NBA 2K17 News Post

NBA 2K17 patch 1.12 is available now for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Check out the patch notes below.
  • Improvements to double team logic for more appropriate rotations and to prevent help defenders from leaving their assignments.
  • Enhanced several dribble size-up combos to make them more responsive when chaining moves together.
  • Improved logic for off-ball collisions to prevent excessive bumping, resulting in a smoother offensive flow.
  • Removed select dribbler collision reactions that would slow down the ball handler when contact was made from behind.
  • Offensive AI enhancements for better decision making when countering double teams.
  • Fixed an issue that would allow you to travel if rapidly chaining together certain rhythm dribble animations.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing some players from signing a 10-day contract in MyGM/MyLEAGUE.

Game: NBA 2K17Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 14 - View All
Member Comments
# 21 sooperb @ 04/07/17 12:53 PM
Same System (engine?) Not sure of the word I'm looking for.

2K -2K1-2K2-2K3

2K4 -2K5



I honestly cant remember 2K9 and 2K10 that much.

2K13-2K14-2K14-2K15-2K16-2K17 (This a Problem)


I may be wrong about this. Am I?
# 22 scottyp180 @ 04/07/17 12:56 PM
And this is why I don't come to OS much any more. Complaints on complaints. Were you guys expecting a complete overhaul or something? This is an annual title, with the next release roughly 5 months out. Don't think they are going to spend too much time fixing and improving the game when they have a new game to work on.
# 23 DatIsraeliGuy @ 04/07/17 12:56 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS

NBA 2K17 patch #12 is available now for box One and PlayStation 4. Check out the patch notes below.
  • Improvements to double team logic for more appropriate rotations and to prevent help defenders from leaving their assignments.
# 24 Impetuous65 @ 04/07/17 12:57 PM
Not fixing the On the Fly ACE Menu, is a game killer for me I hate that I don't know what defense I'm in, it's disgusting and they never acknowledge how messed up it is or try to fix and yes this a gameplay game killing never again issue for me. How in the hell can you release a game and never fix a menu mechanic? Call up the menu select/highlight an option, go back to see if it's still in effect, you're clueless because your selection isn't highlighted. Disgusting.
# 25 Retropyro @ 04/07/17 01:01 PM
Updated the game (file only said 2.7GB on my Xbox).

Started the game, got comfortable for the long load time. And, it loaded into the main menu in roughly 2 minutes. I hope this is for real and not a one off. I'll happily take 2 minutes over the 10 to 30 I've had to deal with since December.
# 26 Da_Czar @ 04/07/17 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by Impetuous65
Not fixing the On the Fly ACE Menu, is a game killer for me I hate that I don't know what defense I'm in, it's disgusting and they never acknowledge how messed up it is or try to fix and yes this a gameplay game killing never again issue for me. How in the hell can you release a game and never fix a menu mechanic? Call up the menu select/highlight an option, go back to see if it's still in effect, you're clueless because your selection isn't highlighted. Disgusting.
Gameplay devs CAN'T fix this. This is a front end thing we don't do art or the AI that works with it. I'm sorry this didn't get fixed for you but the people who post here couldn't have done this for you even though we may have wanted it done. It is at the top of the list for next year though.

If we could we would fix everything but it's just not possible. Your point is valid. It is on a list.
# 27 Leasim96 @ 04/07/17 01:33 PM

This dude is ridiculous - hate this type of people - but he seems to confirm something related to speedboosting. Hopefully it's true.
# 28 Impetuous65 @ 04/07/17 01:33 PM
Originally Posted by Da_Czar
Gameplay devs CAN'T fix this. This is a front end thing we don't do art or the AI that works with it. I'm sorry this didn't get fixed for you but the people who post here couldn't have done this for you even though we may have wanted it done. It is at the top of the list for next year though.

If we could we would fix everything but it's just not possible. Your point is valid. It is on a list.
Thanks for your response. I'll cool down, I'm just hot right now.
# 29 JazzMan @ 04/07/17 01:41 PM
No fix for PS4 Pro users getting error codes in Pro Am?

Sent from my SM-G935V using Tapatalk
# 30 E The Rhymer @ 04/07/17 01:42 PM
So does the chaining dribbles into travels mean what I think it does? Because if it does I can't wait to see the crying on YT and the surge of guys who can't score anymore

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
# 31 Leasim96 @ 04/07/17 01:43 PM
Originally Posted by E The Rhymer
So does the chaining dribbles into travels mean what I think it does? Because if it does I can't wait to see the crying on YT and the surge of guys who can't score anymore

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Check the video i just posted in the previous page - hopefully - it seems like it.

Btw - look at the spammers in the comments crying like little kids lmao. Sad - as if spamming the same move and hiding behind OP screens took any skill.
# 32 tt500 @ 04/07/17 01:44 PM
Is the random celebrations after scoring removed? I hate it when my guy is busy celebrating and the other team is turboing down the court.

Sent from my SM-N910W8 using Tapatalk
# 33 MrWrestling3 @ 04/07/17 01:51 PM
Initial impressions from playing a quick game post patch:

- Load times seem a little better

- The auto post up when driving seems gone, did not have it happen to me at all

- Did not experience any of those weird bump steals that used to happen, at least not when using average or better players

- Defense feels a little more mobile, easier to read and react to the dribbler/cutter

Note this is only after one game, will play a few more games for verification purposes.
# 34 dajaz27 @ 04/07/17 02:01 PM
Dribble combos. And I don't mean cheese either. I mean from size up to cross over. won't work like it used to. Canceling animations will be harder. As I found out today.
# 35 XtremeDunkz @ 04/07/17 02:49 PM
It took them until the playoffs to fix the double teams and rotations lol.
# 36 benton32 @ 04/07/17 02:55 PM
SO wait does this fix the goofy defenders leaving the player wideopen ??

just playing really stupid,

I just mainly get sick of seeing alot of the same stuff like when dude sets low post screen for the guy to come from down low off screen and pop out at 3 pt line get the ball and shoot it, half the time the guy can react on defense fast enough or get through one lil screen almost all the time,

mainly it was the guys just leaving their opponents either wide open or just kinda walking away from them,

and its 7g all the time, cause it pretty much just re downloads everything else, its kinda like saving over a existing file...
# 37 The 24th Letter @ 04/07/17 03:09 PM
The excessive bumping branched into several other problems, so of it has truly been fixed....it will have a trickle down effect. (They didn't mention on ball bumping bit hopefully this was touched too)

So while the patch notes themselves are short, these changes
could end up having a huge impact....can't wait to try it out.

Sent from my SM-N920T using Operation Sports mobile app
# 38 dajaz27 @ 04/07/17 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by E The Rhymer
So does the chaining dribbles into travels mean what I think it does? Because if it does I can't wait to see the crying on YT and the surge of guys who can't score anymore

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You can still chain dribble moves. Just can't cancel multiple size ups into combos. So what I have done is chain different moves together. Thus still speed boosting. That didn't take long. Thanks 2k for making me work harder. lmao.
# 39 MrWrestling3 @ 04/07/17 03:22 PM
Played a MC game with my lowest rated player as an experiment (62 OVR C); the best way I can describe it is the game felt more organic(more similar to release), a bump felt like a bump and not a push or grab and there was noticeably less of a sticky or moving through mud feeling on both sides of the ball.

Gameplay generally seems noticeably improved; screens are not as money as before and it easier to navigate around the court.Defensive AI adjustments seemed to make as difference as my teammates allowed less in the way of open jumpers. People not getting back on defense was much less of an issue.

Also of note: I was able to receive the ball in the post without immediately being double teamed, allowing for more post play.The backpedaling on defense seems to trigger differently and you move a little quicker, during it, so you don't get blown by nearly so easily.
# 40 Marvlus91 @ 04/07/17 03:42 PM
Feels GREAT to be able to drive past BAD defenders and big slow guys without that bumping animation that makes everyone Patrick Beverly type lockdown defenders 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽

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