5239799
Sure the game is still playable and will be for me, but I WILL NOT EXCUSE them for multiple years of these uni colors being off. Competition keeps some companies honest. They have little to none and could be the reason why there hasn't been any urgency to correct it.
I see a donut. You see a hole.
# 173 Caulfield @ 05/12/17 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by Trackball
I see a donut. You see a hole.

Attachment 135460
# 174 Councilmann_Jamm @ 05/12/17 09:29 PM
Question? I see this patch is 600 MB.

My brother got TheShow and we downloaded everything and it installed. We went to play online and we couldn't because patch 1.06 had to download.

I check the status and it says 4.826 GB is needed to download.

Does every patch that's been out have to download as well because it's looking like an hour until we can play!
# 175 kehlis @ 05/12/17 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by Trackball
But would you rather have a great-playing game with the colors slightly off, or a color-perfect game that plays like MLB 2K9?
I'm sorry but this is a tangent and a hypothetical analogy that really makes no logical sense.

Game play and colors are two completely separate issues and there is no reason to try and make it seem like its a this or that scenario.

Really not a fair or logical comparison at all.
# 176 bcruise @ 05/12/17 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by Councilmann_Jamm
Question? I see this patch is 600 MB.

My brother got TheShow and we downloaded everything and it installed. We went to play online and we couldn't because patch 1.06 had to download.

I check the status and it says 4.826 GB is needed to download.

Does every patch that's been out have to download as well because it's looking like an hour until we can play!
The patch is 600 MB. It just updates the part of the already existing data that it needs to - that's why part of the download progress bar is already filled when the download starts.
# 177 hb5239799 @ 05/12/17 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by Trackball
I see a donut. You see a hole.

Haha, I just used that on someone today LOL! The game is still a banger overall to me...make no mistake about that. I'm just going to keep ramping up my color concerns until they're addressed. I've been reminding SDS about seat colors behind the plate at Busch for the same duration.

I hope any remaining patches are successful, and that the Cards sweep the baby bears this weekend!
# 178 Gagnon39 @ 05/12/17 10:12 PM
I feel like pretty much every team's color is slight off. I've thought it was my TV before but there's just not enough pop to the colors. The Cardinals red is the same was as described about the Nationals. To dark and kind of maroonish.

Sent from my iPhone using Operation Sports
# 179 Trackball @ 05/13/17 12:04 AM
Originally Posted by kehlis
I'm sorry but this is a tangent and a hypothetical analogy that really makes no logical sense.

Game play and colors are two completely separate issues and there is no reason to try and make it seem like its a this or that scenario.

Really not a fair or logical comparison at all.
What I meant was that the two are on very different levels of importance.

I don't mean to be rude, I'm just saying that, if we HAD to choose, we should be happier with the gameplay than the colors.

How many people look back at Zelda: A Link to the Past and get angry that Link's hair is pinkish-purple instead of blonde or brown? No one. They just appreciate an amazing game--because it's still great.

One can always fix colors later. Some IPS patches do just that.

That being said, you are correct in that dev teams are considerably larger than they used to be, thus they have more resources to devote to minor stuff like this.
Yeah, the colors do bug me. I'm also bugged we don't have the Astros' mid-to-late-90s uniforms in the game--the ones with all that blue and gold. Stupid restrictive style guide...if they're not in the style guide, then I can't really blame the programmers for that one, can I?

But still, my gut tells me this color thing is a lot harder to fix than we think--I remember when Da_Czar (Nino Samuel) and bedwardsroy19 (Mike Stauffer), two of the most respected OSers, got hired by 2K, and now work on the NBA 2K games for a living.
They learned that some of the things that sounded so simple on paper...are actually some of the hardest things to code, like player collision and foot-planting.
For all I know, making the colors on the uniforms right ends up making two or three things in the stadium WORSE for whatever reason. Like trying to solve a Rubik's Cube if you don't know exactly what you're doing.
Until we get a look at the actual source code (and that won't happen), we'll never know.

I just don't want people to be like that fringe segment of Sonic the Hedgehog fans who get screeching about Sonic's eyes or arms being a different color.
All that does is make the rest of the fans look bad by association. We don't want that.

Of course it would be ideal if both were right.
But given the choice, I'll take gameplay 10 times out of 10.

Again, I don't mean to be a jerk or anything like that. Please don't ban me.
I just want people to understand my perspective.
# 180 MLB14 @ 05/13/17 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by Jaysguy44
Colours? Colours? we're talking about colours? Is that what we're arguing about now? Gameplay should be the biggest concerns about a Baseball game not colours! Too much complaining in this room now.
I do agree with you, but some of those colors are very inaccurate.

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