NBA 2K17 News Post

NBA 2K17 patch 1.12 is available now for Xbox One and PlayStation 4. Check out the patch notes below.
  • Improvements to double team logic for more appropriate rotations and to prevent help defenders from leaving their assignments.
  • Enhanced several dribble size-up combos to make them more responsive when chaining moves together.
  • Improved logic for off-ball collisions to prevent excessive bumping, resulting in a smoother offensive flow.
  • Removed select dribbler collision reactions that would slow down the ball handler when contact was made from behind.
  • Offensive AI enhancements for better decision making when countering double teams.
  • Fixed an issue that would allow you to travel if rapidly chaining together certain rhythm dribble animations.
  • Fixed an issue that was preventing some players from signing a 10-day contract in MyGM/MyLEAGUE.

Game: NBA 2K17Reader Score: 7/10 - Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS3 / PS4 / Xbox 360 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 14 - View All
Member Comments
# 61 MrWrestling3 @ 04/07/17 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by de_jesus
Was it really 7 gigs? Steam says 45mb.

Edit: Never mind. It hasnt been released to PC

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It's most likely not 7GB, consoles are a bit weird when it comes to figuring out patch sizes.
# 62 Inzombniac @ 04/07/17 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by MrWrestling3
It's most likely not 7GB, consoles are a bit weird when it comes to figuring out patch sizes.
If I remember reading right, PS4 has something where you have to download the previous patches again thus the 7 GB.

It was a bit over 2 GB for Xbox when I downloaded it so I would suspect PC would probably be the same.
# 63 lockdownD @ 04/07/17 07:33 PM
Originally Posted by feliciasme
Actually thought I'd see something defense related. Should have known better.
Same here. It's ridiculous with how bad the defense is, there wasn't anything in this gameplay patch to really improve the defense at all. To say I was disappointed with the gameplay developers would be a huge understatement.

I was hoping to see something along the lines of:

- Improved defense movement (less sliding/floating on the court, more responsive animations to move)
- Defensive positioning inside the paint will now be respected more. (less being pushed/slid out of the way by the offensive player)
- Brick Wall and screens in general have been toned down (less knock downs, less stuck in screens, less energy drain)
- Ankle Breakers has been toned down.
- Automatic reaching animation has been removed.
- Blocking fouls have been toned down.
- Passing out of bad shots, the success rate has been toned down to reward good defense and punish bad offense more.
- Limitless range has been toned down, the farther away from the 3pt line you are the harder it is to make the shot.
- Heavily contested shots/fouls inside the paint has been toned down to reward good defense and to punish reckless and bad offensive shots inside.
- Transition defense. Defenders will now be placed further down court and will be able to turn around quicker in order to not get beat constantly down the court.
- Standing dunk animations were toned down, so there are more standing layups for players without high standing dunk ratings.
- 3pt shots were toned down for players with low 3pt shot ratings, so that players ratings (not boosts from badges) actually matter and mean something.
- Flashy pass animations were cleaned up or removed. Most of the animations looked extremely unrealistic to what you would ever see in the NBA. So we placed most of them in the park as animations to use there instead.

We heard our customers cries about the defense being so bad this year and we wanted to make things right. Defense will now be much more fun and rewarding again to play. Our goal was to make a much more balanced 2k game, where the defense is on par with the offense. The game will be less fantasy street ball based and will represent what we used to always strive for in the past and that is NBA simulation basketball.
# 64 Azamien @ 04/07/17 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by de_jesus
Edit: Never mind. It hasnt been released to PC
Yes, it has. That 45 MB was the patch.
# 65 NoLeafClover @ 04/07/17 08:04 PM
Da_Czar and Beluba are such likeable guys, shame they can't just be 2K's community managers as well...

Question: does the "dribble transitions travel" fix make the hop step spam every idiot does an actual travel or double dribble now as it would be in real life?

Sent from my HTC_0PJA10 using Operation Sports mobile app
# 66 fakeassc @ 04/07/17 08:29 PM
Thank you 2K.

Everything that we input feels more responsive than before.

On the defensive side:

Instead of being dragged around and sliding on D, we're much more in control.

On the offensive side:

Dribbling against CPU defenders is smoother and much more responsive.
# 67 kobe2theMAX @ 04/07/17 09:39 PM
error ... error post.
# 68 Leasim96 @ 04/07/17 09:45 PM
I love how there's a post by someone saying a certain aspect is improved - and then right after someone else says the opposite. We gotta come to a conclusion lol not that it matters though - since this is probably the last patch.

We'll see how belubas tuning affects the game - hopefully doesn't make it worse.
# 69 kobe2theMAX @ 04/07/17 10:02 PM
Lord have MERCY.

I can't believe they actually toned down ankle breakers again. They already toned it down in another patch last year. It was already hard enough to break ankles. Now it's impossible to break ankles with it being toned down again. They might as well take ankle breaking out the game completely. SMH.

WHOOPS! Never mind, I read something else and thought ankle breakers were toned down again. My bad, lol!
# 70 The 24th Letter @ 04/07/17 10:08 PM
Let's get some actual impressions going fellas. We discussed what we wanted included in the other thread...

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# 71 kobe2theMAX @ 04/07/17 10:09 PM
Originally Posted by lockdownD
Same here. It's ridiculous with how bad the defense is, there wasn't anything in this gameplay patch to really improve the defense at all. To say I was disappointed with the gameplay developers would be a huge understatement.

- Ankle Breakers has been toned down.
Ankle breakers have already been toned down many times since last year. I'm surprised you haven't noticed. As much as I play the game I usually only see 1-2 ankle breakers per game.

Yes, defense is extremely bad in this game. This I completely agree with. The defense is a total joke.
# 72 Hustle Westbrook @ 04/07/17 10:16 PM
Originally Posted by Leasim96
I love how there's a post by someone saying a certain aspect is improved - and then right after someone else says the opposite. We gotta come to a conclusion lol not that it matters though - since this is probably the last patch.

We'll see how belubas tuning affects the game - hopefully doesn't make it worse.
People should be getting in a good 3-4 games before they come to any conclusions imo. I don't think 1 game is enough to see if anything has gotten better or worse.
# 73 Caelumfang @ 04/07/17 10:21 PM
I'm really afraid for this shooting 'tweak' tomorrow morning. I've got a feeling Shot Creators are gonna get the full 12" rod on this. We already struggle sometimes to hit consistently. This might be a deathblow...
# 74 nova91 @ 04/07/17 10:22 PM
Originally Posted by Steve_OS
Improved logic for off-ball collisions to prevent excessive bumping, resulting in a smoother offensive flow.
Removed select dribbler collision reactions that would slow down the ball handler when contact was made from behind.
Offensive AI enhancements for better decision making when countering double teams.
If these things are actually fixed, it'll be a few things off my 2K gripe list. I'm looking forward to downloading the patch when I have time.
# 75 NoLeafClover @ 04/07/17 10:30 PM
From a few games against the MT Historic Allstars on domination to test gameplay, it does seem like plays are forming quite a bit quicker due to reduced bumping, and fastbreaks feel a bit "cleaner" gaining separation from the defense without getting held back.

They're about the only real differences I've noticed so far.

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# 76 catfish9-5 @ 04/07/17 10:38 PM
I honestly can't tell any improvements in the 3 games I have played tonight and I haven't played this game in since the show came out. I do not play online so maybe that's where improvements are. But the brick wall is still there and the telepathic on ball defense is as prevalent as ever. I'll play a few more tonight and after update tomorrow but I'm very close to retiring this game. They ask for improvements after saying a patch is coming, but then the patch drops fairly quick after announcement. I don't get it.

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# 77 Rockie_Fresh88 @ 04/07/17 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by The 24th Letter
Let's get some actual impressions going fellas. We discussed what we wanted included in the other thread...

Sent from my SM-N920T using Operation Sports mobile app
I've only played a few pro am games but I haven't noticed any change in gameplay . I'm sure other modes are improved .
# 78 Jrocc23 @ 04/07/17 11:10 PM
Originally Posted by Caelumfang
According to Mike Wang's Twitter, there's a shooting patch coming tomorrow.

Guess we'll be chucking tire irons at the rim again. Great.

He irritates me with this, man. He's going to lower it. People will complain and he's going to do what he did months ago and keep tweaking it causing all types of issues again.

I wouldn't mind it being lowered slightly and sticking there (I am up to 65% from 3 w/ a 72 3 rating) because Glass Cleaners and etc shouldn't be knock down 3PT shooters. But I wouldn't mind it just being left alone either.

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# 79 IgotSyphillis @ 04/07/17 11:12 PM
I play offline franchise mode only. Played a few games now. The CPU no longer doubles team after 7 points which is awesome. Had my spot up 3 shooting guard nail 3 threes in the first 6 minutes, normally that would have meant instant double teams on a guy who has no dribbling skills which would lead to easy open shots for others. But that's gone. So that's cool. Also noticed players haven't been losing the ball which doing that spin move dribble where they would bounce into someone and the ball would roll away. When I run plays my guys don't seem to get stuck bouncing around everywhere as bad as it used to be. I might just be paying extra attention to that one though. I don't use ACE myself so I can't tell you how that's working. But that's all I've seen so far. Double teams definitely to best thing to be fixed.
# 80 ILLSmak @ 04/07/17 11:13 PM
Maybe I'm crazy and this is placebo effect or maybe I haven't played in too long, but I think it's much different. The contact is much different. Maybe people who aren't seeing any difference are playing the game like it would react as it would before.

I have only played offline. I had a SG shot creator I made awhile ago. Played the Team USA game and the first game after getting drafted. Here is what I noticed:

Much less contact inside, much less contact outside, too. It's much easier to get to spots and the D needs to be improved in terms of getting steals/help, but overall, wow.

Two situations that I found very cool. I got the ball on my 60-or-whatever rated SG. It seemed like the D plays a lot further back than they used to also, btw, and had a guy posted on the left side of the key, he was being fronted. I didn't do a major cross over just a little forward move to get inside the 3 point line and lobbed it over the defender for the easy lay up.

The thing is, if it was before, I would be stopped trying to move forward like that w/ sticky D. And likely the defender would have gotten some contact on him, unrealistically, from the back. The way it unfolded was v nice.

I also like that inside shots don't always end in the same contact animation anymore.

Another play is Justice had the ball on the break and was not ahead of a guy, but the guy was in position where he would have bumped him before, but he just kind of outran him with no contact for the dunk (no contact on that, either.)

It's a lot more realistic looking and playing, for me. I had it on all star, so I am anxious to try it on HoF w/ one of my higher rated players.

I want to say I really like the direction of this. Not sure how it's gonna play online, but I have nobody I wanna ball with on right now, so offline is fine. I am enjoying playing 2k offline, that should be enough.

Way more movement due to less sticky d, less contact inside is what I am noticing. It's a huge difference and much better.



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