MLB The Show 17 News Post

As mentioned yesterday, MLB The Show 17 patch 1.06 is available now, weighing in at just over 600 MB. Check out the full list of fixes below and post your thoughts.

Game: MLB The Show 17Hype Score: 9/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PS4Votes for game: 36 - View All
Member Comments
# 101 moemoe24 @ 05/09/17 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by fendereagle
I have played about 40 full games (across all patches except the latest one 1.06) in my Phillies offline chise and have not experienced this at all. I have default hook slider. If anything I usually cant wait to get to the 7th when the bullpen gets in as that seems to be the only time my Phils players have any chance to get a little offense going. So far I am really happy with the show, however I am not the most learned of Baseball fans so may overlook some of these issues others raise...
Funny, I was a fanatic for this game from 08 through 13 and then just didn't like it anymore. I'd buy it every year and didn't like it. This year, I think it's great and haven't seen these issues either
# 102 The Bimmer @ 05/09/17 11:42 PM
Originally Posted by ParisB
There must have been a setting wrong on your end. You need the backlight maxed out to achieve the proper brightness for HDR, and the local dimming to get the dark black levels. Most edge lit Tv's don't do real HDR that well unless it's at least a Samsung k8000 or a Sony 900 etc. A good TV would still be able to produce deep black levels and amazing shadows while showing bright lighting to provide the contrast of higher dynamic range. Every TV that does HDR requires the backlight to be maxed.

HDR doesn't adjust resolution BTW.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
I have a KS8000 65" and the back-light is at 20. What I am saying is the slider is/was of no use, and IMO a gimmick for those who have 8 bit TV's to produce an artificial HDR. i.e. the KU6300 series Samsung.

HDR is running fine when I play the game and looks beautiful.
# 103 ParisB @ 05/09/17 11:48 PM
Originally Posted by The Bimmer
I have a KS8000 65" and the back-light is at 20. What I am saying is the slider is/was of no use, and IMO a gimmick for those who have 8 bit TV's to produce an artificial HDR.

HDR is running fine when I play the game and looks beautiful.
The slider was only active when HDR was on. For HDR to be on, the TV is capable of HDR. The slider worked as intended, allowing to adjust it for HDR TVs that can't quite reach 1,000 nits.

It wasn't a gimmick.

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# 104 knich @ 05/09/17 11:56 PM
Originally Posted by The Chef
I wish I was having the same results. I've thrown 18 wild pitches in my last 9 games which is higher then it was before they "fixed" it. I've thrown wild pitches on fastballs even, I mean it's gotten to the point that if a runner is on I get paranoid to throw anything thats not high in the zone for fear it will somehow find its way into the dirt. As you know I'm using your sliders which has the user pitch sliders lowered so I'm sure that's part of it, I can't count the amount of times I've seen a slider down and away end up through the opposite batters box and all the way to the backstop.

As for throwing runners out who try and advance, I've never once thrown anyone out trying to take second but I have thrown out a couple that were trying to advance to third off of a wild pitch.

Getting same results as A&S.
# 105 knich @ 05/10/17 01:14 AM
Anyone getting defensive music playing? I tried turning it off at the front end and in the game but it keeps playing when on defense. How do I disable it? it is driving me crazy. One of the songs is "make some noise?" I can't even find the song in the music library.
# 106 xVVIllx @ 05/10/17 02:10 AM
I'm not sure if it was from this patch or the one before but Online Franchise is broken when you try to upload the OSFM roster or full hybrid with minor leagues, they all have Chase Headleys face just different colors. Is there any way around this? Wish this would be fixed...
# 107 cheechoo98 @ 05/10/17 02:17 AM
Does anyone else think the red colours in the game are off /wrong ? Cards, Reds, Ana red jerseys... Jays red jerseys.... they're so muted and desaturated and more like a dark red than bright, saturated red as they are in real life
# 108 Noiziv @ 05/10/17 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by ParisB
There must have been a setting wrong on your end. You need the backlight maxed out to achieve the proper brightness for HDR, and the local dimming to get the dark black levels. Most edge lit Tv's don't do real HDR that well unless it's at least a Samsung k8000 or a Sony 900 etc. A good TV would still be able to produce deep black levels and amazing shadows while showing bright lighting to provide the contrast of higher dynamic range. Every TV that does HDR requires the backlight to be maxed.

HDR doesn't adjust resolution BTW.

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

That's exactly what mine does too. Turning HDR on just makes the screen brighter and doesn't make it look better by any means at all. I have a Samsung JS8500 which is HDR10 capable but the picture looks so much better with HDR off. What am I doing wrong?

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# 109 ebarws6 @ 05/10/17 05:44 AM
Originally Posted by cheechoo98
Does anyone else think the red colours in the game are off /wrong ? Cards, Reds, Ana red jerseys... Jays red jerseys.... they're so muted and desaturated and more like a dark red than bright, saturated red as they are in real life
Pretty much all of the solid-color jerseys are this way, regardless of color. The A's alternate greens as well as golds are, like you said, muted and desaturated. I have also seen this with the Twins' alternate jerseys. Not sure what changed since '16 but the problem is pretty widespread.
# 110 Hugh Jars @ 05/10/17 06:16 AM
The rtts bug that sees the game glitching out when entering practice sessions still exists

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# 111 NDAlum @ 05/10/17 07:13 AM
Originally Posted by cheechoo98
Does anyone else think the red colours in the game are off /wrong ? Cards, Reds, Ana red jerseys... Jays red jerseys.... they're so muted and desaturated and more like a dark red than bright, saturated red as they are in real life
One looks correct: MIN reds

They look awesome

This is a huge complaint from OS. The difference from the underarmour type shirts under the unis vs the unis themselves is a huge difference. Drives me nuts
# 112 TheBleedingRed21 @ 05/10/17 07:31 AM
Originally Posted by NDAlum
One looks correct: MIN reds

They look awesome

This is a huge complaint from OS. The difference from the underarmour type shirts under the unis vs the unis themselves is a huge difference. Drives me nuts
The Boston Redsox red jerseys are way off. I'm to the point I don't even use them unless it's a bright sunny day and they look a little more correct. In games with clouds or games at night, it's an eyesore because the undershirt is a bright red and makes it that much more noticeable.
# 113 icicle22 @ 05/10/17 09:52 AM
Originally Posted by TheBleedingRed21
The Boston Redsox red jerseys are way off. I'm to the point I don't even use them unless it's a bright sunny day and they look a little more correct. In games with clouds or games at night, it's an eyesore because the undershirt is a bright red and makes it that much more noticeable.
The Indians dark jerseys are off as well. Too light and under saturated. In real life they are such a deep blue that they can be mistaken for black sometimes in photographs.
# 114 xNeurosiis @ 05/10/17 10:43 AM
Originally Posted by TheBleedingRed21
The Boston Redsox red jerseys are way off. I'm to the point I don't even use them unless it's a bright sunny day and they look a little more correct. In games with clouds or games at night, it's an eyesore because the undershirt is a bright red and makes it that much more noticeable.

Yeah, at this point I don't even bother using the Angels red unis unless it's a 12/1 game start time, then they look slightly better, but still need a ton of work.

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# 115 crques @ 05/10/17 10:45 AM
Originally Posted by Padgoi
So I downloaded the patch and played a game and please tell me if anyone has seen this, but it seems like this patch has done the following:

- nerfed power yet again. My current sliders were playing well. Now it seems the CPU has absolutely no power. I'm throwing bp intentionally and they're hitting lazy fly balls . . . on Legend.

- pitch speed seems a notch slower again.

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I have only played one game since the patch but I gave up 3 homeruns to the Mariners using the same sliders I had before. I also hit one homerun myself and another off the wall.
# 116 bkrich83 @ 05/10/17 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Padgoi
So I downloaded the patch and played a game and please tell me if anyone has seen this, but it seems like this patch has done the following:

- nerfed power yet again. My current sliders were playing well. Now it seems the CPU has absolutely no power. I'm throwing bp intentionally and they're hitting lazy fly balls . . . on Legend.

- pitch speed seems a notch slower again.

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Got 4 games in last night and I'm not noticing this at all. That said I'm not playing at legend difficulty either.

Also have not seen a return of the SP problem that was prevalent pre 1.05.
# 117 Hugh Jars @ 05/10/17 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by xNeurosiis
Yeah, at this point I don't even bother using the Angels red unis unless it's a 12/1 game start time, then they look slightly better, but still need a ton of work.

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Lets be real now, 99/100 people couldnt give a **** if the colours are slightly off. The game looks great, this is clutching at straws at epic levels
# 118 xNeurosiis @ 05/10/17 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Hugh Jars
Lets be real now, 99/100 people couldnt give a **** if the colours are slightly off. The game looks great, this is clutching at straws at epic levels

Sorry if that upsets you, but I'm pretty sure there's a lot of people here who are irked by the fact that the colors are off for many teams unis, especially when they were fairly acceptable in previous games. They look the worst at night, and I think that's where most people have their gripes. Yeah, the game plays great and looks exceptional otherwise, so why not start honing in on other issues?

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# 119 SaundCo87 @ 05/10/17 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by xNeurosiis
Sorry if that upsets you, but I'm pretty sure there's a lot of people here who are irked by the fact that the colors are off for many teams unis, especially when they were fairly acceptable in previous games. They look the worst at night, and I think that's where most people have their gripes. Yeah, the game plays great and looks exceptional otherwise, so why not start honing in on other issues?

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Because there are still a lot of server issues and online issues. It gets old real quick and frustrating when guys are complaining about colors not being right while others can't even get through a full game due to connection issues or freezing.
# 120 xNeurosiis @ 05/10/17 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by SaundCo87
Because there are still a lot of server issues and online issues. It gets old real quick and frustrating when guys are complaining about colors not being right while others can't even get through a full game due to connection issues or freezing.

And that's one of the issues to keep focusing on. There's multiple things that can be worked/focused on. I personally don't play online, so it's of no consequence to me, but I wouldn't want it to be ignored regardless, so I don't see why we can't have this discussion about uniforms. Not everyone has the same gripes with the game.

Edit: Furthermore, just because we're discussing one issue, doesn't mean others will be pushed to the side. SDS knows the online is subpar, and they've been doing all they can to fix it, or at least it seems. We can discuss what needs to be fixed with the game wholly, without people getting pissy that some of us have gripes that others don't, and vice-versa.

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