MXGP 3 News Post

MXGP3 is scheduled to arrive this spring, rebuilt from the ground up, with Unreal Engine 4. Watch the teaser trailer here.

The complete season of MXGP 2016, including MXoN, is just the tip of the iceberg: gameplay and physics improvements, along with brand new and gorgeous graphics, will assure you a complete immersion in the MXGP world. Dynamic weather, high resolution terrain deformation, updated physics are just some of the features that will make #MXGP3 MORE THAN REAL.

Game: MXGP 3Hype Score: Vote Now
Platform: PC / PS4 / Xbox OneVotes for game: 0 - View All
Member Comments
# 21 JMD @ 05/08/17 06:42 AM
# 22 Richzilla @ 05/08/17 08:46 PM
WOW that's awesome....Only have 12 more days to wait
# 23 JMD @ 05/10/17 07:03 AM
Originally Posted by Richzilla
WOW that's awesome....Only have 12 more days to wait
Wait , it's not out in the U.K. until the 30th right?
# 24 Richzilla @ 05/10/17 08:49 PM
Yeah...my math was flawed...lol It's the 30th.
# 25 JMD @ 05/13/17 11:08 AM
I just pre ordered off the U.K. store. No way I can wait until June 20th. Also picked up Ride 2 on sale.
# 26 JMD @ 05/19/17 07:49 AM
10 days 12 hours 10 minutes. I can't remember when I've been this excited for a game to release. I used to take Madden release day off from work, this year I'm taking the 30th off.
# 27 Richzilla @ 05/20/17 01:54 PM
Due to the time difference you should be able to download on the night of the 29th as a bonus
# 28 chrisg19 @ 05/26/17 05:54 PM
Love, MX games, and MX in general, but have definite concerns based on the videos I have seen. Racing games live, and die based on their AI. The AI looks identical to MXGP2, which is not good. I know they have a new Engine, but that engine appears to be running the same AI as the old engine. Watch the Videos, riders are lined up one after the other like a Circus train, EVERY rider still taking the single inside line. Zero awareness of the human controlled rider (not altering lines, slowing down, etc. based on human controlled riders position on track). Riders all bunched up, allowing easy passes of several riders in groups. Spread the racing out. Not all riders should be finishing a long race on the lead lap. Also, in one of the videos a human controlled rider lands on the back of the AI rider, and just bounces off, neither falls or even slows up. More than real? I think not.

I have seen this many times in Sports games they tout a brand new engine, but it runs the same ****ty AI it always did. I ordered it, and will play it, but the AI looks as bad as ever.
# 29 JMD @ 05/28/17 11:11 AM
I've been on PlayStation live for the past couple hours watching game play and archived video clips. A few comments: The track designs looks to be much improved. The A.I. appears to be a bit better, I have not yet seen any of that problem where they would run over you if you took the inside line on the turns, from what I've see so far they do appear to have some awareness of the human rider. The only negative so far is I did see the human rider land on the back of an A.I. and neither rider went down. Also when the human rider did crash later in the race he was immediately placed back on his bike, I hate that.

Game over all looks improved but it's still lacking some realism I was hoping for. I'll be back with full impressions once my copy is playable and I put in at least 6 hours. It's fully downloaded now playable in 1 day 9 hours.
# 30 Richzilla @ 05/28/17 02:39 PM
I noticed mine downloaded this AM as well. Awesome

It will be interesting to see how the tracks feel in the weather.

I will probably try and run a few laps tomorrow night.
# 31 JMD @ 05/29/17 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by Richzilla
I noticed mine downloaded this AM as well. Awesome

It will be interesting to see how the tracks feel in the weather.

I will probably try and run a few laps tomorrow night.
Yeah it's 6:00 am EST now , mine says it's playable in 13 hours so I'll be playing tonight at 7:00 pm EST. I should get a few hours in tonight.
# 32 Richzilla @ 05/29/17 10:27 AM
For once in my life living in the mid west paid off..lol


Think I will check out Glen Helen first (Dry/Wet)
# 33 Richzilla @ 05/29/17 09:49 PM
Spent about 1 1/2 hours playing.

Love the tracks....they look great.

I'm running pro physics....bike feels about how I expected...Did notice when I hooked up on a couple of the corners my rider kicked his boot out (very cool).

I think the bike and rider look ok...ton's of gear to choose from...you have to unlock with coins...seems pretty easy to rack up coins though....I already unlocked a full set of fox gear and upgraded one 450 already.

Dont like only being able to put 6 letters on the back of the jersey...my last name has more than that....minor detail....stinks though.

The sound is better than last year although it still isn't quite right...I seem to have panic rev level more than I should....hard to explain.

I ran 3 races against the AI...1 on very easy and 2 on easy. The two on easy I had to actually work/think a little to pass the leader....one race I even finished second.

I ran one race in random weather and got heavy rain....not sure I'm a fan of this.....it was cool and the track was muddy/slick/etc....I just dont enjoy it..that's probably a testament to how decent the effect is...lol

The moisture on the tracks is pretty cool....for example Glen Helen is wet at the bottom of the big hill and dry at the top....like the water ran off when they watered the track...nice touch.

Early on however I feel this is living up to what I expected.
# 34 JMD @ 05/30/17 07:50 AM
I ran 5 lap single races on 16 of the tracks last night. My first impression I'm a bit disappointed. I was expecting to be blown away by the look and feel of this game but I'm not. It feels ok but the graphics are a let down, I think MXGP2 looks much cleaner and crisper.

What I like: The track designs are great. They flow much nicer. The bikes feel more realistic however at times they can seem a bit floaty , not enough weight to them. The A.I. is much improved. Had some great battles and they were nicely spread out on the track, not all in the same line.

What I don't like: Graphics a bit of a let down for me, I was hoping this would have Gran Turismo type graphics.
They limited the number of letters you can use on your jersey to 6, stupid move, my name won't fit now.
Still no where near enough graphic kits for the bikes.

As I said at first glance I felt the game was a bit let down but the more I played the better the game got. I'll be starting my career today so I'll be back with more comments.

I was just reading comments on MXGP's facebook page. many people are complaining about bugs, mostly online and in career mode. One guy said in his career he ran Moto 1 at Keegums and when Moto 2 loaded up he was at Matterly Basin ? That's messed up.
# 35 JMD @ 05/30/17 10:08 AM
Just ran a few more races. The game definitely gets better as you get the feel of it down. I decided to try the on the bike view instead of looking at the rider, big improvement for me make the game looks way better. Also wet tracks are nice but the rain looks ridiculous.

EDIT: I'm now about to start the 5th race of my first season. I've been using the on the bike view and it's made the game much better for me. I think it looks way better and the handling is great.
# 36 JMD @ 05/30/17 10:46 AM
Just took my new Husqvarna 250 for a spin.
# 37 Richzilla @ 05/30/17 08:45 PM
Great video....I checked it out.

I think your on to something with that view. It looks amazing.

Thought the bikes looked just ok anyway and that view takes out the 6 letter jersey issue.

Let's you focus on looking at that beautiful track.
# 38 Richzilla @ 05/30/17 09:10 PM
JMD what are you doing to get good starts out of the gate...I'm getting smoked off the line.

I feel like Tomac last weekend.
# 39 JMD @ 05/31/17 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Richzilla
JMD what are you doing to get good starts out of the gate...I'm getting smoked off the line.

I feel like Tomac last weekend.
I'm not getting good starts either. I think we are supposed to use the rev counter but I have it turned off. They have an explanation under Extras/Tutorials.
# 40 JMD @ 06/01/17 08:08 AM
Ok As usually my early impressions have changed. In the future I have to learn to give a game time before I comment on it.

As I said before the redesigns of the tracks are outstanding.The tracks flow beautifully. Also the A.I. is much Improved. I completed my first season on medium and had some battles but in the end it was a bit to easy. I've started season 2 on the 450's on hard and so far the first two races (4 moto's) have been a fight to the finish, one mistake and you lose several places. You won't see any more of them running over you if you fight for the inside line on a turn, and you can bang bars with them without fear of crashing if done correctly.

In my earlier post I complained about the look of the game, that was mainly because I thought the look when looking at the rider was a bit cheesy looking, now that I've switched to the on the bike view the game looks great, especially the tracks. Going into that first turn with several bikes ahead of you and seeing the mud/dirt flying up is done really well. Some tracks look better than others and it also depends on the time of day and weather situation. Wet tracks look amazing, the mud and ruts are fantastic, it you cross rut in the mud you definitely feel it. Also now you can use the berms without fear of sliding and wiping out.

Next the rain, originally I said it look ridiculous and when it's raining really heavy I still think it does on certain tracks but a moderate rain actually looks pretty good.

One more thing, I wasn't that impressed with the feel of the bikes at the start but I discovered as you rank up the throttle management , braking, control, and rain ability the bikes handle much much better.

Riding the bike NOTE: When approaching a turn you must slow down depending on how sharp a turn it is. I find coasting into the turn and throttling out of it works well, just as it does in real life. If you try to just pin the throttle all the way around the track you will fail miserably. Learn the tracks, learn your lines and make sure you hit them consistently. As I said one little mistake and at least 5 guys are going to pass you on the more difficult levels. I recommend running at least 10 lap races , this makes for an exciting race because it is a challenge to consistently hit your lines for that many laps 3 or 5 laps is just to quick and easy and with 10 laps if you mess up early on you have time to recover.

So after putting in a lot more time with the game simply put I love it. I spent a good portion of my youth around the sport on Motocross. I had a dirt bike and my friends older brother raced professionally every weekend on the New England circuit and we went to the races each week. This game does a pretty decent job of representing the sport. If you put in the time you , like me will discover just that. 9.0 out of 10

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